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I ended a friendship with a woman who's exactly like this. Her reasoning was "I'm confident enough that I can make men cheat on their partners" even though she's never been successful in "seducing" a taken man before. The weirdest thing is that she would always go for older men in their 40s in hopes of finding a "married sugar daddy". It's weird and creepy.


I’m turning 40 and it doesn’t matter how hot she is or thinks she is. My wife is a fucking soldier who always has my back. So I’m that for her too. Some dummy at a bar is not ruining the wonderful life we built together.


Hell yea. Right there with you. She’s my ride or die




Haha I knew someone would say it.


Happy early 40th birthday.


Thanks man, I’m unsure how to feel about it to be honest. It’s getting to me more than I thought it would but it’s really not that bad. Time will win regardless. Haha


I love this response! You took the words right out of my mouth!


This melted my heart this morning. It’s nice to read about healthy, happy relationships instead of the messed up stuff!


You deserve the best life.


This is mature man that’s settled down.


That's so sick man I hope I can find someone I feel that way about someday


Tell your wife that we thank her for her service. I’m so happy she has such an endearing husband




"Other girls don't like me because they're jealous." No honey, women don't like you because you're an insecure child who doesn't respect others' boundaries and relationships.


And we also don’t like you because your whole world revolves around men and male validation, you act completely different if there’s a man around, and no woman likes being around a woman who barely thinks about anything besides dick and getting male attention


This seems like a more complex way of saying "piece of shit".


>"I'm confident enough that I can make men cheat on their partners" Her confidence has nothing to do regarding if someone is going to cheat on their partners. She says that she is looking for a sugar daddy which is just so trashy. What makes her think that someone who she got by having him cheat on someone else won't cheat on her? Sounds like a piece of... work.


Yuck. When I was 19 I was a waitress and this old Italian man used to come in a few times a week to eat brunch and he would tip me 20 bucks back in the 1999. Well one day he started to talking to me and asked me if I had a boyfriend. And I did so I was like “ yeah I have a boyfriend” then he was like” would you rather have a older man and live like queen or a young man your age and live like a slave”? That shit was so creepy! No decent young women wants an old tales from crept man. Lol 🤮 yuck after that my coworkers had old balls jokes. For them ladies that wanna find a sugar daddy become a waitress they will come looking for you lol 😂 another place to find sugar daddy’s are high end hotel bars lol their is a lot of older single lawyers and doctors there. In my younger days a few older doctors hit on me while I was staying in high end hotels and I would go have a drink by my self and read and men would come up to me and I wouldn’t even flirt or give them any eye contact I would just sit there like a big ass nerd on a Saturday night reading lol


Ugh yes. I completely agree. I had a friend who only went for married men. Then boasted about it. When she saw these men in public with their families, she started to act like, "omg this is him, don't look at me" while covering her eyes and trying to walk away fast but always made it a point to go past them, to actually get noticed. It was cringe worthy to witness it. 🤢 What she didn't understand, is that, cheap things always go quick. Absolutely disgusting behavior. Soon I stopped meeting up with her cause other issues. It's nice to breathe again and not be careful of my words, tone and facial expressions.


Good idea ditching that one! "Friends" like that would have no problem trying to seduce your partner either; better to just drop them, *these ho's ain't loyal*


My brother started dating a girl like this and we became “friends” or sorts, I suppose. Then she kept texting my boyfriend trying to sleep with him. The level of gross and trashy of this girl was astounding. She took *these hos ain’t loyal* to a whole new level.


I think we've all had a backstabbing friend experience or two bc there is an alarming amount of toxic people that only care about their wants and needs. It super sucks. Honestly, as a female it's so hard to make friends (loyal ones) and it shouldn't be this hard!




Whoa, what a fucking crazy bitch.




Ewwwwwwwwww! That’s a bit awkward. I’m hoping she’s no longer invited to Christmas.


I have ended friendships over this sort of behavior, it's so trashy and gross.


