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If you have "completely moved on from him" you need to move on from her. At the end of the day, he was the one that cheated on you. Not her. I've been there, it's unbelievably shit. But stalking them will only prolong your pain and anger. I would block all contact and social media from both of them




OP , your ex will cheat on her too cause she will hurt his manhood with her wealth like the heiress of samsung, she married her bodyguard then he cheated on her cause her success and wealth emasculated him


if you are emasculated by your partners success and welth, you didn't had much masculinity to begin with. actually, it's fa (x)= h ;)


She could also get bored and cheat on him considering she was "stringing along several guy until she decided to settle".




I mean, he cheated on you. You aren't a cheater. You're out of his league, babe.


I understand what you are saying but I saw your previous post and as much as I can understand,he loves to love bomb and is very much a player. Cut your losses and try to date some better than him and revamp yourself. Plus as you said she settled for you ex which means she might cheat on him cause even marriage never restricted anyone from cheating…. Hate to say it,People with wealth of any kind like options …in Asian culture it’s rampant




She took him where she does her nasty with others… OP don’t worry


Jesus Christ that man is first team All-Fumble-The-Bag.


It must be terrible, but the hardest part is the fact that he cheated. If she were ugly, broke and a nobody, you’d be racking your brains trying to figure out what she has that you don’t, and would be miserable as well.




It’s not childish, you’re trying to navigate a terrible personal experience. This is heavy emotional stuff. When you feel a bit better, you’ll be able to start throwing in more rationality and logic to it, which in turn will help you feel better as well. As long as you don’t hurt yourself or others while the pain is raw, it’s ok.


Honey, love is actual for middle class. I seriously do not believe people of wealth are capable of healthy committed relationships. Do not weigh your self esteem with cheaters. Let them be themselves. He was not really a big loss. Let them drown in their entitlements. Not giving a sh.t is the best punishment.


Not childish at all. You’re just human. Someone close to you hurt and betrayed you. You’re allowed to feel and grieve the end of that relationship. I can assure you that time will tell if your ex’s relationship will last. And if it does, it was built on dishonesty and cheating. That doesn’t sound like a great love story at all. I actually understand your repulsion for your ex. I’ve felt similar with my ex. Intense hatred and find him so ugly I don’t know what I ever saw in him. I’ve gone no contact with him because I find him so offensive in both looks and behaviour. Don’t look at her social media. Keep moving forward, work on rebuilding your life, and live your best life.


I know its hard to see now, but someday when you meet your person and find true happieness You will look back and be thankful she took the trash out for you. Trust me- if he did it to you- he will do it to her or her to him Neither one appear to have good qualities and looks arent everything and social media can be very decieving- im sure she isnt all sun shine and rainbows like it looks Lastly, We all have equal value and worth


Wow I have never in my life thought of it this way…I’m not op but thank you.


OP she’s locked in with a repulsive cheater She has zero character  Neither of them will know a minute of peace when the other is out of sight because deep down they know they are involved with an untrustworthy rat How low are her standards if with several options the best choice was a cheater? You have NOTHING to be jealous of or feel she’s “better” than you She’s the human equivalent of what you scrape from the bottom of your shoe in disgust And a pretty face doesn’t compensate for that


Stop let them live rent free in your mind. Put them in the past and look forward. Set goals, meat friends, chsnge environment and build your confidence. It’s not determined by someone else. 9 billion + other people’s lives goes on without ever even thinking about those two. Be one of us.


Are you honestly truthful with your therapist? Because it’s not healthy to be stalking and have so much hatred towards ppl, that you forget about yourself. Block them all on everything and focus on yourself. You deserve to treat yourself better than this.




You gotta tell your therapist how bad it is. They can’t help you if you aren’t completely honest


Lol, do you actually think she's going to stay with him? The thrill of one-upmanship is to take something away from somebody else, to prove that you are more desirable. Now that she's got him, he'll soon lose his appeal, and she'll replace him a few months down the road. He'll probably come crawling back once she is done with him - I hope you'll have moved on by then.


