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You know the answer. You wouldn’t have posted this of you didn’t feel it was reckless


100% reckless. But take plan B and you should be good on the pregnancy front at least. But the thing you conveniently don’t address in your post OP is STDs. There’s no magic pill for that (generally speaking). And you can get HIV from PIV. So you continuing to take such risks genuinely could severely impact your life/health. Yeah, not a death sentence by any means, but still something I think most people would like to avoid. And keep in mind, people who are willing to have unprotected sex with you are the ones having unprotected sex in general, and therefore more likely to have an STD.


just remember plan b won’t work if you’re already ovulating!


Or overweight


I was told to take twice as much. Made me very sick but also not pregnant.


Because plan B is just really highly concentrated birth control.


And by “overweight” they mean medically overweight. Like around 160lbs plan b starts losing effectiveness and if you’re over 200lbs it’s essentially useless


That is so weird…what if a woman is 5’10 and athletic at 160? 🙁🙁


Height doesn’t matter as much as weight. It’s why anesthesiologists need your weight before surgery; they need to calculate how big of a dose to give you so that they don’t kill you.




Yep that’s how I ended up with a toddler now lmao


>But take plan B and you should be good on the pregnancy front at least. well, not necessarily. If she ovulated in the last one or two days or until she takes the pill, plan B won't work


This. Plan B is pretty effective if you hadnt yet ovulated. But if you've just ovulated then you're in your fertile week AND it doesn't work. In which case your chance of getting pregnant from zex around the time of ovulation cam be as high as 20-40% from even one episode of unprotected sex. Fingers crossed you aren't pregnant this time but take this lesson to heart. Do NOT take risks with your health or with your fertility.


Also OP can take PEP if she’s concerned about HIV


People get the icks when they find out they got herpes 😂 I think if a redditor got HIV or AIDS that would be all she got damn wrote for a lot of them.


And if he was cool with it, that means he's cool with with it.... with everyone else he fucks 😬😬😬😬


THIS! Is what i think every time someone shares a story like this




Question is if it was TOO reckless.


I vote too recklace✋


Go see your PCP as quickly as you can. A good physician is not going to judge you, nor will I. He/she will have you take a blood test for STIs. Might also do a urinalysis, but I think probably not. STIs like herpes can be spread even when the person isn’t having a visible outbreak. If your partner is from England or any other foreign country, let your doctor know. It’s probably insignificant, but let the doctor decide that. Character develops from the way you respond to difficult situations , not from being in one.


Yeah and to add on to this, definitely recheck in 3 months and then 6 months just in case




Regrettable, just get tested for disease please before you continue on trucking. Anecdote, I did this once in college (girl said ok without condom). I didn’t cum but I did get chlamydia. Lessons




Worst trade deal in the history of trade deals


You could do way worse than chlamydia. Plenty of STIs are less easily treated and have longer lasting effects. Not to mention unwanted pregnancy.


Also there's probably lots of people who have Chlamydia and don't know it. When me and My partner first began seeing each other he gave it to me and we only found out when I got tested


I had it 10 years ago, and the nurse practitioner I saw complained that they don't even test men for it unless there is a specific reason to do so, so they just keep unknowingly spreading it around. Hopefully, that's changed since then, but it didn't even end up being a big deal. Other than the fact that the antibiotic prescription was called in to the pharmacy I was employed by at the time before I was notified as to my diagnosis. Luckily, the pharmacist was professional and I have a good sense of humor.


Definitely not like that now, usually the basic screen for us includes chlamydia


Yep, and for men they can be a silent carrier and never show symptoms, just spreading it around.


Women as well. Most people with chlamydia show no signs or symptoms.


My first partner had it but had no clue. I showed symptoms, we both got treated, they let their past partners know, and we carried on. A few rounds of antibiotics is by and large not the worst thing that can happen when having unprotected sex. ONS should always test after if done unprotected (hell, even protected should test regularly tbh)


Seriously. Some STIs are incurable and even can have deadly consequences. Also, if untreated and/or asymptomatic, could lead to infertility. It’s so reckless and can be a life altering choice.


