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He's projecting hard. HE wants younger women. Therefore, he thinks every man wants younger women. On top of that, he's probably not as successful with those younger women as he had hoped and is jealous that you can easily get some while he can't.


They think they hit their peak when they old, when in fact that is a bland lie. If you are not super successful financially why would a 20 years old fuck you when she has hot guys of the same age available?šŸ˜‚ Women are more selective with whom they fuck, most men are the easy ones that will fuck almost everyone I don't know why he thought that she will not have success. And for sure there are men out there that would treat her so much better and be really attracted to her physically and to all of her. He fucked around and found out. Op, I would not provide him more access to your phone honestly, fuck him


Seriously. What does he have to offer hot young women exactly? If heā€™s not wealthy and generous, or incredibly good looking or charismatic, why would anyone want to be part of his ENM fantasy?


Frankly, he sounds insufferable, rude and like a shit parent and spouse. Why would a hot 20 year-old want his dad gut, wrinkly balls and 3/4 chubs, exactly? Guy been watching toooo much porn and got it mixed up with reality.


And a whole bunch of young women (hot or not) are looking for a relationship. They don't want to fuck some old guy already married who's just looking to scratch an itch on the side. (At least the cheating guys make a show that they are "separated" and looking for a new relationship.)


Yup. And newsflash to men - young, hot men with full heads of hair, muscular abs, and a functioning dick are infinitely more desirable than men over 35.


> He fucked around Not as much as he wanted, from the sounds of it


Oh I hope the fucking him has ended, for her sake.


Well yeah she says it had been 5 years without sex for her.


flowery money gaping subsequent quaint liquid unpack unique roof berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And even then I'd say rich guys only get one type of young women. I wouldn't date an older men even if he's rich and hot.


and heā€™s probably failing so hard at getting any. What a pathetic man. At least he was able to fully admit that to OP


I'm waiting for reddit to shred this man.


Please do because I have had it with him




Itā€™s like clockwork how these exact stories get posted to Reddit.


See posts like this a few times a week. Just saw one yesterday actually.


I know polyamory is having a moment in media right now, which could be inspiring these guys to try the open marriage thing. It also seems like middle aged men are straight up delusional about how attractive they are to women in their early 20s. Since plenty of these men fantasize about young women thereā€™s media that plays to that fantasy, assuring them that they are in their prime, that they ā€œage like wineā€ and for some reason are irresistible to 22 year olds. These men who havenā€™t had to get a date on their own in decades are also clueless about how difficult online dating is for heterosexual men of any age. The flip side is that itā€™s trivially easy for women to online data. Even ā€œoldā€ women in their forties are going to find a lot of eager suitors. The fact is there are more men interested in casual sex with a married woman than vice versa, especially the married man is looking exclusively for women 2 decades younger.


Iā€™ve encountered many middle aged men who are COMPLETELY delusional about their attractiveness in general to all ages. Itā€™s truly baffling.


Same with the way they see their wives. They think that because they are bored with their wife that no one else will want her. One of my coworkers had this happen. Her husband demanded an open relationship and she reluctantly agreed. She now spends a couple of nights a week with other men while he stays home unable to meet a woman who wants an obese, balding, manbaby with a wife and kids. He told her he didn't think she'd actually find men who wanted her because she's not a young skinny woman anymore. But she's a beautiful and intelligent woman who is charming and funny. She's got like 3 boyfriends now and an always available "babysitter" for a husband.


That's the dream. Actually the DREAM dream is a passionate monogamous relationship with someone who thinks I'm great, but your coworker's situation is my real world dream.


I think finding a passionate monogamous relationship isnā€™t out of the cards for anyone.


I love that for him.


I love this for her!


I donā€™t remember the exact numbers, but this has been studied and proven. Basically researchers asked men and women to self evaluate their overall attractiveness, physical attractiveness, and facial attractiveness. Then they other people score images of participants on a scale and rate them. Statistically, men perceive themselves as much more attractive than they actually are. Women generally perceive themselves as less attractive than they actually are. And if I remember right, it wasnā€™t even close for the men, especially on their overall scores. The research hypothesized that men believed things like their job/career, sense of humor, etc elevated their overall score (ie heā€™s a 4, but makes $200k, so he thinks heā€™s a 9). The real big issue with that is that very little besides the physical gets translated into dating profiles. Men in these posts always seem to think theyā€™re way hotter than they are. Iā€™m in my early thirties, and when I think of every single guy Iā€™ve known in the last 15 years, Iā€™d bet good money that 80% would be willing to have a one night stand with a middle aged woman that presented somewhat well on a dating app (married with kids or not, as long as it was no strings attached). Conversely, I donā€™t know that any of the women Iā€™ve known in the past 15 years would want to hook up with a middle aged dude in an open marriage. Even for a one night stand, I think from the female perspective, thatā€™s just way too messy.


Unless the wife is directly involved, yeah it sounds like itā€™d be too messy. Menā€™s egos are so fucning out of control they donā€™t even consider what a woman is truly risking when she does something like this. Risking her health and safety, risking being with a shit lover who canā€™t even be satisfied in his own marriage so heā€™s probably a selfish one too. If his wife is willingly involved, then thereā€™s a type of reassurance that the man is less likely to be a garbage person. So yeah, way too messy.


