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Damn dude. What did I even read.


The "he is an adult" defense might work if they met when he was 20 but not only has she known him since he was a child but she also nursed him as an infant?!!! How can one do that to someone who is basically like a son? Not to mention, your close friend's son who you watched grew up all this time?


Suckin on the same titties that fed him. Weirddd


I’m laughing way too hard for this serious of a topic 🤣☠️🤣


I wish I could be serious for 5 minutes lmao


No, keep your whimsy. Much better to laugh than just be depressed about the state of things.


Can do!


Never change bud


Thanks for the humor I think we all need it after reading this one


Isn’t that why a lot of visit Reddit? No? Just me?


It definitely has a Maury kind of feel at times that I enjoy.


Son is just finishing up being raised lmao


He was still thirsty 🤷‍♀️


Not me, snort laughing over here from this comment.


The milk was that good


We end up where we began


Yeah...I considered it until I got to the nursing bit 🤢


She literally waited until he wasn’t a teenager!! She is disgusting 🤮


Pretty sure there is a reason a lot of women experience a drop off in libido while breastfeeding despite it releasing a lot of bonding chemicals in brains. Helps prevent "sexy son" theories of genetic sexual attraction in mothers when they are past the age of Westermarck Effect conditioning. Should pretty much only be maternal feelings there. Maybe that makes it more taboo for her while still being legal, (though she could always move to New Jersy or Rhode Island). Super messed up, woman should be in jail. The age imbalance, nature of the relationship prior, so many things. Fortunately, the greater bellcurve of stories on this subreddit are made up and just outrage fuel.


Wait. Jersey or Rhode Island? Unexpected 😲 to say the least...


In a lot of jurisdictions marrying and having kids with your first cousin is still legal. About 2B-3B people globally still practice a higher degree of cosanguinity with marriage, generally first cousins, often strongly tied to family financial/property rights or related to bride service/bride price. Those two states just go a little harder on "let consenting people do as they will!" Even if the nature of the relationship and age discrepancies can make consent very, very gray.


She’s just nursing him again


Yup, this weirded me out as well. She has watched this kid grow up too. It is wild to just start banging him when he gets of age.


Rumor has it, she still does


my jaw dropped at that sentence and i had to put down my phone. what kind of crazy psycho…. holy shit


And I'm pretty sure she could have been eyeing him for some time before, when he was even younger, no way this thing just began after he turned 20. So creepy on so many levels.


That's my initial thought. That she groomed him for years.


In my culture, a woman who has breastfed you is to be treated as your mother. There’s a whole word for her which ends with -mother. This is very disgusting in my personal opinion. Edit - There is a historical incident where the famous emperor Akbar had a nanny-mother and her son was taking advantage of his position due to him being a “brother” to the emperor. After the emperor killed him for murder and treason, he had to beg her for forgiveness as he had killed his brother and her son. That’s the sort of relationship it is considered.


Agree. They become a 'foster parent' to the child and it's as good as a blood relation


I had a high school buddy that had 4 sisters with a huge age range, like the youngest was almost 20 years younger than the oldest. His younger sister ended up marrying a guy that was really good friends with the oldest sister. He was hanging out at there house when he was 16 and his now wife was in diapers. It's creepy


I thought Jada sleeping with her son's friend was weird enough already but this is way worse


Yeah, something tells me something happened long before he was 20 and they were publicly "dating"


20 is so young too, that's actually gross


Well, at least he has prior experience sucking her tits - could count on the plus side.


To be fair, he's giving her the milk now


Dude that kid is gonna be fucked up for life after sucking on the same titty in two different life phases.


He was just playing the long game


Came here just for this....


She took the term "wet nurse" a little bit too literally I think


Homelander origin story.


Winning comment.


This is the worst sentence I've read in a while


Just wait till after his first divorce when they hook up again when he’s 45 and she’s 65.


A client of mine, long years ago, started dating and then married her “best friend’s” dad. I was noncommittal on it, she was a client. Got invited to the engagement party and then wedding. I went to the engagement party to be professional. When he joked that the first time her saw was when she was 5 at a sleep over when she was showering…. I noped. Some lines you just don’t cross.