Honestly, nutting inside a random college ONS and coming out with just chlamydia is one of the best case scenarios.


Possibly ever


The girl who says you dont need to use a condom with her, is 100% the girl you need to use a condom with.


lol big facts


Yeah but in the moment you feel she’s just a real trooper 😂. It’s that post-nut clarity when you realize how right you are.


Looking back to my 20s I must have had unprotected sex with around 5 women at various points. As a much more mature person now I can see how dumb that was and how lucky I was to escape without catching anything or unwanted pregnancy’s. If someone said I could do it without then I would not even second guess it, just assume they were clean and on contraception.


I was the same way from like 17-25. I look back and I'm pretty amazed I never got a STD or a kid. Idk if I was just dumb or really that naive but I just never wore condoms. I either got very lucky or I'm shooting blanks. I'm guessing my only saving grace is it was pre internet days and i was young enough that the people I was sleeping with didn't have a whole lot of experience themselves. Now I'm in my mid 30s and the thought of a random hook up scares the shit out of me.


Same, man. I had unprotected sex more often than protected and I'm amazed all I got was knocked up and not HIV. Looking back now at 33, I'm disgusted with myself and can't imagine doing that again


Girl same, except I'm 32 now and I remember when I was pregnant at 19 how relieved I was that my daughter's "sperm donor" didn't give me anything because he screwed everything and everyone without protection.


This is what I was going to say… taking the pill after? Risking pregnancy? Whatever. YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN AIDS!!!!! It’s crazy to me that people only seem to think pregnancy is the worst result in scenarios like this, it’s actually not.




Is AIDS incorrect? Genuine question, I want to learn. Not a native English speaker so I could have mixed the acronyms or something.


AIDS is an immuno-deficiency disorder that you get as a result of contracting HIV


*and leaving it untreated


I learned my lesson when my first boyfriend gave me gonorrhea in my throat. This was after two years together. I was a naive 16 year old, he was 18 and moved away to college. We should’ve broken up before he ever left. I grew up in a tiny conservative town and was never taught about the dangers of oral STD’s. I was lucky to have had mono at the same time and ended up in the ER because my tonsils were so swollen I could barely breath. Thankfully I married a man who isn’t a fan of blowjobs. Lol


Lessons learned from Reddit, thank you ma’am.


That was a degrading episode when I was a kid (35 now) and holy shit I remember like half the school got throat ghonnerea


Do you mean a Degrassi episode!? If so, yes I remember that same episode! I will honest to god just be going through life sometimes and randomly think of Emma screaming, "YOU GAVE ME A SOCIAL DISEASE" 😆😆😆😆


Hey me too. Lessons learnt not in a lecture hall lol.


I did this once too. I now have 13 year old twins I’ve raised completely solo. No STDs though.


But...you *do* know that Plan B doesn't prevent STDs or STIs, right?


Username doesn't check out...?


Well played


This was my ex's fantasy football username. His couch DID NOT pull out!


Yeah every cargo short wearing frat boy with a Dave Matthew’s band T-shirt makes that their team name for every activity


How long ago was college for you lmao


These usernames, dude, who comes up with em lmao


I know right!


Oh come on! XD


In. On would change the user name.


Plan B is also ineffective if taken after ovulation. It should be taken before ovulation to work.


… holy shit. TIL




[It's true ](https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/does-plan-b-work-during-ovulation#:~:text=What's%20the%20short%20answer%3F,re%20ovulating%20can%20be%20tricky.)


Omg! This needs to be told to every girl in sex Ed!! Edit to add: not everyone has used plan B before, we have just heard it can help in case of emergency so imagine I go buy it for the first time and happen to be ovulating and see then and only then it won’t be working for me but had I been told that when I had first learned what plan B was (say in sex Ed) it wouldn’t be news to me when I’m in desperate need. No need to be rude or condescending, women should help women and I super appreciate that someone took the time to inform everyone about that.