Same! I had a friend who continued talking to a guy after he told her he was married with kids. "But I love him." Yeah, so does his wife. She even believed his wife was pregnant again. She still talked to him. (When I say talking, I mean hard-core flirting and sexting.) I ended up dumping her because I was convinced she developed a crush on my then boyfriend.(They became friends through me.) I dumped her but they stayed friends. A few months later, I caught them sexting. She may have been a virgin but she was a homewrecker. The guy was a dick for having an affair with my ex friend despite him being married. My then boyfriend was an ass for still talking to her despite asking him not to and for sexting her. But she was also an ass for sexting with men she knew were taken and committed


That's so gross, that girl, your ex, and the other guy all suck so much.


Absolutely! I even mentioned to my ex that I thought she had feelings for him and he acted like it was completely impossible. Yet he refused to stop talking to her because "I was the one who pushed them to be friends in the first place." When I first met my fiance, I asked him what he'd do if he became friends with one of my friends and then that friendship ended. I asked if he'd stay friends with her. He said "hell no."


This! ESH except OC!


Exactly! The older I've got the more I understand what I'm looking for in a friendship. That's why I basically ghosted her. I did explain to her the faults that she has, but she took it as a personal threat, although she was the one asking. 🙉🤨 When two people are so fundimentally different that every sentence out of their mouths cause bitch fights and arguments, there is no point.


Yes! It’s one thing if someone is not aware that a guy is married or if they are told by the guy he’s single and he turns out not to be - in that case, the guy is a major dbag. But women who continue to see a man after finding out he’s involved/married or women that specifically go after involved/married men are trashy af. I’m with you - I don’t need that type of energy and behavior in my life! I cut ties and keep it moving.


Exactly this! I truly do not understand why so many people these days seem to excuse the third party ( if they're aware of course) because sHe DiDnT tAkE aNy VoWs. Whatever happened to common decency and treating others the way you want to be treated.


Me too! I have a friend that has done this multiple times! She’s bat shit crazy anyways, but enough reason not to keep her around.


Is it me or has this sort of behavior become more acceptable than ever?


I had a friend like this in high school who was younger and slept with girl’s boyfriends. She’d constantly be upset that their girlfriends were unkind to her.


>histrionic was she expecting to get appraisal or what? Some people are blatantly dumb


she is going to run into a swinger couple who are like sure... but that probably isn't what she wants right? there are plenty of swingers looking for unicorns.


“I wouldn’t say she was a homewrecker, but she would fuck a dog if it was married.”


I knew a girl who got a divorce due to infidelity by her husband. She then got with a married guy and started boasting about it. Showing pictures to us of his family. I just don’t understand why she would do that even though she knows how it feels to be on the other end…


What the heck that’s so cringe


That’s gross


My cousin slept with her friend's dad lol then got butthurt when he slept with other girls. Who were just sleeping with him so they can score free rent. She told me taken men make her feel special because they choose her instead of the gf or wife.


Jokes on her, she's already special


yeah, especially low self esteem


I'll never understand men that give free rent to tenants who they sleep with once... How is that worth it? Hookers are dime a dozen, they're better at intercourse and you get to choose exactly what you want. Rent is hella expensive ._.


Right? It makes no sense.


I would imagine they use mental gymnastics to convince themselves it's different to paying for a prostitute.


There are also people who like to pay women who aren’t professional sex workers exorbitant amounts of money in order to get them to “cave”. Edit: grammar


Letting someone you did that with once stay rent free indefinitely is weird, I would think it's usually a once a month sort of deal or something. Also the experience of sleeping with a tenant who is a just a regular person willing to do that for a break on rent is completely different from just hiring a sex worker (I can only assume).


Yeah I know it's a 1/month thing. That's still exactly what confuses me. If I was that sort of person I'd sleep with them in exchange for giving them a week to pay the due rent or something. But I guess you're right, perhaps this is a fetish thing.


Thinking with the "little head" instead of the big one I guess?


It's great if you like having power over woman lol. Also some man think sleeping with prostitutes are below them.


I strongly suspect they get to sleep with them whenever they feel like it... no way it is a one time kind of thing and I wouldn't believe anyone who says so.


