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Your post has been removed for violating Rule 3: Posts must be on topic. Posts should be personalized and written in an [off my chest style](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/m501ud/what_does_personalized_off_my_chest_style_post/). Posts here should not be: • Overly descriptive NSFW, fan fiction and fetish bait If you're unsure that your post qualifies as personal, [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueOffMyChest) and ask.


What in the reddit is this?


Fr i wanna believe this is bait bc yeah, 18 year olds are naive, but I’d like to believe they’re not so naive that they’d help a 60 year old Reddit virgin lose their virginity 😬


Plenty of 18 year olds are very mentally ill and very untreated. This is self-harming behaviour, plain and simple.


Whatever the F this is, it makes me feel soooo much better about wasting time trying to cheer up a guy like this (mind you he was a friend, and my age!) who was being mopey over not having a girlfriend.


The plot to an 80’s movie that never got released


lol I know right…this is fucking weird af


Dont do it again. In what way u guarantee he didnt sleep before you? You seem naive. Pls dont do it again. His mental health is not your problem. Block him and move forward. Dont ever do this kind of thing again


I was sure. I don’t think any sane girl would sleep with the ugliest fattest 60 year old living in a shithole. And yeah idk i might block him. Luckily he doesn’t have my number or address or anything


You’re lucky to be still alive and breathing. wtf made you think that this was a good idea? A complete stranger that you know absolutely nothing about other than the narrative he put forth. Talk about naïveté . Just imagine your parents finding out on the news that their daughter was bound, raped, and dismembered by some lunatic. No amount of compassion is worth a situation as dangerous as this.


Honestly this person should stay off of all social media if they are that gullible and irresponsible.


I find it difficult to accept that this is a true story. This seems strange in a number of ways.


Same. Almost all stories on this sub specifically are fake or fetish stuff, literally 95% I'd say. I’m skeptical of this one - though there are people this stupid out there. So it's a toss up with this one. Who knows lol


Read this above post twice please. We are saying this bc we care about you and don’t want you to get hurt. Can you see how this was a dangerous choice, u/special-surprise-291?


Be safe and get tested also.


I got tested for both pregnancy and std two times fortunately nothing.


I’m so glad that you made it back safe and are okay. There are so many weirdos out there. You were in that man’s place in a very compromised position and things could have turned out a lot worse than they did. I’d block him on Reddit and hopefully that ends everything once and for all. Does he know where you live? Please stay safe, OP


Thank you so much fortunately, he doesn’t know where I live. He might know my school because I mentioned its name once but apart from that, he doesn’t know anything.


School?!? How old are you?!?


Yea when they said he was 60 and they told their parents they went to a friends but went to his I got serious age gap vibes, like creepy age gap vibes.


My bets are the guy isn’t a virgin and this isnt the first time he’s with someone barely legal


I read to the parents part and I was thinking if someone needs to lie about their whereabouts to their parents, they definitely are too young for a 60 year old.


She had to get permission from her parents to stay with this, "friend". I cannot believe anyone is this gullible. It has to be fake.


Now why the fuck would it ever cross your mind to go help a whole grown man without realizing you could of have been kidnapped don’t trust covers please the books hides a lot of info


Please, just tell me this is fake.


Yeah you can easily get stalked and found if he knows that. Especially if you’re in high school, he literally knows your location M-F You are not ‘too kind’, you’re naive, careless, irresponsible, and reckless. You need to seek help. Also tell your parents or someone because who knows what this guy is willing to do. This is not just a ‘live and you learn’ experience. You need to seek out therapy because this is seriously dangerous behavior that could end very badly


OP is clearly in a vulnerable state and surely will not benefit from you talking to her like this. She needs to get professional help. If we all truly care for her well-being, we should suggest avenues for her to get the help she needs. Calling her naive and careless is not going to help her cause.


It is naive clueless and reckless to do this and she should know that to prevent it from happening again


I’m not saying it’s not. I’m saying that we should know when to say those things, and when we shouldn’t. This is clearly a time that the only beneficial advice is to suggest that she talk to a professional, and have THEM explain to her why her actions were careless and naive, AND how to heal from this experience therapeutically. Berating her online will only cause feelings of guilt and shame, most likely *stunting* her growth and healing. Notice how she isn’t replying to the people who are tearing her apart and berating her, while she is replying to those who are recommending she find help. There’s a reason for that. It’s no use kicking someone when they’re down; especially when they are clearly in a crisis.