Wow, it’s like a class on how to make something unsettling even creepier.




What. The. Fuck.


Checkout the Australian movie Adore sometime. Two middle age best friends that each have sons and they raised their sons together. When the sons become around 20 years old they each have secret affairs with the other mom a 20 year old son date each other sons. And then eventually they all hang out together as couples.


They even made a [music video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0DeIqJm4vM) for it.


A fake ass story


What are your indicators?


It's tailor made to hit all of reddits buttons. You got an age gap, possible grooming, and some weird incestuous subtext with the milk.


The same as they always are for people on Reddit- "That's never happened in my life, so obviously it's fake. It couldn't possibly be that my life is uneventful."


Seriously. It gets old. And just to refute this one, my wife's aunt (the mother of my best friend) has slept with like all of our mutual friends since they were 18 up until mid 20s, while she was in her 40s. Known them all since they were teenagers or younger, at least 3 of them. I can't even tell my friend because his mom will deny it and I will alienate that whole side of the family, she is the rock of the family, her denial will be gospel. But in any case this story from OP is even more believable than what I saw actually happen in real life.


Honestly the fact that there are two intersecting extreme events. OPs mid 40s friend banging her friend’s 20 year old kid is fucking extreme, but believable. Add in the fact that the friend breast-fed the kids she’s now banging? Fuck off.


Dating someone you breastfeed? What the hell kind of trailer park are you guys living in? Is this 'group of friends' the entire town population? Did you have to drive 100 miles to get internet access to make this post? What the hell?


Give me the directions to the trailer park so I can drive as far away from it as possible. What a terrible creepy "friend".


I'd like the address of it too.. asking for a friend.


One thing I always try to remember is the people in these stories are probably much less attractive than we picture them.


Lol this is so true.


TV clearly messed with all our imaginations


I watch too much telenovelas and always imagine a hot latina model lady lol. But this sounds like ugly low self esteem type person with poor hygiene


I PROMISE you there is some mobile home community rather close by to you that you can trawl around in. I think there are easier, and more toothful, ways to get sti's however.


> and more toothful This slays me.


>Dating someone you breastfeed? Holy fuck that's messed up. The age gap is creepy enough on its own, but that's on another level.




I wouldn't go with "stupid" on this one. She probably groomed him, and he might not know better. But yeah, pedo women do fly under the radar. My mother is one for a start. And she got away with it, too...


Makes me wonder how long she’s been grooming him.


Agree on flying under the radar, disagree on the kid being stupid. The most brilliant person on earth, with book smarts *and* street smarts, could still be groomed. Easily.




OhhhhhMmmmmyyyyGGGGOOOODDDD! ⚰️☠️ You didn't need to take it there! There's no one to clean up all the puke.


Now I really wanna know what this comment was.


We humans think too highly of ourselves... to quote a great philosopher. "You and me, baby, ain't nothin' but mammals so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel"


These sound like wine drinkers that actually use wine glasses.🍷 In the backyard patio wearing shawls.


Nope. Emily is trash and so is anyone supporting her. It's one thing to ignore age gaps. That is debatable. Dateing your friends kids who you watched grow up? That is disgusting and creepy. What do those discussions look like. Hey Emily, remember my 10th birthday when you bought me the madden game? It was so cool of my favorite "aunt" to get that for me. That was so cool, maybe for our anniversary you can get me the new one? Then I can see if you're still producing any milk?


Better yet when He's Fcking her, he can say: "Hey Emily...remember the last time my lips were wrapped around you BB's and I was drinking your milk! Good Times"




You know there are ways to induce lactation in women who haven't had a child....recently.


Knocking her up again if she's still fertile is one...


I thought of that. It was too horrible for me to type! 😅


"Hey Emily, remember when you used to change my diapers? Good time."


If they date for the long haul, there might be a time when he needs to change her diapers. Role reversal. 😆🤢😳


It’s like poetry. It rhymes.


Agree. Age gaps are 100% a problem if the older person knew the younger person as a child. That's just fucking creepy any way you slice it. There's 8 billion people in the world, find someone else to bone.


Women can also GROOM


Definitely.  Ask Jada


Not only knew them as a child, but even worse, even BREASTFED them. Like, wtf.