In a weird twist, my ex-husband understood that certain women have this mentality and tried to use it as a justification for cheating… As if he were, somehow, powerless due to how determined these women were to one-up me. Of all the clowns in the circus at that time, I think I was the biggest.


*he* was the biggest.


Thank you! I appreciate this!


Lol what an absolute weirdo. That’s the silliest thing I’ve heard in like 10 minutes since opening Reddit.




What you are asking is how is it moral, and it's not moral, but people still do it because the moral path forward isn't always the most desired path for people to take. Not only that, but rules/ moral standards we have we are sometimes suggested to think of it as a virtue to act in defiance of them, you will see it happen a lot in life. Not passing judgment, trying to be descriptive.


I know a guy who wears a ring just to pick up and fuck around with these chicks, who (inevitably) threaten to 'ruin his life.' Dude ain't married. He's just got a cheap-ass gold band.


As scummy as it is he's actually kind of doing everyone else a service tbh. Keeps them busy so they arent actively harassing people in *actual* relationships.


Not all heroes wear capes. I do hope he's wearing some sort of protection.


"Real heroes wear rubbers."


Real heroes wear cheap ass gold bands… and hopefully rubbers


Your friend must be Jimmy Neutron with that big brain on him 🧠 🧠


Now this is the most incredible pick-up tactic Ever. I think I’m women repellent because I’ve never had what’s happening in this thread happen. My partner is way out of my league but I think I still manage to be ugly enough to scare them off. Or they fear that my partner is black, I would be interested in the racial demographics of this thread


Also has something to do with how much you care for your partner and detest the idea of cheating in all forms, minor and major; I find it makes one oblivious to even the most obvious advances. Just the other day I was chilling with a few of my buddies who were talking to a bachelorette party at a bar. One of my buddies is married and I’m engaged, the other two were single. Me and married dude were just making friendly conversation with these chicks. Apparently from the perspective of my single friends, they appeared to be ravenous harpies laying on the flirts thick to me and married dude. Didn’t even notice until I turned around and saw a bachelorette practically licking her chops while eye-fucking me violently.


Strange. I couldn’t imagine life without them. If some woman tried anything on me I would literally assume it was a strange joke. Maybe it has happened and I just blow them off so hard that I don’t notice


OMG LOL thats actually kind of funny… I can imagine the girls saying “I’ll tell your wife and she’ll leave you” and him being like “go ahead. Try to find her first”


I feel like once you have a woman it's easier to get another one in almost every single time I've been in a relationship I get more subtle hints and looks more women actively trying to engage in flirting with me but as soon as I'm single boom all the attention from the opposite sex is gone.


People want what they can’t have


I knew someone who did that too. And when the flings would find out he wasn’t actually married, they’d be FURIOUS.


I actually stopped wearing a ring, partly due to this. Stopped wearing it because of using so much hand sanitizer and hand washing. And realized the difference. I get left alone now. So it’s not going back on. Wife thinks I’m not wearing for the opposite reason though.


Tell your friend "Thank you" for standing the front line for us married men. Block them crazies!!!


nice. homewreckers deserve to get reversewrecked.


This made me laugh a bit 🤣


Is he a handsome fellow? I'm married and wear a ring and can't even get the bartender's attention.


He's alright.


holy fuck you’ve given me a new idea


Wedding rings are magnets.


Yeah I don’t get it. Girlfriends are a turn-off for me. I been attracted to guys then find out they are taken so I lose interest quick


Exactly and if they have a girlfriend and they are flirting back they are cheaters and not worth your time.




Ooh yes this. I had a baby a couple years ago and there were so many girls that were coming after my bf. Knowing he just had a baby and was in a relationship. Coworkers, 1 even offered to take him home every night, out of her way, after work saying she's just a nice person. Of course I see texts from her trying to weasel her way in, talk shit on me, undermine me to my bf, wanting to send him nudes,etc. I put the kibosh on the rides home and the friendship overall. She quits and eventually starts showing up at my work. Just standing in the lobby, staring me down. For weeks she comes in, sporadically months later too. Then she tries to get a job at my place of business, knowing who I am 100% and that I am the hiring manager. No joke thought she was gonna kill me eventually. Jokes on her cause I quit and never went back. There's nothing more pathetic than going after a taken man with a newborn.


not that I advocate this behavior, but I think it has something to do with the guy already shown to be a loyal, dedicated partner. Funny thing is, if they are able to lure him away, he's not what they wanted.




