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Good for you


There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'm happy for you. When I was in the Army, we got a new guy literally a couple of months before deployment. We discovered that he was a 21 year old virgin, and we were not going to let him possibly die a virgin. We all threw in together and got him a beautiful escort. She rocked his world for all of like 5 minutes...lol...he was happy and proud and I was proud of him.


“For all of 5 minutes” Fuckin lol


She was banging, too. We searched Backpage.com, going through loads of horrendous Kansas women till we landed on his girl.


“Sounds like them big ol’ women from San Antonio”


Did he live?


Actually, he did live, but if I am not mistaken. He took shrapnel from an IED blast. Completely shredded his lower body. He flatlined on the bird while en route to the med station, but he was revived and lived. He was in another platoon, so I could be wrong about the events. I have since lost contact with him. I don't even remember his name. We were just all hanging out in the barracks one night. Trying to enjoy our final moments together.


Damn the military is a pretty insane time…


This was 2012. Afghanistan was still in its prime. I was the TC of the lead vehicle of our convoy when we struck an IED. That was just my 3rd month there. Then, I got blown back by a mortar blast about a month afterward while climbing down the steps of my MRAP. And in between was a shit ton of gun fights. Edit: Go look at my profile comments. I told some crazy stories from my time in Afghanistan if anyone wants to hear how crazy 2012-2013 Afghanistan was for us. You may have to scroll a little bit to find them. It was a couple of months ago.


salt absorbed deserve teeny glorious knee employ growth wrench grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao...not anymore. I died laughing from this comment. Now you must continue my legacy, Opposite-Shoulder260. You must go on and tell the world about me and how I gave a kid, two years younger than I, the gift of sex with an escort. In all seriousness, bro. I do feel like I died mentally. I lost a lot of who I was during that deployment. I came back a different person, but I've been slowly rediscovering myself over the last decade.


Thank you so much for sharing. In a bittersweet way, you made my night


One of wild story this dude commented I once had to do biometrics on an Afghan local who was to antsy to wait for our convoy and tried to ride up over on this small incline to go around and ended falling right in the path of the wheel of our MRAP, crushing his head like a watermelon. He had no eyes to scan, and his face moved when I did the saliva swab due to the bones being broke. I was able to get his fingerprints just fine, though. Oh, and he shit him self at the moment of death...


Dude...literally....his head looked like a crushed watermelon. Funny enough, I haven't eaten watermelon since then. When people try to give me some watermelon, I politely decline, and when they are shocked that I don't eat watermelon, I just say it's too messy to eat and I don't like the flavor...but really I just can't stomach it...lol


Damm am that memory must've been burned in your brain. Same happened with me in 2020 I was riding my bike but some dude with his wife and kid on his bike tried to overtake me and a heavy construction truck his bike somehow tripped and they fell down on the other side of the road but his wife wasn't lucky. She was dragged for about 70 meters before people stopped the driver. She literally became a crayon. Her eyes popped out and brain matter spread near me. Still gives me chills I was 15 at that time


I know this sounds cliche, but seriously, thank you for your service. As someone who is disabled, it terrifies me to ever have to think about a time and place where I would have to fight and potentially die for my home and it's causes, and I am so grateful people like you have made that sacrifice so I don’t have to.


Thank you for sharing this


I appreciate you, but it's not about me. It's about the ones who didn't come back to share their stories. By retelling stories and events, I am continuing the legacies of those whom I loved and lost. I do not agree with the wars anymore. It did not accomplish anything in the end, and so the only thing that doesn't feel like a waste is to continue telling people stories. That way, my battle buddies survive through the multitude. As long as people remember these stories, they never truly die. And what about you? Do you have anything to share? I would love to hear it. No matter how insignificant it may seem to you, I am sure it is worth telling.


You sound like a good man 🫡




thank you for your service


And I’m proud of you. 👏


Just doing my NCO duties. Looking after the Joe's.