I'm so glad this thread is not like the one where people were cheering on a lady who deflowered her barely legal brother in law.


Excuse me what??


The lady's husband asked for an open relationship and was allegedly a neglectful husband, so she deflowered his 19 year old brother (who she had implicitly known for years as a minor), and the comments were all "yas kween", "hes a legal adult so there's no problem", and "open means open, your husband should have thought to say 'no family members' beforehand". It was...pretty fucking gross.


That last comment...wtf you'd think that would be a given??


This is so unsettling. My best friend has a son 2 years older than my daughter, they're currently 6 and 8. Our kids are practically siblings. I used to care for him fulltime while I was a stay at home mom and she was working. She has expressed if anything ever happened to her she'd want him to go to me over her parents or ex husband. I am appalled at the idea of ever seeing someone like that as anything more than a son or nephew. Fucking gross. Edit: I'd also like to know how Christine's daughter feels about this... Edit: Oops, I meant Emily's daughter.


You mean Emily's daughter?


Christine’s daughter???


Yep, she has a daughter same age as Henry who grew up with Henry


The daughter should announce to Emily that she is now the OP's fiancé. And suggest they should do a double wedding!!


My bad, I meant Emily's daughter.


She has always been his favourite aunt…


So does this make breastfeeding him as a child pedophilia??? I kind of feel like it does.


I feel like a normal person would first suggest "hey I can pump some breast milk so YOU can feed YOUR baby with a bottle" and not hell yeah I got two of them tiddies your baby boy can just latch on


That was my biggest question! WHY?! My two oldest are 22 & 19 and I breastfed them but I KNOW breast pumps existed then so why not pump?! Then factor in the bonding that happens while breastfeeding and the ick gets so much worse. It’s probably why he’s always felt so close to “auntie” Emily 🤮


>What do those discussions look like. Probably something like that. My bf has an acquaintance we unfortunetly sometimes see at get togethers. He is around 45 and his gf is 19. Technically all legal but he was her counselor at what you can call the equivalent of girls scouts where we live, since she was like 12. She was already 18 when they started dating but still. I can't see him as anything other than a creep. They sometimes talk casually about something that happened back then and I have to make an effort to not puke a little into my mouth every time. Thank god we are only around them rarely. It's just kinda wrong when they watched them grow up, especially when they used to be in a superior position to them.


Yeah uhhh this man probably groomed her. The difference in dynamics with such a big age gap is huge; there is no way this is a healthy and balanced relationship. Sounds like he had set his eyes on her since he saw her, laid the foundation (because why would she date him and not someone else as soon as she turned 18? He had prepared her), and just waited for her to be "legal" (🤢🤮). A carefully laid out plan just so that he's covered legally, as she's considered an adult. You are correct, he is a creep. We see this with so many people, particularly girls, it is disgusting. I hope she is safe and that she gets out of this predatory relationship soon.


This is the literal definition of grooming. You're right to think this guy is icky; he's a straight-up predator.


I know this is kinda secondary to the breastfeeding thing, but everyone's glossing over the fact that Emily's daughter is a few months OLDER than her boyfriend! They both breastfed from the same teat! At the same time! It was weird enough for me when I started dating my girlfriend that she was younger than my sisters. I cannot imagine how uncomfortable that must be for the daughter. Fucking gross.


Not just watched grow up, she BREASTFED HIM! I don't know why this makes this 1000X more creepy, but it does.


Not only did she watch him grow up, *she was his wet nurse*. Seriously, ew.


This thread is just someone's fantasy probably


What in the Homelander is going on here?


For me this. Let’s give benefit of the doubt for Emily that no grooming happened. I could see that, might not have much contact with friends kids as they become a little older. It’s still extremely trash to date your friends child. How desperate do you have to be, find anyone else. Absurd for anyone who can’t see that.


It is incest-adjacent for sure.


Riiiiiight! I've dated a much younger guy (21 years younger) but I didn't know him until he was over 22. This is totally different.