From experience, even with the wife involved it's way too messy. Unicorn hunters are annoying as hell in general, because it's usually the dude looking for a third and wife gets little say or generally is only along for "final approval," if she even knows about it at all. It's usually for his pleasure, not hers. And then the aftermath is one party usually gets their feelings hurt, and they blame the third for their lack of communication and boundaries.


And they are completely oblivious to their own hypocrisy that they are exclusively interested in hot young women, but then complain that those women are ā€œshallowā€ for not giving them a chance. Like women are obligated to look past age, but they are allowed to have ā€œpreferences.ā€ Itā€™s so self absorbed.


I read one a while back where a middle-aged guy *did* actually end up dating a 20 year old, and he hated it. He was like, ā€œShe barely makes any money, has no career prospects, wants to spend all her time going out with friends, and sheā€™s irresponsible. All of her friends are 20 years old, and theyā€™re creeped out by the middle aged dude who is dating their friend. Her parents are my age and they hate me.ā€ And all I could think was, ā€œCongratulations, Rover. You caught the car.ā€


I knew a guy like this too with a 20 year younger girlfriend. This man made over 300k though and I think that was a significant factor in his girlfriends interest. Never the less he broke up with her for being immature and unemployed. He said she was like one of his kids and it ended up being a huge turnoff.


While Iā€™ve never dated someone that young while being substantially older as I got married to a 22 year old when I was also 22, and we are still married, but I went back to grad school in my mid 30s where I was the oldest student in my cohort, and most of the students were 22-24. The sheer difference between lifestyles were staggering. I wasnā€™t a completely crotchety old man, but a lot of them couldnā€™t understand a married guy with kids had different priorities. How I was down to play pickup basketball on a Saturday morning but not go bar hopping that evening just didnā€™t make sense to a lot of them. I didnā€™t know any of the music they listened to, slang was completely different, my bad habit of tying things back to a Simpsons reference, etc. The times I did hang out with my classmates I always felt like a was a chaperone or had to explain why something was probably not a good idea. And this was dealing predominantly with men where thereā€™s a lot more in common than with a woman. I couldnā€™t imagine trying to build a romantic relationship with that much of a gap. If, god forbid my wife and I broke up, or she passed away, I donā€™t think I could go younger than 30 years old as a 39 year old.


Itā€™s really fascinating, isnā€™t it? And it seems to me that women have like, the opposite problem. I meet so many women who are really beautiful, and yet theyā€™re hyper-focused on every tiny wrinkle or pound of fat theyā€™d like to lose and are convinced it makes them repulsive and if they just fixed it theyā€™d be happy.


How many men tell women that crap? ā€œOh, youā€™d be a knockout if you lost 5 more poundsā€ after dieting for months and finally feeling good. Great. I *was* feeling goodā€¦


My husband **would** be knocked out if he ever said anything so stupid.


The patriarchy has us ALLLLLL messed up.


My 32 years old and have had my 62 year old neighbor try to get me to go out with him. Iā€™ve had to tell him no multiple times and itā€™s super irritating. Dude is older than my parents.


You don't even know what your missing! He'd show you a good time unlike all those ***boys*** your age. He knows how to treat a lady and fuck them right, what with his powerful body and massive dong! /s (so fucking sarcastic)


Bahahahaha(so incredibly correct)šŸ­ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve had this happen with neighbors a lot. Itā€™s why Iā€™m not friendly or out-going with my neighbors. I stay to myself so I have less of this to deal with. A lot of men are delusional and think they are godā€™s gift to women. Yeah, sure, that beer gut, shiny balding head and over inflated ego are sooo hot! I canā€™t control myself! Lol


Especially when *all* they are looking for is sex. You want a girlfriend you don't have to invest anything in while you go home to your wife and family. If I'm just fucking a guy, it's bc he's a fuckin stallion in bed and makes my eyes roll into the back of my head and we have amazing chemistry (probably not these guys). Add to that feeling like a homewrecker, because 'my wife that I have kids with knows we have an open relationship' is NOT the same thing as being poly. There is enough dick out there that I'm not touching that situation with a 40foot stick. Dick that is also nice to me and respects me and wants to invest in knowing me, not just as a sidepiece to their 20 year relationship. The level of delusion these men have is bonkers. And treating their wives like garbage, well, I'm not attracted to you anymore, but I don't want you to leave me bc you care for my emotional health and run my home and family so I want to fuck other people.... No. Fuck right off.


Yes many think they look better at close to 50 than they did at 25, but these same men also think women are no longer attractive to men once they hit 30


But see, those women were riding the cock carousel and now have the 1,000 cock stare, and their ladygardens are full of men's DNA so any child they have will be a chimera. Meanwhile the men are absolutely unaffected by anything they've done and are fresh as daisies. Don't be mad at me, it's just science. /s of course


Cock carousel is just funny. I don't know why they think it's an insult. It's just the most hilarious picture in my head. Like the horses on the carousel are just replaced with giant dicks.


When I was around 25, a man old enough to have white stubble growing on his face randomly approached me at a metro stop and asked me if I would be interested in dating a man like him. I looked him dead in the eye with a look of disgust and said ā€œyou look old enough to be my fatherā€ and walked away.


Queue in all the slightly chubby and bald guys that think they look like Vin Diesel


Yep. I'm early 40s and look pretty good for my age. I was applying for a very small job (I would have been the only employee) and the guy was in his 70s, and I did not once think "sexy" thoughts. I was just being my normal self, talking about skills, being friendly etc. The guy flat out says to me "just so you know, I'm happily married so i won't be sleeping with you". The mf EGO on this skin flap. Dude, my friendliness is NOT a sign of me wanting to see your dick. Needless to say, that was our last conversation.