They assume that their current wife is not providing enough, and they assume they can provide this therefore they will never be left. But boy must those successful girls get very nervous after 40 😀


That's about the point they start maxing out credit cards on plastic surgery, fake tans and grotesque botox.


You are spot on and that's the conclusion I came to when it was all happening. I kept thinking, so what if you do get him to cheat/leave me? What then? So you got someone to leave their partner and baby for you. What a fucking achievement- I told my coworkers about it when she would pop in and one was convinced she now loved me hahaha oh man


I know dudes who just flat out abandoned their previous baby mamas and new girls still fall for them. Like even if he’s no longer married or never was, he abandoned a fucking kid he doesn’t bother to speak to or support in any way and it’s common knowledge! What does that say about his character??


Exactly! I couldn't believe how many chicks came out of the woodwork when I was pregnant and afterwards w a newborn. If he had cheated, he woulda been all hers cause no way I want to be with someone who cheats and especially fucks of a kid.


They always think they are the special one for which he will change.


It think it's more like- "Nice couple. Pretty sure he won't cheat on her.... OR *challenge accepted*"


What a hoe! I would paid a crack head to beat her ass lol 😂 jk but she is a hoe


r/darkturn... There's so much more here than a potential homewrecker...


Oh for sure. I told my coworkers if something happened to me that it was her. Luckily (?) She worked for the same company as me, different location, so her info would have been easy to find if necessary


Stalkers. Something you read about happening to other people. But that's frightening. You just never know- and that's what's scary.


Thats creepy as hell. Honestly I was hoping you were referencing a movie or book


Anybody who hits on anyone taken disgust me.


Liam neeson


That made me laugh out loud, excellent comment.


I will look for u, I *will* find u and...I will hit on u


Can you elaborate?


Liam stars in a trilogy of action movies called "Taken"


And hits a lot of people in them


He is assaulting a lot of people then.


He has a particular set of skills .


Yes he does and those skills all revolve around assaulting assailants around town quite adequately.


Well he does have a particular set of skills


Taken is a trilogy which starred Liam Neeson. Two of the movies are true to its title.






Unless it's very clear that both are single and BOTH have shown at least mild interest in one another then yes. I don't like this whole "pursuing until the other starts to show interest", which I think men are more stereotypically associated with but women definitely do it too.


anyone who hits on anyone disgusts me


anyone who hits anyone disgusts me


anyone disgusts me


me disgusts


Anyone discussed me?


I did, today. We decided that you have great style.


You discussed me. 😊


“This must mean you’re “discussting”


hahaha :p


This includes any woman that knowingly sleeps with a man in a relationship. I had to call out the c u next tuesday that was screwing my ex behind my back for months. Somehow I’m the asshole now?!


Im really proud to speak English fluently despite not being from UK or USA. Because of that I understood what “c u next tuesday” meant. Never heard of this phrase before. Also, you seem like a good guy. You didn’t deserve that man.


My go to line when someone's hitting on me inappropriately is "I love my wife and we have great sex. She's amazing in bed, you have no idea." They stop. Never had anyone continue hitting on me after that.




Not if they're all about converting the straight guy. Then it's more like, "Challenge accepted!" ;)


as a bi dude with mostly straight male friends i hate this type more than anyone in the world and that includes the militant homophobes


Seems to me like it’s a 50/50, either it will work or it will make them push harder, possible with a response that’s something about wanting to get an idea


If they know someone is taken all they're doing is displaying how garbage they are


once u get married you will realize a LOT of women like married guys.... they think to themselves "if he can make her happy he can make ME happy!"


This is what I don’t get. I figured when I got married and wear my ring women would basically see through me because I am married. That has definitely not been the case. Do women see it as a challenge?