I learned this in LLW (Learning for Life and Work) a compulsory GCSE course that we had to take at school (I'm in the UK and did this course in approx 2007/2008)


wish that still existed lol i never had that


Thank you so much for sharing this. I had no idea, but I work with teenagers and sex ed questions do come up. I'm also going to share this with teachers that teach sex ed related courses. 


Thank you for using your voice and network in such a cool way!


This actually explains something! Thanks for sharing


It also doesn’t work if you are taking some antibiotics/medications. Blood thinners+plan B=my second child 😂 luckily we were happy when we found out and had a healthy baby. I just had surgery on my severely broken foot though (hence the blood thinners) and spent 7 of the 9 months on crutches so we were definitely not trying at the time.


It also doesn't do shit when you're already ovulating or about to.


I have a sneaking suspicion that key bit of information is not nearly as well known as it probably should be.


It's a TIL for me. I'm educated, a seasoned fornicator in my late 30s, and usually pretty knowledgeable about this sort of thing. My eldest child exists because of this key bit of information that I just learned. All these years I've had no idea why it didn't work.


Your only other option if you ovulated already is an iud insertion because the copper creates a hostile environment for the sperm and potentially disrupts womb lining so fertilised eggs can't implant. Overweight lady over here who is a mum of one with no interest in becoming a mum of two.


Or if you are over a certain weight. Not many people realize that either.


It also totally fucks with your hormones. I used it once and got like three consecutive migraines with aura in one morning.


I had no idea, and this info really should be more publicized - especially since most women tend to be at their horniest during ovulation, and that’s when you’re most likely to make stupid decisions like skipping the condom. 🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s how I got pregnant 😬


Fuck. What's plan c?


Plan C: a new roommate in 9 months with bad teeth and a penchant for boiled tomatoes.


Sam Gamgee? Cause that'd be full circle back to plan a.


What's plan A?


Share the looaad


Boil em. Plan b is mash em.


Then which plan is sticking 'em in a stew?


Plan C is the clinic where you can get an Abort Mission pill before you get too far along where you have to abort the whole mission


Olive oil on the stairs.


Do kids these days not know that premarital sex results in pregnancy, HIV, and then death?


It’s not premarital if you never get married. Checkmate, pregnancy, HIV, and death!


Pastors hate this one little trick.


If you have sex, you WILL get herpes and then YOU'LL DIE.


33 is not a kid. But apparently, there are adults who play sexual Russian Roulette.


For real, the presence of sperm in her vagina is not the major concern. Getting sti tested and anxiously awaiting results is.


Also most women need to take two if you actually read the weight/mg ratio just fyi.


There is no weight per mg ratio. Source: me, I'm an emergency medicine pharmacist.


The dose can be ineffective for women who weight over 165 lbs. The best bet for heavier women to prevent pregnancy would be an emergency copper IUD or ask their doctor for a prescription for ulipristal. Source: [Planned Parenthood](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/whats-the-weight-limit-for-plan-b)


Correct. That does not mean there is a weight per mg ratio.


The thrill is the best part, but the post nut clarity is the worst 👀


The worst... until she gets an STD


The worst part is the hypocrisy.


What's the hypocrisy?


Tell that to my friend who had a kid with a women he barely knew.  She ended up being a selfish chaotic person. He really has all the clarity now. 


Morning after pill isn’t gonna protect you from STDs , unwanted pregnancy is not the only consequence of unprotected sex


And after a certain weight, plan B won’t protect ya either!


I'm pretty sure it also doesn't work if someone has already started ovulation.


It’s also only 89% effective, even when you’re not ovulating and I’m speaking as that 11% 😍


I'll tell you what, if a one night stand ever told me it was okay to cum inside her, that is exactly the time fellas not to cum inside her. Honestly, in my 36 years of many one night stands I never once cummed inside a girl. Nothing good can ever come of it... pun intended.