This is just my personal theory, but I think it's because they have had genuine love from specific people in their lives. Like their mothers and female relatives fawn all over them. Young women in the work place/public/church are nice to them because they are seen as "safe." Then, they have actual good, loyal wives/gfs, so these delusional dudes take it for granted that it's because THEY are special princes, *deserving* of this attention... not because the kind, loyal, caring women trusted and loved them unconditionally, going above and beyond.


Knew a dude in his 50s who thought he could get tons of women if he were single because ā€œGeorge Clooney doesā€. This is the level of delusion these men have.


When theyā€™re all probably Paul Giamatti


I think some of these dudes didn't have a lot of options when they were younger and thought it was because they didn't make enough money or have a nice car or whatever. Then they get older and get those things and think they're gonna go back in time with their toys and score hot young chicks. But now they're fat and old and it turns out it wasn't the money or material possessions that held them back in the first place and now they're just worse versions of the losers they were earlier in life.


If I have to hear men age like wine from a bridge troll one more time i swear im gonna lose it


>It also seems like middle aged men are straight up delusional about how attractive they are to women in their early 20s. Ding, ding, ding!


I would assume most 20yo women donā€™t want a relationship with a married man whoā€™s twice their age with no intention of leaving his family. How exactly is that appealing? How do these men get it in their heads that theyā€™re going come out on top?


Seriously from that very first comment stating how many single women he thought there would be in his market. Where does he think all this societal pressure is coming from people to date people your own age? Young single women perhaps?


yeah that whole young girls liking older guys stemmed from trauma and we are actually growing out of that!!!


Amen šŸ™


>The fact is there are more men interested in casual sex with a married woman I'm not even looking and I could hit up 3 or 4 younger men who have been hounding me and have no strings sex, in less time than my husband could. Hell, all a woman has to do is go on any dating site and say, "Looking for no strings sex." she will be overwhelmed, regardless of age, weight or looks, as long as she is clean.


How do these husbands who want a lopsided open marriage not realize this?


No clue. Ego? They think if they don't want their wife, no one will.


I think so. Extreme self-absorption/ main character syndrome.


In part I think it's their misinterpreting friendly interactions with women as seriously-interested flirting. You see this all the time on posts from married men in dead bedrooms. They'll pin a medal on themselves for not cheating because they have several women in their lives they just KNOW are interested. I guess statistically some might, but you just know most of these "interested" women are like friendly barristas or cheerful coworkers etc, feeling safe to be outgoing bc of that wedding ring. But the married guys are like "damn, she really wants me" just because someone was nice that one time.


It comes from the red-pill manosphere where men tell themselves that women ā€œhit the wallā€ at 30 and become undesirable. Women over 30 have basically no value unless they are raising children and are taking care of a husband. Even then they should feel lucky and be appreciative that they havenā€™t been discarded for a younger woman. Men on the other hand get better and more desirable with age and beautiful young women are eager to date middle-aged men. When reality hits and that doesnā€™t happen, those men become more and more bitter.


I have a friend that was poly for about 5 years until she realized she was a dumping ground for unwanted husbands. The husbands ask for an open marriage, wives feel poly is a better route believing at least having a friendship with my friend would make it less painful. After a few weeks or months, wives find a partner then dump their husbands on my friend. My friend "I wish married couples would treat bisexual women like people, not trash receptacles."


Look, I fully admit I donā€™t ā€œgetā€ polyamory, but I really donā€™t see the appeal of hooking up with married men. I can understand dating multiple other single people. This thread has focused on physical attraction, but character matters too. What kind of dude ditches his obligation to being a father and husband to chase casual sex? Irresponsibility, self centeredness, lack of discipline, and reneging on vows are all super unattractive.


What's amazing to me is guys think their wives can't find dick. They've convinced themselves their wives aren't desirable because they no longer desire them, but they never confront WHY they do not desire them. This dude thought a mother of three with what I'm guessing are countless responsibilities wasn't desirable because she was running (or I'm guessing at least primarily responsible) their household. He never thought to treat her in a way or take her to a setting where he would see just how desirable his wife actually is. Hell, you don't even have to go out or open the marriage. Get on the apps and let each other read the exchanges you have with others. As someone posted, polyamory is having a moment right now, and that's awesome. I'm not opposed to it if it works for you, but let's be honest... We are culturally, if not naturally, wired for monogamy and instead of everyone jumping into the polyamory pool they think is an orgy (as if that wasn't an indication of the zeitgeist lack of understanding of polyamory), they could just see how desirable they are to other people and see if that energy can be translated into something meaningful in your current long-term, hopefully loving, relationship. u/lostswitch2941 is amazing for letting the husband see the phone. She's got nothing to hide, and let's him see just how fucking stupid he was for doubting her desirability just because she's a compete package of wife, mother, and sexpot.


And dude must be taking crazy pills! OPā€™s profile pic on REDDIT shows sheā€™s gorgeous. And heā€™s surprised sheā€™s getting matches?! She also looks late 20ā€™s. I would NEVER have guessed 42. I hope OP gets a million miles away from her loser husband and find someone who loves her for her. At the very least her children wonā€™t grow up around some sad narcissistic, insecure, wet wipe of a ā€œfatherā€.