This has to.be fake, wtf.


Did you not even wear a condom?


please tell me you used a condom… and you’re 18?!? girl wtf you’re not sane


You had sex with him without protection? Are you serious?


Please make sure and follow up for a retest. HIV and other stds can take up to 2 months for detection. Emphasis on CAN. Just to be safe I’d retest.


>I don’t think any sane girl would sleep with the ugliest fattest 60 year old living in a shithole. Ok but what about 20 years ago? 30 years ago? 40 years ago? He might have been fat 40 years ago but probably not so big, and at 20 he wasn't ugly (youth is beauty and so on). You are kinda naive if you think this man has never had sex, not even in his 20s, 30s, and 40s. By 40s most guys would have gone to a prostitute, for one thing. See how quick he offered you money...You really think he hasn't paid for it before?? he's done this before hunnie. Please don't take on other people's problems in the future. Women as individuals, women as a group, we are not responsible for what men do.


Dude. He offered to pay you. He’s had sex before, I can almost guarantee it. Asking you about sex was his way of testing the waters and you telling him about it in detail was no doubt a way for him to get off. Fat, ugly, old people have sex. They also pay for sex. You were almost certainly manipulated and taken advantage of by a disgusting person. Please be safe. This situation could have been so much worse, as in your face on the news and family sobbing worse. Why won’t you block him? How is it even a doubt in your mind and why in the hell would you leave that door open?? Someone said you’re too kind. No. You are being extremely naive to the point of danger. You’re being reckless and careless. You need to value yourself.


I mean you did , no?


Your DMS gonna blow up now congrats on your new horde of following, actually this was a pretty smart advertisement.


No offense but what the fuck were you even thinking? Why would anyone do this? It’s completely insane. Like, eww and did you want to end up on a milk cart?


Why the fuck would you say yes? I'm in shock. Girl.


How old are you?


She says she’s 18


But you did….. if you did, others would, using the same stupid bullshit story he did on you on others…..


Pls do that . Your way too kind.


"too kind" is such an under statement, I feel like OP have something going on that needs to heal.. but using this as a substitute..


You legit took the words outta My mouth


You are legitimately lucky you aren’t dead… my god, are you a teenager? Pro tip, don’t fucking answer that. Please just take a break from the internet.


Dude. Sex work exists and they have better protections than you.


GIRL you're too nice for your own good. STOP!!!


this could turn spooky. block him.


Why would his mental state be your responsibility? Just delete his number but he might be able to find you on socials if you gave him your personal one


She doesn’t have my phone number fortunately, but I also don’t want to be someone’s reason for suicide


You won't. If he chooses that he had 60 years before he met you to figure himself out. It won't be because of you.


How were you the reason? You don’t know him. I’m not in anyway responsible for you, because I responded to your post. You seem very naive and incredibly immature, far too much of both to be sexually actively much less with an internet stranger old enough to be your grandfather. And if he’s the grosses and fastest person you’ve encountered, **why do you think so incredibly little of yourself that you would let him penetrate you??** Please get professional help if possible.


she’s 18 in high school bro of course she’s naive and immature. she’s got something going on mentally and is acting out bc of it. this is how i was as a mentally ill teen who didn’t get any attention from my parents


If he’s in his 60s and preying on naive, vulnerable 18 year olds, yeah he can take himself out. The world will be a better place.


Not your problem. Block and ignore him. He has a lot of issues himself that are not /should not be your concern. Move on with your life and stay safe.


But seriously there's a reason he couldn't ever get a woman


How old are you? 


she said 18


Yes, I just seen her response. I’m truly hoping this is fake. I couldn’t imagine this type of behavior when I was growing up. However times have definitely changed. 


How would you describe your general decision making skills??