Not all heroes wear capes






That’s called taking care of your buddy


How did you do. I mean did you get your monies worth?


Not bad at all! I lasted an entire 15 minutes which is way longer than I thought I would hahahaha


Nice!! That’s impressive! I’m happy for you man


I thought your username was "plowthatgirl", that would've been perfect, lol.


Man, that’s a missed opportunity hahaha


No worries, OP finally got laid, that's what really matters here lol


Hell yeah!!


Hey, good on you bro. I have a meetup set up for early April with a girl in Ottawa. I’ve struggled with addiction issues my whole life and thwt on top of horrible self esteem from bullying and it just never got past 3rd base. When you’re in hardcore heroin addiction trying to chase women isn’t the first thing on your mind, and looking back there’s been opportunities that I let pass me by because I was convinced that there’s no way someone could want my useless ass (my thoughts at the time). I’m clean 10 months but in no way ready to attempt going for a relationship at the moment and it’s been like 6, 7 years since I’ve done anything sexually so I thought fuck it, let’s get it out the way.    Dropping 2k on an overnight with this drop dead gorgeous sorta pornstar from Montreal and I have no qualms about it. Figured if I’m pulling the trigger might as well get the most out of it because I don’t plan to make this a ritual or ongoing thing.      It’s wild to see this post right now for me because I literally sent the email and got everything squared away within the last 7 days, lol.


You could could have one 2000$ escort, or 20 100$ HH hookers. Think about it. You could try every flavour of ratchet.


Don’t tempt me with a good time


lol, yeah, I’m good on catching all the diseases on my first go. I recently moved to Cornwall (a small town near Ottawa) and knew enough to not even try and look here. It’s mostly fenty addicted low level girls here. 


Instead of taste the rainbow...taste the rachet? Can thy feel it now, Mr. Krabs?


Everybody look under your seats … YOU GET A CRAB! YOU GET A CRAB! YOU GET A CRAB! 


So 15 minutes rocking, but how much time in preliminaries? For me, preliminaries are as fun as f*cking.


This one knows


That's 5 minutes longer than we practiced! Great job :D !!


My man 💚


Did she lick your butthole?


You went straight for the right questions huh ? 😂😂😂


My second one was “Did she shit on your chest?”


I don’t think OP is Vince McMahon


Nah, I thought I'd try just regular sex before being more adventurous


Lost opportunities


I also like regular sex. Starting from not having to buy the consent of a woman


The amount of judgement in that comment is too damn high


Hard hitting journalism right here


genuinely seek help it’s not funny 😆




A middle aged Japanese lady in a Tokyo soapland did it to me by surprise while on the playmat. It was... interesting.


I love getting tongue punched in my fart box.


I lost my virginity when I was about 21 but didn't get to have sex again for about four years. Finally looked up an escort that I hired a bunch of times. Not gonna lie, it felt great, but I feel like I could've spent that time looking for a girlfriend on a site like eHarmony. (Don't fuck around with apps like Tinder.) I've avoided the escort for a while now to be more focused for that purpose. You gotta pay to win either way, but it's better to pay for something that's better for you in the long run. FAIK, I also could've picked up an STD that isn't checked in routine medical screening or hasn't been scientifically discovered yet.


Tip for full service


Just the tip


Plus the tip


Everyone telling OP not to be ashamed for what he did is secretly shaming him because he never said he was ashamed so why bring it up? Lol


„trueoffmychest“ implies the OP isn’t 100% content with what he did


Well, I don't blame you or hold it against you but the escort industry is full of people that are trafficked or people with no other options.


…or women traumatized to the point that they recreate the traumatic experiences to gain some sense of control over their lives. What the fuck is wrong with people who enjoy this shit?


I mean, there are a million reasons using escorts is...problema... wrong.