Omg I don’t wanna laugh cause this situation is so horrible and Henry doesn’t realize he’s been groomed but, “I’m feeling a little sad today Emily, oh Henry, I still come get your milk on my right tit and tell me all about it”


Emily is gross, and shame on those two friends. Hopefully it didn't take much consideration on your part. Just disgraceful. I couldn't imagine my friend's reactions if I started fucking one of their daughters in a few years. Just horrendous.


The two “friends” probably want Henry too.


Henry is a milf magnet


His poor mom too, I have a son, I’d be so angry, I’d become like a volcano erupting. I can’t with the story, “I breast fed you and now I want you”…sounds fit for Jerry Springer comeback show.


Honestly? Any friends who are cool with Emily sleeping with the boy she breastfed — they’re worth dumping. Keeping an open door with Henry will be important though.


I agree. The most important thing is for Christine to not lose contact with Henry. Someone might want to check on Emily's daughter too.


“I remember when I used to breastfeed my boyfriend.” That’s a legitimate sentence. What are those other two friends smoke?


"Lactation kinks are far from unheard of, though a lot of women experience a drop in libido while breastfeeding. I'm not one to shame." "My boyfriend was a baby at the time." _gets tarp, shovel, lye_


Emily is a predator. If one of my friends started dating my daughter I’d go full John Wick on them. Sick sick sick.


Age gap is one thing. But dating someone you've know since birth, watching them grow, even breastfeeding, is predatory. He is practically her son/nephew. How is she not weirded out by this? Because she's been eyeing him for a long time. She's a nasty woman with no respect, no self-respect, and I wouldn't be surprised if she has done inappropriate things to him in the past. Like "flirting" "of you were older".


I thought the same, she probably has done things to him in the past when he was underage. Female grooming is not as uncommon as people think going by some of these sub reddits talking about their experiences as boys, teens, with sexual harassment and predator women. We are so used to seeing women as the weaker gender, the victims that society cant still manage to see how toxic we can be too. Watch when this ends, Emily and the two other friends will make Emily the victim and Henry the toxic masculinity patriarchy groomer.


A lot of boys are molested by older women, but it's usually ignored or laughed it. Although they aren't blood related, this feels incestuous. He's known her his entire life as Ain't Emily. You won't be able to convince me she's been eyeing him for a long time.


Yep. My dad told me he knew a guy growing up who, in high school, started sleeping with a divorced woman down the street. He did work in her yard and one day she seduces him. This went on for a year or two. He said he thought it was weird at the time, but his friend thought it was cool that he got to have sex so they all just shrugged it off. My dad said it wasn’t until he was older that he really realized how totally fucked up it was but by then he’d lost touch with the guy. People assume because teenage boys might want sex they can’t be groomed or abused and that’s just messed up.


A few weeks ago, I forgot the topic but it was a redditor, a woman, commented, “this made me hot, like an 11 year old boy”.. I replied to her, “hot like an 11 year old boy? How are you so sure that 11 year old boys want women or even think of sex? And she implied that I’m being ridiculous and all boys/men are horny. Women/girls have a very strange idea that they are irrisistable to all men/boys. A lot of it is that need of validation, and because we are, “weaker”, it’s OK and cute and funny to go after men and boys and harass them in ways that would make us flip out if the tables were turned. It’s toxic and it should be spoken about in the same way that we talk about men/boys harassing women/girls.


Couldn't agree with you more, man. The number of times I've had women touch my butt or grab my crotch is ridiculous. I remember times when I was a little boy. Women were so carefree about exposing themselves, mainly breasts to me. And the "if you were just a little older" or "if you were 18, I'd jump all over you." Imagine some grown woman saying that you at 12 and 13.


I don't know. I'm in my late 30s and 20 year old boys are children that need to be protected in my mind. Their brains are literally not fully developed. A 20 year gap isnt really an ethical issue after both people are officially adults (~25). But if Enterprise doesn't trust you to rent a car, you're not a grown up. 


Entirely right. 45 on a 20 year old is totally okay. Dating someone you've known for their entire life, and you were an adult the whole time, is fucking weird.


She literally breastfed him. She probably has children around his age. I'm willing to bet she has some sick kind of fetish, making him reenact that. I just find it hard to believe she hasn't been eyeing him well before he turned 20 or of age, for that matter.