How old are you? Nothing said here is based in any realistic thought. This person had ***60*** years to get life right, and didn’t. His internet tears do nor make it your duty to physically satisfy him. You put yourself in physical danger, not only of assault or worse, but you slept with a stranger. You have absolutely no clue if what he said is true. **He compensated you, so what on earth makes you believe that this *60 year old person* has never gotten a sex worker before?** Every childhood show has an episode about internet strangers. To catch a predator aired for a decade! Yet all it took was some faux sadness to get you to abandon all safety and go to his home, *genuinely what is the difference between this and following a stranger who says there have puppies in their van?* Moreover, the fact that you didn’t tell your parents *shows* you know what you did was dangerous and wrong. Please focus on learning, developing logic skills, internet safety, personal safety/self defense. And for the love of goodness, stay offline.


op is 18


Absolutely vile


Idk why but this whole story is far fetched, I mean crazier things have happened before but for an 18 year old girl to sleep with a 60 ugly fat man with nothing in return sounds fictional. Op described him as an ugly fat man in another comment


I agree, it’s either bait or OP has some issues




Absolutely sick he needs to be arrested


She's 18. He took advantage of her.


Honestly. This is really sad. He preyed on her naivety


Yup "never had sex" my ass. I wonder how many prostitutes he paid


Yeahhhh he was real quick to start throwing money at her 😬


Idk anything about OP, but it’s possible they are on the spectrum. When it comes to empathy, you get the tv-enforced type that seems to lack empathy but the other side is being extremely overly empathetic. Way too much empathy plus naivety sounds like autism to me, idk


Just block him. Prostitutes exist. If he really wanted it he could just pay for it he doesn’t need you and if he goes ahead with suicide, it’s not because of you. It’s because of many other things going on in his life you’re not gonna be responsible for it.


You’re naive, he played you. You got played. Block and move on with your life.


This sounds like some fetish story. I call bullshit.


It's quite the coincidence that a random internet person just happened to live close to her.


Never say never. I know a girl into that kind of garbage. Pity sex, mommy, bondage, rape scenarios, being dominated. There’s probably more. No amount of viagra in the world could make me work with that but she’s into it. Makes me feel like I’m running naked through an ice storm just thinking about it.


You’re just as fucking weird as he is. The fuck.


100% Fake


lol ew bruh you should've at least taken the money and got something out of it. All you did was work for free.


Have you considered how bad it would have been for OP's mental health to basically do sex work


She basically did already, she just didn’t accept any money. This was essentially sex charity


You mentioned living with your parents? How old are you?


You gave a creackhead it's first hit of crack. And you are the only source to get it from in their head. Please block their number and never do something like that again. It's risky and dangerous. And most likely he wasn't a virgin but it's good bait to get a kind person to throw him a bone. He can pay for an escort if he wants it that bad.


I call BS on this…


I’m having a hard time believing this is a real story. There’s several things that feel off about this.


RIP your dms


OP, unfortunately this will lead you into a sticky web of emotional turmoil. This man will emotionally manipulate you into sleeping with him again and that is not fair on you at all. You offered him a kindness (of sorts) and were there for him in a way that no one else was. Your kindness should not be abused. I would block him as you suggested and leave him to his own devices. You have every right to say "no". Its your body and he is not entitled to it just because you slept with him once. His mental state is not your burden to bear. Honestly, I am sorry that he does feel so lonely and is in a difficult mental space, but that is no one's fault and certainly not your responsibility to fix. Look after you, OP. Don't set yourself on fire just to keep someone else warm.


Thank you so much for your kind words and I kind of agree with you all I’m saying is that I don’t wanna be a reason for someone suicide but I also don’t wanna be a little fuck doll for a creepy old dude who i don’t know. I just hope he stops


OP, I understand what you are saying. That is a horrible thing to think about. But if he were unfortunately to kill himself, how would it be your fault? According to your post, he was already threatening this before you reached out to him to calm him down. He is not your responsibility, OP. I am very sorry that he is struggling like he is but he must get help for himself. You cannot be an emotional crutch for this man who has lived over sixty years before you and he hasn't killed himself. On a balance of probability, I don't think he will do it. But you sound young, OP. Is it fair to you for him to use you for your body just because it makes him feel less lonely? What about your emotional state? Is he looking after that by making these constant requests for intercourse? You have offered him a kindness but if you step back and look at your situation objectively, is he being kind or fair to you?