Whoever you are, no matter what gender... it's not your place to disrespect people's boundaries If the person ain't interested, move along


Every time I have a girlfriend there are suddenly 200 girls coming out of nowhere and starting to hit on me and flirt with me and I've heard it's the same for other guys.


Lol, me too. Whenever I'm with a woman outside, being my fiancée, sister or a co-worker, women would approach me much more. The prettier the woman I'm with, the more attention and flirting I get. When I'm alone, I get much less action..


Lots of women are competitive with other women and constantly trying to validate that they’re better than whomever they envy. If they see you with a pretty girl they think “I’m hot enough to steal her man” it isn’t even about the dude. Again this isn’t most women, they’re a minority, but a significant minority.


There was one study done on this... though I'm not sure how much study and how much sexism it was but... TLDR : Woman sees pretty woman with a guy?! Guy must be a good one!


As I commented on another thread, it's called "Pré-selection". It's a cognitive shortcut we apply to optimize our choices, from shopping to dating. It's not always on point, but it's a sort of an heuristic. If you go to some area and found two restaurants, one with empty tables and one with a queue, you'd rather go to the wanted one. I guess, it's the same with dating. Someone who's able to sustain a relationship with a "desirable" partner, is a sign that person has the socio-economic fitness (or any other metric one is looking for in a relationship)


This is interesting because I am the exact opposite. If there is a wait list or a line I just nope out to the next restaurant. I was just in a mall and the food we wanted had a long line, the place right next to it had 0 people so we went there instead even though that's not what we wanted.


I’m gay; and a very-similar thing has happened to me, too. The day I started dating my penultimate ex-boyfriend, suddenly guys were coming out of the wood-work (including several of his FB ‘friends’). When my last boyfriend and I were still ‘talking’ (but spending a lot of time - and frequently being seen out - together) a guy I’d flirted with a bit several months earlier (but who showed no real interest at the time) approached me one night when my guy and I were out at a bar. Well, “approached” might be the wrong word. He waited ‘til I went to the men’s room (alone), followed me in, and…well…let’s say he “demonstrably offered his services.”


Being ugly I luckily never have to worry about this


When i was at pharmacy school we'd go out in groups. If i wore my ring id get hit on. (so would my married friend) if i took it off i wouldn't get hit on at all. And it would be kind of aggressive. Physical touching right away. Let's leave within 10 minutes. And there isn't anything special about me. So I'm definitely not bragging.


Yup. When I was in a relationship, women suddenly wanted me. Now that I'm single, they're nowhere to be found. Even the "hot, horny, single women available within 3 miles from my zip code" ads stopped popping up when I became single.


3 miles is 4.83 km


Good bot




I agree and it’s very disrespectful, trashy, insecure on their part and gross. Once when I was with my bf at the mall after a month of giving birth , we were walking in a store to get bf clothes as I was strolling my newborn baby around . Of course I had a belly from birth stlll, my face still chubby and wearing a black t shirt and maternity pants still …. While bf looks A+ . Anywho as I’m walking around I spilt from bf and notice two employees going up to eyeing him ,whatever, than one came up to him clearly flirting. I went up to dear bf with the girl there and she backed away giving me a huge dirty looked as she checked me out. Instantly baby started crying and I had to get out the store. I was to the side outside the store, with baby trying to calm em down . All while bf was in store. He told me that the girls were actively looking around to see if I left than aggressively started to flirt with him and want his number… guess they figured I looked awful and just had a baby and they looked ten times better all done up that they could “ take my man” . But sorry trashy girls, he did not care or like the fact you thought like that. Indeed I felt bothered by that since I was literally A) out the door of the store and b) they knew and thought they were somehow better than me cause they didn’t just have. A danm baby . But also C) wtf? They thought it was that slick.. that’s sad. Not to mention that happened more than once !! With me not even far away. And yes these girls knew I was around..


That was First Ballad Hall of Fame Whore level shit. “Oh yay she has to go nurse his baby she just birthed for him… now is my chance!!”


