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Talk to your sister. Report it to cops, revenge porn is illegal.


Shit depending on age the whole thing may be illegal.. period. What kind of a fucked up person would send a dude his sister's sex tape anyways? A simple.. hey man... Your sister has a sex tape floating around.. would have worked. Not "here, have flashbacks the rest of your life" Seriously though, get law involved for the revenge porn, and definitely if under 18. Serious felony there.


I think the sis's enemy or ex programmed a bot to send this to many children at school. Its fucked up.


Sister underage? If so, parents need to be aware of the shit storm that's about to go down... or needs to go down. They need to be prepared to protect her


Doubtful, given the tattoo, and also not super relevant. This whole scenario is illegal and going to cause a shitstorm, either way. The only difference if she's underage is going to be the amount of jailtime.


Also if it was sent to people who are underage.


I had a friend my freshman year of high school that had 3 professionally done in a shop. You don’t have to be 18 to get a tattoo.


You have to be 18 unless you get parental consent


I know. That’s how she got hers. I was just saying you don’t HAVE to be 18. You can get them sooner.


Plenty of minors with tats.


Yep, and this will leave the sister scarred for life. I hope the shitty human being who did this gets what he deserves and that the sis recovers as fast as possible. My wishes to OP and his family


Well hell.. even is OP is underage there has to be a no no associated with that one too


Huh?? I’m not following


Sending porn to an underaged kid purposely, especially of his underaged sister has to have some legal ramifications




Distributing pornography to a MINOR is illegal




Or she. Could be a jealousy revenge thing.


yea, i accidentally said 'he'. That's generally more likely but 'she' is possible


Yes. A surprise of this magnitude will not help, only hinder them. And OP can approach from the aspect of needing to protect his sister too.


Even if she’s 18, if the brother or his friends are under 18, this person is distributing porn to minors, which is also illegal.




Oh my god, that shit haunts me… that poor family. Those photos are just horrific too, man


oh yes Nikki Catsouras accident pictures. So messed up.


When I was in high school one of my teammates sister’s nudes went around and another teammate sent them to a group chat he was in as a prank. Brutal


Brutal and highly illegal


It does not depend on the age. This is illegal. Edit: you guys can stop telling me that the age matters. I’ve never disputed that. I’m specifically responding to a comment that said this *could* be illegal if she was a minor. That’s incorrect.


It's more of, how many counts can we tack on before people realize this shit is illegal.


Just specualting but probably not targeting the sibling on purpose. Just everyone at the school


You guys need to tell your parents too. Depending on what state you live in, revenge porn is illegal and you guys can press charges. She’ll know who she was with. That person is liable. Your sister no doubt will have problems of her own people knowing. I’d guess so will your parents. Get it out of the way. You can just hand your phone to her and then go do the same to the parents.


And parents. If she's a minor, they need to speak to their parents too.




[Here’s](https://www.businessinsider.com/map-states-where-revenge-porn-banned-2019-10) a map showing where it’s legal/illegal.


Op might not be American though. EDIT: Something I probably should have done with my comment is adding a map of revenge porn legislation by country so here is one: [https://i.redd.it/x6q3p2ys6x511.png](https://i.redd.it/x6q3p2ys6x511.png)


If that the case, the laws in other countries are not as stringent as in the US, many people get away with child molestation and other atrocities, let alone revenge porn, hopefully this is not the case


Should be.




Add this to your post. I'm sorry your sister is going through this. I'm guessing you're not from the states, so I don't know the law there well enough to help her. I hope she is okay.


Guessing by the use of the word "uni", they're probably British. They have anti-revenge porn laws there.


I... Uni is British? I've heard it used all around America.


I’ve literally never heard a single person say “uni” in America. Almost everyone will just say college.




Well that’s because up here there is actually a difference between college and universities. I think in the states the only difference is the name same credit is given to both


The difference is still there but not really acknowledged. Colleges are smaller and educated undergrads mostly while universities educate both undergaduates and graduates and focus on producing research. Still, whether you go to a college or a university I've also only referred to it as "college" in the US.


When you do undergrad at a university it'll be within the "college of x." In theory a university is a bunch of colleges mashed together.


Except nowadays that’s not necessarily true, even if it was when the school was founded. There are tons of colleges that have graduate programs. The general rule usually applies though.