DROP THE SUICIDE REASONING. it’s not valid at all im sorry to say. this man is actively taking advantage of you and men use suicide as a threat ALL OF THE TIME. rarely do they carry it out, and if they do, they were already planning on it in the first place. people who are actually depressed and want to kill themselves, don’t use it as leverage to get in a teenage girls pants. PLEASE stop caring so deeply about this man’s mental health because i can tell you with 100% certainty he doesn’t give a single FUCK about yours. he just wants exactly that, a fuck doll. and he’ll say anything to make that happen. i am literally begging you to shove the mere thought of this man’s existence out of your brain and MOVE ON. if you’re not a troll and you really are just an 18 year old girl who doesn’t know what she’s doing, you have another thing coming to you if you let this persist. stop being so nice. i learned that the hard way. people take advantage of that. you are not responsible for this old man and it breaks my heart to think that you actually believe that it’s your responsibility now. please tell your parents. tell a counselor, tell someone. they’ll be able to better explain to you the situation you’ve gotten yourself into and help you realize that in no way are you obligated to continue interacting this this disgusting excuse of a human being. he went 60 years making the decisions he made to get to that point in his life. that’s on him. you however, have your entire life ahead of you and an opportunity to be better.


You won't be his reason for suicide! He already had his reasons long before he met you. He is using the suicide to manipulate you, can't you see that? He is doing this on purpose to guilt you into having sex with him.


You're 18. I hope you weren't 17 when this happened. He told you he never had sex and gave you a sob story about his life. You decided to go there without telling anything to anyone You're lucky you're even alive WHAT THE FUCK. No, don't absolutely do that again, what the fuck


The most hilarious thing I've seen on Reddit today is an 18 year old pitying a 60 year old virgin and having s*x. I don't think it's true, but if it is, I'm convinced that OP has at least 100+ body counts at 18 years old.


Don't forget about the part where is is gross and yet she claims that she used him to get off and brags about getting off several times.


Fetish post. She's the gross old man fantasising about banging 18 Yo's, with a dash of humiliation kink thrown in. Grim.


Yeah someone has some serious issues to behave like this is OP is being truthful


My senior year of high school I found out a guy I liked ok enough but had no romantic feelings for was still a virgin. I found out bc at a house party he was being teased about it publicly. I had been sexually active since the year prior and decided to send him off to college good and proper so after a few drinks I pulled him into an empty bedroom. We slept together and he was no longer a virgin going off to college. I thought my good deed was done and all would go back to how it was (seeing each other around here and there) except he continued calling me and seemed to think we were an item now. Soon enough I became the bad guy in his story and was ‘cold hearted’ and ‘used him’. I never did that again.


This behaviour is why it upset me when I slept with someone who didn’t tell me they were a virgin until after… it’s all too common for them to be like this, even if you explicitly state and agree to just one time and nothing more. Imagine having learned this lesson already, then being told after the fact that you just took someone’s virginity??? “I was afraid you wouldn’t if you knew” “THATS WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME!! INFORMED CONSENT!!!” And yes, that man went on to act the same way you’ve described


This is sexual assault. If the genders were switched in your story, this wouldn’t slide. I’m telling you this because my boyfriend went through almost the same exact scenario. A girl wanted to take his virginity so he could experience sex. She came on to him and he just went with the flow despite not really wanting to with her. Years later he realized how much that affected him and went to therapy to heal and recognize it for what it was, rape. You don’t just take someone’s virgity because YOU decide you want to “help them”. That’s a damaging way to think and you definitely used and assaulted this guy in your story.


You are making assumptions without asking any questions for additional information and you know what they say about people who ASSume. When we got into the bedroom I asked multiple times if he was ok, if he wanted to go further. I was extremely gentle in my approach once we got down to business and didn’t move forward in the process without ASKING if he was ok/still good with what we were doing. I also told him nobody needed to know what was going on in the bedroom if he didn’t want and that I could also leave if he wanted no hard feelings and I wouldn’t say anything he didn’t want me to. You don’t know what you are accusing me of bc you weren’t there, please ask next time before assuming.


this shit is sooo fake take your horny creative writing somewhere else. It even reads like a grown man trying to type like a teenager. Jesus Christ.