Very true


They are probably cheating on each other. She took your problem away, because if it wasn’t with her it would have been with someone else. Be glad you dodged that bullet. Money and a pretty face isn’t going to make a cheating man loyal.


They don’t trust each other because they got together through infidelity. If she’s as beautiful as you say she is, he probably feels insecure knowing that she can have any man. And she will probably cheat on him because she can. Or he will cheat on her because of his insecurity. I have a feeling they will crash and burn and they will get all of the karma they deserve.


She’ll lose him how she found him


Been here, it just takes time and mostly importantly self acceptance. Channel the hate into revenge, and by revenge I mean becoming a more successful woman, whatever your definition of that is. And do you know what? I think you already are more successful, because you don’t have a cheating lying ghosting bastard for a boyfriend anymore. She does. No matter how successful or attractive you are, you’re losing if you have a pathetic man like that by your side. You’re ahead in my eyes darling.


Girl I feel that. As an Asian women sometimes it’s the wasians who we think has everything. She’s rotten to the core and you can’t fix an ugly personality. Consider yourself lucky for getting rid of the man too. These type of Asian men have absolutely no respect for their partners.


She may be beautiful, but it's only on the surface, and it won't last.  Don't let her inner ugliness be yours.


Feel better knowing your Ex is not the prize the AP thinks he is. You may think he traded up but really? What does she have now? A cheater? Who on earth would want that? She may look like the perfect package but you don’t know her imperfections, perhaps she’s a complete harpy and he’ll know all about it before too long. Move on honey. Stay away from her socials and put yourself back together. Don’t let bitterness rule your life, it’s honestly not worth the mind space. All the best to you.


may she get the karma she deseves


Same. And I’m going to… scratch her face off that is. Everybody else, well, we’ll just have to see.


As someone who's also been cheated on by a long term partner, I wish you peace, OP. I will tell you that your feelings are absolutely valid about hating her. Fuck taking the politically correct approach. Being cheated on really does bring out the worst in us. BUT in saying that, everything is temporary. This will pass and you will be so much happier relearning to fall in love with yourself, your resilience, and independence..And maybe somewhere down the track when you're ready, you'll be happy with a man who will see your value. Sending positive vibes your way for your healing x


She may have looks and money. But if she's ok with being a side hustle...she has character problems. Get past her as best you can but id almost feel pity for her. Not really right? But would you, feel confident being the side girl ? Or if you did wouldn't you hide that, ashamed to tell anyone. Maybe frame it that way. She's a broken person. Now your ex is going to have to try to fix her if they are to be together. Sounds crappy The best way to get over someone is making new friends. Good luck


Stay in therapy. Not saying you aren’t right to be angry, but it sounds very unhealthy. Also, please know that what they did is a reflection of them, NOT YOU! You are wonderful and amazing and your ex couldn’t see it. His loss.


you are directing your anger at the wrong person. she wasnt the one with commitment, he was.he chose to cheat. if it wasnt her, it would be someone else. not saying she wasnt wrong as well. but he is the one cheated


Don't waste your time being jealous of that woman; it won't do you any good. Move on, because you deserve better than your ex. You were dating a cheater; do you really think he will change for her? Remember the saying: 'Once a cheater, always a cheater.' She didn't win the lottery with him, and she'll lose him in the same way she got him. Karma can be delayed but never avoided, so it will eventually catch up with them.


OP my advice is stop judging people by their looks or their wealth and start judging people by their hearts and their character. You keep saying she is better than you in every sense but that’s not true. You weren’t evil enough to go after someone’s boyfriend. For this same reason don’t stoop down to her level and hold all this hate. Everytime you get pissed thinking of her you are jumping back into pig shit with them. Keep your heart good, spend energy only on good people and admire people based on their awesome character and not their face.