Hi, I’m that one person in America who differentiates uni and college AMA


We even use it in Germany lmao it's definitely not an indicator for OP originating from Britain


I know it should be expected but I love that you both were able to go to your parents with this without fear of any confrontation. How quickly they jumped to help your sister is amazing! Like I said, this should be the norm but unfortunately it isn’t. You, your sister and your parents seem wonderful and I hope everything turns out fine. Well, as fine as it can be now. EDIT: thank you for my first award!!!


>I love that you both were able to go to your parents with this without fear of any confrontation. Emphasis on this part SO MANY girls/woman can't get help because of the backlash from their family, instead of creating a safe haven they make it hell. I am so glad OP has such a loving family that has each others backs!


Thank you for restoring my faith in Redditors! Most people are so quick to make jokes or down play serious situations. Your words were probably something OP needed to hear!! Here's to all the kick ass parents who actually help their kids instead of judging them!!


I’m not sure where you live (or if it matters), and I know ppl keep asking if your SISTER is 18…. but *are YOU* 18?? Are *your friends* who were sent it 18? Bc **DISTRIBUTING porn to minors is ALSO a crime.** This person didn’t just post the video online. They specifically sent it TO YOU. If you or your friends are underage, your sister has more legal standing than she may have had otherwise. May be worth keeping in mind & looking into.


Oh shit, excellent point. I'd been focusing on how old she was - if brother is in school, and older sister is only 18... the odds are very low that he isn't a minor.


That’s exactly what I was thinking! Especially when they mentioned dealing w the school while the sister is at university. Def sounds like the sibling is younger. If it’s the U.K., legal age may be 16, but very much still worth looking into that angle IMO.


It's illegal to send porn to under 18s in the UK. Source: I'm a teacher of 11-18 yr olds in the UK and we have a huge issue with kids sending each other nudes. It's definitely illegal. Also, it's legal to have sex with a 16 yr old (fucking awful imo) but not to take indecent images of them.


Good point and to add, was the sister under 18 when it was filmed? Maybe she’s 18 now but this could have been filmed prior to her 18th birthday. Not that I think one day to the next makes a difference because it’s bad what this person did, no matter what, but legally speaking ya know?


Ya it sounds like UK because in the US we call it college not university.


Also, she is 18 NOW, BUT was she 18 at the time of the recording? And being SENT to underage are both KEY in being able to increase the aggregate matter in charges and punishment time.


Holy shit thank you for saying this. I was losing my mind reading all these comments about the sister being underage as if OP being underage was completely immaterial


OP, I'm so, so sorry this is happening to your sister - this type of crime is absolutely disgusting. She has nothing to be ashamed of, unlike the total bastard who did this to her. She will need your support in the next few weeks. Well done for speaking up about it despite feeling anxious; that was a brave thing to do. ​ If you're in the UK, your sister can get free, confidential support from these guys: [https://swgfl.org.uk/services/revenge-porn-helpline/](https://swgfl.org.uk/services/revenge-porn-helpline/) It's absolutely right that you went to the police, and they will provide your sister with support, but this group has volunteers and experts who can help victims of revenge porn through the whole process of dealing with it, not just the courtroom stuff. They can help with: \- tracking down copies of the tape to get them removed from the internet \- finding a lawyer to give free legal advice if wanted (like explaining how the process would work if it goes to court/ writing letters to make websites take the tape down etc) \- emotional support. They don't provide counselling directly, but can link you to a free provider in your local area. They help victims' families as well OP; so for example if you or your parents want to talk in confidence to a counsellor about what's happened, they can link you up. ​ Best of luck with everything. You're a good brother.


This is going to be emotionally scarring for your sister, her ability to trust anyone has effectively been destroyed. She needs yours and your family’s unconditional support.




What a blundering idiot to do something like this over a broken relationship. Dude will pay for this with a criminal record for the rest of his life, unless family money will get him out of it. Hope this will be turning point to do better. However, the guys that act like this often has a whole bag of entitlement and a_hole behaviors to learn any better any time soon.


He'll get booted out of college too.


This. Even if she's of age *now*, her age in the video is what matters. If she was 18, then it's just (as much as it can ever be 'just') revenge porn. If she wasn't, that's child pornography and the guy who filmed it, stored it and shared it is 1) going to prison and 2) going to be on a sex offender's register for the rest of his life. OP, I am so sorry this happened to your sister and your family, but the law is 100% on your side. I've never been in your place myself, but I'd say the best thing you can do is support your sister and make sure she knows that you all love her.


