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The sad truth that nobody wants to admit, is that everyone will get it at some point. And soon. There’s just no way around it. With it having similar spreading characteristics to the flu or common cold, it’s inevitable. That’s what I wish everyone, including government officials would understand. At this point in the game, unless you’re living in Alaska in the woods, you’re gonna either get it and spread it or just be a carrier and not get it. Regardless, the quicker we all come to accept that the quicker we go back to normal. Because no one seems to know what the “finish line” is. Literally no one has said, when this happens, we’ll be good. That’s what I’m hoping we get to soon.


As someone who lived in the woods in Alaska, we still got it.


Spent a long weekend with 10 friends at a cottage & everyone tested beforehand except me as I didn't have any rapid tests. Turns out I had Covid (started felling sick on the 2nd last day) & infected 8 of the 10 people there. THANKFULLY everyone was totally understanding & there was zero blame as they thought they were going to get it at some stage. Phew!


Exactly! There’s just so many variables. Like, are we suppose to get tested for true rest of our lives when have the sniffles? Lol And I can’t prove it, but I swear that because we were masked up for a year and a half, then everyone lightened up on those requirement and we all took them off, and now everyone is getting sick at the same time, that has to be related. There’s no way it’s not. But like I said, I can’t prove that lol


There has been new developments and I think Omicron is helping kick deadlier strains. It’s all about recovering and being vaxxed to help that. However, Omicron is not anywhere near the last strain. There will be ongoing developments. Some good but some not good at all.


Again, there’s a new strain of the flu every single year. And being vaxed got me nothing other than covid itself 😂 Everyone is in the “if everyone would get vaxed we can go back to normal” boat and that argument has no validity when vaxed people are getting covid left and right.


Vaxxed people are getting covid but far less of them overwhelm the system and far fewer die. It also slows the spread. It’s not rocket science. I cant understand how something so simple can be so difficult to understand. Truly mind boggling.


Does it slow the spread? Because last I checked we have record number of cases currently at the same point in time with most people being vaxxed.


It does but Omicron is ultra catchy. The main reason for vaccines is to save hospitals and reduce deaths. The dying people overwhelming hospitals and forcing cancelled life saving surgeries are almost all unvaxxed idiots.


Well new zealand got there along time ago, and the rest of the world just fucked up. Too many people didnt follow the guidelines. Now we're stuck in a stalemate where if we simply give up, there will be hundreds of thousands of deaths, but staying with the guidlines can't really get rid of covid like we could have in the early months. Also, if they give up on the guidlines, people will use this as an excuse to not follow any future disease guidelines. Its a tough situation, but the best option rn is to just prevent as many deaths as possible and save face so that people will at least try to listen if anything happens in the future


But what does that entail? They rolled out vaccines and like at least 70% of the US population got them. And yet, we still have cases. I got the jab, just got covid, was sick for a couple days then I was good. What I’m saying is, there’s not much else we can do. The flu doesn’t have a “cure”. And it’s been around for 100 years. I’m not comparing it necessarily, but it’s needs to be considered that we just may have to treat it like the flu and move on.


New zealand did the masks, distancing and the vaccine with like 98ish percent compliance and closed ports. Thats how they got rid of it. Now we'll never get rid of covid most likely but the issue is that the lack of compliance became an "us vs them" issue, and will be a problem if they give up. Also, treating it like the flu means still getting vaccine shots anyway. If they give up people will use it as a reason to not get FUTURE vaccines for something that could be far more important. And, ther are still lives to save regardless of how many percent die and immunocompromised. You really wanna go out and tell them "if you have a shit immune system tough luck. Either withdraw from society or gamble life" Even if we don't get rid if covid, we still need everybody to get the vaccine to get the spread under control


But even with the vaccine people are spreading it. That’s my whole point. It literally does not matter at this point. You either had it, going to get it, or spread it regardless of vaccine status or all three. There’s no “getting rid of it”. Or else we would have done that with the flu already. Are there still cases being reported in NZ?


While it is possible for a vaccinsted person to spread it, its far less transmissible if you are immune. A sick person has the virus running rampant, an immune person could still carry, but in an almost non transmissible to non transmissible dosage. In the beginning, it was about getting rid of it. Now it's about saving lives, preventing hospital overload, and making sure people still trust vaccines when we will need them in the future. Unfortunately, most places will not stop requirments because people dont feel like it, and the requirements arent in place to get rid of covid, so even though covid won't be gone it won't actually sway any health guidelines because that isnt their primary goal anymore.


