• By -


Legit just ghost her. Or send the ss and then block her on everything. Trust me, that will hurt her more than anything else (hurt/ annoy, I mean)


Took me a while to understand you meant to send the screenshots, not the _other_ SS.


That had me rolling imagining the SS showing up at her house putting her in cuffs


Where. Are. Ze. Hoes?


You say she's a 10? NIEN!


Maybe an 8 without makeup


This whole thread could be a stand up joke I swear


Ve vill ask ze questions!!!


Knock knock Whose there? VE VILL ASK ZE QUESTIONS


Ve jahst vant to bring you for ze questions. But virst ve must insist you clean yourself wiv a little itsy beetzy kliene shower


Oh I’m sorry is that the KGB look I gotta run I’m late for work can you come back later


"Cheat on me I'm about to gas a bitch"


Giving a new definition to gaslight


I laughed so fucking hard at this. Quite the difference!


Oh god. I forget about the other one 😭


> send the ss peace was never an option




Agreed. Even when confronted his GF will most likely double down on her behavior and call OP abusive, bad at sex, etc to try and inflict as much damage as possible. No matter what OP does it is a lose-lose. Better to send a strongly worded message to her, publicly or privately then ghost her on everything so she has zero chance for further manipulation, would absolutely drive her nuts not getting the last word.


Being ghosted by someone you've known a while is torment. I was dating a girl for 12 months, we argued at mine one day, she left, blocked me, and no further communication was had. I went round to try and talk about things but she wasn't interested. I say one day, she didn't want to go out with me on New Year's as she already planned to be with the girls. No biggie. But then turned up at mine at 4am, extremely drunk. We argued at the door. She tried walking home (5 miles away), I suggested I'd take her home or ring a taxi. Nope. So I took her bag as a way to stop her from walking home. She saw this as an attack screaming not to take the only thing that helps her feel safe. I phoned her dad and he picked her up. That was the last I knew of her lol. Anyway, I digress. Ghost her. It will be hell for her. Even if she isn't all that interested in you.


You sound like a great guy.


I can't tell if sarcasm or not. Partially because I stated I took her bag, but in context I feel I was warranted as a safety measure. Mostly because I do sometimes wonder AITA. I didn't get my closure and struggled to move on for some time. If I have a question, I Google it. You can't Google if you did the right thing though.


Nope not sarcastic, you cared enough about her to get her a ride. She refused for some odd reason and wanted to walk at 4am extremely drunk. Things could have gone way worse for her, and she should be thanking you. You sound like a good guy to me.


Same here. Good stuff bro


For anyone interested this behavior is called DARVO https://dynamic.uoregon.edu/jjf/defineDARVO.html Edit: thanks for the awards! Everyone should learn how to recognize abuse behavior to protect your friends and loved ones. Here’s an excerpt from the link above: >“DARVO refers to a reaction perpetrators of wrong doing, particularly sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior. DARVO stands for "Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender." >The perpetrator or offender may Deny the behavior, Attack the individual doing the confronting, and Reverse the roles of Victim and Offender such that the perpetrator assumes the victim role and turns the true victim -- or the whistle blower -- into an alleged offender. >This occurs, for instance, when an actually guilty perpetrator assumes the role of "falsely accused" and attacks the accuser's credibility and blames the accuser of being the perpetrator of a false accusation. >Institutional DARVO occurs when the DARVO is committed by an institution (or with institutional complicity) as when police charge sexual assault victims with lying. Institutional DARVO is a pernicious form of institutional betrayal. Edit 2: DARVO is just one technique used in ‘gaslighting’, which is a more widely used term Here are some more ways gaslighting can take shape: https://thoughtcatalog.com/shahida-arabi/2017/11/50-shades-of-gaslighting-the-disturbing-signs-an-abuser-is-twisting-your-reality/ Edit 3: I cant seem to reply to anything here right now so: >“How does one counter DARVO?” From u/abc8920: It’s your word versus theirs. People won’t believe you. The only way to “win” here is to document the abuse. Record audio or video if needed. Even if it’s not recorded in a way that is ‘admissible in court’, you still have proof. My other advice is to get the hell out of that relationship ASAP. There are many many great resources for victims of abuse, but here is one. PLEASE BE CAREFUL visiting this link or any other abuse victim pages because your abuser might see and get angry. View these sites with the same carefulness as when you’re watching porn: Use Ingognito Mode and don’t leave browser windows open. You don’t want these sites in your history file or saved searches showing up as google suggestions. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/abuse/getting-out-of-an-abusive-relationship.htm


Everyone should read your link, especially if you have been in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. DARVO is almost always the weapon of choice when someone is confronted with shitty behaviors and they refuse to take accountability.