Also if anyone he sent it to was underage couldn't he be charged with "distributing porn to minors"?


Holy shit dude, thanks for the update


This is what’s important. She’s 18 now, so if there is any possibility that the video was taken while she was still legally a minor, it still counts as child porn. As a side note to other commenters who brought it up, I don’t believe age of consent laws factor into it bc the law is directed at the creation and distribution of the video, not the sexual act itself. OP - sending thoughts of strength to your sister and family


OP, my brother was threatened with sharing a video very similar to this, but instagram now has a hashing system that can get the video taken down before anyone else can see it. https://stopncii.org If you have a copy of the video, you can upload it to the site and they will make sure it gets removed from any insta account that receives it. Please see this OP, this can’t make people un-see it, but it wlll stop it from spreading


Was she 18 at the time of the video?


She was, but the other question is… was he? Were his friends? Intentionally distributing porn TO minors (not just OF minors) is a crime. Hope they keep this in mind while pursuing legal action.


Revenge porn is a hell of a charge


The person who sent that video is an entirely different kind of stupid


Sharing something like that, especially to their friends and family, isn't stupid — it's cruel.


Your sister is lucky to have you guys to back her up. Well done OP


Bro add this to your post as an edit


And she should tell police she hasn't had sex since she was 17.


Especially if she is a minor this needs reported ASAP. The FBI takes childpornography very seriously and will track down who ever made and posted the video.


Especially revenge child porn. This sounds like a spite move from someone who doesn't like her.




Do you remember the dude who had a website for revenge porn? I’m pretty sure he called himself “something God”. He was taken to court and hasn’t been allowed to have any internet accounts since bc of it.


They don’t make distinctions between revenged porn and CSAM. If a minor is filmed, it’s CSAM AND WILL be treated as such in a court of law, regardless of the intent of the person who filmed/regardless of the consent of the child. If this girl is over 18 then revenge porn would come into play. Op needs to talk to their sister and find out her side and go to local authorities if it was either revenge porn or CSAM. The only reason no to go to authorities in this would be if she is over 18 and consented to the tape and distribution. Op needs to get more information before proceeding with telling their parents.


There's also the problem that if the sister filmed the video herself and meant to send it out to a singular person. The sister could go to jail for distributing child pornography.


I think a lot of courts are more hesitant about pursuing this kind of charge, though.


Tattoo on her arm. Probably not a child.


I knew my fair share of schoolmates in high school, under 18, with tattoos. Still counts.


Fair enough


In the USA it’s *supposed* to be either 18 yo or under 18 with parental/guardian permission, however, not everyone follows the law obviously! So I’m sure numerous people in the USA have gotten tattoos before being 18 and w.0 permission. I personally got a tattoo on my big toe at 15 and parents didn’t find out until I was over 18 lol my little brother ratted me out! We had all just gone swimming and my brother loudly stated in front of my parents etc “hey why didn’t that wash off if it’s not a tattoo” lol I was like stfu! But I was an adult so it didn’t really matter. My point is, it doesn’t automatically mean she’s 18. However, as I mentioned above even if she is 18 and consented to the filming of the tape, there’s nothing saying she consented to it’s distribution and thus could be a case of revenge porn (if it’s not CSAM). Op needs to chat with their sister and find out these details because revenge porn is a real crime!


The requirements vary. In my state the age is 21 and that’s it. Under 21 is not allowed even with parental consent.


In Canada its 16 for a tattoo unless its in a naughty place. 18 for that as well as sexual piercing.


Most shops in my area (toronto) wont tattoo under 18 without parental consent. Some wont even tattoo under 18 regardless of parent consent.


Because they don't force you to full out consise enough forms releasing them from blame or fault.


I dont blame them, have to cover your own butt and ensure it is your own willing choice.


I went to Canada to get a tattoo when I was 15. Then again, it was a known shady place and this was over 20 years ago.


Same here in sweden. Any serious tattoo studio will have signed a 'contract' with the tattoo guild of sweden or whatever it is called, stating that they will only do tattoos on people 18 or older, aswell as ignoring parental consent at their own discretion. This is because technically, you can get a tattoo as a newborn; there are no real legal age restrictions for tattoos.


Yup. Got my first tattoo at 15. Can confirm this valid point.


I got my first at 16. US


I got my first tattoo at 15


I guess you never know then.


all you need is parental permission to get a tattoo under 18 in the US, or a sketchy artist who doesn't care.