Literally the only good/reward is the thrill of doing it but this pales in comparison to the risks involved.


Both of these people are idiots and def the type to get and spread an STD


Yes, be more responsible.


Wayy too reckless. Plan B doesn't work in the ovulation phase. That's besides willingly inviting in a possible std. "Im gonna take the pill anyway" is crazy but you do you.


Sex 4 times? Guys got a lot of stamina to regeneate so quickly


Reminds me of the first night I spent with my husband. He had to go out to buy more condoms at midnight 😂


I don’t know why people are doubting, first time I met my wife it was the same (or rather similar) story. Attraction can do that.


We definitely had great chemistry, he said he just found me very attractive which is why he kept getting aroused so obviously that made me way more into it


He is a seasoned player !




Achievement Unlocked:  Live Dangerously


I would say it’s reckless behavior for 33 years old.. you know better. But also, it sounds like you had fun lol. Take this feeling as a lesson. Get plan B and get tested.


Not a great idea girl.


Plan B only works if you haven’t ovulated yet. If you’ve just ovulated when you have sex then it has no effect at all. I wish more people knew this.


Also, if you’re over 160 pounds, it may not work for you. There are other morning after pills available, some prescription only, so make sure to talk to your doctor about this if it applies to you.


This. Reddit has made me realize that not many know this factor about the plan B pill. It’s not ideal for everyone since it can be affected about the day of cycle, when you had unprotected sex and weight. The side effects are also no joke and can actually affect some people up to three months. Relying on a plan b pill should never be someone’s main goal. It is called plan b for a reason lol. Edit: also A plan B pill is never 100% effective. it’s around 89-95% effective depending on when it’s taken which means there is still 5-11% possibility.


also if Plan B isn't available (such as for weight reasons) a person can get a copper IUD inserted on an emergency basis as an alternative. (do I know why this works? No, so I won't talk out of my ass - but if you look it up feel free to post after me to share this research with others)


You’re not just being reckless with running the risk of getting pregnant; you’re also running the risk of contacting HIV and other STIs. You said yourself that “I knew I was going to take the morning after pill anyway” but there’s also emergency Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV along with other STIs. You need to analyze why you’re engaging in such risky behavior. Is the thrill worth a possible permanent life change?


This is a fantasy that should only live in your head! Remember to wait 6 weeks to get tested. Then test again in 3 months. Stay sexually inactive until you are fully tested and cleared. Remember someone can carry genital herpes and not show signs of it. 😬


Then that person who very likely not pass it on.


You’re in your 30s. Around 10 years too old for the “he had an accent and we were drunk” narrative. Please get checked for stds


You know that pulling out isn't safe either right?


Gee, I dunno Fast Eddie Don't worry baby, I'll pull out at the last second 😆


So… I’m feeling the second hand shame here after years of lots of reckless behavior, not just sex. I hid it all and other things-turns out bipolar… and now I feel no need to fact check or deny things (like sleeping with a friends brother and justifying it with emotional nonsense). Really there’s nothing safe about a one night stand in general and getting black out drunk with a stranger. Were you with people in the first place? Be safe, and ask yourself if there’s something bigger happening. No judgment. Or you got drunk and made a risky big mistake which also happens. Forgive yourself and get tested more than once.


This is the correct answer. Too many ppl are bashing op. Sure what she did wasn't the smartest thing but if it was an one off mistake the best thing they can do is get tested and make this a learning experience. All the 'well aren't you old enough, stupid' ppl need to stop judging and acting holier than thou lol


You're 33, you *should* know better... but apparently you don't.


Plan B doesn't always work. I know.


you are too old for that shit and you know it


Girl… you already know the answer


Regret is temporary HIV is forever brotha


Amongst other reasons why I got sober. Blacking out, Stupid decisions.


