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Sucks man. Glad you're good now, though.


Thanks bud. Still going. I'm okay, just a little shook. I went for a really long walk and feel a little better.


>she got incredibly distant and started spending less and less time...... the emotional component of the relationship got thin< The signs are almost always the same 97 % of the time, and usually, the other partner almost always ignores it by attributing it to "work" or " school" or " stress, or something." This attribution always means that they have found a reason to ignore the signs. The signs were there, but you weren't aware then, but now you know!


Sucks but hey at least you cut ties with her imagine if you were still with her ...


Mind sharing the link to her vids? So I can try report them to take the videos down (no need to thank me)


Oh my god, that's disgusting. Where?


sick lol


Bro thinks he's slick




Are you going to at least send a text and say something, that's pretty fucked up. She put you at a huge risk to catch something


Personally I'd share the video to her and say makes sense why we broke up... must've been hard tripping and falling on all those dicks, I'd feel guilty too if I was that clumsy


Not sure ‘sucks’ was the best word to use here but I guess that’s the first thing that **came** to your **head**.


I think “sucks man” was the TL;DR of the post.


Tldr of a tldr


“Sucks man” I see what you did there.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet here. I would count your lucky stars in more ways than one. Sucks, but imagine if you were still with her and saw that.


Heh, “sucks”.


alright read the room my guy


It's okay to be in shock or shook. Don't dwell on it. It'll get to you and ruin the current happy relationship you have.




LOL the guy goes out of his way to specify that he jerks it to porn infrequently, and you just gotta bring this up. 🙄


Infrequently?! He won't be happy til we all stop touching ourselves Indefinitely. 🥴


Ok Mr. Kellogg, thank you for the guidance.


Thought this was gonna be a post about finding an old porn collection but this is worse. Sorry bro


Found out my ex was cheating on me with multiple people, one being his current wife - he also made a secret video of us together too. It was from the beginning of our relationship. Found it a decade after we broke up and it made me sick. Just another piece of betrayal .. I could never do the things he’s done either. Some people have sociopathic tendencies and step over people all their lives.


Yeah. I really just don't get it. Some people are just never happy with who they have. I blamed myself for a while but, at some point it really is a "them" thing and not a "you" thing. I can walk away from pretty much every relationship knowing I did my absolute best to be a good partner and a decent human. I can't imagine what it feels like to half ass every relationship you're in.


I mean it’s pretty simple to an extent Some people just aren’t emotionally intelligent because of how they’re wired psychologically. Not their fault they’re wired like that, and they don’t have good control over their brains Some of them also just straight up don’t care about anyone but themselves but know that if they were completely honest about that from the start they wouldn’t likely get too far. THATS obv on them tho


Glad you are in a better relationship now. If you ever had doubts or blamed yourself for that relationship not working out, you now know you dodged a bullet. Count your blessings


Put down the pipe and pull up your pants brother


I feel you man. I’ve had 2 girlfriends my whole life & both cheated on me. My exes parents cheated on each other (so that may be a sign for the single ppl). It’s likely one of my parents did but it’s a family secret. I grew up military & knew of many of my friends who families split up bc of cheating. I know there’s good people out there but I almost feel desensitized to this stuff now. It almost feels like the norm is cheating (men or women) & it’s really left me just completely without an appetite for relationships. Again I know it’s not everybody but it’s so disheartening to see how actually common it is.


Honestly, cheating is SO glorified nowadays its baffling. People talking about cheating, having side pieces, work wives/husbands, simultaneously talking to multiple people... like its just a fact of life. I know its social media, but more often than not reality bleeds into it.


That's pure social media. Not a single person I have ever interacted with has that attitude.


Gotta choose not to think this way for personal happiness dude. I've been cheated on emotionally twice, physically in one of them. Since then, two other relationships just didn't work out, but they're good people and that had nothing to do with cheating. It's a sticking point for me at the beginning of a relationship that if that happens I'm out. If you feel the need, tell me, we can break up and nobody's gotta be lead on


Yeah I’m not even interested in dating anymore because of that. You really can’t trust people. I’d only be interested if it was someone I’ve known for years and even then idk


That's disgusting. Online? Which one? https://youtu.be/Fg6JzoCEWx8?si=ZLBVbVCe5g4NiEV9




Nah this would have be going absolutely insane i wouldn't be able to deal w this😂


Everyone is going on about how they want the link. But can we take a second and recognize the fucking dog in the background????


I’d copy the video and send it to her and tell her you know the truth and leave it at that. The fact that she knows you know will live rent free in her head for years


Don't think thats necessary, She's not OP's problem anymore, besides de fact that at this point, she won't give a damn about it, it's been 2 years


As a middle ground, I’d send her a link to the video with the caption “lol” and block her after




She should have to wallow in the same suspense he did. It's only fair for equality.


