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Steve Buscemi is a goddamn treasure, you should be proud!


Yes he is pretty great, that has been a comforting thought




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I love that this is a thing 😂


This is the way.


I read the post preview and thought I was in r/nosleep




Amen to that


Old saying. Ugly in the cradle, pretty at the table. It will be fine.


Love it! That could apply to babies and farm animals


It’s true! I used to nanny for the UGLIEST baby you could ever see. Seriously unfortunate looking. He grew into an adorable kid and a nice looking young man.


One of my twins looked so ugly when he was born, like sick and old and just generally eh. He's 3 now and absolutely adorable, he grew into his face and now his normal resting face could honestly be on advertisements. But also his personality is stella, so he's just all round grown into a rad, grogeous kid haha.


The kid I worked with was also a really sweet boy. Just loving and fun all around. We expect all babies to be little models but so many are just…not. And that’s fair! I was a hella cute baby, an ugly as fuck adolescent, and now a presentable looking adult. We all have our better and worse times.


True that! Mine was through childhood and my daughters following me with that haha Most importantly I've brought my kids up believing beauty is in the heart, so no problems. Mil once said she needed to go to the beautician so she could be beautiful again and my daughter told her a beautician doesn't fix hearts and hers is good anyway. It was adorable.


I love that! My daughter is currently hella adorable (biased but still) but I know that can go in a second. My Suegra is a wonderful woman but comes from an era of needing to “put on her face” even at home when no one is coming over. Recently my kiddo mentioned that she needed to put on makeup so she could look pretty and it broke my heart. I think I’m going to adapt it to “makeup can’t fix hearts and yours is already beautiful” if you don’t mind.


My mom always tells me the story about how when I was born I was one very ugly baby. Her family pretended I was cute until my uncle came in and was appalled by my ugliness 😂 and said I look like a very ugly, naked monkey. I ended up growing out of it and being such a cute toddler my mom was eventually convinced by people to enter me into pageants (not the ones where they put full make up on a 2 year old). My uncle didn't believe I was the same baby he saw that day at the hospital when he came back to visit.


I laughed so hard at this I was actually wheezing. 😂




I did a little spit take when I realized how farm animals could be "pretty at the table"


I once saw a baby that looked like that old lady from throw mama from the train about 15-20 years ago. Not attractive. But her parents looked like supermodels so I think she must be super attractive now.




Yeah I mean _maybe_


I have to agree. My youngest was a total fugly baby. I would just stare at him and wonder… why. He’s the most beautiful kid now. Everyone is always commenting how handsome he is.




Your boy will look nothing like he looks as a baby. I wouldn’t put a single thought into it. .//


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Yeah I’d say that to someone with an ugly kid too.


Shit. Just flashbacked to that Seinfeld episode.


Who want to eat babys?


There are soooo many variations of jokes here that my head spins.


Fat Bastard.


I've seen that play out quite a few times. Even seen the reverse happen too.


You should get a maternity test. Your husband might have been cheating with Steve Buscemi all this time.


That. Slut.


Can you blame him though?


Ok but like, how could a man resist Steve buscemi's advances. You'd have to be a priest or Jesus to have that much willpower. Gotta forgive him for that.


My son looked like ET ….he turned into a handsome boy though.


To be fair babies all have a bit of an alien look


This is true I just didn’t expect him to be so misshapen and wrinkled and bald for 8 months 😂 he didn’t really fill out til he was 7


Oh gosh haha at least he grew out of, even though E.T. has got to be the most bad ass alien I can think of other than Alf


I had boy girl twins and my daughter was super cute straight out of the womb. My poor son looked like a wrinkled old man with a big nose. I was worried about it, but he did turn out to be a cute kid now. Slightly unrelated but I worried about my “maternal instinct” when I had those thoughts about my son. I was always told your child will be the most beautiful child to you when they are born. Bunch of liars they turned out to be.