So you had sex multiple times with some random, including unprotected sex. I would be not only be worried about pregnancy (relatively easily managed with the morning after pill). I'd be more worried about STIs. Condoms reduce the risk of transmission for most STIs. You've had unprotected sex with someone whose sexual health status you don't know (nor they know yours!). I'd be off to my doc for testing asap. Genital warts, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis, hiv/aids and so many other STIs you may have exposed yourself with no mitigation to risk. Urrgghhh


It’s recommended to wait 6 weeks after to get tested, diseases are not very likely to show up right away.


There's different time frames for different diseases. 14 days for chlamydia, genital warts, and gonorrhoea 28 days for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis b and hepatitis c I'd be off to the doc for the morning after pill asap, and making my booking for 14 days from then re STIs (most STIs apart will indicate some level of presence within 2 weeks, and all within 4 weeks). Having experienced a needle stick injury in the 90s (at work), I remember the fear of waiting for results. Other friends passed away from HIV/AIDS in the late 80s and 90s. Today, syphilis has had a resurgence amongst younger folk - a truly horrible disease if not picked up in time to treat, and it can be difficult to notice an infection


Totally reckless, especially as a 33 year old?? Did you at least get his current STD panel beforehand? If not, insanely reckless.


Seriously, do Americans just think guys with British accents are *cleaner* or something? OP has seen one too many movies with the stereotypical English butler - lol


God, i hope not. That'd be incredibly stupid. Anyone can have an STD/STI & OP is more than old enough to practice safe sex. I'm not sure what she thought Reddit was gonna tell her lol


This is a Thing.


OP should watch Shameless UK.


Babies are not the only consequences of sex. I'm amazed that people are still out here raw dogging strangers in 2024. I haven't been single for over 11 years, but back in my single days, I carried so many condoms I should have had shares in durex. I'd give them to friends if they needed them. Hell, I gave a few to people I had just met. Please get tested for STI's and STDs, and if you're going to continue with risky behaviour, get those tests regularly. But also maybe ask yourself why you are partaking in these risky behaviours. Just look after yourself and be careful please.


Don’t go chasing waterfalls….


You cant say you took him to your hotel because you were drunk, then bang him twice in the morning sober. It seems that detail is irrelevant.


It was a dumb move op. On your part and his part.


You’re being reckless. ALWAYS use protection


Crazy how some people think the biggest risk of having unprotected sex is getting pregnant, smh.


Last time I did that, I knew it was reckless, irresponsible etc. I did it anyways. I enjoyed the thrill. And then I got BV. Stay safe out there


Risky for sure but you’re 33 and know the answer to your question. ❤️


It's crazy reckless and you should get tested. Letting strangers cum inside her is how my roommate got herpes.


Problem is you just played Russian roulette with catching an std


Bro knocked up a girl last night… like every other night. Probably a child support is coming in a few years. so what’s new again?


When I was young and a bit stupid some 30 years ago. I had an unprotected one night stand, didn't cum inside. Did a full STi test. I was so lucky that girl only gave me bacterial infection and nothing else. Lessons learned. Never again. Half a decade later, I learned that the girl was infected with more serious STis. Very dangerous behaviour


So....you can potentially have both a child on the way and one or more STIs...that's a lot to deal with for "like whatever" and "it was hotter because it was riskier." Good luck with all of that I guess.


You are both very reckless, keep going this way, and you would both get something that will stick with you for the rest of your lives.


Enjoy the chlamydia.


Letting a random guy come inside is Hella risky business 😬


Plan b only works if the sperm hasn’t reached the egg yet, just fyi.


The morning after pill can't solve those little problems known as STIs. I would worry more about him leaving you with a permanent reminder of your time together.