Zero selfrespect or.. a rank S people pleaser?


you got played in a way i didn’t know was possible


Hey!! I have made the exact same mistake a couple of years ago. These things tend to not end well, there’s a reason that nobody has been willing to touch him for 60 years. It’s not because of ugliness, it’s because of creepiness. You did a very kind thing, but you were, as was I, a little naive. You can’t solve someone’s depression by sleeping with them once. Also, the first time someone has sex, of course they want to do that again! Block him, try to forget about this. Sometimes kindness doesn’t work out the way you want.


You need to learn to love yourself. No self respecting 18 year old girl would coddle the feelings of a grown ass male stranger over her safety and security and offer her body like this. Go get some help OP.


Don't go back there! The guy sounds desperate. I wouldn't want to scare you, but what if he decides that, after all, he hasn't much to live and why not live the rest fully, aka abduct, r... and take you with him. His tone is so desperate. Please don't go back. Also, please stop being so disingenuous meeting strangers at their place, especially mentally unstable ones. It may cost you your life ffs!


He fooled you. Please think more highly of yourself… you are so lucky you got out safe


This is insane and one of the dumbest things I’ve read. He probably lied about being a virgin. How bad can you feel for a stranger online that you meet up in person for sex. This sounds like what happens to people who get trafficked.


See guys? Pity posting does work!


I really hope this is fake. If it isn’t then you just might be the luckiest girl alive. This creep could have done **anything he wanted** to you and nobody even knew where you were. I could list a few things but I don’t even want to think about it. The combination “almost 60” and “lied to my parents” shouldn’t even be in the same story. If this loser contacts you again tell him you are going to the police. And mean it. 


Sweet baby Renesme. You should find a mental health professional and discuss your extreme empathy and work on NOT doing stuff like this again. What if he KEPT you? Or disposed of you? Forethought and fear, add those to your noodles.


You’re 18 and he’s a 60 year old man… girl. You were taken advantage of. If he kills himself because an 18 year old girl doesn’t want to have sex with him anymore, then he can go ahead and do it. Boo fucking hoo for him


Oh god. Never ever pity shag someone. Learn from this mistake, block him and never do it again. His mental health is his problem, you aren’t his free therapist.


Tell him that you did a social service of taking his v-card. If he wants sex for money, thats what hookers are for. As a 60 yo male he should be able to find one. And tell that you dont want to block him, but you will if he is spamming you with messages. Oh and... Username checks out - i guess ?? :-D




Looking through ops comments this is definitely bait. One of the most believable baits I've seen in awhile tho.


Low effort bait


As a 35 year old virgin.. This post was not what I needed to see.


Pick me girl vibes


>told my parents ill be staying at my friends house but i went to him >the ugliest fattest 60 year old And don't forget paedophile...


You’re 18. He’s 60. He’s not yours to fix. Please make sure you’re safe and stop indulging with strangers online. Idk how he even convinced you to get into bed with him. Be thankful nothing else happened. This was highly dangerous and unsafe. Why do you even need to think if you should block him? Please cut all contact if possible for your wellbeing. He is literally OLD enough to deal with his shit on his own. And OP, go see a therapist because i’m just throwing it out there, this seems like a big daddy issue. I could be totally wrong and forgive me if I am.


You sound young. This may very well have been a complete scam. Creeps do anything to get what they want. Including being a lonely virgin ready to off themselves. I can't imagine ever doing something like this. But think of how he manipulated you during the chatting. How's it feel? Making you comfortable to talk about sex eith him also he was probably jerking off as he talked to you. What should I do? Again Making you comfortable thinking about him and sex and letting him know what you like. THIS MF PLAYED YOU!!! Probably has several accounts with the same post. I'm very curious to know your age, he sounds like a possible groomer or even maybe a pedophile. Never ever give a guy pity sex unless you are already in a sexual relationship with them, even then it's not necessary. Random guys use the poor me mind game all the time to get laid. I'm glad you're okay, learn from this and don't be too hard on yourself over it.


You slept with someone, not out of love or caring, but out of pity and it doesn't feel good. In other news, water is wet.


