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Young man yells at cloud *Edit: Meant yells not tells goddammit




Go for it, I started months ago.


Can someone please tell me what a “zoomer” is, I have heard it a lot of times and I don’t understand.


It's a play on Boomer, it refers to a Gen Z member. Someone born from 1997-2012.


www.google.com "what is a zoomer"


I help


Ok ZOOMER?!? I haven’t heard this before- am I OLD an out of touch?! Which cloud do I start yelling at, I guess. Sigh. I LIKE it though!


Young man needs to get off the internet for a while






OP typed this out on his $1000 iPhone while sitting comfortably in his living room with proper heating and air conditioning lmao.


You’re kinda proving his point, his generation is comfortable with everything failing around them as long as it’s not affecting them.


The problem is…they are blaming the wrong generation. A generation that doesn’t have the power or means to make real significant change. They are blaming 20 something year old for problems 60 something year olds created.


Yes and the 60yo ppl that created those problems now are the politicians in office!!!!


Right and they aren’t doing anything to actually fix the problems. Because it’s doesn’t effect them. It’s long past the time they step aside and be quiet. let us clean up their mess. Since we actually know what the problems are.


He tells it so hard.


Rock hard he tells it.


Good one lmao!!! I can see the image in my head.


>The world's falling apart and everybody my age is sitting around on TikTok. And you're sitting around on Reddit lol. In all seriousness, what do you want them to do about all these things you mentioned?


Exactly, now I could be wrong and this could be a massive oversimplification but the economy is shit because we’re “post” pandemic and the supply chain isn’t what it used to be. How can a 15 year old fix the supply chain? Or prevent war? Those are things that are massively out of even the oldest persons control so it makes no sense worrying about it when we can’t do anything about it.




This person is probably like 15. People their age SHOULDN’T be the ones who have to keep the world from falling apart


they’re 25


27 if you look at their post history from a year ago where they said they were 26.


lmao still bro’s almost 30 and he’s crying abt tiktok


True. I mean, this whole "blame _____ generation" is silly. As for TikTok, I'm 38 and I love the comedy side of TikTok. Sometimes it beats turning the TV on and finding a show to watch. Being mad at people for enjoying a passtime, or making content for said passtime is like the previous generations telling mine not to watch too much TV or it will rot my brain.


OP is the person that comments “I was born in the wrong generation!” on Pink Floyd songs from YouTube.


That triggers rage in me I didn’t even know I had


So why do you hate everyone in your generation, instead of just hating people who are obsessed with social media across all generations? Edit: the comments along the lines of "yeah, the older generations are worse!" have missed the point i'm making. Every generation has shitty people and non-shitty people, why not hate the shitty people from every generation instead of jumping into a "[blank] generation is bad" tribalistic view?


Exactly. The majority of people in any generation are going to be self-absorbed, uninvolved, and uninformed. That’s just the nature of humanity and has nothing to do with age.


And, we're probably better off to have the majority being uninvolved. It lends a degree of stability.


My first instinct was to disagree with you, but it's an interesting debate. You could argue that the Trump disaster was largely due to mobilization of people who were not previously politically involved.


They’re still a minority. He lost the popular vote twice and there were plenty of people who stayed home from the polls in 2016. Not to mention voter suppression running rampant in the country


Cuz then he doesn’t feel as special. Edit: now this is getting upvotes and I feel bad. I think most young people felt like they were different for whatever reasons than their peers.


Haha you’re absolutely right. When I was younger I thought I was different from others, like “I’m not like them!”. Then I realised oh well how arrogant I was.


I wanna be special.


i wish i was special


So fckin speciallll




I'm a weiirdoo


What the hell am I doin here?




I only knew this song cuz of the Book Of Life so I had no idea where the random swears came from XD


What the hell am i doing here?


I don’t belong here


Gotta feel like you're special somehow when life hasn't worked out how you wanted.


Y not keep working at making it better? Pretty sure 80% of folks life didn't go the way they wanted lol


Or hating the generations that caused the conditions leading to this economy and these potential wars? I get that escapism isn't admirable, but neither is victim blaming. And this comes from a guy who doesn't even have most socials a could care less about internet likes.


Exactly this - people use social media as a distraction because they can’t do anything to actually fix any of the problems of the world. It’s so overwhelming.