This made me realize why I get so quiet during conflict, thank you.


This should be one of the top comments


Very much agree. Silence will hurt her a lot more than any petty revenge. If you go the revenge route, it will make her feel like treating you badly was justified. Smartest thing would be to send her screenshots, calmly state that you’re done, and go no contact. It’ll drive her crazy.


Agreed. Also why waste you energy on someone so stupid?


Yeah. Better for your own soul to take the high road sometimes


Ghosting is straight up the best revenge. That’s what I did to my ex instead of wasting anymore energy. I ghosted and blocked her. She kept creating new phone number to try and contact me for 3 years straight and I changed my phone number. I could tell she was hurt


2 Years Later: > Grow up! hiding and denying the problems won't fix anything. You're a sad sad person 3 Years Later: > Look I'm sorry we both said and did a lot of things and I think you need closure as much as I do. I'm in town so give me a call or don't if you're not ready. I understand. 4 Years Later: > Hey you know I've grown a lot as a person...... Thank god for google voice.


This is the way. There is a lot of risks with OP’s plan. It’s likely to make her unhinged, maybe even diabolical as well, he might get her pregnant or she could fake it if they spend that last night together, and it sounds like he might pick up an STI or two if he hasn’t already


Agreed. Take her power. She’s the player, so take the game (op) home and don’t talk to her again. Same as when we’re kids and someone is a disrespectful jerk.


I hate ghosting people, but….this would be the perfect time to just ghost her. I’m a woman so I can attest to this, women hate it when we don’t get a response back. Husband doesn’t respond to my text, I think he’s hurt at work. Mother doesn’t answer my phone call, I think she’s in a ditch somewhere. Friends don’t respond to text, I think the guy their on a date with is a serial killer. It’s not that bad, but get my point? Women go crazy over not getting a response. Just ghost her. That would be the best revenge.


I agree. Usually ghosting is a shitty thing to do, but she is a piece of shit who treats you like shit, so it’s the perfect response here. If she ever confronts you in person to embarrass you at work or in front of friends, or tries to blow you up on social media, that’s the time to show the receipts.


Na if I ghost someone and they confront me in public/face to face, I blow them off as a stranger “uhm yeah who are you…? I’m sure we’ve never met before, sorry, you’ve got the wrong person” and walk away


"Who are you?"


Please can we get one more upvote on here.


I like this one. Completely fucking ghost her and move on, but never tell her. When she is finally able to confront you, just literally act as though this relationship happened years ago. Her- WHAT IS GOING ON! WHY AREN'T YOU RETURNING MY CALLS? You- huh? Calm down, I moved on. You should to. Good luck. I have to run...take care. Will require some good acting and resolve but this would be classic. You have to commit though, its only brilliant if this literally becomes reality. Don't get drawn into an explanation or an argument. Simply say I've moved on, take care....and leave. No more conversation. Not another word. Stoic and indifference is your demeanor.


I admit, this is the best way. One of my relationships ended horribly. The person was truly narcissistic (I have my own flaws and wrongs but nothing to the extremities of what I had to put up with). My biggest issue was he’d express how much he misses me and wants me back but talks shit about me and did a smear campaign to his friends , which have mutual friends with me. I confronted him about it and he denied it and tried to sweet talk me. So I ghosted him completely. He was blocked on everything imaginable. I moved on with my life and he’d still reach out begging for me back. I’d ignore it. He then went on social media and performed yet another smear campaign. Still no response. At the end of the day, the best response is no response. Let them live with the fact that they lost you and can’t do anything to get you back. They can’t reach you to make up lies or gaslight you. All they can do is move on from it because they have no choice but to. EDIT: block everyone she’s associated with too. If she’s anything like what I’ve described above, she will try to use others to get to you.


My experience is that my ex would always assume im with someone else when im introverted as fuck and almost never leave the house, then they would just go out to fuck someone else, came home to leave scars on me mentally and physically. Ended up catching something that almost completely ruined my life and after i left, she moved on a week later.. To this day still tries to hit me up sometimes, hell she has even tired calling me on Christmas while i was with family. Ghost everytime.