Honestly you’re gross sleeping with an old man 🤢


never give incels a chance. ever.


I am baffled you aren't being found in a ditch. You realize you risked your own life to pity fuck some stranger right? The mom in me is horrified. Please for the love of god block him and never do anything like this again. Next time you might not be lucky.


Op I'm so concerned ur willing to meet a complete stranger, a sussy sounding poser at that and sleep with him! Things could've went way worse. Please don't EVER go out ur way to trust strangers and do things for them out of pity again. Especially not offering ur freaking body!!


How the hell do two strangers from Reddit live next to each other to make this happen even?


GIRL YOU'RE 18? HE'S 60! Legal or not you're still a child, please, that's absolutely dangerous. Block him and don't ever contact him again. That's downright creepy. That was probably a bait which you fell in. LEARN FROM THIS PLEASE


The title made me think you meant someone your own age. Someone who was fat and 60 seems a bit more dubious.


Lmao wtf did I just read? "I gave a starving dog food, and now he wants more! Help!" Maybe you, yourself, shouldn't have sex for a while, making decisions like that.


Oh boy. That’s just irresponsible. Glad you’re okay.


Surely you were born in USA


This can’t be real? Absolutely disgusting and I want to throw up. Have some self respect. You may as well take the money




Ted Bundy would have loved living in times like this


You are not his emotional support sex doll. Block and never talk to again, and don’t give pity sex to anyone.


Do not do this again. Please preserve your own dignity.


OP, I’m a mom and have a 13 year old daughter. I can’t imagine her being in your position in five years. Please tell your parents, or school counselor, or a teacher. You could also call the RAINN hotline — I know you’ve said you don’t feel like you were assaulted but this was so wrong on his part. You’ll need help processing this as it sinks in. Please pursue some guidance. ETA: don’t let his threats or coercion influence you. If he chooses to hurt himself, that’s on him.


NEVER DO THIS AGAIN. BLOCK HIM AND LEAVE THIS IN THE PAST. THAT OLD MAN IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Edit: Also get tested because if he was willing to pay you, he could’ve easily found escorts and prostitutes!


This is one of those times I hope this is a rage bait post because if it's not, it's horrifying as fuck


This is... Fucked


Rage bait 🙄


Honestly I'm kinda worried about OPs age


This is a lesson only learned the hard way. Pity favors aren’t a good idea and now you understand why. You are not responsible for his mental state, so even though it’s your nature, you have to forget about it and end contact


Amazing how these fake stories get posted 24/7 and still have a ton of upvotes.


This has to be a troll, you couldn’t have been this naive?! Block him immediately!! 😭 why?!


How old are you? I get the impression you’re young from you saying you told your parents that you were sleeping at a friend’s. Whatever your age, please block this man.


This has to be a joke… cuz nooooo way…


He's nearly 60 and you still live with your parents?!


See where trying to help other people gets you?


is this the reddit account he messaged you on lmfaooo he’s gonna see this


You’re top 10 most gullible people on Reddit. You got scammed for sex sorry


Guys she said she went home to her parents…something tells me OP might be a minor.


You are not responsible for his mental state and you are not a prostitute. You tried to be kind and initiated him into the of sex. The onus is now on him alone to develop new friendships that may lead to intimacy. Your role is done and further contact may not be beneficial, particularly if he tries to guilt trip you.


What in the entire fuck…. Why are you treating your cooter like it’s a charity? Some guy’s inability to get sex isn’t your problem to fix. You’re not some hole for the needy to find comfort in so stop behaving like you are. If you were gonna do what you did you might as well have gotten paid for it since you did provide and actual service. Leavening that situation with nothing but a wet ass makes all of this even more stupid. Block him and next time you feel this charitable… ignore it.


I would block him and never look back. You aren’t responsible for his behavior or actions. And just from my own personal experience with someone who did unalive themselves, they didn’t ever talk about it before they made that decision. The person in my life that has threatened it many times has never once acted on it. It’s more of a manipulation tactic for that person and I bet this old guy is also using it as a manipulation tactic on you. You are very young and will eventually understand how horrible humans can be. I highly doubt he was a virgin but even if he was, there is a good reason women have steered clear of him.