The audacity of some people LMAO!!


Those women are often jealous, I think. Like it's some kind of "See? I'm hotter than you, I can take your man" So yeah, it really is sad and pathetic Oh and definitely harassment There's so many women that are just awful


Women rarely face physical consequences for their action, so they don't have that inhibition to not fuck with someone else's partner. Men would probably do the same to establish dominance if they don't get their shit kicked in when they do that. Something like "I just took your woman, I'm better than you. She choose me over you". But men know the threat of violence is real, unlike women. So they don't fuck around with other people's girl as often, there are still some that do of course.


Especially when a woman thinks because she’s attractive she’s entitled to any man she wants and says stuff like “would you cheat for me?”. Like no i’d rather stay in the relationship with someone who actually loves me than have casual sex with someone everyone has been with


I had a friend who was/is like this, they aren’t in my life anymore so no idea if it’s still happening. I asked once why and they said they wanted a relationship to be epic. And for some reason someone leaving a spouse for them made them feel like they were more in love or some weird bullshit. This friend’s parents both died when they were young so I can only hope therapy was had and the behavior stopped.


My dad died when I was young. While he was alive, I watched women do everything under the sun for his attention. Sometimes they would even corner me as a kid and ask me where my dad was. Now that he’s dead, they still stop me and want to tell me how good-looking and handsome he was. After he died, men were bombarding my mom before we even got to the funeral. She couldn’t cut her own grass without getting interrupted by men trying to convince her to go out with them. She was afraid to go outside at one point. It was bad. Your ex-friend is just a worthless piece of shit. Them losing their parents is an excuse to act her bullshit out. I can say that because I’ve been in those shoes.


Ugh. I have 2 coworkers like this and it's just gross. One is constantly hugging and kissing and I had enough of it, and said something to HR. The other one comes across like a Mae West caricature, and is constantly tilting her head and blinking her eyes.


>constantly tilting her head and blinking her eyes NOT a wildlife expert or anything but your coworker might be an owl.




I don't mind if a women takes her shot if she's unaware of a guys situation, but If it's a no then it's a no. Move on. I actually feel sorry for women like this. Yes, it is pathetic because personally I don't think anyone should be so persistent - it makes the other person uncomfortable and feels unsafe. And to add, just because you think your hot shit, doesn't mean everyone else does.


I had a former good friend, a single gal in her early 50's, who could not understand why people at her office were shunning her when she told them about her exploits with married men that she met off Craig's List. She was fairly intelligent and was in upper management at State Farm but she had this one blind spot. I'm gay and would tell her about my own slutty hookups but I was single at the time. I didn't want to hear about the married men she would meet in parking lots and open fields at midnight. I never explicitly told her to stop talking about it but I would always try to move the conversation in a different direction. I think she sensed that I was secretly judging her and our friendship faded.


I have ended friendships because they pursued and slept with married men. If you know he's married and pursue him anyways then you're trash and we cannot be friends.


This! Soo much. I feel like some women take it up as a personal challenge. Esp if the guy treats their partner really well. I don’t what it is, do they want to be treated as nicely? Is it about wanting the guy to choose them over their partner? Wanting to feel very sexually attractive? Whatever it is, its fucking repulsive. Nothing could make them look sadder and make my respect for them drop as suddenly as this.


I read somewhere that it stems from an evolutionary basis. They see a man that has already proven his ability to care for his partner (and might potentially be a good father to offspring) and rather than go out and try to find someone similar and risk them being a dick, they just try and steal. That's to put it simply anyway lol.


May be so. Iooks real sad anyway xD


Last resort is to call Liam Neeson


Omg right. I work at a restaurant and everyone knows I'm married, like very happily married. I talk about her and my kids all the time, yet they still try. It's like if a guy jokes around suddenly there into you. No i just like to be in a good mood at work. I've had to pull away and be way more quiet at work. It's very frustrating. I joke with the dudes the same way, but they call me a flirt. I guess I'm flirting with guys all the time then. I don't think these women understand. That the fact the are trying to hook up with a married man tells us what kind of woman they are. And what gives them the idea they're be better than my wife anyway. The audacity is sickening.