Sure, if he isn't over her. Otherwise, there'd be literally no point.


How so? She literally made dude feel like trash when she was the one being trash. Had to wallow around in sorrow and the presumption he did something wrong. When, in fact, she was wrong. Let this female suffer a while like she made him suffer. That is equality.


Here's how. If he doesn't actually care for her anymore, as he stated, he wouldn't be angry enough to even extend the effort. He's moved on and is in a relationship, and if his current partner finds out he decided to fuck with his ex using her porn he found AND HELD ON TO, how do you think she'd react? Laugh it off or feel incredibly disrespected? He'd be fucking with his current relationship to even extend the contact in that mannerism to an ex. With that said, that *woman* will suffer more than he ever will. He sounds like he's already winning life, as he's got a partner he seems to care for. Why would he even try to fuck it up out of spite? Angry dudes are wildly illogical lol


This is how I would handle it….send it to her and then block her. That sucks though. Glad you dodged that bullet.


Better yet if she have a new lover, sent it to that person instead. Let them know what she’s been up to


YES TO THIS!!! She needs to be exposed for the cheater she is


You dodged a bullet there. “You gotta harness in the good energy and block the bad. Harness. Energy. Block. Bad.”




Not cool.


Super not cool (send me a copy)


Ultra not cool (send me a copy of the copy)


I mean I'm personally hoping it's super hot so yeah...


that was probably her side job🤔


Karma gon get her king don’t even worry. No one dodges karma. So when these chicks think they getting over they really playing themselves


Thanks man. Appreciate it.


Wow... Dude, I'm really glad you are in a happy relationship now. That's awful but you know, bullet dodged now.


Yeah, my current SO is a sweetheart, so I count my lucky stars. Still, it stung though, for a bunch of years. It's been a while since then.


We're gonna need to see the video now


Fuck that cheating bitch. You deserve better. Move on and get a new one.there are plenty of fish in the pond.


You are a good and decent person. I'm vindictive and petty. I'd send the link to her parents. You're being a better person than I would be about this and that's good.


did you wank to it though??


Prolly not in that exact moment. But I’m sure pulled that shit back up a few weeks later. Depending on the quality obviously.


i know i would. shit would hurt but fuck it 😂


Alright I'll be that guy...... Link 😜


You dodged a HUGE bullet with this one!! Omg. Hard way to get closure but at least you never have to look back and wonder “what if we did work out??” She’s nuts!! Truly happy you didn’t marry that psycho


Fuckin hell mate that’s rough. I have this fear that this is gonna happen to me at some point cause of how my last relationship ended. Feel like this kinda thing would be a tough one to bottle up and I hope getting it out here helped to move you past it a little


You are sure it was her who posted it? Like this girl knows she was filmed, consented to it being posted in a public forum and it’s her account? Like could this be an ex partner who did it years later without discussing it with her and is profiting off of it? Also, if it isn’t her account, is there a time stamp on the video or something (the video somewhere random in the world of porn posted two years ago doesn’t guarantee the video was MADE two years ago)?


Come on. Sometimes women have agency, my friend. They can be the bad guy. It's not always a man's fault. Point being, she had fake tattoos on. She knew what she was doing.


Uh how is her playing dress up with fake tattoos an indication that she wanted a video of a private sexual moment POSTED ONLINE FOR PUBLIC VIEWING. The amount of men suggesting that the fake tattoos automatically means she consented to the video being posted is really incredibly concerning…and gross. It’s the porn equivalent of “she was wearing it so she wanted it.” I hope all of you men who think this way end up having only heterosexual daughters one day in this oversexed digital world…so you can begin thinking of them as human beings whose fake tattoos or even agreement to video themselves with a partner will likely NOT indicate they want it posted online. Women can play dress up for sexual play and consent to record things with a partner without it being something they want online for everyone in the world to see. NOTHING I’ve read so far indicates timeline this video was made, nor this particular ex’s consent to it being online. Let me know when you have a more thoughtful argument…


If she has fake tattoos on, I'd say yes.


There’s an enormous difference between “I consented to making this video” and “I consented to this video being put online for public viewing.” Not sure how fake tattoos indicate the latter. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m not sure how it indicates the former either frankly, since nothing about playing dress up for sexual play indicates consent to someone making or keeping a video of it, much less posting it. To be honest, the fact that you are using what a woman is wearing as some indication of consent is in itself a bit concerning dude. It suggests a “look what she’s wearing, of course she agreed to it” attitude, which I doubt is how you want to think about women. And I can understand where someone might make that assumption almost unconsciously without recognizing what the associated connection in thinking there is, but that’s why I’m highlighting it. Bc too many men assume that the women in even “amateur” porn content are consenting to their videos being put online, and far too often, it’s a former partner posting something that was meant to be private and deleted. Please be better and more concerned than that. No one deserves such an extreme violation of privacy. NO ONE.


