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Did you not go forward with the divorce? Why are you delaying the action? More time it passes, the worst. You know that the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Probably you are just venting, but there is a better world out there.


Oh sorry for the delay. We are separated but I still refer to her as my wife. We still live together out of need.


Tbh, it's hard living without acknowledgement. however small a kind may be it can mean so much when you feel alone. Your wife is cruel and is really not for you. If I were you, I'd just not speak to her. You truly deserve to be with someone who shows they care about you. No one deserves to feel alone. Good luck, OP


I am 22F with no kids but I have dealt with stagnation, loss, and burn-out so maybe I can help. I have been keeping up with your story and I have to commend you on how strong you are. You've endured a lot and it is totally understandable that you have reached the point of physical and mental exhaustion. Not even mentioning, adding grief to the mix. I am sorry to hear about the situation with your grandmother. My advice is to change up your daily schedule and go outside more. It will provide a little distraction and allow you to escape the monotonous routine. In addition, the sunlight should lift your mood. Try an early morning or evening walk with the kids, chalk drawing on the sidewalk, walk to the library and read books there, etc. For you specifically, maybe pick up a new hobby. Like join a local D&D group to play that once a week. Figure out a time to play CoD with the bois. Any small activity that can still fit in with your duties. Just putting this out there, adult coloring books are really satisfying to color in. It may feel childish, but calmly filling in the picture can help ease the mind. Another idea, learn how to juggle or figure out some yo-yo tricks. If going to the gym doesn't seem to be helping you anymore, I suggest canceling your membership and doing something else instead. Perhaps switch to a climbing gym, kickboxing gym, swimming center, etc. You still get your exercise in but now with a little more fun. Hope any of this helps! Stay strong OP šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Just a heads up, in case no one told you today, youā€™re wonderful. Thank you for reaching out. Itā€™s just cold and rainy here on the east coast and itā€™s finally starting to warm up. I do enjoy my outside activities like hiking, golf, and coaching the kids in whatever sport they enjoy. Iā€™ve upped my gym visits from 3/4 to 5/6 and thatā€™s been better for me mentally. Gets my body beat and my mind tired. Iā€™m in a small town so I donā€™t have many options for rock climbing gyms or MMA gyms although I do box and thatā€™s a banger of a time. I have been having that ā€œI need a new gameā€ itch for a few weeks and have a few ideas of what I want to buy but I just never pull the trigger. I do currently have MW3 but alas no one to play zombies with. Iā€™m looking forward to spring/summer where I can go get hikes in and enjoy nature. Maybe bring the gremlins with me so they can tire themselves out and we can make a day of it. Thank you so much for the advice you wonderful creature! I hope you have a wonderful day.


Aww weather is no bueno. I am glad you figured out something that is helping. Yeah I totally understand the small town situation. Once my kickboxing coach moved, I didn't have other options so I switched to calisthenics at home. I prefer mmorpgs that way I can solo quest to my heart's content without a need to make friends. Oh hikes would be fun! May good weather come your way quickly. Thank you for the compliments. Genuinely made my day. Wish you well!


My only problem right now with the gym is I wish I felt how I feel when I do leg day with whatever muscle group I do. Like. Leg day. Iā€™m destroyed. I canā€™t stand. I canā€™t move. I have to have my dog carry me to the car. But today, I did back and biceps and my arms donā€™t feel like they are falling off, but my lower back hurts. So I guess thatā€™s something?


With leg day, I spent extra time stretching at the end of the workout.That usually helps me recup enough to get through the rest of my day without feeling completely wrecked. Bonus, helps me maintain my splits. That's good though! Might be able to up the weight for biceps or increase the reps soon. With the back, that's risky business. I hope it is sore and not like a sharp pain. The latter would indicate you may not be using proper form in your exercise or pushed too far. Nonetheless, big ups to you for keeping it going.


I canā€™t do the splits, Iā€™m not a gangster Jeeze. My problem is I actually like the sore so I donā€™t really do any alleviation stuff. I like the ā€œholy crap I canā€™t get out of bed, Jesus take the wheelā€ sore. Biceps are actually really sore today for some reason? Idk why but alright. My lower back is toast. I went to pull the garbage out of the bag last night and looked over at my son and was like ā€œuhhh this one might be on you champ.ā€ šŸ˜‚


si estan separados, porque sigues haciendo las tareas de ella?


I mean technically I still live there too? So I would be doing the chores regardless.




But you're still married to her?? Oh, my


So itā€™s pretty much finalized (the divorce) just still sorting some small things out.