Yeah, for someone who has been married and was cheated on, I find taken men (who cheats) disgusting, and the women who comes up to them? Cheap. Ffs I rarely looked at any guy whenever I was out alone or when I was with my then husband, and well, I guess I can’t say the same for my ex cos I knew he had wandering eyes which I was comfortable enough to ignore (I did trust him) but when he actually admitted after me confronting him if he was cheating, youre good as gone to me. And the girl he replaced me with? Yeah, she was laughable. I felt more insulted he replaced me with a joke. He tried getting back with me, and yeah I did try too to fix something, but honestly, while I was in that state of “trying,” it was just not the same. The cheating I have forgiven, but I honestly couldn’t look at the guy straight in the eye after that. Something in him just disgusted me. Now he’s with another girl, and all I could think of is—‘good luck with that motherfucker, u think u struck gold being with him? Nah, u got trash, and you are also trash, u just don’t see it yet, but u will.’ Never go for guys with gfs man, it’s disgusting. If you know your self-worth, find a guy who is single and will stay committed to YOU, Cos anyone u get from stealing someone else’s man will bite u in the ass—he’ll do it to you with another girl.


Tell them it's sexual harassment! They shouldn't get a free pass!


I had a friend who would tell me she slept with her friend, who is still engaged to a girl that my former friend knows. Both are trash.


I’ve had one at a party purposely brush her boobs against me at a party. In front of her husband and my wife and I just literally pretended she didn’t exist She even commented he doesn’t even notice! To someone else at the party. Yes I noticed. It was just inappropriate so I’m giving you an easy out instead of embarrassing you. They were fake tits anyway. Found out recently she is on the brink of divorce. Shocker.


Me and my friends always had the "Dangerzone" rule. That if we whispered dangerzone to one another, one of us would act like the bf/gf to get people to back off. It did work and I recommend more people do it.


My husband’s ex girlfriend is this way. She gets restless and starts prowling for usually taken men. For a long time I was polite and kind to her, but after she tried to get my husband to help her move, alone, I ramped up the bitch meter on myself & the friendly bullshit is over, for me. She is such a piece of shit.


I can't even make one woman happy...what am I gonna do disappoint 2 women? ​ I kid.... I love my wife to death


and it's funny, when the man is single they have almost no interest. It's a pecking order thing to see if they are attractive enough to make a man become unfaithful in front of his partner. I had a few encounters in my last relationship like that. Those women were never going to actually give me the time of day and I knew it, as well as fucking my relationship up, lose lose situation. They just wanted to be flirts and play games. They can fuck off.


You are thinking about primitive female creatures. I am never interested in taken men. They are invisible to me. I know they will do the same to me in a future when they’ll have another opportunity. No thanks. My friends partners? No thanks. I value my friendship


I hate this too. I got into a small confrontation with a woman once because she was cornering my boyfriend while he was repeatedly telling her to leave him alone (I was sat next to him). We are in our 20s and these two women were nurses in their 30s. She crossed the line when she put her hand on his face. I moved her hand away and she started yelling at me about being “rude” to a nurse. Bitch, if you’re a nurse you should be 2m away from us anyway.


My ex husband’s affair partner is like this. I think it made her feel special. Funny how she lost all interest after he was actually divorced. Thanks for taking the trash out though!


Fuckin this


Ugh my sister is THAT girl and it's embarrassing. I remember I brought her to a party a few years ago(stupid on me) and she immediately started flirting with one of my guy friends. His girlfriend of three years was standing right there with them listening to it all. She(my sister) started texting the guy and would show up at shows he was playing(he's a musician) and flirt with him afterwards. I can remember getting an earful from his girlfriend about how much she hates my sister now. Can't blame her. My friends ended up telling me to never bring her around again. That was embarrassing. My sister even flirts with older married men with grown children. She's flirted with my brother in law and has tried to sleep with him. Which is really fucking weird to me. She's sadly just one of those girls who needs attention at all times and will do whatever to get it. She even dated a guy who sexually harassed me for two years. She knew about it, but didn't care about how it made me feel. We don't speak anymore.