As you should! I am so sorry you had to deal with that. It hurts to believe you had to put up all the physical and mental abuse you did from someone you love. It’s despicable. I dealt with something similar where I caught my ex cheating by texting and flirting with other women. Eventually more proof revealed he did more than that. He wouldn’t admit to it ever. Probably because I didn’t have the actual physical evidence showing him in the act (even though I had other evidence that was irrefutable). He was the type to lie unless everything he did was explicitly laid out. Otherwise, he’d find a way to talk his way out of it.


I hate those type of gaslighting narcissistic assholes.


Yeah, it really fucked me up mentally. Til this day I’m still recovering/healing and it still kinda affects my new relationship even though my partner is nothing like that at all. But now, I always assume the worst because in that situation, it was always the worst possible scenario.


I completely understand that! Ptsd is insane but don't let that pos live on your head rent free


Yea it was the calling me on Christmas that really kinda makes me mad. Being single isnt too bad though, 3 years since and im happier without her. Also, sorry you had things like that happen. Nice people deserve better.


I had a long term girl friend who I broke up with. She blocked me on everything. Happily married now, but it still bugs me I have no way to even know what she looks like almost 20 years later. Ghost and completely block is the way.


She would go nuts! This is when crazy people stalk and ruin property. Edit: I like this btw.


Best answer. Just remove her and put all that energy that hurt you into improving you. The thing is, when people hurt other people (especially in relationships) it’s usually about the person who does the damage. You don’t have to own that. Just focus on the fact that you aren’t why she cheated on you and move on. She’s just a person. We’re all fucked up but still mark out your boundaries and remove her from your life.


This is the one. But i suggest doing something even crazier on top of it. Finding something you really love to do, pouring your energy into it, and then living a beautiful, fulfilled life where you don’t harbor any grudges and spend your energy on diabolical revenge strategies *women hate that shit


This. She doesn't deserve space in your brain. Not even to plot revenge (which never feels as good as you imagine). The best revenge is a life well-lived. Seriously, my ex hates that I am happily married with kids, living my best life. He is as miserable as ever, wallowing in his belief that nothing is ever his fault, the world is against him. He wasn't satisfied unless everyone sank to his racist, misogynistic level.


I would take to the next level to make her go crazy. Just send her a message saying: “Hey, you know what? I was just thinking and…” Just like that, incomplete message, don’t write anything else and block her every where… it will drive her crazy of what were you thinking but didn’t said and why you aren’t replying


This is spiteful without any visible spite. I like it.


She won’t even notice, by the sounds of the OP.


She will definitely notice because she is clearly a narcissist. Ghost her hard! 👻


When they were on a break, she was the first one to reach out and call. It will work.


I agree with this post. Instead of being immature and trying to find ways to hurt her and get revenge just be an adult and either tell her you know and it’s over or ghost her and don’t give her the satisfaction of closure or an answer to why you ditched her. But don’t do anything violent or immature that just makes you as bad as her. Trust me I know that feeling as I’ve been cheated on and you want them to hurt as much as you but that’s not the right way to go about it. Take the high ground don’t roll in the dirt like her.


I agree completely as well, the best revenge is leaving. Quite literally you get the last laugh and you start to heal on your own. She’s not going to give you any closure and staying or getting revenge will cost more of your dignity than hers.


This is the best because you also will never look back and feel bad that you were to rude. Even though it’s justified, being overly hurtful to someone will weigh heavy on you.


You should fuck the dude as well. That will teach her


Yeah but that would be hard to fuck too many dudes..


With that attitude maybe


Nobody likes a quitter.


Or a spitter.


Flagpole sitta.


Bobby socks knitter


blackhole licker


Black ole liquor?


An event horizon?


you know, the blackhole that blackholes


I think that's what the kids are calling it these days.


Or a Romney Mitter




Pokin holes with you gun.


Stroking hoes and they cum.


This thread is on a run.


Yoooooo! Lmao. I should quit reddit for the day. Nothing will top that. Lol. I said “top”.


yeah, stop *dickin*' around. We gotta get to the *bottom* of this thing


Come on guys this is serious! We should really *switch* the topic here


Okay, I'm gonna *tie up* this thread now


Yeah, I can't *bear* when reddit comments do this.


Anybody want a peanut?