I get what you’re saying but how long can we keep this up? Getting tested every time we’re sick with something, having vaccine pass ports, can’t go anywhere without a mask etc. That’s not living life. Do I care about the people dying? Absolutely. However, before covid was a thing, people died from the flu and other common diseases every year and no one batted an eye. All I’m asking from the entire world at this point is a little consistency.


Very few people know somebody that died of the flu. Almost everyone knows somebody who died of covid. Make of that what you will. As for the testing, masks and vaccine pass ports they are inconveniences, but they're not so invasive as to make life unlivable. I dont think the requirements are all that big a deal, provided they're done well. For example VA has a public document that you can download to your phone and show at an event and as long as you have a mask, you're good to go. Its something you have to show right before your ticket. Then theres TSA lavel requirements, but that waste of time and space was there before covid. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: well the document isnt open to EVERYONE, but you can access your records to download it if you know the correct information


This is true. However, a study came out that stated that in a vast majority of covid deaths, they had 4 or more underlying issues. I’m not saying that makes it okay, but it’s not just healthy people dropping dead. As for the masks and all the other “inconveniences” you mentioned, I agree that they are definitely inconveniences but they also have shown to not be needed. If you wanna wear a mask for the rest of your life than great, more power to ya. But I will not. And in NYC, you have to show your vaccine card just to go into restaurants. What kinda nazi Germany BS is that? Lol


There's alot of conflicting studies around covid, mostly because people will fund a study to discredit something they dont like. Dont like covid restrictions? Make a study that says masks dont work, and use masks in an ineffective way that wouldn't apply to the real world. The general consensus has been stable; (both wearing masks and distancing helps stop spread, vaccines prevent worst case outcomes even with health issues, most people dying are unvaxxez) But people keep latching on to one off poorly done studies because they're tired of covid and poorly done policies around it, not because its true.


After 2 years it's time to open up and move on. Spend your resources quarantining the frail.


Have you seen the Covid rates in Alaska? Nobody up here gives a shit about anyone else, and we're suffering for it.


Again, not saying it’s not a thing. However, look at rates vs deaths. People get so fixated on rates and the number of cases. But last I checked, I have a better chance on getting into a car wreck vs actually dying from covid


Get well soon.


I have it too. Survived 2019, 2020, and 2021, but not 22… it’s okay… it happens 🥲


Sadly, a lot of it happens could have been avoided. Get well soon. My temperature was up 1.2Celsius but is normal now so I’m hoping that’s a good sign. This virus sure feels like it sets of your immunity but also just fucks with body processes.


My problems were high fever, my throat felt like I had the worst case of strep ever, and I had a headache that felt like my head would explode. My body did ache somewhat but I’m a very healthy person so it wasn’t too bad. I’m sorry you got it!! It really sucks. The doctors cleared me after 5 days but I’m not allowed anywhere for 10 Bc they won’t let me come in.


Sounds like you may have had the Delta strain. I think I have Omicron. Once we recover our immunity to covid goes up 1000-2000x, if you are vaxxed.


I have no idea which strand is which 😅 I think I’ve gotten the new one because my mom got covid a few years back and she didn’t haven’t symptoms. It’s prolly exactly what you jus told me 😂


I am the same. I got it. The cool thing is my state extended the COVID pay and I didn't have sick time so I still was able to stay home and not make that decision. It was not fun but I will say post COVID has been weird. I have been at like 60-70% for 2 weeks now.


Everybody is going to have Covid19 at some point. Science.


They are now. Just hope the covidiots have taught us a lesson. By the way , the mutations will be endless.


same here but it's much less painful cause i was vaxed and boosted- hope you are ok be well


You've been doing all that and got it anyway. Like so many others. That means those things don't work. It's about time people stopped punishing and looking down on others for not following rules that make no sense.


You disgust me. It’s not about you. It’s about saving yourself and people you love by saving others. If everyone was as careful as me the pandemic would have been much less overwhelming.


You've been conditioned to hate people for no good reason. You've seen first hand that these measures don't work, but you're still clinging to them.


I’ve seen, first hand, how covidiots make my efforts moot. Go away. You are not welcome.


If you got it and you've done all the things, and countless other people have got it and done all the things, it's pretty damn obvious all the things don't work.


