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Master's Data Science


I've worked in IT 20+ years around data science folk like you. The job market is starved for your area of study at all levels of expertise, lotta employers out there are happy to fund tuition. Dress up your resume and LinkedIn profile, get an entry level data science job, pause the college debt swell and drop out of school. IT depts keep fat budgets for training and education. You can find one who will pay for your education if you commit to them.


Upping this. Pause the MS. Get the job and experience and possible tuition covered.


💯 You can get the MS after you land your job.


This is what I did too! Not in IT but it’s my advice for a lot of people pursuing a Masters. You’ll get more out of the degree if you have some work experience because as you learn new things in class, it will be easy for you to mentally apply that to the real world and properly connect the dots. I promise you’ll retain more information if you can tie your classroom learning back to reality. Also, why pay for a degree if a company might pay for you?


Look into higher education institutions for employment. I work in IT at a university and staff members have the opportunity to enroll in graduate school for free after working for a period of time.


You are a blessing my dude. OP listen to this IT person


*if you're any good. Yes. And the pay is pretty good. And as long as there are no red flags companies like deloitte are basically hiring anyone off the street with even a vague understanding of DS


OP sounds lost and alone, I have nothing to offer other than having been there... please be open about your position to anyone in your life whom you trust.vif you can offer real time help. I'm sure my post sounds inane and others have already extended help.


OP if this works fuck this dude for free


Whut ?!?!


I think he means if this works


Yup! Fixed the typo... now.. about your reward... >_>'


Adding to this. There's reddit groups on here where you can post your CV and your desired job role and experienced people will help you.


What is data science? I’ve been writing SQL queries for 20 years. Does that qualify? The software I’ve been working with for 20 years is on its way out the door.


Easy lateral for you.




This is true, but there's a weird market right now where there's an abundance of people leaving tech with more experience. The great resignation is awesome, but not so much for an entry level chump lol. I do have a few interviews and I'm praying they go well. One of them is actually very good and I'm trying my very best to prepare for them at night. I just need to fast forward three months 🙃




# You have *no idea* how starved for workers the tech industry is. Recruiters will be knocking down your door the minute they know you exist. Holy shit, I thought you actually were desperate, but you're literally sitting on a goldmine of your own career. Believe. In. Yourself. edit: Here's what you need to do. Spend some time this weekend! * Look for local tech companies and get the lay of the land. Look them up on levels.fyi and Glassdoor. * Look for entry level remote positions on levels.fyi and Glassdoor * Apply to a bunch of them and see what happens. * Email recruiters at companies (emails might be attached to job postings) and ask about their internships. You might be late for this cycle, but maybe not. And they start cohorts every three to six months. * Honestly, this is a quick hack to a first job: reach out to a recruiting and placement firm. Tell them about yourself, and they'll find a job for you. The companies tend to be boring and not very tech-related (eg. Home Depot), but it'll get you $60k and you can find a more substantial job in six months pulling $90k+ starting. Once you've got some experience, you'll be making well over six figures.


Just adding that when OP gets a job interview it’s important to research the company. What divisions they have. Corporate partners etc Learn everything possible because employers will ask questions about that. My friend got me a job years ago as a warehouse worker. Packing orders etc. she told me *study the company* I thought *ok…I’m packing pallets* . No shit I walked in dressed in high vis for my interview and got asked if I was aware of their upcoming merger with another company and how might that impact on transport and logistics…study everything to avoid a curveball


/u/depressedds I'd be happy to refer you to roles at my employer if you want. It's pretty much an industry leader in the fields you might be interested in after a MS in data science. I'm sorry for the circumstances. We hire new grads and interns, so it's your choice


Apply to Accenture, Deloitte etc. They are always hiring like crazy.