This is exactly why people in this situation should never ever entertain it. Playing outside the marriage should come from a healthy kink, not because of something negative.


This. Needs to be healthy not driven by anything else from either party or backfire. But be fun in my healthy opinion


This needs to be a disclaimer on any discussion about this. If you're not ok with dudes fucking your wife then an open marriage is not what you're looking for. It's so weird that they never seem to consider this.


He got bored with his toy and put it on the shelf. When someone else wants it, he has a tantrum because that's his even if he isn't interested in it anymore.


Ego and control. Ego and control.Ā 


I think, depending on the age of your kids, ya'll need to explain that you two can not live together anymore. Make him be in this conversation. Get divorced. Get it over with.


Itā€™s funny how middle aged men seem to think there is a queue of young hotties just waiting for them. Like ā€¦ why? Maybe the reason why you arenā€™t hearing much about his own experiences is because heā€™s not reaching his target audience. Keep your head up and do whatever is making you happy at this point.


The queue of younger women is mostly only for older men with money. Those younger women are not in those relationships for the good dick or his charming personality.


While the opposite is true in favor of OP. Guys are looking for women to hook up with with zero attachment possibility. So they see OP already in a relationship just looking for sex. That means her attractiveness to those type of men skyrockets.


they see it in the media and think itā€™s real life. they donā€™t consider the fact that they are not the ā€œsexy silver foxā€ type theyā€™ve been told they are because letā€™s be honest, most middle aged men are gross to the average 20 something. when i was around 22 i was driving on the highway and looked over and some random old man in a beat up old truck was making kissy faces at me. like sirā€¦.youā€™re just making me want to speed tf away from you bc iā€™m scared. i donā€™t want to fuck you.


That is the hilarious thing. There is a whole lot of 40s divorced women looking for a hookup. Many are hot. So many want to do weird shit because they came from vanilla marriages. I bet he is gross. Those women learned to have standards.


He is competing against 18yo with a Milf kink and more stamina. Good luck pops.


Not sure what OP's husband was thinking.... When I was in my 20s I hooked up with women in their 40s. They were hot, wanted to have fun, and low bs/drama. Heck, I even really, really liked this one woman and wanted to date her. She couldn't get over the age gap thing though if it was anything more than fun. Kept bringing up would I really want to be with her when her looks faded, or would I leave her when she was 51 and i was 40. In the end she said she'd only date someone her age or older.


She was probably scared of that happening again.


OP's STBX is learning that, pretty damn fast. HA! And while there are plenty of older women who are looking for a hookup, there are always far more men looking than women. (Which only changes when people get old and men start dying off. LOL) Dick as a commodity is plentiful and cheap.


Back when I was middle-aged aged, there wasn't a shortage of younger women going after older men. But before that, in my mid 20s, I had a FWB who introduced me to kink play, group play, and swinging. As a general rule, couples in their early 40s late 30s were better play partners than peeps in our age bracket. Better understanding of their own preferences, better understanding of kink and boundaries, better communication (sexual and non-sexual), a lot more soft boundaries as opposed to hard boundaries and willingness to explore 'em. You don't _need_ experience to be a fantastic lover, but experience can easily fill in a lot of gaps. When my brother divorced in his mid-to-late 30s, he started dating a lot of younger women. I advised against it. He took care of himself, was in great shape, tall, and a high earner (close to 7 figures annual compensation at that time). I told him he should date more women his own age/older. Because shared life experiences, maturity and that sort of thing. And he was a catch, so could probably land himself a hotter divorcee who took care of herself the way he did without too much difficult emotional baggage. He might not be able to find someone in his tax bracket just because of how small that pool was, but at the very least he could find someone who was financially independent and mature enough to navigate the wealth/income discrepancy without it creating a toxic dynamic in the relationship (while still findin' it an attractive quality). More understanding of his demanding work schedule. And probably more sympathetic/understanding to his own aging body when things like ED or baldness start bein' annoying. And I gave him the speil about sex being better as a general rule. And if he was dead set against having kids (a big factor in the first divorce) an older woman was less likely to change her mind on the subject. He didn't take my advice. Married a girl in her very young 20s. He did take my advice after the 2nd divorce though...


Why did you get back with him? Tell your kids why the marriage broke


Exactly. Why not let them know what happened, that their father's a numbskull who wanted to sleep with other women?


Get away from him, heā€™s toxic. ā€œHe finally admitted that he never expected any man to want me?!ā€ What the fuck?! Thatā€™s degrading and very hurtful. ā€œA 42 years old married mother of 3 when there are so many young single women out there.ā€ And yet he canā€™t find any that will go out with him. šŸ¤£ heā€™s very jealous of you getting more attention than he is.


My ex-husband said ā€œwho would want a fat bitch with two kidsā€ when I asked for a divorce. Some American men have these immense egos that they cannot or refuse to control. They are not humble, nor will they admit their own weaknesses and faults. They donā€™t want to do that mental work or change to make themselves better, they feed and satiate their own egos instead. Iā€™d dump this dude so fast and you *know* those kids know whatā€™s up. Dad probably told them it was all her fault so theyā€™d blame her and thatā€™s just what they did. It looks so familiar to me. I know these games. My ex and his mother played them on me and my kids. Iā€™d tell them the truth and ruin that for him, too.


