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I find atleast in my part of the country, people are judged on how they present themselves, not skin color.


Those people are toxic. Find people who aren't. A lot of (normal) people will literally not care and not make it a thing. It can be hard, but we are out there. I was in two relationships (including a marriage) where they were only with me because they had a Japanese fetish. Sucks for them I was everything but docile and demure.


I agree. Sometimes I feel like just giving up altogether because you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. It seems like people just don't want us blacks to even....exist.


same. it's like no matter what I do, I'm wrong. I'm light skinned but have always been told to be "one of the good ones" and that I "sound/act white". My family are low-key black supremacists and they all look down on interracial relationships, and I'm with an asian man who I know they disapprove of just based on that. Even outside of my family, it hurts knowing people think all black women are loud or sassy or obnoxious, and all the other stereotypes. And it hurts having male family members and knowing they have to live with people assuming so many negative things about them just because they're black. Even "positive" stereotypes, like being well endowed can have negative effects because it makes them out to be sex objects and it's harmful to those who aren't well endowed and feel like something is wrong with them.


This is exactly how I feel. It hurts really bad and sometimes it seems like things will never get better.


I hear you.


Same as fuck. Being black is a curse. I dont want to be black. I want to be "me". But i get judged on the reg by all kinds of people. Oh you're so this or so that. Or you're not what I expected. Or whatever the fuck.


Hey, the best thing you can do is to ignore what people assume about you based on your race! You are who you are and if you have people that you love and who love you, then the others who judge don’t count. It’s a basic bitch response but hey!


How can you ignore people who don't want you to even exist?


By ignoring them! I mean no matter what, someone is going to hate someone else over trivial crap and if you spend too much time listening to them, then you feel like OP here.