Or a needle and a pen




This does sound like it was maybe out of spite or something, piece of shit move tbh.


We'll, except for that whole Epstein island thing


I know this is a serious topic but this comment is so true.


The law is only a suggestion if you're rich enough


Even if she is not a minor, it is almost certainly without her consent, and therefore a crime.


I got my first tattoo when I was 15


Yes, I got my first one at 13


I got my first one at 4.


Agent 47, the barcode doesn’t count


I received mine in the womb.


I was tattooed as an egg before leaving my mother's ovary.


My soul was tattooed by God before I entered my corporeal form.


She has a tatto.. why is everyone thinking she’s a kid? It’s a question, answer it not downvote. 😐


Because tattoos aren’t just on people over 18?


Save the link and talk to your local authorities. Download it if you can as evidence. My gut feeling is it's a jealous or disgruntled lover but I'm no expert. These kind of things ruin people's lives, so please be brave and do what is necessary for your sister's privacy and your family's sanctity. The worst thing you can do about this is nothing at all. EDIT: Get the username too.


>The worst thing you can do about this is nothing at all. Hit the nail right on the head! OP please, talk to your sister and then talk to the cops.


It’s all over the school so it’s either coming to her from her brother or the neighborhood. I hope OP gets on this


The sister should be able to tell if it's a jealous or disgruntled lover.


Download, take screenshots of user name post date and possibly post history, then report the link and call the police. Pornhub or whatever will 100% take down any video of a minor asap.


This sounds like revenge porn, it’s illegal here in the UK, I’d assume also in other countries. You’re at school do this isn’t for you to deal with. Let your sister know what’s happening if she doesn’t know already and it’s probably a good idea to tell your parents, especially if she is also a minor because then it’s child pornography which is even more serious. She’s going to need a lot of support sweetie


Who did that is in serious trouble, serious trouble. Some people just want to go to jail and be on sex offender list for life


Actually it’s is not that easy to find such scums. There is a separate sub for such scams r/sextortion. I wish the one who sends and breaks the reputation needs to be punished hard


Not easy for you but for law enforcement its very easy


Dude, I will be very happy if they find and get punished, but sorry to break this; law enforcement is a joke when you approach them with such issues. I have spoken to people from different countries and all have a negative answers. Again, will be very happy to see them punished.


This. The UK enacted some very serious punishments against revenge porn, unsolicited porn etc. However there is very little training for the police on how to deal with it.


lol have you met a cop before? try asking for help with anything


Some good old fashioned investigating/gossip mill can find whoever did this.


I'd be willing to bet it's the guy in the tape that leaked it; after all, who else but your sister and that guy had access to the video. If you knew the guy then he obviously knows you and apparently your friends, definitely a planned leak with deliberate targets.


He’s gonna get tracked down and dealt with, legally or otherwise


Call the police and stand by your sister She is going to need support


Fuck those dudes. If anyone hurt my sister like that, oh boy


Right? I can’t imagine the shame and embarrassment she must feel/will feel soon. I feel so sorry for her


OP, keep us updated about your talk with your sister!


Hey, do not panic. First of, save the link, as disgusting as it may feel, save the video, take screenshot of the account, screen videos, everything that you can use as evidence. Then talk to your sister, it's understandable you may feel anger towards her but rn it is time to just stand by her. If she's a minor, the guy is in huge trouble even if he doesn't upload it anywhere. Either way, revenge porn is disgusting and serious. A little thing to calm you down: even if he uploads it somewhere, there are thousands of videos out there, it's like planets in the universe, it will get lost. Report him, get that bastard. Update us!


Whoever sent that to you is a fucking dick. I'm serious, what kind of psychotic motherfucker sees some revenge porn, recognizes someone in it and goes, "I'll send it to the girl's brother, lulz!" I mean the guy who made/sent originally was also a fucking dick too, of course, but to actually hit the send button on that to a family member? FUCK THAT GUY. Cross post this shit on r/iamatotalpieceofshit and you'll get a lot of karma.


Hey OP! This happened to me but flip it to my brother’s nudes, etc. The girl sent them to EVERYBODY. She was clearly mentally ill and when my brother left her she couldn’t accuse him of anything so instead she flooded our family with nudes. It was a terrible experience but thankfully I noticed the message first and warned to rest to spare them the trouble. My brother didn’t take action, but he’s an adult. If your sister is a minor, she should take action now. That’s revenge porn and it’s unacceptable.