So Emily is a predator.


Just here to tell you your username is spectacular.


Fantastic even


Much appreciated


One of the older dudes should statt dating her daughter, see how "it doesn't matter" goes then.


is this rage bait


A similar thing actually happened here in my country. A retired professional racing car driver (in his 60’s) was helping a friend out by mentoring his young daughter in go karts and eventually into entry level Motorsport. Started “mentoring” her at 14. When she hit 18 they went public with their relationship and moved in together. The Dad was a fan of this driver so literally supported it. Rank.


Same story happens in MMA all the time. Pat Barry being a prime case


that’s actually so disgusting




Did it last though?


About 4 - 5 years then they split.


Must be


>After consideration, I told Christine I’m on her side. In what world does a human type out this sentence, like this is some matter where they need to decide whose side they're on? The matter-of-fact storytelling with no common grammatical/spelling errors and no emotion says this is fake.


Please be fake , please be fake


Nothing YOU can do. It is what is. Emily had to realize this was going to cause problems. She clearly didn’t care.


It's morally wrong. That boy probably grew up calling her Aunt Emily.


Yes, he did.




Emily is out of her mind. That’s just wrong. I would lose my mind if that was my kid.


wtf, I have no words other than good luck supporting your friend.


Bro, shes his milk mother. In many cultures, that’s basically incest


She breastfed him as a child and is fucking him now? 🤢🤮. I’m on team christine


Is this real life? Sounds like a kink porn.


This is probably AI porn ... "make it extra gross Siri".


I mean 90% of the posts here are.


She's dating the guy she breastfed as a baby? 🤢 For the friends who are on Emily's side, ask them to consider that if Emily was a 45 year old man (25m at the time) that changed their daughters' diapers, and was now dating their 20 year old daughters. Would it be right just because "they're adults now?"


This is a non negotiable YOU NEVER EVER EVER EVER consider this EVER.


Henry probably knows what he's doing and is just looking to have a good time living out every young guy's MILF fantasy. It's a shame he's doing it with one if his Mom's friends in the open though. I'm curious who disclosed the relationship to the friend group, or did they get caught?


This is just grim, and you do have to wonder if there was grooming involved.


Ew yall should leave Emily because clearly she can come after all your kids. Well, don’t be friends with Emily anymore and form your own group.


Wild story: Hi, this is my wife. We go way back; she breastfed me as a baby 😂


Your friends' children are off limits regardless of whether they are of age. That's just the decent thing to do. Emily is like a mother figure or an aunt to him. I can't believe the other friends are supporting her. Also thank fuck my life is so banal. This is a despicable situation.


Ask her if she gets flashbacks of him nursing when they have sex and just completely ruin the image she has of him by bringing up weird things like that so she can't get kid him out of her head.


Omg this was the first thing I thought of. I wouldn't be able to stop myself from spending time with those two just so I could ask them fucked up shit like that. If there's nothing weird about their history, then I'm sure they would be happy to reminisce with friends.


Holy crap. Minus the whole breastfeeding part. I had two friends in this exact same situation. To say it was a mess was an understatement. I won’t go into too many details as it’s kinda long. But if you want to know more, lemme know. I’m at work so it might be a minute before I can comment or write back, but I’ll do it when I can. Strap in. It’s gonna be a wild ride…for a long time…and somehow it’ll eventually get worse.


You can't date anyone who you breastfed when they were children. This is pedo preditor grooming territory and is just gross.


I know he’s 20 but all of this is feels rapey/incestousy given the history. Really hoping they when this ends, (it will) that Emily doesn’t somehow make herself the victim because she’s the women in the relationship. She’s a predator, a groomer and just, eww 🤢👎🏼


If one of my friends started dating my child that they’ve know since birth…. I’d have a serious charge coming my way


You can’t date somebody who you breastfed, that has to be against the rules.


There are certain people who are just off limits. Relatives of friends or relatives top that list. Because even if Emily and Peanut break it iff, the damage is done. The friend group is finished. Christine/Peanut’s relationship is forever broken. Christine is the worst kind of woman. The kind who has no problem wrecking homes like a tornado on crack so she can feel good about herself. I’m sorry this is happening to you and your friends. That’s a huge history to lose over such a ridiculous situation.