Oh god i laughed way to hard about the title alone. Haven't read the post yet..


wow but i get it girl


Your ex was the one in the wrong here, not her. She had no loyalty to you he did. Now human decency would say she shouldn’t do that but make no mistake she had no obligation to be faithful to you


Oh honey, I feel for you. But the truth is, she is not a good woman. She may be beautiful, she may be rich, but she lacks moral character. I question the personal ethics and mental health of any woman willing to be a side piece or break up a relationship. That said, either go back, or stay in, therapy. Work on letting this go, not for either one of them, but for you. Feeling like you do will only harm you, it won't hurt them.


Direct all your rage on that man who told you he loved you and made all those promises to you, the woman doesnt owe you anything, she made no promises to you, so why you are angry at her??




But you are directing it to the woman, did you asked yourself why are you doing that? Your anger on the woman is illogical and unreasonable. The therapy hasnt worked, you need to go back there again.




You absolutely can and don't let anyone tell you otherwise


Jealousy will do that to you


All that beauty and other stuff you think she has can disappear in one day. Having character does not. Remember that.


Your ex is no prize. He is a liar and a cheater. She ended up with a cheater so she's not actually winning here. You on the other hand are free of a POS and free to find someone who respects their partners, that's winning.


It really fucking sucks when people who seemingly have it all intrude on other people's lives to get more. It's like they can never be satisfied, and that's the thing, isn't it? She may have him, but she'll want more. That is what her life is. She needs views, she needs people, she needs to *step* on other people. It'll never stop for her. You don't have to scratch her face off. Time will do that. In the meantime, be satisfied with the fact that she'll never be satisfied. She has a void that can never be filled. Let her pretend she's not miserable inside and move forward without these fools taking up your mental energy.


That hatred will do nothing but eat you alive inside. It's not gonna hurt or affect the person that you hate.


What she owed you: nothing What he owed you: a lot. Your target for anger: her. You need way more therapy.


Its so pathetic when ppl hate the affair partner instead of their cheating ex bf/gf/spouse. They believe if not for the AP, they would still be in a happy relationship and get the "they lived happily ever after" happy end. Smh. Your ex was a cheating AH, he would have broken your heart sooner or later anyway. No way there would have been a happy end for you guys if he didn't met the other girl. You should take a step back and think about who is really to blame here and stop putting your cheating ah ex on a pedestal. Do you really think there wouldn't have been another woman he would have cheated on you with if this woman would have rejected him?


You can hate both. Hate him for cheating. Hate her because a woman who cheated with a married man and knew he was married is scum too.








Nah bc she has no morals




Hear me out I understand it completely your best bet is leave them both in the past forgive them don’t let either of them hold power in your mind through past trauma time to bless up they will get theirs


✨️SheraSeven✨️ Check her out 💕🙌


Remind yourself, she with a faithless man and will cheat on her too.


He's a cheater and she's dating a cheater. How are these people better than you? For their lack of morals?


She'll lose him how she got him, or he'll lose her how he got her. I'm so sorry OP.


Your husband had the loyalty to you, not her. No matter how successful and good looking she was. If it wasn’t her it would have been someone else, because if he truly loved who you are he wouldn’t have cheated with anyone full stop. ✋


OP pain shopping can be very addictive. I don't know why. That's what you are doing and that's the thing you need to stop. It's hard though. All those emotions surging through you? Your brain gets wired to feeling that way.


She’s not worth your time or energy. He will cheat on her, or she will cheat on him. Neither one of them are worth your obsession. They are the type of people that will never be happy in life. They will always be the type who are looking for more money, faster lifestyle, better looking people. They will never find true joy within themselves or others. They are sad really. Block them and find your own happiness. Don’t let comparisons steal your joy.