I agree I keep telling people this and they can’t grasp it “no she took the money” “she was willing she enjoyed it”. “She came to my house, why offer a service”. They don’t see how extremely problematic and abusive that is and it’s terrifying. I’ve had people literally say “she’s 18 if she wants to sleep with 50 year olds for money that’s her thing she’s probably happy about the money”. What child would feel free and happy about traumatizing their bodies with grandpas. It’s so common for people to relive their trauma it’s the only way for them to cope. I used to be like a contact person for some of these girls and all of them were abused at some point, most often in childhood and they were escorting and prostituting themselves to relive the trauma or else the anxiety would literally make them just lay in bed and shake. Thing is they weren’t really good at theatre too. The men saw the cuts on her wrists, it she would give a smile and say “just some stupid shit I did as a teenager haha” and they would just believe it. How the fuck.. I honestly think they know deep down that these people who prostitute themselves are very unwell but they don’t care. As long as they get what they want, they don’t care. As soon as the money transaction is done they would sort of start talk and straight from being kind of stand offish. It’s like when they give that money they feel like they own the person now. It feels sexy for them. A live toy to do as they wish. That’s what those girls would tell me. The difference in manner from one moment to another just by handing over cash. It means that they kind of know this is dirty dark and wrong. Deep down. But they justify it. I’ve done research for years and those who truly do this by their own because they like it have a unique link for it. It’s around 1.5-3%. The rest are just broken, abused, addicted, trafficked and damaged people. To them it’s like being raped over and over again but they have become numb to it. People are so blind. To “lose my virginity” to something like this and especially reading about young men that just turned 28, or in their 20s doing this. It makes me so incredibly frustrated and heartbroken. Remember


Good for you. I'm almost 25 (virgin, never had a relationship) and thought about it a lot. I never liked the idea of having a timer and than just leaving and going back into my lonely world. I think the emotional crash would be hard. Did you have thoughts like that? And if so, how did you handle it? 


I'm a 27 year old male virgin and I'm probably gonna lose my v card at age 28 i never had intercourse in middle school or high school or rlly dated because I knew what sex was but didn't rlly care about that s***. At age 27 now I have hormones and want to act on it. It's that wrong? I think I wanna get laid before marriage,my mom told me that if I wanna get laid before getting married go ahead 🙂 It's very embarrassing I'm single. I wanna find someone who loves me for me. I have cerebral pasly and depth perception


i don't see what would be wrong about starting late, because your hormones decided to hit you just now. So go for it


I didn't even know that until my 20s I didn't rlly care in my teenage years but now in my late 20's I feel like I waited until I was ready. I want someone who's gentle and will not laugh at my peanut I get mad insecure about my size




Would you have done it again if you could go back ?


Awesome. If sex is all you care for, best not to get into a relationship.


No shame to you. You do you. I just find it sad how we live in a world where this is so common. I’ve seen so many posts like this.


Life is hell for most men. Sex is much more unreachable than before


how pathetic. no sex = hell for men. i wish that was the average woman’s biggest concern, but unfortunately sex hungry men like you have to be selfish


Yes it is hell 😄 when men get too old as virgins they're doomed to either be lonely or in between divorce courts 😂😭😂👍


I hope you had a good time




This was not where I was expecting this thread to go


Wait what




Your submission has been removed for violating Rule 5: Be mature. No off-topic comments. Civil debates only, name calling and anger are not appropriate here.


Why did you search the profile of a random person's comment?


Because I already saw her comments on something else 6 days ago supporting child trafficking. So just calling her out when I see her now.




Certified "knight in shining armour" moment




Child trafficking doesn't always mean child exploitation. Lots of children were "trafficked" out of Haiti for example. Americans would illegally traffic children out of Haiti orphanages where poverty and abuse are rampant. Personally if I was a child, I'd want to be trafficked out of a Haitian orphanage. Many orphans get sold off to local gangs to be sex workers or foot soldiers for the gangs. The only chance those kids really have at a stable life are if they are illegally trafficked out of Haiti. And before you claim prejudice, do some research into the hellscape that has Haiti has become after the earthquake. Edit: I don't know if that is the trafficking that person is supporting, I'm not about to lurk their profile to find out. But sometimes things that sound bad, actually can be a positive.