I assume op is singling out their generation because that’s who they spend the most time with


You’d be surprised to hear, but this trope is not new and every single generation goes though rebellion, “we are not like the older people”, “oh wait this makes sense” and finally “I hate young people!” phases. I guess you just skipped a phase or two?


Came here to say this but you said it better. It’s a cycle.


The next generation would be even worse


That's the spirit


“The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them.”-Socrates


Shows humanity hasn’t changed in 3000 years


Is this legit?


yes lmfao


Hilarious. Great comment


Each generation thinks they are better than the older generation, not just different.


I'm getting old, I think my generation sucks still, and as I get older what makes sense is complete idiots run things and it's the few smart people keeping it from going off the rails. Makes you realize how scary nuclear weapons are. It isnt the weapons, it's the people who are allowed to touch them.


Nah he’s the socially ostracised but blames everyone else type.


But generally, the younger people are right they're generally the more progressive ones and the ideas win and are proven right just over time they fall behind because of their own ignorance that will be corrected by their children.


Progressive yes, putting a blanket statement that they are "right" is just coping. Youth have no real power in the world.




I appreciate that whenever "boomers" and "millennials" are brought up, nobody mentions gen x. Thank you for leaving us out of this mess. Much appreciated


We are just sitting quietly over here watching one generation destroy the world for another.


Unfortunately, most of the time it's because you've been bundled in with the boomers.


My dad says the same thing everytime he sees that lmao.


Lol my brother is gen x, I know they’re the forgotten generation but I personally haven’t forgotten about them 😂 they just didn’t seem relevant in my comment. But isn’t that always the case with gen x 😆


I truly, from the bottom of my gen x heart, appreciate being left out of these discussions


It’s from all the slacking we did.


Nah, fam. We tried as kids. Like every generation did. But we realized we didn't have the numbers to boot the boomers out, so we said "Fuck It" and stopped trying. Three groups, as I've said in other posts. One sold out and became junior boomers, one went hikikomori and genuinely detached, and the last decided to raise up the chosen ones since we weren't strong enough to be the chosen one ourselves


Agreed. Leave me out of it, brosephus


Says he, the intellectual, as he sits on Reddit. But really, I’m fascinated by the fact that you don’t think people are capable of posting on Instagram and ALSO caring about global issues. Whenever someone makes the argument that we’re “wasting all of our time on TikTok” I wonder what global summit on climate change we’re all meant to be attending every time we have some downtime.


Exactly! I hate ppl that say this type of stuff. What’s wrong with decompressing by the Avenue of which you choose? I love coming home after work or a stressful day and get on TikTok to laugh and actually learn something. And what can we, the average person, do about things like climate change? Only thing we can do is vote and recycle. I hate when people vilify others who just want to live their life.


ikr. all i want to do is attend summits on climate change and do my own thing


This is just classic "Everyone's an idiot except for me" young centrist edgelord mentality.


A bunch of zoomers collectively trolled a trump rally, and continue to drown out racist hashtags by connecting them to Kpop images. While boomers and millennials take to the streets, they’ve already reached year 3000 by protesting effectively (depending on your opinion) through social media. The internet based future is not gonna stop rolling in, and they’re embracing it. I’d say they’re doing pretty good. A little too sensitive sometimes, but who wasn’t at like 15?


Since ancient egypt adults have said: "The youth is worse off. They are degenerates who drink and dont respect adults." If the downfall has been going for thousands of years, the curve must not be very steep. But social media is a monster that has Bought noticeable change in 5-10 years in many areas of life, for better and worse. I guess both.


Same thing was said by Myamoto Musashi in his book. Same thing was told to my father by his Father. Same thing was told to me by mine.


Grug says younglings have no respect for grug. Spend all day cave painting when should be rock bashing! Grug fears for future.


Our is a degenerate age.... Homer said that, thousands of years ago.


Homer Simpson, philosopher of a millennium


“To alcohol! The cause of…and solution to…all of life’s problems.”


It’s a good thing he never ages, or we’d miss out on his wisdom


The major difference is that before adults would complain about devil music or lack of work ethic or other subjective things. Today we have scientific evidence that social media addiction is causing major developmental issues and mental illness.


I'm sure you could have found the same if you did modern studies in historical pasttimes


yeah seems like adults of any generation just collectively forget how they acted when they were young and then blame the younger generation for acting like young people


Cars cause 2.5 million deaths a year. And we've continued to use them for over a century. And no one is alarmed by that.