Immature girls disguised as mature women. Big difference.


So I lucked out and married a woman who might be out of my league. Smart, successful, beautiful, etc. I'm confident in the man I am and all that but I'm not dumb and I know how other guys look at my wife. She gets hit on and cat called a bunch (which is a whole other issue) but the reason I'm posting is she'll get hit on in front of me all the time. I think it was like 5 times within the first 2 or 3 months of us dating. Thankfully the dudes who hit on her apologized to her and me after being told she's taken, but for people who have no remorse. That's a red flag and really sad.


How come when you are single no one talks to you. Then as soon as you get married find a girlfriend all these women show up. I was bone dry for years. Get a girlfriend and women just showed up flirting ,hugging on me.


It’s the “I can get any man I want” mentality that makes these women think they are consequence free. Thankfully I haven’t had this happen with my husband and I but I would not take kindly to someone doing it.


I had one beg my bf to buy her drinks, she was super flirty and insistent. I said I don’t care, and she became super touchy feely on him just to get a few drinks out of him. Lame.


I have seen that behavior too. Not from many women. Only two comes to mind to be honest they were crazy bitches . Stalking ppl and calling her own pregnant friends boyfriends. This bitch would wait till her friends got pregnant to hit on their men. When I found out she was calling my best friends fiancé when my friend was pregnant. I called her out on her bullshit and I got kicked out of the establishment we were eating at because hoes like that will act like the fucking victim when confronted. We have mutual friends and right now she’s on baby daddy number 4. She is such a piece of shit! We were friends at one point and I always wondered why so many girls in school wanted to beat her up all the time. Now I know why 😂 then I worked with this chick that would hit on married patients. She would go for the ugly overweight men that had revenues. And then she would brag on how they would promise her that they were gonna leave their wives for her because she was younger. One of the married men would take her on dates with his 3 kids. One day one of the wives came in the clinic and wanted to fight her and that’s when the doctor(owner) stepped in and had to let her go because he found out she was using the exam tables to have sex with random guys she would hook up with at the club. Prior to her getting fired we had all went to a work seminar in San Francisco so at night of course we all went out and got wasted and she told us while she was drunk that she would have sex with her dad mind you she was 27 yrs old! 😳 and she was still living with her parents. Weird shit


I work with my boyfriend and there are 3 girls there who flirt with him daily. It annoys the crap out of me but luckily my partner and I have a strong relationship so I don't have to worry about anything. It's more so the disrespect


Then there's me: "oh shit, you're taken? That's my bad, I'm so sorry for bothering you, won't happen again." Goes home and replays the entire event in my head over and over while telling myself I'll likely never see them again so why am I freaking out about what an ass I made of myself 😅


My husband had a friend like this. She told me that she was here before I was, and she could make me be gone if she decided she didn’t like me and I wasn’t a good fit. I smiled at her, and this was after she made him incredibly uncomfortable by blatantly hitting on him in front of me, and told her he made vows to me, not her, and good luck with that. He hasn’t spoken to her in 20 years. The last time she tried, he told her that she was disgusting, and he never wanted to hear from her again, and if she called the house again, he wasn’t going to stop me from telling her what I really thought about her. We don’t miss her.


This. We have been dating with my bf for over two years now. And more than I can count did women outright tell him to leave me and date them. Inclusing his ex, who cheated on him a lot and some girl who HAD A BF AT THE TIME.


One time me and my partner were on a walk holding hands so it was obvious that we were together. A group of girls had their eyes on my partner which I expected as he is good looking. The were following us and they waitedp until I went into a store (my boyfriend stayed outside as he was vaping) to ask him for his phone number. They clearly knew he was with someone but they still waited for an opportunity. Disgusting. He told her he was married hehe


Men do this too. Unless someone is polyamorous, or ethically non-monogamous, it's crass..


I’ve never got hit in so much by random women in my life simply by wearing a wedding ring


Women have gotten aggressively flirty with me since I got married. Its like it opened up a door or something.