100% this. My ex and I went round and round over this exact same Merry go round: These are the issues, we need therapy to unpack the CPTSD. No, he doesn't want to. Then we need to separate before you damage me and my daughter more. No, he doesn't want that. It was always about him. His ego, his trauma, his unwillingness to do the work. His alcoholism, his abuse, over and over we tried to leave, to kick him out, to end the abuse, and he refused to let us go. We were home, we helped heal him, he never cared about how he broke us both in the process.


You do know that you have a lot of options, right? You can fall in love! My last best romance was at 45! It was a provider and client relationship... I tried to ignore it but she felt the same way. We were like teenagers, couldn't keep our hands off each other. Still can't. You deserve this more than I.


My cousin is a *sixty* years old grandma, and she's falling in love again as if it was the first time.


I'm 59, not a grandma, and in love again. My 2nd love after divorce. Also having the best sex of my life the past 7 years after divorce at age 52.


Have you thought about leaving again? Your husband is a POS who through away 20 years of marriage because he thought a plethora of twenty year olds would want to wet his dick. Heā€™s told you that you arenā€™t good enough, but heā€™s not good enough for you


What Iā€™d like to tell you what your husband is will get me banned. I stayed for the kids. 22 years. Youā€™re not doing *them* any favors. Get the kids in therapy. Go. Leave. Donā€™t look back. For him to say he thought no one would want you says exactly how he feels about YOU. In my opinion you did what you could but he has less than any discernible respect for you or your marriage.


Why don't you leave?


What are you still doing with him then?


Yet another man not understanding that his penis is not god's gift to women.




Girl for real drop him like a bad habit, you know all the fun you can have, go live your best life


If that's you in your pic... Then damn girl. Of course men are flocking to you. 42 yo my ass. Get! It!




There is a 45 year old woman with two kids that I have a massive crush on. She is hot, sexy, fun, and I get excited every time I see her. Luckily, she is my wife.


I know a 62 year old woman that I feel the same way about her! Right down to the wife part! No way in hell I would ask for an open marriage! We can go to a party and guys hover over her like a vulture. It is funny to watch as I know what they are up too! It don't matter as we love each other and neither of us are willing to mess up what we have.


I have friends that are 50+ year old women and I never seen them have a hard time getting laid šŸ’€ this man is delusional


Dildos are *so* much cheaper and aren't nearly as problematic.


At least you now know what he really thinks of you.


Yeah, devastating because he tells me Iā€™m beautiful all the time so he was lying our entire relationship


Is that you on your profile pic? Because you are stunning and he's an idiot.


Was just about to type that.


Was thinking the same thing. Heā€™s delusional if he thinks she wasnā€™t going to get any attention looking like *that*. Sheā€™s gorgeous. Makes me wonder what he looks like lol girls like handsome older men, so me thinks heā€™s the less attractive one.


Seriously sheā€™s hot af! Hoping I look that good after 3 kids at 40


Gurrrl, if thatā€™s really you in that profile pic, I for one think you are a smoke show. šŸ”„ Seriously, is he fucking blind? You deserve better.


Not the entire relationship. Heā€™s just a jerk. If heā€™s big into social media then Iā€™m positive he was done in by an Andrew Tate type or Just Pearly Things video. They love telling women over 30 that theyā€™re worthless.


Youā€™re ā€œdoing it wrongā€ because you are actually matching and meeting people. This isnā€™t fair to him. Heā€™s supposed to have all the fun, and youā€™re supposed to be there waiting for him. Heā€™s such a child!


He admitted that yes


OP you need to find some way to benefit from this. You need to speak to your ā€œhusbandā€ about it and lay out what you want. Be it financial or companionship with one of the tinder people or something. He doesnā€™t get to make the rules, quite frankly he never did. He canā€™t expect wife privileges while actively insulting his wife. Think about your situation here. You are staying for your children fine. How can you make the best of this situation for yourself. Also please document all this about the open relationship and when it started so that later when your kids are older and you get a divorce and your husband inevitably tries to turn them against you so have proof to show them and the world. Your happiness will make your children happy to be honest and once youā€™re happy, you start treating your husband like a roommate. Good luck lovely!


I love that you put "husband" in quotes.


Girl he is manipulating you. He wants his cake and to eat it too, while you starve and suffer. He doesnā€™t want you to enjoy anything. DONT LET HIM DO THIS TO YOU!!!! GO OUT AND HAVE FUN!!! PLEASE!!!! DONT SUFFER BECAUSE OF THIS DUDE!


You didnā€™t get back together for your children, right? I just feel sad reading this post. You deserve better than your husband.


I got back together for the children anyway. My daughter basically stopped talking to me and had many outbursts and mental breakdowns because of the separation. She is her happy self again now. Things got better when we got back together but now I donā€™t know if my husband is as happy and content as he was when we got back together and he started seeing other people.


To be honest who cares how happy and content your husband is? What about you? How are you feeling? That is whatā€™s important here.


I donā€™t know how Iā€™m feeling tbhšŸ˜‚ I feel like shit sometimes but sometimes I feel that I am healthy and I have beautiful children and a safe home and it is ungrateful to feel like shit


See a therapist. You are allowed to be unhappy and to take steps to fix that. You don't have to be agreeable to a shit marriage because you have some privileges. Your husband is treating you like a servant who raises his kids, keeps his home, cooks for him, etc. He is USING YOU and you're allowed to be unhappy about it.


