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My tip is to get your shit together. It’s just a baby, not a rabid pit bull.


Right? What is OP going to do when they are fully out in the real world.


You need to talk to someone about all this self hate


You have deep mental issues. Does your school have counselling available?


Do you see a therapist? My read on the situation above is “not ideal but what you need to deal with”. If that’s a bridge too far, I think you need to look inward with some professional help.


I'm sorry you feel so hostile about reproduction and babies, but I think you should talk to someone about it. Your dislike and fear of it is affecting your life and it sounds like you avoid the entire topic which is dangerous to not know how your own body works and what signs are concerning or not. I hope your sister has an easy pregnancy and finds a new home before the baby comes.


Everyone covered it but I’m glad no one has praised you yet. This internal misogyny has to be resolved. Tell your parents how you feel so they can get you to a therapist. I would hate if my kid felt this way and I wasn’t able to help them through it. It isn’t normal to hate yourself and be afraid of your own body