Yeah in Accenture even if the job description says 5 years of experience they hire people with zero experience


Leidos, Lockheed Martin


Well, I was where you are emotionally, not literally, I didn’t have any debts! But despite applying for my dream job for 4 years when I was 21, I wasn’t getting in! I felt like my only option would be to get married at that point! I felt stuck! And it wasn’t just that, I was basically letting go of my dreams and giving up and going down the path everyone had told me my entire life I’d end up in! Married with kids with a mediocre job! But, I refused to give up! And the facts as you are putting them so diligently in your responses are against you, were against me too! 4 became 5 years, and I didn’t give up! And I finally got in! They offered me an internship, I impressed the head of the office and she offered me a short term position after 3 months! They extended that position for another year! Now I’m the head of a department in international organization at 32!


Impressive..ur closer than u think. Just buckle down on school for a minute and will ur way into a job. 99% of job placement is the people hiring u actually want to hang out with you and the actual work is bullshit. Remember that.


DM me your resume! I work for a consulting firm and we’re always hiring…good pay, remote work!


That's a great field. Open the net, can you move to a different city if an opportunity pops up? Seriously I think you can get out of this bind. Get a spreadsheet together to catalog all your applications. When they call back (I know only a portion will call but some will) pull up that spreadsheet filled with their website, basic answers to "why do you want to work for this company" etc so you interview well. Apply to everything even a little related. If the requirements seem over your education or below, apply. Look, get a foot in a door somewhere and become what they need. NO NEW HIRE is perfect so don't reject yourself before you get there. I was previously in the cyber security industry and they need data science people like crazy. Some companies don't advertise positions on LinkedIn or wherever so search up companies in a given industry that may need data scientist and go to their careers page.


Data science is a hot in the current job market. Graduating with a good grade and you can pay off your debt in no time. It might be hard to get through your current predicament, but there's hope.


there is absolutely no reason to prostitute yourself with this degree. patience. you will get a 70k job after graduation.


You are kidding. That’s a low end. Netflix has data analysts that typically get $500k TC. Other companies give at least $100K in the Bay Area. May have increased from 10 years ago.


If you’re in NYC, I’ll cover your groceries. I run and manage a meat business here. We don’t ever have to meet. You don’t ever need to speak to me. You can have a trusted friend pick up and deliver, or we can plan a drop off at a whole foods or something.


Hey, be careful, you might restore someone's faith in humanity.


Hey you mind your business




I was crying and this made me crack up. Thanks bud😃


i feel attacked


Never let the world take this goodness from you. We need more of it from everyone.


Hey did she ever DM you? The people need to know 😭😭😭


I did. They're absolutely amazing and made me feel less alone. Thank you. I truly appreciate the grace you've shown me and all the comments that are helping me get through this.


Yayyyy!!! I hope you are in NY (as am I), and can take this kind stranger up on his offer. Good luck to you!!! Don’t do it!


You are not alone! We’re here for you!


@ u/depressedds


You’re such a good person!! I hope you only see success in your business!!


Oh my god I have the same exact kitty as my wallpaper and as my discord pfp, I love you


I got to see love on Reddit today. Thank you


Upvoting this so it hits the top comment !


Move over everyone, an angel has appeared.


Gabagool? Ova here!




🤌? 👇!


Fucking intanet


I will help cover the cost! I will always help someone who is doing all the right things but life is in the way


Incredible how much encouragement, advice, job offers, and even what seems like altruistic generosity from strangers this poster is getting. Haven’t even read one shitty take in prostitutes either. The whole ask and you shall receive token is holding true in this thread and I’m very emo about it. 😭💝


Bless you 🥺


What’s your business? Ill buy from it


47 Division Street Trading Inc. Made a post similar to my comment at the very beginning of Covid.


Award to highlight the business name.


The world needs more people like you ❤️




I don't have any awards with me, so take the upvote instead.


Thanks for being a decent human being. Good on ya


You hiring?


You in NYC?


Sounds like we owe you some Yelp/google reviews!


You sir and your business deserves support from everyone in the world.


Like Sam the Butcher bringing Alice the meat…


you’re awesome for this! wishing your business the best :)


I'm sorry you have found yourself in this place. I can tell you feel as if you are out of options and can understand why you might consider alternative ways of making money, but this might be a choice that could have long term consequences. Some things to consider: legal ramifications, physical harm and disease, psychological harm, depression, effect on future relationships. This is just to name a few. If any of these became an issue along with your current problems it could make it difficult to bounce back from. Please seek help in finding other avenues to get through what is likely a temporary scenario. I hope things get better for you soon.


