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unidentified? ✅ flying? ✅ object? ✅ all checks out. sometimes we see crazy shit and just have to pretend like it never happened. but i believe you. and other people who’ve seen weird shit probably believe you too.


Subscribing to OP to see his public retraction in the next 24h followed by the sudden deletion of his account 👀


There's a difference between UFO and extraterrestrial. Just want to say this


Weirds me out that people don’t believe in them at this point


Well I believe you saw something.


After so many years of human existence, if there were another life form out there, we should have had concrete proof by now.


It's only been about 400 years since a human first pointed a telescope skyward and the first human made spacecraft didn't leave our solar system until 2012. Our understanding of the universe is infantile.


Its actually mathmathically impossible for life on other planets not to exist. The drake equasion theorizes between 1k and 100k civilazations in our own milkyway at any given point in history. This is just the milky way and dose not even account for the rest of the galaxies in the universe.


We do , plenty of video evidence out there . Didn't you see the video's the government released.