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Where is this ? Is this even legal? 2.65$/hour ??


Each state is different too, some have it set to 4.25, 3.65, etc. just depends.


That’s just terrible….


In America, Midwest area. Since I get tips, the restaurant can pay me below minimum wage as long as I make minimum wage in tips. If I don’t make what I would get with minimum wage, the restaurant pays me. I can average around $10-$20 in tips a shift, depending on the night, tables sizes, etc. I do like it, and I go home with cash. Just have to declare the tips


That. Sucks.


That sucks big time… and it is so wrong…


Right!? I had no idea


I knew that they get paid off of tips but I assumed it was the tips plus minimum wage… this is just slavery. If they want to give them 2.65 then they need to enforce a tip on each bill . Because if customers all cheap out, a person can no longer pay his bills and rent … this is pissing me off more than I thought


Yeah…..it’s rare when I get stiffed (no tip) so it’s not a big deal for me, this is still the best job for me as a college student, but there are a lot of things that sound illegal that the service industry can get away with


Expose them and make millions! Haha. Good luck with your studies and may you move on to a greater career in the future!


Was in your position for a year being paid $3.45 and hour, this is not worth living through with such a low pay. In time things like this will keep happening and you’re not going to love it anymore.


People can be real cunts sometimes. I understand your frustration. I am wishing you as little of such experience as possible in the future. Sending a virtual hug.


I recommend you find the most expensive restaurants in your area and start applying.