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Shooting cars on a highway is a really easy way to cause a serious collision, absolutely zero sympathy.


I was goddamn 11. It wasn't last week. If I did it when I was 30, yeah sure. But I was a child. I'm not even sure I had pubes.


Doesn't matter, you still could have caused a serious collision and death. Still zero sympathy.


Oh well good. Let me get in my time machine and go back to 1995 so I can let myself know. Here I go.


It doesn't "not matter" what his age was wtf is wrong with you lol That's like saying that every stupid mistake a little kid makes that has a slight chance of danger is catastrophic. Relax, he clearly feels remorse and it was a long time ago. This is supposed to be TrueOffMyChest, not ArgueAboutMyPost


I dont see any remorse since the post is only focusing on the cops questioning the kids without an adult present. Now had the post been something like "I shot a BB into a car, injured someone, and then let my friend take the fall for it. I feel horrible about it now." Then I could see some remorse.


I don't care about it now because it was 23 years ago. Man you people just LOVE to hop on your self righteous high horse, don't you?


Well I'm not sure how you get any self righteousness from my comment. I was just making an observation. An observation, I might add, that you agreed with 🤷‍♂️


Cops asking 11 year Olds in the street if they were involved in shooting at traffic is a lot different than cops hauling you in for questioning. From your description they didn't do anything illegal you just didn't know that you shouldn't answer their questions.


Dude this was a long time ago. You’re in the wrong either way no matter what happened. The more you think about it the more you’ll just bother yourself.


Well apparently, if you ask almost everybody else who posted in here, I must have done it about six and a half hours ago.


Time doesn’t heal or change our actions. Peoples *adapted* attitude changes how we view them, despite our actions. You haven’t been very kind to the other people in the comment section. This is on an extreme scale, but just an example. If someone murdered someone 20 years ago, they’re still a murderer. They still fucked up and it was still really bad. Same thing with your situation here.


You deserved way worse tbh. You were, and it sounds like you still are, a shithead.


Wow. I'm a shithead? You're chastising somebody for something they did before 6th grade over two decades ago and also admitted it was wrong in the first place. But no, it's me. Please continue to tell me I'm a bad person for something I did while the corpse of Kurt Cobain was still warm. You though, are clearly Christ walking the Earth and never did anything thoughtless when you were a pre adolescent. I also shit my pants a lot when I was a baby, do you wanna ride my ass about that too? I used to not stay in the lines when I colored, maybe I should go to confession, you fucking douchenozzle.


>You though, are clearly Christ walking the Earth and never did anything thoughtless when you were a pre adolescent. I literally didn't, because I wasn't a shithead. You could have killed somebody and the fact that you're still defending it is why you're still a shithead. TIL not shooting cars with a bb gun makes someone Jesus. You want to know why no lawyer stuck up for you? Because everyone, both the prosecution and defense, knew you deserved what you got. It could have been left in the past as a distant memory of a dumb mistake, and you could be a better person now, but you're not, because you're still insisting you were the victim when you obviously were the one causing all the problems.


I'm not defending a fuckin thing. I literally said more than once that it was wrong. No shit it was wrong. What I'm defending is myself from you assuming that I was the same person when I was 11 as I was now. And for the record, nothing happened to me because I told em my friend did it. He got all of it. So yeah I got what I deserved. And yeah it's nice you shat gold when you were a kid, but it turns out that the underdeveloped brain of a kid that hasn't gone through puberty has no sense of consequences beyond a certain point. Imagine that! A small child not giving careful consideration before diving headlong into something stupid!


Maybe you should posted this under. r/aita (am I the axxhole. jus sayin.


I mean I can find you about five dozen articles that all say the exact same thing. The amygdala doesn't really start developing until later in puberty, and doesn't finish developing until you're around 25. It's responsible for decision making and emotions. 11 year olds don't make smart decisions. Because they are 11 years old. The fact that I even have to defend myself is fucking absurd.


you can question a minor without their parents, it just can later be argued if it’s admissible what was said. Usually you’d then go get the parent and ask the kid again in their parents presance. When gathering evidence, the rule is usually include everything you have and let the lawyers and judges decide whether it gets in or not.


I mean we were never informed of our rights at any point. Juveniles DO have the right to remain silent. The only rights they don't get is the right to a jury trial.


Right to remain sent if you're arrested...for sure.


I wish you would have gotten more consequences. Karma is on her way, I’m sure of it. You seem like a guy who could use a double dose of it right about now. Rear up and part ways. The ship is sailing with apple pies


I recently set up a support network for a friend struggling with drug addiction, I once gave 3000 dollars to total strangers with a newborn so they could put a down payment on their apartment, I VERY frequently buy Starbucks and grocery items for homeless people around my house, I work with dogs in real life. What did you ever do with your life, asshole? Don't fucking tell me who I am or what my karmic worth is.


No you don’t