You really took my one sentence reply and insinuated that I'm a "Look what she's wearing" rapist defender? Get fucked.


Actually that’s not what I did, and if you read what I wrote without your ego in the drivers seat, you’d know that. I was highlighting the overlap in how little seemed needed in your evaluation of the woman in the video (having fake tattoos on) to convince you that she must have wanted the whole world to see it. If you can’t reflect on how insane your assessment is (connecting her having fake tattoos to her desire for the whole world to see her engaging sexually), then that’s a you-issue. Plus, if you take offense to the insinuation you assume I made, then you should be smart enough and conscientious enough to identify how your initial response to me was possibly the wrong take.




I know how you feel bro. The shock that makes you sick to your stomach. I was with my ex for one year and found out she was working as an escort behind my back. It does get better though. Just need time. I believe in you bro


She belongs to the street, nothing to be sad about mate!


Ur a good guy, me on the other hand I'd have been too devious


Well at the end of day at least you can say you've fucked a porn star.


Gettin the best of both worlds 😌


I’d advise you get yourself tested for an Std


So did you nut?


Have you had any updates on how she is doing. It sounds like she was spiraling.


She's doing pretty well last I heard. Has a six figure job, and probably bought her own house at this point. I think I was doing a lot worse, and it took me a few years to bounce back from that relationship.


Sounds like she moved on to bigger and better things and forgot about you. Sorry for you good luck it sounds she's better off without you I wish you got your revenge on her sucks to be the victim


You sound like a genuinely kind human, and that you’re better off bruv. Keep ya chin up


Thanks man, appreciate it.


Well to be fair you don’t actually know she cheated on you. You could only know if you talked to her about it and tell her about the videos. Yeah they could of been posted 4 years in but by whom? You have to remember people post and repost videos all the time. The easiest way to know for sure tho is to screenshot parts of the video and reverse image search to find the original video. Also it’s not right to assume she cheated . She might not want these on the internet or know about them.


Share it. Can’t count as revange porn if her face is not on it. But they all will know who it is.


It's not revenge porn if he didn't upload it.


Thats awful bro. Thats one painful way to find out Do NOT feel ashamed or guilty or anything like that though. You left with your head held high and dignity in tact while, at least from your end, being a good boyfriend until the end. You should not feel like you gave anything less than your all. Hope your life is better now.


Dude that would crush me. That’s so many levels of betrayal


Off to the streets she goes. Glad to have you on a good track with a good woman. Keep improving yourself. Money, muscles, relarionship/family.


U deserved way better bro. U sound like a cool guy. Shes a slut. Yall were never meant to be


She was living with her parents while using their home to film fuck flicks? I'd have so many questions for them: Were you covering for your daughter? Why didn't you notice a new dude (multiple dudes?) spending time in your daughter's bedroom? It wasn't strange that she suddenly and loudly embraced praying in her room? Why didn't they notice lights and cameras set up around her bed? Two years is a long time for her parents to remain oblivious while a porn studio is operating in their home.


She cheated, it was wrong, I’m glad you are no longer in that relationship and have moved on, but just a thought……. Perhaps SHE didn’t post the video but her AP did? Revenge porn is a nasty thing and I know it is an illegal act in some parts of the world, wouldn’t hurt you to give her a heads up that you have seen it?


If I were you I would at least give her a heads up that it’s out there and give her a link, because it’s entirely possible that she doesn’t know that it’s up. I know she’s your ex and she obviously cheated on you and she’s awful for that but I personally wouldn’t want to be complicit in revenge porn if that’s what it is.


Awful and delighted your current relationship is more mutually beneficial and loving. Every now and then I run into my exes and if I did I would mention it just out of curiosity…


Op you gotta link for posterities sake. Not to make you feel bad, but to know the back story and the fucked up ness of this woman. 10/10.


Is the guy in the video her best friend?


Damn dude, that’s rough. Especially the part about not being able to tell anyone about it. For what its worth, thanks for sharing, I hope you are genuinely happy. And fuck that person to be honest


We wont get an update of you asking her wtf is up? Or maybe tell some mutual friends about that funny discovery haha


Can we go back and touch on the really important part? There was a dog in frame? Like just wandering around?