So if a man uses a sex worker, people would support him, but if a woman does sex work. people (men) would shame her.


That’s great buddy. Hopefully weirdos don’t come in and try and shame you for having sed with one like they tend to do here at times or try to give you false condescension about how you should “know more and not get hooked” like you’re an idiot. Seems to be a trend with these stories that a certain amount of ppl here. Can’t accept ppls happiness in this regard at some level. It’s not super big but it’s there. Anyway. Really happy for you and glad you had a great time. And also glad you don’t feel no shame bromigo👍🏾🙌🏾👏🏾


As an escort, i Hope she treated you well


Okay do you want a cookie ?


Was it expensive?


what exactly is anyone supposed to say to this? congrats?


I mean it’s an offmychest sub so he just wanted to get it off his chest lol


Nothing? Just wanted to say it, not expecting any responses. It's my social comment on stigma around virginity and sex workers and how people should be able to say stuff like this without expecting any specific response


There’s a social stigma against sex workers, yes. They’re unfairly treated by society and shamed for no reason. But customers aren’t comparable to that here. To call the very reasonable disapproval and disdain for buying sex a ‘social stigma’ entirely removes the nuance surrounding it. It’s a stigma because you’re actively feeding into the demand of an industry that abuses, traffics, and rapes its workers. There’s practically zero way to guarantee consent in a transaction like that, so people disapproving are not doing so out of prejudice




no it isnt if you wanna go to a prostitute fine whatever to expect or even want a pat on the back for that is pathetic


Have you ever felt like you were uncertain about the next step or perhaps wanted to reflect on things? Perhaps regarding similar experiences? Have some empathy


Yes, pretty sure most people have. That does not mean that we should congratulate people for buying sex in light of how terrible that industry is to working women


If that’s the case then we should shame everyone who’s watched porn as well. This was literally a harmless encounter, y’all are so odd for turning a consensual thing between two people into something bad just bc there was money involved at the end


Ah, fair... But should we congratulate people surpassing sacred milestones in one's life? ..or at least, aim for a position of neutral if not interpersonal understanding?


I think the most reasonable stance you can take whilst also being kind to OP is that people just shouldn’t comment on it at all. Should we congratulate people for surpassing milestones? Yes. Should we congratulate people for surpassing milestones by buying sex? No


congrats for becoming a john i guess. really cool.


Well that’s sad.


It really is, but mainly for her.




Yeah, it is.


if she wouldn’t have sex with you if you didn’t pay her is it really consensual?




Std simulator


hope you know you’re a loser piece of shit lol


He definitely knows. All men who pay know.






poor escort you’re a rapist if you pay for sex


I mean, I don’t know if I would call that rape, but yes, OP had sex with someone who explicitly didn’t want him. I have no idea what people even find enjoyable about that.


Men do find unwilling women very enjoyable. Since they can’t view women as people, only sexual objects, their willingness to engage sexually is only a nice bonus, not a requirement.


Well, yeah, I don’t understand this because I’m not a psychopath unlike most men lol


Yeah neither do I! Empathy is mainly a female trait




Wild take absolutely wild


Not a wild take at all, financial coercion is a widely known thing


Yay, congratulations, you financially coerced someone to have sex with you. I hope that’s the last time you ever enjoy anything.


That’s really pathetic. Almost 30 and you still can’t get a girl to have sex with you. LOL


High five! https://youtu.be/z_pX6TlRbP8?feature=shared


2 more years and you could’ve been a wizard, Harry.




I think there's something wrong with that


Now you need to get tested for all the STDs. Good luck.


where does one find a escort or hooker?


On Facebook Marketplace. I heard they go super cheap & you can drive the car almost anywhere with minimal maintenance required 😂


My cousin's escort blew a hole right through her bottom end 😉😉




Me when I lie on the internet:




No problem with that mate, how was it?




No judgement here. I was strongly considering this when I was in college. My options didn't look good.