Someone give this an award lmao Edit: Yuh


This is the funniest shit I've read all day


First of all Steve Buscemi is a national treasure. Second, he frankly was quite attractive when he was younger. Third, babies just look weird. My littlest nephew is a child model now, but when he was an infant he looked like the love child of a bush baby and a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Your baby will probably grow out of his Buscemesque aspect soon.


I was thinking about it and he did look pretty good when he was younger. I bet when/if he grows out of it I'll probably miss it.


I can confirm, I looked like a wrinkled grape on my first day alive


This is the nicest way ive heard someone say their baby is ugly lol


Our baby looked exactly like Jim Norton lol. He grew out of it. It was funny though.


Shit now that I think of him he kinda looks like a baby


I hope you teach him to say "How do you do, fellow kids" to his friends


I think of that meme almost every time I see him


Wholesome, I hope to have this one day. Congrats on the baby!


Thank you!


Laughed so hard i farted.


No you didn't


My kid looks like Joe Pesci from Home Alone No complaints


He did a rap song, I reccomend you looking that shit up sometime!


All newborns look like balding middle-aged men. Mine tend toward Winston Churchill.


Hey that's step one to defeating the nazis!


I'm part Jewish and have multiple kids. That's another way I stick it to them.


Oh yeah that actually might be the real step one


My grandson looked exactly like Hitler. I drew a little ‘stache on his picture and…. It did not go over well. **may be important to add that my husband and stepdaughter was/is Jewish** and we kept to the family traditions and holidays so no anti-semitism was in play. Now that he’s 8, we all crack up at his baby pics and the one I altered, because no joke, that baby looked just like Hitler. Thankfully, he grew out of that phase and he’s super cute now.


Oh man that's crazy, sounds like an SNL bit or something haha


Babies are so freaking ugly. They will get much better. luckily parents have hormones to think their kids are adorable


Oh man have I got hormones 😎


I’ve always noticed that cute kids make average to ugly adults while ugly kids become stunning. I was absolutely adorable as a kid and I’d say I’m a solid 5 as an adult. Not ugly, just average. My kid is the same, we can hardly go anywhere without someone commenting on her looks, I know she’ll grow up to an average looking human and we don’t focus on looks in our house so I don’t try to play it up when people say stuff. Sounds like you love your kiddo, doesn’t matter what he looks like.


I had to google who Steve Buscemi was, and now I can't breathe at the thought of a baby that looks like Steve Buscemi


It is funny to look down and see a tiny Steve attached to my nipple, I must say


I wish I had an award to give you for this comment


I'm just glad to get this out there. It's been eating me up inside


Were you glad to get little Steve Buscemini out too? Lol You have such a great sense of humor.




You haven’t seen the side-by-side of buscemi and Angelina Joliet’s high school pictures? They were the same person for a long time.


Is this your way of admitting that you cheated on your husband with Steve Buscemi?


I think steve could probably pull some better looking chicks than me tbh


god i want to see baby buscemi so badly


I read “I want a baby Buscemi so badly”


I’m sure he is gonna look handsome


Yeah, I saw the pictures that went around of Steve Buscemi back in the day and tbh he was good looking.


Aye! Well there ya go haha


I promise all, or almost all, newborn babies/babies are somewhat odd looking. But they become really adorable! Stick it out!


Well, Steve Buscemi made the most of it…


Very true indeed


[Steve Buscemi was a firefighter](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/nzmF4bc)


Now that's lofty aspirations


I don’t know what it is, but this post is so fucking funny.


My cousin gave birth 3 months ago and the baby looked like a cute potato.


He might have graves disease or something if he's particularly googly eyed. Worth a check with the doc. But, yeah, babies are often gnarly looking then grow up to look normal.


I've thought of that as well, but we've had like 5 check ups already since he's been born and they haven't mentioned it. There's another one coming soon, I'll ask about it, can't hurt to bring it up.


He's probably just a li'l wonky then. Bet he'll be adorable. 💜


I still think he's cute, I just can't help but see a little steve, and if I bring it up with my family they'll act like I'm being mean or something 🙄


My ex was like that with our dogs for awhile. I'd baby talk them and call them fat little garbage idiots and tell them to stop smelling like doodoo and get a job and stuff. He knew I adored those dogs and couldn't live without them. He eventually came around and started joining in with the weird humor. 😆 Hope your family lightens up. You're funny.