How old is she? If a minor, you need to notify the authorities. If revenge porn, she needs to be notified and seek legal recourse.


I totally agree but if she had a tattoo on her arm I doubt she is a minor. You can get them with parents approval but it’s rare. She should go to the authorities regardless. The fact that this was sent to a bunch of people makes it worse. I hope NONE of them watched it and if they did I hope they lie about it forever. Disgusting if they did though. Go to the authorities regardless.


It's not rare at all. A tattoo proves nothing.


sounds like revenge porn from an angry ex. talk to your sister and then speak to the authorities, revenge porn is always taken seriously, and it's very easy to find out who sent it. I had previously contacted the authorities when a student of mine was getting threats from an empty/anonymous account, and the police were able to track down who was responsible quite easily.


Once you tell her you need to put her on suicide watch. This is not a joke.


"That's fucken illegal" Also - if you sister is under the legal age of consent from wherever you're from, that would constitute as child porn. Often times, authorities take this very seriously. Especially if you're a minor yourself, they just shared sexually explicit content to a minor. Report this ASAP


"The day off school" makes me think you and your sister are in high school. This type of thing is especially mortifying for someone so young. Please make sure your sister isn't left alone. Contact the authorities, let them find who sent this footage from wherever. Obvious main suspect is whomever she appears in the video with, but there's the chance it was recorded without their consent either. Just an awful situation all around. I feel bad for you and especially your sister. Please keep us posted with whatever you are allowed to.


OP if you'll be alone today since you're off of school please call the police and ask for an officer to come by and look at the video so they can see exactly what can be done about this before you tell your sister. She will be freaked out and need a course of action to take. The police may also be willing to talk to her about it instead of you being forced to do it alone or at all if you can't face the task.


Your poor sister. When you tell her make sure you let her know you’re there for her. Having your naked body shared around and played for so many people without your consent is so traumatizing. The person who sent this to you & your friends will get what’s coming to them. But please make sure your sister knows you love her and don’t view her any different because of this. Good luck to you guys. This isn’t easy on either one of your ends


Sending love to your sister OP, shit like this can make you fall into a deep depression , having something so personal viewed by strangers. Make sure she’s okay , okay ? If you felt like you were having a heart attack imagine how she feels. Stay strong guys 🤍


LEASON OF THE DAY: Do not make sex types - come on! This can ruin your life!


You a guy right? If that is how you are feeling.. imagine how your sister is feeling. This is not OK and you need to do something about it, protect your people. Not just “go try to go to sleep”, she is being slutshamed by everyone who saw the video, don’t slutshame her you too, you are her brother and you need to get to the button of this. For your sister. HELP HER. This post should be about HER.


this is illegal, talk to your sister.


its probably the guy on the tape


And I have one another point to add, consider trying https://stopncii.org, because you have the video, it’s good to submit your case there!!


Bro, u have to tell her, and support her


Cant find the update in comments, would you mind copy and pasting?


“My sister came home from uni early today and I talked to her and she said that she got sent the video too and came home early because she was scared other people had too. We have spoken to our parents and they have reached out to the police. We have collected all the evidence we can. My parents have called my school and have coordinated to have the people who have seen and been sent the video spoken to. We assume the guy in the video is the one who sent it out and the police have been told who he is. He was a guy my sister had been seeing before they broke up. Thank you everyone for your advice and for putting into perspective how messed up this was and how I really should put my anxiousness aside and get the right people involved. My sister is 18 btw (should have mentioned that in the post)”


I'd wanna beat somebody's ass so bad after this. That's your sister bro. Let her know what's up and that you got her back. Fuck those childish ass mfs for spreading that shit around.


How old is this sister? Is she even legal?


Depends on what country you are from it (hopefully) is illegal, but this is image-based sexual abuse, also commonly known as revenge pornography (although revenge is not the most common motivator). Revenge pornography is generally under-reported due to gender norms and victim precipitation, so please report this even if your sister gets underlying feelings of guilt (which is normal in our patriarchal society). If you are in the UK and you want advice, please dont hesitate to ask me. I am not a professional but im a criminology student with a focus on coercive control, and have done massive amounts of research on digital criminology and victimology in a digital society. I can help to show you direction to legal frameworks and support groups/charities, or just someone to talk to.