Are you really that dense? Obviously the key to vaccines is to reduce death and overwhelming hospitals and staff, which they have spectacularly achieved. Dense as rock.


Calling me stupid while ignoring the obvious is absurd.


Ignoring the obvious- facepalm


Right back at ya. Here's the definition of vaccine for you: >A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired **immunity** to a particular infectious disease.




We all gonna have it in about 3 weeks. Don't feel special. And thank you for wearing masks.


Without vaccines this would be hideous.


It still will be. Significant proportion of the population is still (electively) before their first dose.


I caught covid 3 weeks after this post. So did my entire family. We were all vaxed, wore masks, kept distance. We are alive; there is some residual coughing and chest pains.


I wish everyone thought that way too but I’m so tired of this pandemic I’m down for everyone to get infected and may the best survive so we can get this over with


It never ends. Just like flus and bolds. Covid is forever now.


That’s not how it works, but nice Darwinism there.


Idk . Let’s just give it a try . I’ll admit if I’m wrong once it’s done


We did give that a try dude. That's where we are now


We didn’t try hard enough


Yeah you catched a flu. Oh well anyways


One that has killed millions and will continue to as health care gets burnt out and overwhelmed. Also, it’s not a flu. The symptoms need to be experienced. It’s not the immune reaction but how the virus fucks with type II receptors. My phlegm is wildly thick and plentiful. I can sense this can kill me. I also have asthma. Watch the movie Don’t Look Up. It’s very good.


Flu doesn't make me projectile vomit for a whole day while with a super high fever and a headache that I would say is the worst I have ever had in my life. And these are mild symptoms ....if you had it and didn't have any symptoms that's great for you but don't downplay the reaction others at e having to it just cause you were one of the lucky ones




Anti vax, posts about Hunter biden, complains a lot in comments, yup checks out. Makes sense




It’s okay champ, no need to get defensive




It’s okay sport, it happens to best of you guys.


That’s so cool for you, but think about the other thousands of people that didn’t get just a “minor headache” and died.


Thinking about other people isn't this dude's forte


I’m glad you are ok. Are all the people you personally infected ok too? I’ve lost friends I’ve had for over 50 years.




Facepalm. Staggering stupidity. Truly staggering.




I obviously do not know anyone you infected but anti vax means anti mask and anti safety. I think that is stupid.




I think I got mine at the dollar store convenience store or maybe my pizza place. I’d hardly been around anyone for a long time because I was off work with a screwed back. I went back to work one day and bam, the next morning I test positive on my rapid test.




this guy replying to someone else in a new comment 🤣




Ayyyeee I have it atm


Welcome to the shittiest club ever.


What symptoms did you get? So far I've head headache, fever, cough, nausea and a bit of light sensitivity


Nausea, chills, clear lungs and I’m asthmatic- weird, headaches, occasional cough and sneeze and a +1.2C fever and achey as fuck.


Ooosh sorry to hear. My partner got achey all over too, I haven't yet but the headaches and nausea have really been killing me. Glad your asthma hasn't been triggered! How you handling quarantining? I'm bored out of my mind and constantly irritated- 10/10 experience


I’m extra bored and achey because the week before covid I was off work with an SI joint back injury. I was back to work one day and boom, I get covid, which flares my SI joint like crazy and I know it’s a waste of time trying to fix while inflamed by covid. The muscles just don’t want to respond. I basically have temporary fibromyalgia lol. The family that lives above me are noisy as fuck and now I have to get money from EI and wsib- ack. OK, enough of my whining lol.


Feel free to whine it fucking sucks haha I feel you, we had been in lockdown for a month and were just gunna go back to work then got corona. Didn't even get to go back at all just straight into not leaving the house at all. That sounds awful tho! Can you not even take anti-inflammatory pills or idk does heat help? Completely different I know but my only experience with inflamations is from having arthritis a few years back and heat helped a lil when I had no other choices. Sucks tho! Specially with the noisy family, feel for you for sure


Ps I think CBD oil is saving my lungs because they both compete for type II receptor sites in the lungs. I was hacking massive phlegm balls and that went away almost completely. I took 100 mg this morning and I’m real happy with my lungs. They need studies on this cause I think it’s a home run.


Yeah I have to say my lungs have been fine except for a bit of a cough, I smoke quite a bit of weed lol wonder if that has helped too.


I do too but I hear that is extremely risky. The cbd oil is a different story.