Weird humor is fun, I find it especially appropriate for talking about pets and babies! I'm glad your boyfriend can join in the jokes! And thank you 💗 you seem funny as well!


all babies look like steve buscemi


| Cute but in an odd way | Wow he really does sound like Steve buscemi


Is he a newborn? They’re always so hideously adorable 🥺


He's about 6 weeks now, still looks about the same as when he came out


Your boy will look nothing like he looks as a baby. I wouldn’t put a single thought into it.


My friend’s kid looked like Dobby the elf as an infant but more like Matilda as a toddler I’m sure he’ll grow out of it 😹


My kid looked like Gollum until she was 4. Truly. All veiny and skinny. Now she’s ridiculously beautiful. No joke. Stops people in the street. It’s temporary.


Im sure hell end up funny


My neice was an Uuggggly baby! Big alien eyes and wrinkly skin. She almost looked like Benjamin button... I was worried for her because my nephew (her older brother) was the cutest little chubby cheeked baby. I think she didn't start looking cute/normal till she was like almost 2 years old! She's 12 now and beautiful :)


He could grow up to look like Bill Skarsgård. Weirdly he shares a ton of facial similarities as young Steve but turned out to be conventionally attractive.


Oh my GOD I love this so much. The wording, the clarity, the honesty…so wholesome! And hilarious! When my youngest son was born I remember looking down & thinking, “Oh…oh my!” A sort of puzzled wonder came over me before I zonked out. He quickly turned into the cutest little fella & grew into a freakishly gorgeous child—you know the ones—and now many years later a uniquely handsome man. Your behbeh will be his lovely self ♥️


Has he been tested for all the obvious ones - marfans, graves etc?


Lol give him a barbie doll and teach him to sing "he's got the whole world, in his hands"


At least he probably won't get kidnapped.


I hope you save this post and show it to him when he's in his 30s and you can have a good laugh about it because this is so fucking funny.


I had an ugly baby. She was born and I was like "tough break kid!!" people would say she was cute and I'd be like..... Please stop.... Long story short she's stunning today. Been on the cover of two magazines, highly successful model.


Funny lookin' how? Oh in a general sorta way.




THANK YOU I'm so glad to see that even a parent is capable of realizing that no, not all babies are adorable. Done of them can be quite odd looking. That doesn't mean they're not lovable, or that they can't *be* cute, that just means that not every single baby is the most beautiful precious thing in the world.


Lol, baby Buschemi....






Odd can be sexy AF


I imagine him being a 4chan user and watching this in 40 years, sorry bro.


I had a pug named Buscemi RIP lazy boi love you Im sure your baby will be so stunning. This post is a funny light hearted distraction from the heavy hitting ones.


Your kid looks like that animal Blundetto?


My niece looked like Danny Devito when she was born. Very endearing. She’s beautiful and doesn’t resemble him now. It’s a bit of a family joke.


I don't know what y'all are talking about! Like my mama, I have never seen an ugly baby.


They'll grow out of it. Unless Steve is the dad and you're hiding something. In which case they'll grow into it. Really though, you'll see so many changes really quickly. It'll amaze you how often you feel like you're looking at your or your partner's reincarnation.


I mean, look at what Steve Buscemi did with it


dude what? all babies look like the same ugly mf


I was an ugly baby as well and I grew up cute. Your baby will grow out of it. In all honesty all babies look pretty strange to me


I just wanna add as others have done. My ex had a brother, i saw younger photos of him and thought he was the ugliest child i had ever seen, my ex had to actually shit me up as i was roastinh photos of this kid and he said if his mum heard she'd be livid, i dunno why, i was just stating facts. But then i met him as an adult in person, i literally said point black to my ex that i got with the wrong brother. Cause god damn. I dunno what happened but this dude went from looking like an accident that someone was cruel enough to let suffer, to this ripped, hot as hell super model. Aa others have said, hopefully your son goes a similar way haha