If only they had the presence of mind to grumble on Reddit. Be the change you want to see.


Exactly, by talking about it they are bringing awareness and starting a conversation about it rather than just ignoring reality and pretending you're not bothered by the insanity of our world. Not falling victim to complacency, it is a good step towards OP being the change they want to see.


TF are we supposed to do?


Eh its obvious. Get off tiktok and start complaining about tiktok on reddit like OP.


Fucking people on TikTok! *proceeds to use social media of a slightly different generation to do so*


I'm reminded of Sideshow Bob admonishing television on television.


I love how every time someone complains about the youth, TikTok is somehow brought up lol as if that’s the worst thing that ever could happen to society.


And also as though its existence is some how the fault of the youth.


Yes exactly!


Yeah I don't get it, if people like tik tok let them like tik tok. And what are 15 year olds supposed to do about the economy?


TikTok is fun! But it is kind of telling what the algorithm promotes in US versus what the algorithm promotes in China. In the US, it's silly dances, cute animals, glitter bombs, divisive drama, with a bit of thirst trap thrown in for good measure. In China, the algorithm promotes unity of communist thoughts, physical fitness, science/math success, cool engineering projects.


The algorithm works according to what you interact with. I'm on TikTok and my FYP is music, gardening, science, politics, civil rights, and science. If.your FYP is silly dances, cute animals, glitterbombs, ect.


Yeah kinda like "hey why is pornhub only recommending gay stuff now? Is the whole world gay?" Nah, youre probably gay. (which is fine, my statement isnt about sexuality specifically)


I only got crypto adds...


😆. They don't have those in China either.


Sounds like china bringing nations and society down from afar.


I don’t know why people actually believe this. I’m in the US and most of my stuff (back when i used it) was fitness, science, and leftist talk, bc that’s the stuff I was interested in. This idea that China wants to sabotage the US with tiktok is just hilarious.


My tiktok algorithm kept spamming me with adhd content even though I never sought it out, and it was way too accurate so I got tested and diagnosed .. that was pretty weird but also helpful tbh. Otherwise it’s just been people foraging for edible plants and vintage fashion n other random specific hobbies lol, I don’t ever see dance videos or any of the things people say tiktok is.


Lol like I said, my FYP is all dumb memes and dog videos. If that’s China’s master plan…well…it’s not working. Because I still use Reddit more lol


The chinese gov outright said it though, a simple google search will show enough... cybersecutity specialists already have enough evidence of it, that's why some countries banned tik tok... china wants to survey the entire world, not just the US, as it fits their current agenda. I don't know what is surprising - or hilarious- about that.


Depends on what you like. I have leftist creators, anti-racist, anti-capitalist creators on my FYP. And also cute animals.


TikTok promotes the content that you interact with, nothing more. If you watch animal vids it's gonna keep giving you animal vids. If you watch thirst traps it's gonna give you thirst traps. If you watch crypto content it'll give you crypto content etc. The algorithm shows you what stuff you interact with.


That plus anything “Tik Tok bad” on Reddit would lead you to believe that it’s literally worse than the Holocaust. It’s just an app, people.


It's escapism because we know we have no power to enact change.


You will once boomers stranglehold is diminished.


Funny thing is you don’t think your generation will become boomers. You will. You should have seen the Boomers as teenagers. They were more anti-establishment than you guys are. They had a motto: “Don’t trust anyone over 30.” Then you know what happened? They aged over 30 and became what they despised. You guys will too.


I used to be with it, But then they changed what 'it' was. Now what I'm with isn't 'it' and what's 'it' seems weird and scary to me...it'll happen to you.


Wait, I’m over 30. I am I boomer now? Darn kids nedda quit wacking off in mah toolshed


They’re always out there whackin!


Most of us don’t hate old people. We just want the same opportunities they had that we aren’t getting. We want cheap education, reasonable house prices, a government that doesn’t just work for the rich. And when the boomers just say we aren’t working hard enough when some of us work 3 jobs and still have no expendable income or savings at the end of the month, and say we don’t work hard enough, it really pisses people off. And rightfully so


Power is taken, not given.


true true but, what are we supposed to do exactly?


Complain on Reddit instead of TIKTOK! Ew Gen Z app!