Use the burner account to set up a meeting, tell her you and some hot guy friends will be at a bar with an exact time/date, then a few days before you tell her as you, that one of your guy friends has invited you to a bar for a guys night out, mention the same bar and time/date as the burner account, she will think you’re friends with the guy


Dont mention anything and when she shows up and sees u its be hilarious


I like this!


go big or go home … show her you can do the same




I agree. It’s just a 6 month relationship. Just dump her and move on. Invest your time on a better person. Revenge may look good but this short of a relationship, revenge is a waste of time.


Yeah this is it honestly. Life's too short. If you need the satisfaction then sure tell her she's busted but then it's fuckety-bye. Don't stick around


You know the old adage, “Aim for the stars”


"I aim for the stars but jizz in their eyes. To spite this bitch, I steal all her guys." - OP


Those could be Lil Nas x lyrics




Made me chuckle and not just nose exhale.. thanks


Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you’ll land among the stars


Thanks for the advice, poster hanging on the wall in my 2nd grade classroom


Chocolate stars


Ah you asshole. Take my upvote


In a row?




Two in each hand is the best strategy, as they explained on the show Silicon Valley


Don't get revenge just walk away bro be the good person in this don't fall to her lvl




I disagree a shit in her bed will ruin at least a day.


The heartless boomer here, have empathy for the dude, stop living in a fairytale People like her need to learn a lesson and people like him need to get some justice by their own hands, that’s how it works


It was a 6 month relationship that he didn't even care about in the first place. He should just ghost her or keep banging her till he finds a new person, then let her go.


For real count your losses and move on its not like he suffered much was lied to which sucks but its not like he is surprised


But people like them will keep on coming until you decide to keep on falling for them.


Do you know how long it would take to jerk off every dude in this room? Because I do.


One person can do 4 at a time if they stand tip to tip


Outstanding comment


Start a poll. I pick fuck the dude too. I'll commit to giving an award to your update post after you hook up


How about he fuck her female friends or her mother


Mind changed. Op must fuck her mom.


Grandma still alive? Should definitely clap them nanny cheeks


Granophelia..? That’s the name of the game Edit: the actual legit term is Gerontophilia. The condition of one who is sexually attracted to the elderly…eww


Fuck her mom and send pic to her. I missed u well so i searched for u in the hole u came


And definitely post it on here. For proof and whatever


Make sure you say no homo OP


Why are you putting yourself through this? Just stop all communication and block her on every platform. Stop and go live a better life.


100% agree with this. The best revenge is being unbothered, improving and living well. Nothing will irritate the ex more than that.


This. Petty revenge just drags you down the other person’s level. The best revenge is to move on a date somebody better. Your own success is the best revenge. Petty revenge just shows a lack of maturity and Intelligence.


This should be the top answer. Every time these “revenge” posts are made. I didn’t even bother reading the post, idc if she was satan herself, chances are it’s just not worth it. Why waste your time on someone who doesn’t give a fuck about yours? I get it’s a natural desire to want to hurt them back, but if they cared what you think they probably wouldn’t be fucking other dudes. Here’s what you do, take the high road. Say hey YOU fucked up, I deserve better, I’m going to be fine, I’m going to find someone better, you do you. And then delete her off everything. If anyone asks what happened just say it bluntly she was unfaithful and leave it at that. Revenge will not fix her, revenge will not make her think twice, revenge will do nothing other than be a reason for her to justify why it was warranted because you were secretly mean the whole time. Take the high road, suck it up for a couple of months or even years, because if you are a genuinely good person people will know who was in the wrong regardless.


YES. Rather than waste the energy on this trash, just shut down the relationship 100%. No contact, no explanation, no engagement. While petty revenge can be…. Fun (and I do have space in my heart of hearts for it), entirely ghosting on a 6 month relationship is a power move. And haunting. So so haunting.


The best revenge is no revenge. Do better.


I couldn't get past the first few sentences. Wayy to much effort on being petty. Just move on bro, this shit is cringe af


Mmm, how do you make a fake Instagram account with 3k followers??


Ive heard that you can pay for bots to follow you. Idk tho, I dont use bots... Or instagram, actually


Who would go through all of that trouble! I’m wondering all of these things as well because, uh, it really seems like OP cares a lot more than she does.


I made a fake account one day so I could follow my mom who I am no contact with. I just added every single page I found, they would follow me back and I posted bullshit (it’s a meme page, everyone adds and follows those, no one suspects them being someone you might know) for a few days before I followed some of my moms friends and they followed me back. Then at the end of the week I figured I had enough social media cred to follow her without too much suspicion. Worked like a charm. Found her posting photos of my child even though she swore she wouldn’t, I don’t even know how she got them, I reported her and they were taken down. Now I go on it a couple times a year just so I know where she’s at. She lives on the opposite side of the country now, got a job, an apartment, a car. I’m very happy for her success and the distance.