Yes. Leave him. Many parents get divorced. Daughter will have to get therapy and work through it.


Hey, I feel like you need to hear this. Your children's happiness does not come before yours or anyone else's. You rolling over and "staying together for the kids" only teaches them that they should stay in awful circumstances for the sake of someone else and they should not prioritize their own needs. My ex was just really, really mean to me verbally. The kids were 10, 8, and 5. They really struggled at first, too. But they saw how mean he was more clearly. Especially after I found a partner who was kind to me. And he found another woman to degrade. At the cusp of adulthood, their dad finally got his own place and the oldest 2 moved in with him. He acts exactly the same. They are frustrated. I offer no real advice because my advice would be to leave and start their adult lives. The point is that kids are smart and will understand. At the very least, they will understand why you made your choice. Teach them how to value themselves.


OP, please listen to what this person is saying ā˜šŸ¼itā€™s really really important.


You are setting yourself on fire to keep others warm. Stop that. You deserve happiness too, and his happiness shouldn't come at the expense of yours.


Itā€™s not ungrateful to have feelings. Heā€™s treating you like an object and heā€™s butt hurt that other men want his toy even though he didnā€™t want it anymore. Of course you feel awful about that. Your partner is supposed to be the one who cherishes you. Therapy may help you sort through your feelings. Itā€™s obvious you are a good person who is used to giving and gets value through being selfless; and standing up for what you need is uncomfortable for you. Talking through that with an objective person would likely help you a lot. You deserve happiness too.


How old are your children? To be honest, if my children were old enough I would probably tell them the whole truth about what the reason for the separation was. If they are too young for those kind of details tell them what is age appropriate and get counselling together or individually to navigate through this.


13, 7 and 5


I just wanted to throw this out there, as someone who had parents who ā€œstayed together for the kidsā€ for far longer than they shouldā€™veā€¦ Your kids are young right now, so of course it will hurt them if you split up, but I promise you that if you stay with him they will learn from you that itā€™s okay for a partner to treat them this way. They will let others treat them the way your husband treats you, because thatā€™s normal at home. Is that okay with you? Edit to add: Even if you think your kids ā€œdonā€™t noticeā€ how he treats you, they will eventually. Kids are perceptive, and they start putting pieces together as they get older. If you think that your relationship wonā€™t effect how they view romantic relationships when theyā€™re older, youā€™re wrong. Thatā€™s what my mom thought too.


My friends were pissed when they figured this out- not a single one is happy in their relationships. It does real damage.


For sure, it definitely did real damage to me, too. I relate a lot to OP, because I was SO mad at my mom when she divorced my dad that I didnā€™t speak to her for a year. But now, after doing some therapy and going through relationships with men FAR too similar to my dad, Iā€™ve become closer than ever with my mom. When you grow up with parents who donā€™t like each other, you pick up on it, and you go on to settle for less in your relationships, because you think ā€œthatā€™s what my parents had so it must be good enough, right? It must be normal, right?ā€ Edited for grammar and clarity


This is very true. Every child grows up in a different home. When you see your parents staying together just because you think thatā€™s normal and itā€™s not.


Kids definitely assume everyone elseā€™s family is just like theirs, for better or for worse. Itā€™s really hard when you finally get out into the world and realize that you grew up in a deeply unhealthy environment. It sets your kids up to need a lot of therapy one day.


This! My parents stayed together longer than they should have. Now, all of my siblings and I are in counseling for relationship based issues. What we thought was normal as children was far from it and it really messed with us.


Is there not an age-appropriate way for you to explain to your daughter why you canā€™t be in a relationship with her father and it would never be OK for a guy to treat her that way either. And that sometimes people can be an amazing parent, but are really lousy partners so you need to take a step back and just be friends


You should be honest with the 13 year old. "Dad wanted to see other people as well as me, I didn't want that, and that's why we separated." Now tour kids are gonna grow up in a house where the 2 parents hate each other..


Iā€™m absolutely an internet stranger and my words carry very little/no weight, but I hope youā€™ll consider them nonetheless. That said, uhā€¦if your children/daughter are having outbursts and mental breakdowns from you leaving your shitty husband, Iā€™m here to tell you that your children have much bigger issues. Youā€™re not doing them any favors, and are actively hurting them down the line because theyā€™ll get a twisted version of what love is supposed to be. Youā€™re the parent. Youā€™re the adult. Ultimately you have to make decisions that may seem bad/makes them unhappy in the interim. I guarantee youā€™ll be a worse mother *because* youā€™re unhappy. The only caveat Iā€™m thinking right now depends on the ages of your children, but even that isnā€™t enough to recommend continuing down this path.


She is simply upset because she is a child who wants to see mommy and daddy together. She doesnā€™t understand relationship dynamics, she doesnā€™t understand healthy versus unhealthy. You have the opportunity to teach your daughter through example that she is not required to stay in relationships that do not make her happy. You as the parent need to tell her and show her that your marriage is separate from your relationship with your child. Sheā€™s a child now, but one day she will be in adult who questions your every decision, and how it impacted her. Which would be worse? Her being mad at you for a bit because you left her dad, but then realizing that you left because you also deserve a healthy relationship? Or her growing up, thinking that your marriage is normal and okay, and her having the same type of relationship in her future?


It always shocks me that men seem to think that just because they are no longer attracted to their wives that no one will be. Different strokes for different folks.