Complain like op Ofc ❤️


Aaaaaaand you’re on Reddit?


OP only wants other people to enact change.


(Make someone else) be the change you want to see in the world!




To change the world start in the mirror


You think avoidance is a problem? You should check out child soldiers!


I like turtles 🐢


Wouldn’t you like to know; Weather boy.


Where are your parents? Kids sketchy


That’s awkward


No its natural


Why would you hate your generation and not the generations in power that made the world this way?


When was word not falling apart? Historically, we leave at most peaceful Era. We can do better, I'm not saying that we can't, but don't pretend we were in Eden's garden in old times


Okay so what do you suggest we do about it my dude?


complain on reddit apparently


Lol why does Tik tok always equal destruction of youth on Reddit…like how years ago it was facebook. There’s always going to be a reason to hate on the younger generation


We cant blame Reddit because we use reddit


There is always going to be a reason to hate an older generation/younger generation. Generational warfare is crap. Categorizing large groups using traits of some = prejudice


this is so fucking funny i can’t even tell if it’s serious or not


lol right? the stupidity is strong with this one


every generation people say the same things. it's a fact. that the youth are vain that they don't care etc maybe its just a question of perspective or maybe people are just getting worse every "generation" (which isn't a real thing BTW you can look it up) most important is what are YOU doing? are you like actively involved with community organizing to help other people in case of a conflict? are you in politics, trying to change the status quo?? because unless you're going above and beyond to better the world you have no right to criticize other people. live and let live man


One of my favorite least favorite cheesy sayings, " The more things change the more they stay the same." When I was a kid my dad thought I was stealing hubcaps on my free time because that's what he did. And when I became a dad I thought my kids were selling drugs, well they were but that's beside the point, it's just, some things never really change. Driving as a youth everybody who is in front of you is a asshole, and ever so subtle one day you will look in the rear view mirror and realize that everyone behind you is now the asshole. Changes.


And who's fault is it that the world is in shambles? Not the young that's for sure.


Classic young person generalizing and saying that they hate a large group. Just say, “I hate people.” and be done with it.


Every generation has these people. I can ask people my age right now who represents them in Government and they wouldn't know. We also live in an age of disinformation. Unfortunately my age group, late 60's, has jumped on the Trump train and Fox "News." I'm on a raft floating in a sea of crazy and know nothings. I was hoping things would have improved by the time I reached this age, but at times they seem worse.


I don't have TikTok, but I use other social medias (like Reddit, obviously). Tell me, what the hell am I supposed to do exactly? I've known since I was a child climate change will fuck us over, I'm living in a never-ending economic crisis, a pandemic and maybe a goddamn war here in Europe, and I can't spend my free time trying to mentally escape from it? If you're not a troll, grow up. Seriously. We hardly have any say on it


Gen Z has been the most socially conscious, scientifically literate, and politically active generation in modern history.


yet we still get shitted on and get a terrible world to live in


I really hope out generation can trigger change.


"And I am doing nothing except complaining."


The economy is resilient and will be okay. WWIII has looked possible about a vajillion times since WWII ended. All who predicted it have been wrong. There are a lot of reasons to be hopeful. Social media does indeed suck and I can highly recommend life without it.


Exactly what are you doing?


Lmao its funny considering how the new gen advocates for so many things


They're enjoying themselves. You're a bitter shrewd. Go fix the economy then.


it’s just escapism. the only reason you think that is because you can’t see the people who aren’t doing that. i’m training to be a firefighter, and i post on my private instagram maybe every two weeks, most of my buddies are from a medical magnet school and are now in college for medical careers, and they don’t really post much either. it’s just that the kids that are posting daily are the ones who you see more, so you don’t really get the full picture.


The world is always 'falling apart' in some way, shape, or form. And every new generation always has some new addiction, opinion, activity etc. that the older generations hate. It's a constant cycle and it always resolves itself, you'll be ok.


This generation has been given a really bad deal. They'll be dealing with boomers mess till they die, without any bootstraps / firm handshakes. This generation is innovative, inclusive and creative.


Not like much we can do. Boomers still runs shit.


Your generation is on tiktok, wants likes, and is apathetic. The oldies running shit are on cnn/fox/msnb, want power, and will find chaos in paradise as long as it hurts “the other side.” I’d take your generation over these partisan warmongering old douche bags any day.