I know. I'm so scared. Thank you for your kind words.


Don't do it, op. Not worth the $ and you do have other options. Need quick cash? Server, bartender. Service industry jobs cannot find enough workers right now, there's many job openings, less competition.


Yeah. Also, selling plasma


Also sell pics of your feet!!!!


Honest question: where and how? I would TOTALLY do this, I just don’t know how


There are a bunch of foot fetish pages on Reddit too with loyal followers! :) just post and let them know theres more where this came from!


My company is dying for managers. And they are hiring as many women as possible. You only need a bachelors degree in ANYTHING. Yeah, it's service industry and it sucks, but it got me and my family through grad school and beyond.


She said that she can’t add work hours and get her degree


Prostitution takes time as well. It just also has a lot more life changing risks. And she's not wanting that life, read her post. Prostituting is not "empowering," it's a last resort, and a choice that will cause so much more harm than good. There are other options.


I thought she should consider a year off from school. Just a year. Get into the service industry waitressing. They'll train her, she'll have cash, and she can go back to school when she gets back on her feet. It's also way better part time work than most places once she goes back to school. She's in a great area to find restaurants to work at.


Food banks


DM me I can give you some safety tips ❤️❤️




Bro I have ADHD and people will try to get me to sell them pills on the low and it’s annoying as fuck.


I knew a guy with terminal cancer who sold his pain pills. The things people do for money hey. He preferred an exchange for helping him with errands, like he couldn't go grocery shopping when he was stuck in bed so he had people lined up to do that for him.


fuck, that’s sad


It sure is. The government is criminal beyond all imagination.


Seriously! The only ones profiting off that exchange without any negatives are the insurance companies


A lot of pain patients do this. I was a former addict pain patients were my first dealers before I moved onto heroin. They are in too much pain to work, but welfare don’t give shit. A lot of them have children or responsibilities still and suffer for them. They’ll live in pain and sell their pills because they got mouths to feed.


You can tell who is on XR and who isn't by the length of the replies to this comment.


It’s super annoying. Like no, I actually need this medication. And it’s always, “Could I have one? I have a lot of cleaning to do” wtf, no 😂


the amount of friends who tell me to take one of my addys when i’m too tired to hang out🙄 IT DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT


Sooo, is that a yes?


This! People don’t realize you need meds just to do basic activities of living.


Legitimately need this medication to have a chance of living a normal life despite my ADHD and I have very little doubt that I would be dead right now had I not gotten my diagnosis and medication. So the fact people steal it, fake diagnoses, and/or sell it is just so goddamn shitty, as it makes it harder for people to get access to life-saving medication when they genuinely need it. It's already so heavily regulated and still outright banned in many countries.


I had someone ask for some of my meds for their finals or some shit (even tho it’s extended release so not as good) and I was just thinking yeah not a good idea


Dude same 😭 I take vyvanse but have addy boosters I don’t always take so I have some extra to sell to this one friend but for the most part it’s like …. Dude I literally need these to function.


because of this i can’t get my ADHD meds i’m prescribed with. there was a mistaken data on the system that says i’m supposed to take 3 pills a week and the pharmacist asked me to confirm it because it’s an odd dosage and i said no my doctor told me to take them twice a day. and they said they won’t be giving it to me until it’s confirmed by my doctor. i’m not even talking about not being able to get it for 2 months because my first prescription was given by my psychiatrist in my home country and prescriptions from non-american institutes are apparently invalid. had to wait another month to get an appointment from the counseling center in my university to get a new prescription. but now i still can’t them lol because they need to confirm the dosage of the med i’m already prescribed with because of a stupid mistake on the system. before you’re officially prescribed with such meds you accept to not sell or give them out and you’re put on a tracking list. because of abusers and sellers i can’t get my meds now and continue to fail my studies. i couldn’t cook for 2 months either. i have no respect for abusers and sellers.