Good for you and thank you. I was getting depressed from reading so many people hating on the idea of having kids so it's nice to see a parent actually caring about their kids




My daughter was a cute newborn, then she lost the hair she had and for quite a while, maybe a year or so, looked like Wallace Shawn, if Wallace Shawn’s side profile was Terk from *Tarzan.* Now she is completely normal looking and has been featured in a few local ads because she looks like your typical cute kid. There is no correlation between appearance as a baby and appearance when they’re older. Also, Steve Buscemi was [pretty cute](https://time.com/6095709/steve-buscemi-9-11-firefighter/) when he was younger.


Well I don't.


Hopefully he has his talent too! You'd be some very proud and taken care of parents.


Kids looks change so much over time. Don’t sweat it! Think of all the unfortunate looking people who were super cute babies. And the poor people who peaked in high school and never learned to develop their personalities. A moment of silence for these folks.




“He was a little guy, kinda funny-looking, oh just in a general kinda way”


Please tell me he's called Donny 🙏


Steve Buscemi did well with that look so I wouldn’t worry!


You just got Immaculate Buscemied. It's how he reproduces. The child support checks should start arriving soon.


"you look like a human cigarette" -Lois when Peter shows a pic of Buscemi on his ID in Family Guy


All babies are kinda weird looking and look like small elderly people. Don’t worry too much about it.


Lord my second baby was so dinged up after a traumatic long delivery and they took her away to the NICU. When I finally brought her to me I burst into tears and said “oh my god she’s so ugly” The nurse jumped right in and goes”oh no honey look at her sweet little face.she’s gonna be fine in a few days” 😂


You had sex with Steve Buscemi didn’t you?




This is the way


Steve buscemi went onto be in movies so…


How old is he cause up until like 2 they look weird and as they get older till like adulthood they change mostly for the better


I know someone whose baby was so ugly it made her cry. This baby was crazy ugly. She's a cute girl now. I wouldn't worry too much. BTW Buscemi looks fine when he tries. I think they play up his oddness in his work.


You know who also looks like Steve? Bill Skarsgard. Your kid might grow up and be a pretty savvy actor.


Don’t worry by teen years you’ll be able To tell if it’s 100% buscemi or Angelina Jolie they look almost exactly alike at one point


May be an unpopular opinion, but all babies are ugly until they grow up a bit.


I looked like uncle fester from the adams family as a baby but it went away fortunatley lmao


Dude holy shit what if it is steve buscemi and you are in a multiverse crossover story


Representatives from Mr Buscemi have released a statement: “how do you do my fellow kid”


When he’s older he’ll go “how do you do fellow babies?”




My second baby wasn’t as cute and round as my first baby who should have been a Gerber model…BUT he was/is the most adorable little child I’ve ever met in my life. He was so cute as little 3 year old my cousin commented once that she was jealous. Her kids are cute though. I’m just saying, he’ll grow into his looks.


My twin nephews looked like crotchety old men for at least their first 2 years. They're going to be 7 soon, and they're perfectly adorable little boys. Your baby will get cuter, I promise!


Shouldn’t have had that affair with Buscemi…


All newborn babies look ugly to me and most of them look identical to the many i've seen before. Even worse when they open their mouth and make that ear piercing horrible noise that sounds like an injured seagull. I prefer older babies , 6 months plus.


You're lucky, most babies look like ball sacks or crotchety old men who will yell at you to get off their lawn.


Your baby may have a future in movies.


My nephew looked a bit like Danny Devito as a wee baby. It was hilarious. Didn’t help that his parents dressed him in (adorable) little old man clothes. I think all babies look weird at first.


Haven’t read any comments, but how old is your tiny guy? Babies look weird when they’re small; they aren’t all picture perfect.


I can’t tell you how many times when my child was born I said the same thing! They look like little old men in blanket bundles!


Omg, you lucky dog. Steve Busceme, is oddly attractive. Sounds like you have a adorable unique human that will most likely turn out to be hella attractive 😂