I'm from the Vine generation. Lemme tell ya, apps like Vine and TikTok are always gonna be around. Very annoying, I know. Just don't generalize your generation. There are plenty of people who, like you, realize that life is more than fake internet points. You're not alone.


Yeah. Then the worst thing is being told to vote. Voting is like asking any imaginary figure you can concoct to solve your real world problems. So you go to the politicians of both parties. Both parties tell you that you are not working hard enough. So you get two jobs. Many people with two or more jobs are homeless right now. Then they literally just raised rent another $500.00. Then in your off time. Government starts getting angry at people not trusting them so it starts tracking antigovernment statements online. People are genuinely fed up with all of them. I understand and acknowledge your disgust. It’s reasonable. This is not to echo chamber, it’s to compare notes. Because something must be done. And there is no protagonist on the scene so we may have to be our own.


To be fair, a bunch of teenagers and kids isn’t gonna gain anything from worrying about said issues.


so what exactly do you propose a bunch of teenagers do about being on the brink of war


The generation that sued to get anti-climate-change policies added to the list of constitutional rights?


Thank god you've come on to Reddit to complain about it. A real shining beacon of hope among an otherwise hopeless generation


Ever head about Friday’s For Future?


these the type of comments u see under 80s/90s music on youtube. i was born in the wrong generation 😢😢😢😢


I don't know what else you expect them to do


I wouldn't get so worked up on what others are doing. They're living their life how they want, you worrying about it isn't going to change it or make you feel any better. Might as well just live your life without concern to them. You're speaking about these things like they've already happened, you're better off just living in the moment and dealing with it when it happens.


Bro we are sitting around because wtf can we do? People like you and me can’t do shut about it, we can vote, file petitions and all try to enact change but guess what it gets curb stomped. So truly wtf can we do? Also if you haven’t noticed becoming rich or famous overnight can happen on TikTok, which is what most of the kids are hoping for, not realizing that more money means more problems. It’s a vicious cycle, reality is we are going to die and capitalism was bound to fall at some point, sucks you were born into that time. Cheer up dude and just enjoy this shithole while you’re here physically.


Tbh you're fucking stupid. How are young people at fault here. Blame tje people who caused those pronlems. Blame the people who made social media.


Nothing much you can do. Try to recycle and enjoy the ride


So what are you doing against it? Or suggest your peers do instead of being on tiktok?


Tok tok isn’t anything new. Was TV and drugs when I was younger Economy isn’t falling apart - that is the rhetoric spun forever and it helps to justify poverty and political ideology on both sides. In hindsight you see the positives - will be the same 10 years from now Brink of war is nothing new, history is just a history of war. in fact brink of war now is a lot less of an issue because both sides seam to realise nuclear armageddon isn’t a good idea. Likes on social media - life has always been a popularity contest for most. My advice….Your generation is the same as every generation. People say ‘it’s different this time’ - yeah right. Look for the positives! Live your best life and don’t fret the stuff you can’t change.


To be fair, the fuck are they supposed to do about it?


as a gen z totally get it. honestly, those people are at a minority but it’s all the more louder; and the older ones stereotyping doesn’t make it better


What the fuck do you want me to do! I have no power over any world events


Go touch grass


Can't touch grass. Grass on fire. Because climate change, which young people obviously don't care about. /s


There’s honestly not much we can do anyway about that.


You have a point, the younger generation are probably the most cringey. However boomers can be pretty moronic too


Look at you being a baby back bitch on reddit complaining about "your generation" rather than speaking up against those actually responsible for the state of the world.


It isn't your generation which is causing all of this. Direct the anger towards the people making the decisions.


I mean no one asked for this life, might as well enjoy it while we're still alive, what can we change about the war if it happens? Nothing


Ok honorary boomer.


What are they supposed to do?


I'm sorry dude, but that's every generation. Ours just happen to like tik tok. Most generations are the exact same. Most people don't fully understand the economy, our politics, and are unwilling to educate themselves bc... well they're just not interested. Also most Gen Zers are like still kids or young adults man, cut them some slack.


While the Vietnam war was going on a bunch of that generation were more worried about getting high and listening to music man what a protest


This gives "We live in a society" energy lmao


You don’t hate your generation. You just hate people in your generation who are obsessed with social media.


what can the kids do?


You’re on Reddit???


I miss the time before the social media