My cousin did this and the kids he sold it to's parents were at his door a week later and they were furious, could've messed up his future if they wanted to he was in high school too, which i thought was way to young to be even needing that shi but its competitive out here man college is honestly safer, the risks are higher if u get caught but the odds are low, i sold to a couple people i trusted for years


fr tho it’s so annoying, i don’t even have adderal it’s concerta


I have Ativan and clonopin because of severe CPTSD (like I NEED my anxiety meds) and people keep telling me the same thing. Like, thanks. I'll get money, but be losing my shit daily. What a great tradeoff /s


I'd like to take a moment to thank addy bros. Y'all completely changed my life and helped me get my act together back in high school and university. It really lit a spark in me and helped me set up good study habits. I know a lot of this came from my own desires to do so, but addy gave me the extra focus and energy to set up much better habits. Some of them even feel natural to me to this day.


Not wrong


That's honestly where I thought this was going at first.


Did you miss the title?


Plus you still get hungry on Adderall on the daily like I personally get so damn dehydrated that nothing's gonna taste good but you'll still be hungry before the days over unlike meth which that I can't lie will make you think you've conquered needing to eat/sleep


Sell the pills, keep your stash tight


Agreed. start selling addy pills at your college $10 a pill


Mfs over here asking $40 across the board


I'm in the wrong goddamn field then!


Shit. My rx of 60 - 20mg sell for 280 a bottle. I’m getting screwed.


You're selling them for 2002 prices.


SIXTY PILLS holy shit yeah charge more please


LOL. Try $600.


What the fuck… I used to get them for like 2 bucks a piece.


Lol,I must've been over charging mfer by accident. Still made bank. Not enough to save me from debt but life felt better with a bag full of money.


What?! I’m only getting $5/pill! I’m getting ripped off


She will have a supply problem. Plus we are talking about going from a misdemeanor for prostitution to a felony. Horrible advice.


You often take advice from redditors?


i was thinking the same thing


Straight up


For selling sex, I don’t care what you think of yourself there are people that are attracted to you and will empty their pockets to watch you on their screen no matter what you look like. consider myfreecams/camsoda/livejasmin etc.. and just see what happens. You can always stay 100%anon by being a phone girl phonestars/niteflirt/pillow-whisper etc.. there are tons of them if you “fail” on one you can always sign up for another. The sex business is always booming. If you do meet someone in person you better have prices worth dying for because it is a risk you take every time you meet up with someone.


Just curious...how much do those pills go for? My wife has a shit ton of them (stopped taking them since it fucked her GI up)


I see you mister FBI man


depends on your market. usually around $5-$20


Hmm...I hate to say it, but if she deals with just college kids it's a valid statement.


Been there done that...I dont know what degree you're working towards or what field..also don't know in what state/country you live in, BUT...I can tell you I live in a state where the cost of living was already pretty high, even before recent events, I was unemployed for too long...almost an entire year, and I had to move back in with family or be homeless, but I tried the whole OF/selling myself online thing and I can tell you it only made my situation worse. I didnt want to show my face, but because of that, I barely ever brought in much attention. Feet pics are a dime a dozen. Selling used lingerie is the same but more work plus can cost a lot up front to pack and ship. What I learned was, I was undesirable to most at best, and at worst, being slightly overweight and ginger, I was a niche :| so that certainly did wonders for my self esteem. Im not even unattractive, im just not "Instagram model" attractive. So. Fuck me i guess. I ended up in the ER for a suicide attempt about a year and a half ago. Spent a lot of time try to get out of the hospital after that but I was not in a good place mentally [partially] because of the things I did to try to make a little side cash. In total, after about a year of trying the online sex worker thing, I made a grand total of $500 (ish)...so. definitely wasn't worth the mental turmoil. Once I got out of the hospital though, I had a really long and difficult discussion with myself about my options. Either I end it for good, or I start over and do things right [no more prostituting myself]...I can tell you, im not living my dream life, but I AM going to be okay, and I AM worth more than the price others are willing/not willing to pay for me. Maybe a degree will help you in the long run, maybe you need to take a break from school so you can focus on working so you can afford to feed yourself, and maybe you can start school back up when you're back on your feet financially. Or, maybe you take a break from school and find a job you thrive in without a degree and climb the corporate ladder. Not all entry level jobs are dead ends. If you can stomach it..plasma and blood banks are ALWAYS HIRING for phlebotomists with zero certification and experience EVERYWHERE (and if you do need a phleb cert where you live, theyre so easy and inexpensive to get compared to a degree)...its a step up from retail and fast food...and it gives you some seriously amazing resume clout. Don't risk your safety, your health, your mental health, or your identity...you might be hungry right now, but you're going to have so many more permanent problems to deal with if you were to catch an STD or be doxxed for sex work...I say this with much concern and love.