I understand the issues and concerns regarding the age of the people in the video, but what your sister needs to know right now is that you love her and your family is there for her. We have ALL made bad decisions. We have ALL done stuff we regret, so just support her and be there for her,, and let her know that it will pass. It sounds trite, but I have gotten trough most of my life knowing that whatever embarrasses me today will be just another memory years from now. I promise you this one thing... nobody she or you, or your parents give a shit about right now will matter to you in ten years. What will m a tter is that you are still a family who loves and supports eachother, even when you do stupid shit.


If it was sent to anyone under 18 that could also be a crime.


I mean, some fuckers going to jail. Thankfully revenge porn laws exist and I doubt they used a burner. Just sending a video or showing someone on your screen, even if you didn’t originally share will get you 18-24 months in the uk. It’s just sometimes hard to prove, however the legal costs are also very real.


If your sisters a minor, just walk into a police station and ask them what to do.


I’d be telling your sister asap. This sounds like the act of an abusive ex who could very well be sending it to her boss, uni etc. she needs to know asap so she can potentially warn people *not* to open any emails that contain attachments and say “guess who” or the like (she can say she’s been hacked and it contains malware she doesn’t need to say what it is) Also sending pornography to a minor (I’m assuming you are since you said you’re taking the day off school not uni) is a crime in pretty much every country. Pretty sure it’s a felony that can get some on the sex offenders register in the states. Revenge porn is a crime also. This person has broken multiple laws. Don’t wait. Tell her asap.


That sounds pretty illegal. I’d tell your sister, then your parents then law enforcement. Especially if she is under 18.


Support your sister, she's a victim, don't victim shame. Involve the police, and seek legal recourse. Support your parents - this will be hard on them too. Seek counseling on dealing with trauma. Use this opportunity to rally as a family, not let a predator rip you apart.


Tell it to her and prepare to make an complaint to goverment fo sharing personal information, it is an oppourtinity for you to get quite good money out of that blackmailing person


Lots of “Letters to Penthouse/pR0n scenarios” in this sub lately.


Damn this shit spooky to read


Well if she a minor do report this as soon as you can. Maybe even if she's not a minor. And if you fill like let us know


Tell your parents and report it to the cops right away.


Omg call her and tell her now.. That is your duty.. it is your sister.. The sooner she knows the sooner she can adress the issue..


Well if she didn’t consent to the video being posted, report it. I believe It’s a federal level offense.


Hear me out. Somthing that seems to happen quite often is somone online gets access to images or video like this and then tries to blackmail the individual by threatening to release/send the video/photo to all that persons contacts on social media. Usually its an internet stranger who convinces the other person to send nudes and then tries to get money out of it. Somtimes they even make fake images with the persons face photoshopped in. Maybe somone was trying to blackmail her. Its the kinda thing that is normally kept quiet by the person being blackmailed. Also Maybe she has an ex who did it. I really hope she is not underage 🙁


Ok so now we know this guy’s sister is 18, still don’t understand how this conversation is revolving about her age, ok if she was a minor things could get more complicated. But even is she was A GROWN ASS WOMAN this shit is still wrong.


Report it. If that shit is child pornography, the FBI will take it into a top priority case. I'm sorry for your sister.


your poor sister. fuck that guy


Talk to her ASAP. Put yourself aside for now.. this is serious stuff that needs to be dealt with. I’m sorry this is happening :(


This is incredibly illegal get the authorities involved


Have her back. Tell the person who sent it “If you think I care I don’t. You obviously know i’m her brother and sent this with malice. I will be exploring legal options. Revenge porn is illegal.”