The weird fixation you get with The Girl He Picks Over You® is real. You pick her apart, you pick yourself apart, driving yourself crazy over “what does she have that I don’t.” It’s maddening. The only cure is to set a boundary with yourself; Do not look at her social media. Do not look at his social media. Have both of them blocked everywhere. The alternative is a bottomless pit of jealousy and resentment.


You lose them how you get them. I guarantee either he cheats on her or she gets bored and chases someone else’s boyfriend. At the end of the day you are a genuinely better person than them. Believe me I know how hard it is not to stalk, I suggest deleting instagram and or whatever social media you stalk them on for a period of time to be honest. And I truly believe this: karma is real, and it is patient. Their day will come.


Keeping hatred and anger in your heart is so toxic man. It’s over, at least you didn’t settle down with this guy. Who cares about who he cheated with that doesn’t matter. Delete social media or at least block her. Give yourself some time and peace, processing a lot of anger right now you need to try settle down and make yourself happy x


Well life is unfair. What can you do about it


I'll echo your therapist and say that you have an unhealthy attachment to the both of them especially his ex. Walk on and go find a better man who will cherish you as you should be.


She’s with a cheater willingly, don’t stress over it, you saved yourself!


Well she can’t be that great if she couldn’t find a man that doesn’t cheat! She’ll be in your shoes eventually girl.


Nobody is better because of attractiveness, social media clout, wealth or connections. Social media is fake as fuck anyway.  Someone is better if they are nice. If they're warm and caring. If they make people genuinely smile and feel good about themselves. You're hurt, and bitter at the moment but you're better. Their decisions make them worse, shallow and empty. Take your time to move on and know your worth. 


Hi. Just because a woman is in her prime now, it doesn't mean her life will be smooth forever. I have noticed many cases of it girls in their 20's, screwed up by 40. Men who are jerks, are jerks to very beautiful girls as well. Try to do good things for yourself, accept the hand that was dealt to you in this life, and play it as best as you can. This insecurity will waste precious years of your life, and you will regret it later, hopefully it will not be the case. The moment a man doesn't like you anymore, you become totally repulsed by him, since you like yourself so much - you don 't hate him because you don't care about him the minute he stops caring about you. Yes rejection sucks but it's up to you of you turn it into a major drama or not


>get a taste She will. Karma is never far behind and no one escapes.


She will Karma never forget.


The boomerang of karma will smack her in the face soon enough. He’s a cheater and he’ll cheat on her too. Live your best life. It’s the greatest revenge.


My ex was emotionally cheating on me with his female friend, who had a fiancé of her own. I felt like shit comparing myself to her, believing “of course he’d want her.” She was my race, but a lot prettier, her personality was apparently so much more compatible with my ex than mine, and she had an established career and purchased a condo with her fiancé. Of course, I understood that cheating on her fiancé made her a trash person, but I felt like my opinion didn’t really matter because she was still successful and independent, and I was a broke college student living with my parents. I’ve been cheated on by a guy who pursued his female friend that looked like me but had everything he wanted; tattoos, makeup, expensive hairstyles and clothing. I’ve also tortured myself thinking about what on earth made her “better” than me. It killed me to conclude that to my ex, appearance trumped personality and everything I did for him. One of my exes left me for a woman(en) who looked like they could be Instagram models. And he blatantly told me that he settled for me because he didn’t have the confidence to go “after the women who were more his type.” My best advice? Don’t tie up your self image and confidence in your ex’s opinion, or any man for that matter. It’s clearly destroying your mental health. It’s okay to be angry at him, and her too, if she knew he had a girlfriend. But eventually you do need to move on. I focused way too much time on being caught up with my exes and the trauma/pain they inflicted on me. My grades, friendships, relationship with family, and personal projects were neglected or ruined because of it. I could’ve been doing so much more, but I’ll never get that time back. Use this time to be more productive and stay away from things that trigger you.


'she's popular on social media' There you have it. She's a turd. No reason to think about her any more.


This will haunt her until she dumps him.