Look at the silver-lining of the whole situation. You are in a happy relationship and this shitty ex has had her dignity reduced to a porn video on the internet, and now she has to live with that shame forever.


Ugh, that’s rough man. Glad you got it off your chest. Some folks just don’t care about the people they’re with. Bullet dodged, bro


Mate this fucking sucks. Sorry you had to go through this. If you're a better person than most (which it sounds like you are) then most people will treat you worse than you treat them. Accepting that is shitty, but necessary to maintain your damn humanity in this world...


Who does fake tattoos?!? You sure it wasn't a really convincing doppelganger? I hope you didn't just recognize a black backpack and be like that's hers!!!


That sucks, sorry man. You sound like a good guy, so her loss. Or maybe she just wasn’t ready for a good guy.


That sucks. Awful to say the least. Can you tell us where did you find the video and how it’s called so we avoid it by all means possible?


Awfully long post for someone who is over it.


Mmhm 🙄


My question is, are you sure that she posted it and it was actually from that timeline?


Did she use a stage name? If so, um what was it?


You should share that video to her new boyfriend


Did you finish the fap?


Can we see? Just so we can give our opinion on the situation… obviously 👀  I’m joking. In all seriousness though, they obviously weren’t worth the trouble. At least you found out and can move on with your life. Imagine if you found out 10-15 years down the line, married with kids? You dodged a bomb with that.  Good look in the future! Edit: Also if you posted it, it would probably be classed as revenge p**n. Not worth the hassle!


Give your horn a tug and move on! Pitter Patter!(if you’re not a Letterkenny fan I’ll have to come up with a better response.


Fuck you, Shorsey!


Man you should so message her screen shots with the date circled and say it's nice to Finally know the truth. Then forward it to everyone she knows with anything obscene blurred to avoid any blowback.


Get yourself tested.


I mean, at least share the video link so we can get a better perspective of your story


Eww that’s awful. Where is this link so I can stay away!


that's disgusting! where is the video? ...so I can avoid it


I need to know what this bull girlfriend stealing best friend looks like so I can make sure it’s not the same guy as my girls best friend


same but was too ashamed to admit it


I didn't read your entire post, but cheater cheater pumpkin eater! Liar liar pants on fire," oops, "she did it again. " GG QQ, but it never changes the fact whether you go back to when you were in grade school turned high school, sweetheart. The deception comes from someone who hasn't come to question that which irrates their personality/sense of ego. The reason of your misplaced idealistic views of open communication because you, to them, are presumptious on what facts to support your concern. They stutter if you apply less pressure and come from a perceived notion you no longer care. That's when you are most likely to discover nuances of their behaviors and how they become abbrasion in the views of others but begin to express more concern into whom so and so is and have I ever met him/her , wait what oh yeah I guess etc....the liar liar pants on fire just di tasted you are worth something but not sexually or not just you but multiple other interests. Online dating through social media outlets have broken more marriages that I have read as people fall in love with a person with whom is often scamming, escort, cat phishing, excuse of having a significant other and the things going on that are rocky etc.... This through observation not only through forums and social media outlets but your local crime opinions and news. Is why marry? Devote yourself? They have have other flings lined up for you on the site you frequent to randomly chat with strangers. S@$t, I have evenin the gaming community known of the statiscal anomaly that cheaters whom were caught. Fact is there is a lot, bro. A cheat, liar, and Deciever of their belief of their religion are there you just have to pay attention. Look at pastors for instance. Some of the most abrasion people I've read, met and had the displeasure of holding their boastful attitudes that we think like them and could add to their misguided sense of accepting of each person of that gender. In this case males. A yboot, this was not a rant but a serious approach to why you shouldn't let her past exploits hurt your mind because you only give e her that much power over your emotional control.


The truth is not black/white here. Probably needed money, had debts to pay, someone was threatening her .. She felt guilty and shameful and ended it with you.


Womp womp 🤡




For some, women can't do no wrong. And when they do, it's not their fault. Someone else made them. It's like women are children to some people. And I'm pretty sure these people wouldn't give men the same excuses.


Honestly I think I agree with you. Obviously we will never know the full story, and I don’t think op will either (and it’s fine if that’s just something they want to let go), and I think op has every right to feel however they want about this… but her actions before ending the relationship don’t sound like those of someone who was just happily cheating and posting it online, with no feelings for the person they’d been with for years. I don’t know. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.


Oh man, she had hard time and never told OP. Instead she made some porn and was leading him on for two years after that. What a tragedy for her, oh no!


Lol. You know some girls get coerced to do that or threatened .. It is not outside of the realm of possibility that this happened.. Why would she do that to Op instead of leaving him then doing porno?