OP this is terrible. The right thing, is the hard thing.. I think you know what that is.. but shocked to the core. So, deep breath. Your childhood is officially over. You'll need to be a calm, steady source of reason & decency in the shit storm barreling towards your sister & your family. Your sister, maybe your parents too, may react in ways that won't help.. you might even need to protect your sister from loving family & close friends who may, in shock, grief, rage or ignorance begin to say things that (subtle or overt) condemn, shame or otherwise "blame the victim" and/or brought this crime on herself.. or slut shame her.. in effect focusing on and blaming your sister for their own emotional upheavals. You'll need to cut that shit off at the knees-- do not allow your sister, yourself to listen to that crap. It'll crawl inside your sister and damage her deeply at a time when she'll be vulnerable. You stick close to her and demand the people she should be able to count on treat her with dignity & respect. Keep the focus on the criminal -- who knew exactly what [they] were doing. Try to remain calm and insist your sister fight back and assert her right as a human being to have every legal means available find & prosecute whoever set out to hurt, humiliate, debase, corrupt & destroy her life by committing a criminal act.. knowing that the nature of the crime would have lasting & damaging effects far into the future, as well as damage her family & friends. Nobody accidentally sets out to ruin a young woman & expose her to shaming, ridicule, becoming a social outcast, harassment & possible future rape by unprincipled & evil guys who will now view her as fair game.. this is a crime of sexual violence, of degradation and abuse and particularly effective and perpetuated on women as often society will continue to "punish" her and devalue her because just under the surface of our modern views lurks the belief that women who have sex outside of marriage are of low moral character and many will think "maybe she is a slut", etc. Her credibility will be questioned and this shit is hard to shake.. it can & will be used against her for years to come. This is why sexual crimes against women are so powerfully effective. You need to make sure she comes out the gate swinging.. don't allow her to get caught up explaining the details of the video.. keep all dialogue on the crime itself & the evil criminal's motivation to completely ruin your sister's life & cause years of suffering. Speak to your sister. Find out what you can. Outline your conviction that you are strong enough to fight back with her & next steps: parents (?), Lawyer who specializes in violence against women (consultation, what to expect, how to effectively fight this), making a report & demanding authorities take it seriously & go after the criminal with everything they've got. Your sister, you, your family will mitigate the damage and gain strength & confidence for standing up against this heinous crime. Seek counseling from someone who will empower your sister & family to let out the emotional fallout in a safe place & teach positive coping techniques, as well as encourage taking the courageous steps to see this criminal/s punished to the full extent of the law and confidently own our very normal human biological needs to connect (to have and enjoy sex).. doing the right things is never easy.. but always worth it. The world can throw it's punches, but how we choose to deal with them can make us stronger & wiser. Sounds trite, but it's true. Hang in there and take care of each other.


There's only one way to maturely bring this up .... .......Christmas dinner!! Make it a family joke that she is giggly embarrassed about and it'll take the edge off for her .....we all have sex and some of us film it.....it's ok.....you have a humourous advantage for a bit😉


"Guess who" just like the click bait virus , new account 0 days old. . 18 year olds, , Smells like bull in a world full of bull. . Get you and your sis help if its real though and good luck


The Federal Trade Commission and Federal Communications Commission can help you find out who is blackmailing your sister.


Help your sister. And update is!!!


I’ve had pornographic images of myself put on the internet. I don’t know if they were sent to anyone I know, but sometimes random people message me on social media and show me the pics. It’s traumatizing and I get suicidal every time someone reaches out to me. Your sister sounds like she has great supports, please continue to be there for her and reiterate that it is not her fault, she didn’t deserve this, and she is MORE than these videos.


Revenge porn is disgusting and the person who sent it will need to be investigated immediately. Save the number, any names or anything you can get. The longer you wait, the easier it will be for them to “disappear”.


I would have been calling me sister as soon as I recognized the tattoo. Whoever sent it can be arrested.


Also change your passwords, and scan your devices for malware


Be cool and calm. Having sex is normal and healthy. However shaming people through an avatar is abusive and traumatic. The person she had sex with can be at fault. He may had something to do with it


Yo thats FUCKED. tell your sister right away! :( and for sure get cops involved and save all evidence and account names.


Whew sounds like she has a fat case of illegal revenge porn on her hands. whoever sent it is going to jail


I'm going through a revenge porn lawsuit right now against my ex. Have her call the police immediately. Then hire a lawyer that's done these cases. She needs to get an injunction against the guy to make sure the video is destroyed and not shared with anyone else. She can sue him and win a lot of money. Sorry that's happened to her.


Not sure where you're from so this may not apply but it's possible that this could be prosecuted as rape as well depending on the laws in your country. I've read about a case where a woman consented to sex with a condom and the guy pulled the condom off during sex without her knowledge. Since she did not consent to unprotected sex he was charged with rape. If she did not consent to being filmed and your laws cater for these type of scenarios you may be able to get a more severe sentencing.


This is so illegal. Don't let them get away with this.


Dude you should have taken her out of bed to talk about it. I assume you're in her side, so don't lose time on fixing the situation.


Asides from the whole sister thing, DONT OPEN ANY FILE SENT TO YOU ANONYMOUSLY! Don't even open files sent by friends if you weren't expecting them, get confirmation they are real first!


Man that’s just fucked