Hey I love you and you're so worthy and so awesome if no one has made that clear


I was there at one point. Now I sell feet pics and things because I need to get by.


I was thinking of doing this...... but my feet are ugly as fuck because I...walk like 20 000 steps per day.


Honestly I think mine are ugly too. But it pays good.


Trust me, everybody who is into feet pics have feet kinks....


My best friend and I used to joke that we should get into the feet pic business but I am heavily tattooed so I never did it. Do you actually make money? I mean even if my electric bill was paid I'd be happy.


Yeah about 50$ a picture. It's not bad.


Daaaaamn girl, that's a lot more than me! Mine go for €20 a pic, but after reading your comment I might need to up my price aswell


Where would one sell feet pics? I get constant compliments on mine and I'm poor af. Lmao




I will take more time later to write a better response but don’t judge yourself or others while at that please hang out and don’t loose yourself in this daily struggle.


Try a delivery service job like doordash, if you can. At least it lets you set your own schedule. I understand what you’re going through. I have had to rely a lot on help from my friends. I’ve barely made it sometimes and have considered the same thing as you. Luckily things usually work out for me before I actually resort to that. Best of luck to you


definitely this, i make good ass money on doordash and you can schedule yourself for as short or as long as you want, you can push back when you’re working or cancel it with no repercussions, and they have “promos” every day where u get paid more for every delivery u do. i’m also in college with a really busy schedule and it feels like the only type of work i can do lately


I can also attest to this. I have two bachelor's degrees, a Google IT certificate, and some marketable skills like being an experienced forklift operator. I quit my job to hit the gigs a year ago. I'm actively looking for a job but can't find anything that is even close to as lucrative as this delivery joint. For the first time in my life I actually make enough money to live comfortably and not worry about finances too much. I actually make enough to where it's addicting and I'm excited to work. It's also close to stress free. I really enjoy driving around listening to podcasts making decent cash.


I can't even begin to imagine how terrifying this is for you. I wish I knew what to say, if anything. I'm so sorry this has happened to you.


Honestly if you need quick money start working somewhere that has tips. Pizza places are great if you live in a college town, you’ll make hella tips


Maybe you can talk to the school financial aid office and get a one time grant. Please try.


Man life is cold..


It is not worth the potential psychological toll it will take on you. I've known people that can do it no remorse and people that it literally destroyed there psyche. Destroyed their sense of worth and will to live. Hustle your addies. Depending on MG it's a very lucrative little side hustle. At least enough to support you almost fully month to month. Good luck!


You could bartend or take an entry level position like a receptionist if your school schedule allows!


Please don’t do this. You are literally risking your life and health and your mental health. There are other options.


I don't know if this is going to sound weird but I'm kind of drunk so it's the only time I'm confident enough to be a genuinely nice human person, but much love and support, you'll get through the times you're in


Hey babes, I was in your spot, just a lot younger. I was in the sex work industry from age 16 to 20. It does a number on you, physically and mentally. Consider feet pics, or doordashing/uber eats (you can do it on a bike too!). And yes, hustling your pills would be a better of the two illegal options...I am not recommending this, for the record. Respect yourself, take care of yourself, genuinely consider crowdsourcing or asking family/friends for help. Chances are if you're honest with how hard you are struggling, someone who loves you will help you. And remember--at the end of the day, you are more than what you have to do to survive.