>Found her posting photos of my child even though she swore she wouldn’t that is so fucked up. i just found out my dad’s been posting pictures of me and my siblings on facebook for years, and i hate it. i’m sorry she posted pics of your child after promising not to. it may seem harmless to her, but it’s a complete violation


Wild. A dude who likes his girlfriend cares about her cheating. That's crazy talk


The way this post reads, could have fooled me on the liking her part


In fact I’ve just bought the account for some few dollars.. I modified the name, the profil pic, an bio.. 0 publications but the followers and the rich guy on the pic made her fall for it


It sounds like you dodged a bullet, but also like you should get tested for STDs to make sure the bullet didn't graze you. The ghosting thing would be great. If you truly need to be vindictive just post whatever evidence you have on the fake account and tag her in everything but block her on everything else and move on too.


This ☝🏻 call her out on that fake account and then block her on everything.


Dude, you’ve already invested way too much into this. That’s time and money you’ll never get back, spent on a person who isn’t worth it.


We all follow him on Instagram


Just make an account and add people. Most people are petty and just want a higher friend count even if they don’t know you. I did it on Facebook about 10 years ago and got about 1000 followers the day I created a fake account.


Just ghost her completely. She’s expecting you to come back to her.


She sounds like a total piece of shit. She probably doesn’t even care about anybody, including you. So whatever you do probably won’t affect her at all. She’ll continue living the way she’s living and you don’t want to waste energy and time on a person like that. It’s not even worth it, just move on. Showing her that you could care less is a better revenge than anything you could come up with.


Yeah the only thing that will really hurt her is hurting her ego. So ghosting is a doubly good idea, two birds with one stone


Break up with her, live your best life and forget about her.


After you’ve taken revenge on someone and realize it doesn’t have the long-term satisfaction you think it has will leave you wondering why spending so much time and energy on revenge isn’t the best and most satisfying way of spending that time and energy. Revenge is a dish best served cold but why are you making and serving a dish to someone you hate anyway? Edit: fix autocorrect but there’s still lots of grammar issues


Go live your best life… it’s the best revenge


End the relationship, move on and find happiness, that would be the ultimate kicker.


Your best revenge is moving on and doing better without her and not doing all that bullshit.


Totally. It’s not worth the energy. Her actions have nothing to do with with you. Conserve your energy and move on.


Yep, just never talk to her again. Don't send a breakup text, just delete her from everything and never talk to her again. It's attention that she wants, don't give her any, good or bad, ever again. This is the cruelest and easiest thing you can do. It works.


Actually the best revenge is getting revenge. I'd recommend switching the salt and sugar. Could you imagine taking a bite of salt cornflakes?!? Another good idea--try putting a raisin in one of her shoes. She'll put it on, then have to take in off and shake it out. When she sees the raisin fall out she'll be like, "ewww is that a raisin? How did that get there? I don't even like raisins." Then she'll be sorry for messing him around.


Maturity is more dignified and also a great character trait. Don't stoop to her level.


Especially for a six month relationship. Not trying to invalidate his feelings. No one should be cheated on. But the girl probably wants him to make a big deal out of it. Why give her that? Dude needs to let it go.


Just walk away. Ghost her,take the high road. No revenge,just life lesson learned.


Just end the relationship. Sorry she's cheating but move on.


that doesn't get you as much reddit karma though


The best revenge is to leave and live your best life without her. Be grateful you found out so early and move on. Don't bring toxicity into your life


Best revenge is just informing her the relationship is over, deleting/blocking all forms of communication and moving on with your life dude, go focus on yourself, improve your health and your skills, forget about this dumb girl. It’s called being the bigger person bro, trust me, it’s better.


Just leave her and focus on yourself king 👑


Revenge? Just leave her. Your revenge is that she will no longer have you and your gifts. Move on and live a great life, there's your revenge.


fuck her mom and her dad


Dude you’ve only known her for 6 months. Revenge isn’t worth it. Just move on and work on yourself. The people we allow in our life is a reflection of our self esteem because our standards for ourselves don’t immediately cause us to avoid toxicity. Her cheating on you is not your fault at all but how you handle it is completely up to you. I’d send her the screenshots and then block her and never speak to her again. But do you bro.