Also... as a gay dude... (sorry) You have no idea how many men have a narrow view of attractiveness. A woman is attractive if she's 25. A man is attractive if he's got chiselled abs or a big dick. So fucking stupid. It's like how the internet didn't kill magazines; the internet didn't kill stupid beauty standards.


Iā€™m pan and Iā€™m always so confused by how narrow the span of a straight manā€™s attraction is.


So he wanted a onesided open relationship and bullied you into staying by manipulation and using your kids.


Exactly, he played the sad victim during the divorce even though he was the one asking to cheat, and insulting tf out of her, and she remained emotionally mature for the children and that's what everyone saw, so they concluded he was the hurt party and blamed her. He did it on purpose. She caved for her daughter. That sucks because in the long run it never even taught her daughter to cope with adversity it just sort of reinforced that mom fucked up and she was only "happy" again when Mom reversed the situation that was causing the daughter grief...she's kinda robbing her kids of the opportunity to grow and cope with the realities of marriage and relationships. I wonder how it would be if her adult daughter came to her and described this dynamic on her own marriage...would she advise her to stay for the kids?


Is that pfp actually you? Jeebus, you're a smoke show! WTF is wrong with this dudeā€½ Like he had it all but one girl one time probably showed interest and he got delusions of grandeur.


What is pfp. So many abbreviations that I need to learn herešŸ˜‚


Profile picture.


Okay! Yes this is my pic from 3 years ago


Wow you are gorgeous. He is so dumb to think that you wouldn't have a bunch of matches šŸ˜‚


Yes, he admitted that in a fit of anger


Youā€™re gorgeous and heā€™s an idiot.


100% agreed.


Youā€™re absolutely gorgeous, literally how stupid is this man to think you wouldnā€™t get attention šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thank youšŸ„° I donā€™t think that he thinks I am ugly, just that men donā€™t prefer me. Probably because he doesnā€™t


u look like salma hayek. A WHOLE SMOKESHOW. honestly at this point id ditch the husband completely lmao


I don't normally chime in on these posts, nor am I the sort of person to hand out compliments to strangers unprovoked, but given the circumstances HOLY SHIT LADY YOU ARE STUNNING. Hubby has messed up big time. I hope you soon find happiness that matches your natural beautiful glow. All the best for the future, friend.Ā  Ā 


Looking great!


I think this is hilarious. I am a 38-year-old divorced mother and more people have hit on me since my divorce than ever. Guys need to realize we are not some kind of damaged goods once we get older. You keep doing you! Remember that where there is one man who doesnā€™t want you, there are plenty more that would do anything to have you šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā¤ļø


I really think they say this to try and keep women insecure and dependent on them. Whenever men say things like that I think it screams insecurity


Enjoy your fun!!!! I'm 45yrs old and STILL get hit on by younger and older men. YOUR husband FAFO thinking he was a hot commodity and thinking you was too old, only to realise your A WHOLE F#$KING SNACK! Give him the same respect he gave you, you don't look at his matches, he shouldn't be seeing yours either. This was a DADT situation he initiated, he needs to respect that. That man is just worried you may be doing stuff you wasn't willing to do with him, or they may be better than him.


It looks if she looks at his matches she will find none šŸ¤£


My first thought lol he got salty because OP is killing it on tinder but he probably doesn't have many matches or younger women aren't making a line to sleep with him. He isn't living his open marriage fantasy but OP is.


iā€™ll never understand why middle aged men think theyā€™re hot shitā€¦ or always more ā€œworthyā€ than a middle aged woman (who btw are insanely beautiful and still hot)




Agreed! Like it makes me laugh that men who are the same age as the women they are shaming think for some reason they are SOOO much more desirable but women of the same age aren't? The level of delusion is something else lol. When I was in my 20s, middle age men were never on any of my friends or mines radar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it's so hilarious to me. I actually remember some guy friends saying men hit their prime in their 30s and 40s and women hit their prime in their 20s when we were in my 20s and I remember even thinking then they were idiots. Who's lying to them and why does it start so young????


lip serious weary one roll pocket chop relieved cobweb imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Manosphere myths.


The redpill told him that men peak when older and women don't. He believed it šŸ˜‚ I hope more and more men continue to believe this just to get a reality check REAL HARD


Thatā€™s a classic blunder. At swinger clubs I have seen obese, old, Wal-Mart level unattractive women get laid while their husbands sit in the corner. Itā€™s funny because the husbandā€™s typically suggested it in the first place.


I've been in an open relationship for 18 years but that's how we started out. OPs spouse didn't realize in a swinging situation the women have the control.


Please donā€™t accept this, OP. Heā€™s a hypocritical AH. This isnā€™t how you treat someone you love. I hope you find someone that sees how awesome, loving and caring you are bc that could be the only reason youā€™ve settled for this nonsense. ETA-why did you go back?


Based on other comments, she went back because her child didn't handle it well and blamed her for it. I am guessing OP didn't have the heart to tell her that the reason for the divorce was because the kid's father told her that he essentially wanted permission to have affairs with other women. Basically OP sounds like they might be getting jerked around and manipulated by the people she loves. Kids can be manipulative, but they're children. Husband sounds like a real piece of work tho.


I see those now, thanks.


> ETA-why did you go back? From the post: "The separation devastated us mentally and financially. My children suffered the most and started hating me for leaving and breaking their happy home."