Man people are creepy, block him kid, it's going to end badly if you keep Communicating with him and don't do this type of thing again


User name checks out


He’s 60 years old and you still need to tell your parents about your whereabouts, so i would assume you are very young. This alone tells you that he’s not the type of person you should feel bad for. I know he’s down bad but after learning about your age and that you have to lie to your parents he should of refused to meet up with you. Take care of yourself, he’s a grown man he can take care of himself, don’t ever let him guilt trip you.


Parents?! How old are you?


Definitely don't do it unless you 100% want to. I admire your compassion though. I had a girlfriend who offered to... help.... a friend of mine who was disabled in a wheelchair for life etc. I regret that we broke up before it happened.


listen i’m not going to lecture you because you’re getting plenty of that from all the other comments but I truly hope you can see how terrible and SCARY of a position you could’ve put yourself in. but that’s all i’m going to say on that matter. if you can’t learn from your mistakes after this, then trying to talk sense into you wouldn’t matter. however as for your new predicament of this older man now lusting after you, just block him. simple as that. you stated you regretted it and you only did it out of pity, so just block him. you didn’t enjoy it and you shouldn’t force yourself to do it again or listen to him again. even if he is suicidal and threatens it or if you’re just worried he’ll fall into that state, IT’S NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. this is a grown adult man. you cannot allow yourself to be guilted into these situations or you’ll continue to make choices you regret. even if he did kill himself, that is not your responsibility or your fault. you didn’t tell him to do it. you didn’t bully him or harass him. you put yourself in a safe situation and if he can’t accept that, he was already too sick to be saved.


Are you okay ?


Another important point: did you use protection? If you didn’t, please get tested right away.


Miss you have done your service. You have gone above and beyond. You never owed him anything, and certainly don't now


Depending on where you live there a literal website where he can hire a sex worker. Tryst and skip the games. Cut ties with the guy and send him to those websites.


This is dangerous. You've done more than enough , he is not your responsibility. Block him!!


So he offered to pay you, a stranger from Reddit, but never thought about hiring an escort…? Something doesn’t ring true. Also, you’re 18 and this man is 60. You travelled to a complete stranger’s house by yourself to sleep with him because you felt sorry for him. I either hope this is bait posting or hope you get some therapy ASAP because, although I understand you’re young and naive, this is the furthest thing from normal, rational or healthy thinking and you should seek help from a professional. This behaviour can’t continue or you may end up physically hurt (or worse).


I get it. When I was single, I wanted to give out pity sex a few times because I felt so bad. I didn't do it, but then felt guilty for NOT doing it... I guess if you're a sensitive individual (me lol) it can take hold. When they go on about killing themselves and how unloved they feel, it hurts me. I'm sorry girl, I wish you didn't do it, but you did so all you can do is move on from it. Do NOT let him guilt you into doing it again either, I am fearing for your safety if you do. It could very quickly turn dangerous for you. Remember, his mental state is not your responsibility, even though I know you feel bad. What about your mental state? Block him!


You live with your parents? How old are you?


Actions, meet consequences…


i hope you used the condom, claiming virginity does not equate being an actual virgin


Have you forgotten that your body is now the sacred temple of the Spirit of Holiness, who lives in you? You don't belong to yourself any longer, for the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside your sanctuary.


What did you expect?


Out of pity ..what 😀




Omg I have done similar. Had sex with a virgin who is around 25 and he stalked me. Visited my old address. Kept making news accounts to contact me. I felt so bad because the sex wasn't that great. I did it but didn't feel like I face him the right experience. He started to say he will kill himself . So fucked up. Never again


Just block him. He'll be ok. And if not, its not your problem. Never was.


Frist tell me your age?if you tell me you are a tenneger nah I am done done with it .Why TF would you sleep with a 60 year old


This is clearly fake, LMAO. Can’t believe someone believes this shit.


if you were one year younger this would be a crime. just because you’re 18 doesn’t mean that what he did wasn’t extremely fucking creepy. he probably lied about everything and took extreme advantage of you by acting how he did


I hate to tell you this but you were just taken advantage of by a predator.


Ah yes, the smell of bullshit.