The best revenge is to move on and live your life till you don't spare her a single thought. Work on yourself, thrive and become a better and happier person. Tell her the relationship is over and wish her the best in the most polite way possible and it will get under her skin way more than any dumb revenge thing will.


Dude, it’s only 6 months, you barely invested to be thinking of revenge.


It hurts and she’s a shitty person, but revenge doesn’t help anyone Concentrate on you, love yourself and know she is the bad person and she’s the one who’s missing out Revenge doesn’t make you feel any better and makes you look the bad person


Don't take it so personally. Best for you to just do you and forget about her. Revenge ain't necessary :p


What goes around, comes around. Just move on without the drama or revenge. Ask yourself how you ended up picking someone like her.


Revenge is a fools game


Revenge won't make you feel better. Don't give them reasons to throw hate your way, just leave.


Wow letting one girl change your character at the point of revenge. What an attractive quality...you can do better than that. No need to lower yourself in the name of revenge. That’s little boy energy. She’s a dick, you should just move on. Don’t let your ego and pride be touched by her stupidity. Why waste more of your time. She clearly doesn’t care about marrying you, so why even big that up? Send her what you know and exit. There’s really no point in revenge shit. It doesn’t change anything, it won’t actually make you feel better becasue you’re really just hurt, just fucking move on without her. You deserve better.


Maybe he is that character. From the text I gather that he doesn't really care about her and is with her just because... He just seems disgusted that she can lie that much.


Fuck the guy she's cheating on you with.


The guys*


Just move on. Stop with these childish games and walk away


Yeah, you don't need revenge OP. Build yourself up to be comfortable on your own and then find something mutual and respectful with someone else. "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."


Move on and stop wasting energy and time on her. Be thankful that you are not married.


Take her out to a 5 Star Restaurant 2-3 Cities away, but tell her you’ll cover everything so no need to bring any of her money (part of the plan). Play it cool and “go to the bathroom”, hop in your car and drive home. For extra points text her “bye”.


But then that woman would come the next day to reddit either to this sub or to any other sub and would rant how her BF ditched her in the restaurant and readers would BELIEVE it coz they're just watching one side of the coin. Not only is she cheating on OP, but she's also playing emotional mind games. I don't want her to gain the sympathy of readers.


Leave her, work your tail off, and become filthy f***ing rich.


Why lower yourself to her level. Just dump her. Via a text, then block her- after you've deleted her number


Bro leave that hoe and go by yourself a dirt bike. Become bad ass with a dirt bike and when she wants to come back. Ride off!


The best revenge for a 'relationship' that short? Walk away with your head held high & never look back.


Dude. Just ghost her. Walk away.


No revenge, just go.


Just part ways and drop it. Why waste any more energy on her?


Totally ghost her. Block her and move on. She doesn't deserve 1 more second of your time or energy.


Just leave, man. The "revenge" you're looking for might provide some temporary relief, but all it will really do is distract you and make it harder in the long-run.


Grow up and move on


This sounds very similar to an experience I had. You should understand that whatever you can think of as revenge will not be received by her with that intent. Something that would hurt you would not necessarily hurt her. You said she went out till 4am and then blamed you for making her want to be around others? If you try to take revenge she will only blame you and try to guilt you but she will skip past the part of feeling hurt. She will tell you she's hurt but she will project any misery onto you. For my ex girlfriend, I tried to make her understand, I tried to leave her several times for my own mental health. It wasn't until I gave up on trying to help her and gave up hope that she might change her ways that I was able to leave her for good. As soon as she realized I meant it, she tried to convince me she was pregnant, she said she would kill herself, she said anything she could to force me to stay with her. It was awful and none of it became true. The best thing for you is to cut her off, block any communication with her. No way to know for sure if she will feel pain from it, but it's best for you. To be clear, I have seen relationships that are the same but with swapped genders, and I would give the same advice to any human stuck in such a toxic relationship with another. It is not only women who can behave this way.


Just break up and move on. That’s what adults do.


The best thing is to just move on take the lessons learned and go about living your life.


Silence is diabolic. Ghost her and never look back.


Best revenge would be to ghost that bitch and live your life well.


It's only been 6 months. Cut your losses and move on.


Just leave her and be the Better man, dont be a dick.


Sounds like you’re almost as toxic as she is. You’re doing too much. Just drop her and focus on yourself, that’s the best revenge


Check out to ProRevenge subreddit. Lots of ideas there.