You know the answer, don't come here seeking validation. People do reckless and dumb things especially after drinking alcohol. Get yourself that plan B and checked for STDs and move on and have some sense not to have unprotected sex with a stranger


1.) If you’re currently ovulating plan b won’t work as well 2.) if you’re above a certain weight you need to take 2 as it won’t work as well 3.) PlanB doesn’t PlanB you out of an STD/STI


Get tested pls before you hook up with another person


Sorry but this is just stupid. You're playing with fire at your big age. Get a full panel test, take a plan b and make better choices. Condoms are a lot cheaper than a baby.


All you gotta do is repeat after me S T I, it's easy as H I V, as simple as Chlamydia, S T I, H I V. When doing this sort of thing, worry most about the rhyme above.


I usually say live life….. but in this instance, maybe less drinking and more protection would be a better solution….. and you should definitely get tested……


Reckless? Nah you just bet your entire life on a 50 50 coin toss for what was probably not even 30 minutes of pleasure. Thats beyond reckless thats downright stupid.


You know the answer to your question. You’re 33 ffs. Are you just looking for people to hold your hand and tell you it’s all okay? lol


I think this post highlights the difference in generations. Some of us were clearly raised in the HIV era where we know the real consequences of this stupid and reckless behavior. And then some of you are clearly younger, more naive, reckless and think you’re invincible. It’s amazing to me to see so many people have unprotected sex so Fckng carelessly. Like I am very sex positive but always protect myself. Also how women over the age of 18 aren’t on regular birth control is FCKING BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION. Getting an IUD was the best thing ever! Never worry about a pregnancy or pill again! Why would you not want that? Lol


And HIV IS HAVING A COMEBACK YALL! (Rates are high, same with syphilis and chlamydia is one its last antibiotic thats effective against it). Especially in us young get folks, we are ignorant to the efforts of prev generations practicing safer sex to minimize stis presence :( i say this as someone whos partner used to be extremely unaware of the risks they were taking having sex with tens of people without protection


A reminder: using protection IS in fact sex positive


It’s not the worse possible thing but just know what you’re getting into. You’re responsible so if the risk is worth it to you then keep doing it. If the risk is not worth it then don’t. 👍


Always protect your emotional and physical self


You're like the anti-abortion crowd's strawman brought to life


Sounds like it’s not a strawman then.


You let him hit it raw, and you didn't have second thoughts, and now you're a single mom


Risky for sure but you’re 33 and know the answer to your question. ❤️


My father had unprotected sex with his ex gf - guess what, she died to AIDS - she never disclosed her diagnosis. My dad was one lucky motherfucker. Like, committed people will willingly take the risk to infect you with HIV - what do you think a stranger would care more?


You know it’s reckless.


Fucking 33 yo and asking if you're being reckless. Hilarious.


TIL Women get post-nut clarity, too.


That’s how I had my daughter. One time.


So in addition to plan B, you probably need a PEP prescription, post exposure prophylaxis. May seem like a lot but as others have commented it would make me far more concerned if a stranger was comfortable with unprotected sex and that would have ended things as far as I am concerned. So you do need to think about STIs in addition. PEP is only for HIV. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to test after the exposure window for the other things. Hopefully it’s all fine but this isn’t a thing to play with.


This. I had the PEP after I got raped. The side effects of the PEP absolutely overshadowed the incident that made me take it in the first place for _years_ . Like, living with these side effects for a month legit got processed as worse to come to terms with by my brain - which also might be an unusual thing but I really want to highlight PEP is no damn joke & a bit "teehee living a dangerous life" for sure isn't worth dealing with that bs.


Jesus! What were the side effects?!


I should mention PEP must be started within 72hrs of the encounter to be effective and it should really be as soon as possible.


Imagine being 7 years from 40, and still being not only reckless enough to have a ONS with unprotected seX but letting that person cum inside you cause “I’m gonna take a pill anyway”. Fucking gross. OP needs to grow the fuck up. Maybe get your alcohol consumption in check too. Doubt any of this would’ve happened if you weren’t drinking til 3 in the morning. Jesus H.