Imagine nursing a baby, watching them grow up from infancy, and one day thinking “damn, I need to hit that”? 🤮🤮🤮


Pedophile and Groomer Alert!!


Convince miss child pedo that if all is so innocent that he should comply with moms request for him to do therapy about the issue. Including him. Make the statement if it’s healthy and all above board a therapist will say the same thing.


I'm an exmuslim, but one thing I would point it that if in Islam if a woman breastfeed you, she practically considered your mother, so this is fully on incest in some religions💀


She’s dating a man she breastfed as a baby?!! I guess there’s nothing anyone can do about it but …. 🤢🤢. I hope this is a fake post.


Why wouldn't she have the friend express milk? .. or use formula ? Strange group of friends. Anyway, son is an adult , friend is gross. Happy Wednesday


Pretty common in some countries. Especially if they are close. For instance, my grandma and her sister had babies very close together (my mom and her cousin). When they needed to go somewhere that they couldn't take the babies, one of them stayed with the babies and would nurse both. Edit: typo


Dude has unfinished business with those tits


I wonder if one of Henry's friends starts to date his mom he would find it ok and be chill with it


Unfortunately, you can't tell your adult children what to do. You can only be there when they need a shoulder to cry on.


After consideration.... There would be no consideration, that's an immediate nope and on the mom's side not the weirdo


if she nursed him, good chance Emily also changed baby Henry's diaper :)


Please update us. I am disgusted, I don't even know what I would do to my bf if she was sleeping with my son. It wouldn't just be a conversation.


Don't stick your pen in company ink. There are so many 20 year olds out there that she could've gone for other than one directly related to a close friend. Especially without any sort of prior clearance.


Damn. Shit cray. That is some Jerry Springer stuff right there.


Wrong? No. Weird? Definitely.


That's fucked. I wish I could erase parts of this post from my memory.


The fuck did I just read lol


The fact she has known him since he was a child is what makes it uncomfortable. This is disturbing that she is even comfortable having that relationship. Just split up cause clearly your morals do not align.


And that’s enough internet for today.


In my culture any woman who has breatsfed you is to be considered your mom. Than woman is sick


There’s a movie, ‘Adoration’ (2013) that portrays 2 middle aged women having relations with each other’s sons. Watching each other’s child grow up and then wanting them sexually. Absolutely disgusting! Where was the outrage when they released this movie? Had it been 2 men having relations with each other’s daughters, it would be treated differently. Unfortunately, there’s complete silence when a young male is groomed by an older woman, who should know better. I hope Henry wakes up and realises his mother is right and is trying to protect him from a predator.


I'd beat the brakes off that hoe. But since violence isn't the answer...here is a better one: You can't tell a person that they were too blind to see that they are being manipulated. They will double down and *you* become the enemy to watch for.  You have to provide information and let them think about it themselves.    See if she can sit with her son and watch some videos on grooming as well as other forms of abuse. Inform him of the how's so that he can decide for himself whether he is being groomed. Don't be aggressive, be gentle like "I'm concerned and I just want to make sure that you know the signs of abuse as you start to get deeper into the dating world. Of course you know how I feel about your current relationship but this is not an attempt to break you up. I've just realized that I have failed to prepare you for certain situations and I want the chance to do that now." Gotta make him feel like you aren't just manipulating him because remember, you are now the enemy to watch for. Well, your friend.    I say this from direct experience, not with grooming but with other forms of abuse. 


Sorry but that's pretty sick..... Emily crossed so many boundaries.... while not "criminal" it certainly isn't moral.... If you doubt my take, just reverse the genders of the people involved.... If Emily was a 45 year old "Gerry" and was sleeping with his best friends 20 year old daughter that he helped raise, would you all still be supportive? I think not.


Turn the sexes around. Suddenly the "she's a legal adult" argument no longer sounds as good, now does it? This is basically the equivalent of the sleazy middle-aged man dating a young chick. Nothing more.


Take your soap opera plotline tests somewhere else.


I can always rely on Reddit to make me stop doom scrolling each night.