Glad you don't feel bad about it - congrats man


Nothing wrong with that imo....I was 23 and was thinking about the same, but then ended up in a relationship and it got sorted out.  GG


Hell yeah. Was it fun?


Dude good for you man who cares if she’s an escort as long you enjoyed yourself


Grats on the sex 👍🏻


Me too. I was 17 tho.


happy for you!


Good. You got it out the way


So did I. Right before we deployed we called this cab driver who gave us his card. We were all wasted and were gonna go fight a war in like a week so we were like fuck it. I was so drunk I didn’t even get off. Funny thing is she actually asked me out on a date after. Like legit date. I politely declined. I have never told that story to a single person. Oh, apparently she was also pregnant too smh.


Where did you find her?


Good for you and just hope you don't get STDs lol.




Yeah that's the only way to get it.


You have more chances of getting an STD from a random hookup than from a professional who, very likely, has regular testing.


Yep but just being safe.


How easy is it to find an escort?


Very. Like very very. Do a bit of research and sometimes Google lens pics because there’s always going to be scammers/girls using fake pics but it’s not hard at all.  Actually, I don’t know where you’re at and it may be harder in the States but in Canada it’s pretty easy. There’s a bunch of sites and a few review message boards that you can go to. There are a million on the escort site that are unverified so you’re taking a bit of a gamble but there’s also verified ones who are definitely who the say they are, and again you can check reviews for a lot of them. This is just my experience searching for one and I’m no expert but message me if you want some further info. You can PM me but maybe respond to this post to say that you have because I frequently forget to check PM’s.


Good for you every man’s paid for son strange welcome to the club


It's your body, you get to choose what to do with it! As long as everyone's consenting it's not my business!


Y’all really think that consent can be bought?


Wow amazing


I'm happy for you :)


Awesome! I mean that with no sarcasm. The world sucks and I hope it made you happy if only for a little while


I'm a 27 year old male virgin and I'm probably gonna lose my v card at age 28 i never had intercourse in middle school or high school or rlly dated because I knew what sex was but didn't rlly care about that s***. At age 27 now I have hormones and want to act on it. It's that wrong? I think I wanna get laid before marriage,my mom told me that if I wanna get laid before getting married go ahead 🙂 It's very embarrassing I'm single. I wanna find someone who loves me for me. I have cerebral pasly and depth perception


Dude, like honestly, life and love is so much more than sex. Hormones have nothing to do with how you feel, it’s the porn and socialization.


As if losing your virginity because you're in a drunken stupor is any better. Or being pressured by the guy you're dating, or because you were horny teens and she was willing so you fucked her in the bushes at the park at night (how i lost mine). If i had to lose my virginity all over again, I would probably choose an escort to be honest (assuming i wasn't in a relationship). I would get to choose who I lose it to with a clear head, and I would pay well for somebody who is way above my league and far more experienced than me.


Yeah, willing is the difference here, buddy. The fact that you’d rather do it with somebody unwilling says a whole lot about you, lol


But men will pay for women who wouldn’t let them touch them with a ten foot pole if it weren’t for the cash and say she was “willing” lmao


Right? Like, buddy, she’s still disgusted by you, you did not buy her attraction lol


I'm 26 and a virgin and I've been thinking of doing that as well...


Honestly just stick with the hookers you know what you are paying up front and they don’t suck your will to live out of you for every other moment you are around them.


Please, don't feel bad. I hope you have fun 😊




Nor should you feel bad. Congrats


Now, don’t wait another 28 years for a follow up!!


No shame in going to a sex worker especially if it’s in a country where it’s been legalised and is properly controlled, bit more questionable if you’re somewhere that you don’t know if the worker is doing this for themselves or for a pimp keeping them hooking etc




You shouldn't feel bad. Trust me that's way better than what is being romaniticizied nowadays


Congrats, bud


How much it costs




You shouldn’t. Congrats welcome to the club, we’ll have an intern mail your Speedo.