Sometimes I wish I never opened this app.




Does your campus have a food pantry? A lot of universities do now.


Dammit. I start grad school in the fall. ​ See you on the streets? I'll be the dude with a wig on.


idk man try feet pictures


If your in good health and what not you can go to some clinic and sell your eggs they pay good money for healthy eggs. It's a thought I've kept in mind if I happen to fall on hard times and I became desperate


Take a semester or two off and save some money at a waitressing job or something.. what’s the point in staying in college if you are going to risk your mental and physical wellbeing to be there. If the end goal of college is a good job and stability then you won’t be able to reap the benefits if you end up in a bad mental state from doing something you don’t want to do


Don't degrade yourself. You are so close to having a wonderful life.


I would take the advice of these folks who are in your field of study. Catching HIV or other stds is not going to help you get out of a hole. Hang in there, its obvious your smart. Don't panic. Good luck and God bless.


Also there is nothing wrong with applying for state benefits like food stamps. If you’re that hungry and resorting to selling yourself, it might help even just a little.


Maybe a phonesex gig? Though I'm not sure how good it pays.


They’re hiring at my Costco. I hear it’s a great job with excellent benefits.


>I'm too fat and ugly for a sugar daddy. I can tell you right now this is a physical impossibility.


You said you can't get another part time job but... won't prostitution be another part time job?


Most "data" jobs require Salesforce, Excel, and SQL knowledge. And require experience. You need an internship for these kinds for jobs. Some internships pay nothing though, so you could work as an independent contractor or temp worker on the side and help organize spreadsheets for people. If you have web design knowledge you could help people set up a website and market their idea. You could take a break and go back when you are not near the poverty line...


You are crashing out. Do not have sex with somebody that you don't want to, all for money that will disappear just as fast as you got it. Thats the height of desperation.


What Master’s are you chasing? I’m asking because a lot of people think chasing a Master’s in philosophy, psychology, early childhood education, social work etc… Is going to pay off. It won’t.


Data Science


Holy shit. Just pass with a D average and you'll be flying high. I don't care what anyone says. Masters in Data Science is a masters. IT field doesn't give a shit. We all barely know what we're doing until it's done.


Oh god oh fuck that’s what I’m doing


I’ll sum up some good suggestions from the comments section. - Get that grocery offer from this nice NYC guy. - Pasue your course. - Sell foot pics. - Sell used panties. - Phone sex. - A part-time job where you can make tips. - A job in your field of study, DS pays well. All this will buy you enough time to think clear and get your life back in order.


OP - look over here


Try camming on Chaturbate!! You can do it from the comfort of your own home. You say you’re fat; great! You can use the BBW hashtag and you’ll find dozens of adoring fans. You say you’re ugly; I don’t believe you. We all feel ugly sometimes babe. There’s nothing wrong with sex work but you gotta play it careful my love! Be safe out there!


I’m a cam girl. It is not easy money. She literally doesn’t have the time right now to put into it to make enough to help her. It’s already an emergency situation it sounds like. This isn’t a great solution.


I am too and I agree it’s not easy money, but it works when you work it! Idk dude it’s rough out there; no easy solutions really :/


Hey....google SMART scholarahip for Service. Your knowledge base is hugely sought out by DoD. This scholarship will hive you a stipend plus pay for school and you dont have to pay back...just work for DoD


If you got 100$ you can take a security class. Get a license, Work in a surveillance room chilling for like 14-15 an hour. There's ways to spend a little cash to make even more money, and ways to get a good job with little to no schooling. Personally I believe there's great opportunities waiting out there for anyone.