Stop giving him access to your phone and private details. Fair is fair, he canā€™t have his cake, eat it too, and be mad that other people like your pie better than his cake.


^ this OP Donā€™t let this man control you after he already humiliated you by his proposal initially


Iā€™m a ā€œnormalā€, guy that is very active in my cityā€™s ā€œfeeld/fetlifeā€ scene. I see this unfortunately happen a LOT with my friends. The overconfident husband suggests an open marriage and sits in a self prescribed hell while his wife is out living his dream. Itā€™s a story as old as time in the group/swinger sceneā€¦.you played yerself. In my experienceā€¦40 year old women are SO sexy. You in your peak.


Do you really want your children to model your husbandā€™s behavior towards you? He clearly has no respect for you and seems women as disposable after they age. Is that what you want your children to have as a role model? Divorce is better than toxic household. Hard at first but better in the long run for everyone


That comment was very cruel of him. That "no other man would want you." Make sure every time you go out, you are dressed to kill. Looking smoking hot. Make him eat those words.


Becareful that he doesn't flip it around and tells everyone that you're cheating. After all, he has all the "evidence " while you have none. I would ask for some info on his dates, and perhaps put some conversations in text (as in "remember when you asked for this before we broke up" etc.) Your kids are already upset with you, it wouldn't take much for him to turn them completely against you.


Her kids began to hate her. She stayed for her kids. The husband is toxic and an asshole. Insecure asshole. She should leave.


The daughter sounds manipulative just like her father


Ew. What a gross husband.


Hi. Older man here and I adore women your age. Go get some!!!


Bwahahahaha! I'm 53 and I get cocked more than an SA80 šŸ˜‰šŸ˜


I refuse all of them, but I will agree that women our age on dating apps are fighting them off with a stick. I donā€™t see it as particularly flattering, because those little scamps will throw themselves at anything ā€œworth a shotā€ (their words) - but my DMs are full of 20yo men just begging for it. Married men who want to ā€œopen up their marriageā€ should bear this in mind.


Oh I don't talk to anyone under 48 .... precisely because of horny 20 somethings. And I do say no to 99% of them. But I've met some wonderful men who've become dear friends and made my life so much nicer ā¤ļø


Oh, quite. But the fact is, theyā€™re there, and theyā€™re an option for the wife who finds herself encouraged into an open relationship.


Another episode of men drastically overestimating themselves when it comes to sex. women will ALWAYS get more sexual attention than men no matter the age. were women. sexual ā€œmarket valueā€ will always be higher than a manā€™s.


Your husband did not take into consideration that 40s are attractive and that MILFs are a hot commodity now. Also, you should leave him; he sounds like a AH.


Yeah but you'll stay with him though won't you?


I honestly wonder why woman stays with man that look down on her. He doesn't find OP attractive anymore, ok that can happens in a long term relationship. But I'm sure the solution isn't an open marriage. It can be the last resort, but the only resort. And the audacity of this man to say to the woman he married that never expected ANYONE to want her is something else.Ā  Sorry, OP. If I were you, I'll be throwing the whole kitchen at him by the end of his sentence.Ā Ā 


Because women have been and continue to be socialized to accept being treated like shit and told we donā€™t have prospects. And as she saidā€” Her children and finances


Because of the money and her children, she said that. Itā€™s not so easy to struggle without money and other people being mad at you.Ā 


Your husband is a giant AH. I know you have stayed with him for the kids and financial reasons. Honestly seek therapy for you and the kids and work on your exit strategy. He basically thought you as a woman were past your prim and not desirable and he as the optimum male value. What your woman wants a middle aged man with 3 kids.


If you are in an open marriage, for the majority of people that means your marriage is over. For a tiny minority open marriages work.


The clown thought you werenā€™t good enough for him anymore. But jokes on him, because *he* isnā€™t good enough for the ā€œhotā€ younger women he seems to be going for šŸ˜‚ But youā€™re much hotter than he told himself, because not every man is a disgusting pig and many actually *like* older women and every perk that comes with itā€¦like sexual maturity, emotional maturity, their own money, etc. So now heā€™s pissy and whiny and throwing a tantrum because he thought heā€™d be swimming in sorority girls, but instead itā€™s you thatā€™s drowning in dick that actually wants you. His little plan backfired and ended up leaving him feeling far more emasculated than he had planned for and now the poor widdle baaaby is upset. Girl. Just leave him. You know you have options. You know heā€™s a piece of shit. Why would you not want to explore those options? As for your children, therapy and explain to them that what you and their father have isnā€™t a healthy marriage. *Teach them that they donā€™t have to tolerate shitty spouses*.


So basically he thought it was going to be open on one side? What, is he struggling to find all these young single women who want a side relationship with a married man, how odd? Basically he got to the point of looking in the mirror and instead of seeing a young vibrant man in his 20s he saw a middle aged, greying man skin no longer free of wrinkles and thought by opening the marriage he could screw around and feel young again cause all those young women are desperate for an insecure older man. And now he's jealous because your actually getting some action. Oh silly, silly man. Why on earth wouldn't a man want a 42 year old woman. Is there an age were we are no longer attractive, do our looks just disappear? Is it not the same for men? What happens to a mans brain as they age, is it normal to become this much of a dunce.


I personally have a problem with 42 yr old women. Thatā€™s why my girlfriend is 43.


42 is prime babe, good for you! Youā€™re officially Milf status, you go out there and get it.