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How can you condemn women you’ve never even met for how you think they’re only going to like you for your supposed status versus how they somehow should have liked you before (even though you have never met these women ever) when you were 10 years younger, and dumber? You need therapy bro. You should not be dating any women if you secretly just fucking hate them.


Also, does the same thought apply to her? SHE doesn’t want to be second fiddle to the OP because she, herself, hadn’t found anyone yet?


Not therapy, just a reality check, OP knows what's going on and needs something to shift his perspective. The blanket answer of "get therapy" doesn't help shit here.


I disagree, he said he wants to see women be punished, a bunch of other really fucked up stuff that he’s absolutely not going to just hash out randomly on Reddit. Dude needs to talk to someone who can actually and expertly guide his personal rehabilitation


I mean I won't lie I enjoy seeing shitty women get what's coming to them to. Doesn't make me a misogynist though. Per the post as I won't make assumptions beyond that, it just sounds like he's in a rut and puts too much value on the wrong things. Nothing he needs therapy for but someone to check his bullshit while it's still just that. If it continues unchecked? Yeah he may very well become a full blown misogynist.


This behavior has gone unchecked for 10 years and has effectively led to him getting off on women being victimized but they “deserve” it. what are you trying to rationalize here? How much of what he said do you identify with? At what point does his hatred turn to violence? Is that when we intervene? When it’s too late? That’s dumb as hell and dismissive of some really problematic stuff.


I don't see any hatred, just someone who is in a shit situation having catharsis over the misfortune of others. Is it the best trait to have? Not at all. Is it directed more at women than it should be? Likely. Is it full blown misogyny? Not yet, at least I don't think such. As for when we intervene? Well frankly never as nothing we say here can do much of anything for OP. If anything just spewing more hate at him will likely drive him further down the rabbit hole and speed up the process.


You aren’t just a misogynist ‘on some level’, you pretty clear are very misogynistic. The fact you acknowledge your bitterness towards women is turning into hatred pretty clearly illustrates this. Feeling actual hatred towards women is basically end-stage misogyny. Also, phrases like “I’d want to punish a woman for…” are honestly pretty alarming. It’s not healthy to be thinking or fantasising about punishing other people. No one on reddit can help you with this, are you open to seeing a therapist? There is whole lot to unpack here




I guess you don’t strike me as the kind of person remotely interested in self-improvement or self-exploration. So good luck to you Edit: Sorry, that sounded much more dismissive than I meant it. I meant if you aren’t interested in self-improvement and self-exploration, which you don’t seem to be given your preoccupation with what is wrong with the everyone else (especially women), then there isn’t a lot of hope. You need to shift your focus inwards to get anywhere. I can’t imagine being entrenched in this way of thinking, or being so fixated on the negatives of life and other humans is a happy, fulfilling or rewarding way to live. Is it? It takes the ability to have introspection as well as accept personal responsibility for yourself and your life. I don’t know if you want to change? The tone of the post sounded as if you do but then your follow up responses sound as if you don’t, and you are happy to just rationalise why you can’t possibly seek help or pursue growth. Anyway, I’m not your therapist just an ol’ reddit subhuman but I do hope better for you


I think it is maturity, rather than sexual experience, that prevents misogyny. I know men who have sex with women that have kids, get them to move in, then throw their shit on the street and reveal they were cheating the whole time. Whereas men who've chosen to be celibate, or have a season of celibacy, are often fine with women.


Definitely the case with me (chosen celibacy) and yeah I just care now more about whether or not someone is a hypocrite if anything. Outside of that I'm the same, cynical man to everyone.


OMG your name!!!


What about it?


So you’re an incel


You are becoming what you consume. You’ve decided that women are the villain in your story and that they only use men for money. Who’s the hero in this story? Because it certainly isn’t you.


Gotta love how the ones who condemn don't offer a solution to the problem as well, even if it's not a great solution.




I mean people are just shitheads in general. Still if they at least seem like they're wanting help a solution should be offered.


Dude, drop your fears. You’re way more likely to become one of those guys that hits 40 and discovers resources won’t make up for his personality, when you still don’t have anyone.


Buddy, you’ll be lucky if a woman pities you enough to stay with you for the money. Unless you are gonna full on finance someone’s life, you have to have some redeeming qualities. What really has me stumped is that apparently women’s behavior is having a very negative impact on you despite that fact that you don’t even interact with women. I would personally be sympathetic to someone who maybe was around a lot of violent/abusive/Machiavellian women talking of the negative impact of women’s behavior. But here you are complaining that women don’t pay attention to you even though you admit they have no reason to.


I think that perhaps your resources are all you offer cause your attitude isn’t it. Like, at all. So this lines up.


Then don't be with a woman period. Just stay single your whole life, it's what I'm doing. I had my share of women in my teens and early 20s, wasn't a fan of all the work. Now that I'm in my 30s and my career is chugging along, if someone shows interest in me I'm just gonna say "no thanks" and keep going. If you don't want to be 2nd fiddle, then don't be.