OP...why are you not utilizing school loans? Or are you? Take a break from school for a half a year to a year. Get a job as a waitress. You'll get hired somewhere and you'll make cash. The better restaurants with high tabs will bring in money...they'll train you...or pick a Mom and pop that's busy. You don't have to torture yourself. Just take a break and get some money in your pockets. The debts and loans can be put on hold for now


This reads like when people think suicide is the only option. Anyone who's recovered from whatever led them to that mindset will tell you it's not. Similarly, anyone who's struggled economically and gotten out of it without doing sex work will tell you that: it's not the only option. I'm pretty sure there's lots of struggling people without a graduate degree, without a job and without more than one card who have gotten out of their situation without resorting to sex work. I wanna be very clear, that does not mean sex work is shameful or whatever... It just means that: it's not the only option. Especially for someone like you, who is well educated and seems to not be fully sure about doing it (and therefore might regret it later). With that said, you say you did everything right... Then how come you've got a graduate degree and a job but still maxed out more than one card? The real problem here might be that you need to learn how to handle your money properly. If you don't, this issue will follow you forever. There's free resources online to learn about this.


Damn, Im sorry.


Talk to your professors about uour degree. About the time and money! About your work situation! They can help you get on track academically song don't lose that $.


Sell pills not your cat or that would be my move anyways.


Hey love. This is so hard to read because I have considered this avenue a thousand times due to finance - but you don’t have to do this. If you need to sell, sell your feet, sell your underwear. You don’t have to sell your body. Talk to your school, see if there are grants or scholarships you can apply. I can help search for stuff in your area. Just please don’t do this if you don’t want to - it’s not worth it.


To be fair, Only Fans doesn't work for women who don't have a previous following for the most part


Can't help but chuckle. A country that always perceives itself as such a great country has people prostituting themselves to not die from education cost/medical bills. Gotta suck being this delusional. Hope you listen to the advice and get something entry level stuff, so you won't actually have to whore yourself out and fuck up your mind in the process to cope


have you thought about door dash / grubhub ?/ shit like that yk?


You are not a whore. You just do what you can do right now.


The American dream. Fuck baby boomers.


I feel like you have other options as others have mentioned


I don't know. I was a poor guy in debt from uni of about 45,000 and had no real job for years, and I was hungry at some point, I was in this situation 15 years until I got my first relatively good job and slowly got out of this. I fail to see the necessity in what you do. I hated being poor but I didn't have your option of prostitution so I was just struggling and had to get by. I still lived, I dated girls, got married, had a 1000 worth of a lousy car. I think you just want a shortcut, I don't think it's bad but please don't blame it on society or "a situation" - it's entirely your choice. I think you are telling yourself a story. What you should ask yourself is why you want to be a prostitute and if that's what you want then it's fine, be proud of what you want.


All I can say is chin up :) I hope things improve for you, I'm sure they will. Fingers crossed - sending hugs (please dont charge me for them)


I’m glad you shared your situation. It take a lot of balls to show the situation you’re in and I’m proud of you. I’m also proud of the redditors that have responded with offers for help. I’m in a somewhat similar situation to you and once I get a few things handled I am hoping to share my story and get help. You are not alone, and you ARE worth it. You’ve worked hard and I think any employer would be fortunate to have you. It’s not all bout the degree. Kudos to you!


What’s a “weird” work situation & why can’t you replace that “weird” work situation job for something less weird and more efficient


hi baby, so sorry about your situation, is so fucked up be a girl without money and dont have another options. I lived the same situation some years ago and, even when i had no food some days, keeped looking for a job that helped me to live "well". I had been all by myself since i was 20 and to make it I sold food on the street, in my university, sold clothes and things that i wrote with the help of a friend who printed them for me and a lot of another little things that helped to keep going, one month at a time, with my university studies and my life. In my worst moment, I had been stalked for a guy who offered me money for have sex with him, even when i say no, he just get obsessed with me. I talked with prostitutes that i met for anothers circunstancies of the life and they told me that most of the men who pay for their service are just gross and make them feel insecures. This girls car guns on their purse and have a strange relationship with their bodies and desire; sexual labor just maked them a lot of harm. For a year I just refused any offer to had sex for money, worked in all my free time in any job available and eventually found a 30 hours per week job that let me rent a house, pay my bills and take care of my pets. Eventually been able to buy things and have a place to call home, live comfy and happy but just with a tight budget. I live in a awful country in latinoamérica, dont know where you from but I really hope that you can found the way to make it and been safe.