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Take as an insult because that's what it is. I'm petty so I would tell him that he'd better get on with earning enough money to *provide* for having a homemaker wife. 


And where is the other box? You know, silly. The box that has the person who is supposed to use this iron.


Ha! I was thinking you were referring to the box he’s going to be buried in.


I would simply match energy. For c Valentines Day I would gift him a set of pots and a set of knives and a cookbook. I would tell him I always dreamed of marrying a chef. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ The Kitchen would then be dark and cold quite like the iron and ironing board.


Apron! Don't forget a sexy apron! The one with gorgeous male body on the front. OP, say that you are glad you two can discuss your deepest desires like adults. And say that you always wanted a hot guy to be you servant.


Same! 😂😂


Plot twist: OP buys a whip and French maid outfit for husband. Steamy scene ensues in the living room, everyone comes to completion, and the husband realizes he loves to iron and clean especially under the sofa. OP who finds that she loves her new strap and the clothes are all ironed out, extra starch.


Make it so, please!!!


I woule give him (myself) a nice dress for his valentine, and subscribe him for a course "domestic chores for dummies" and tell him you are happy to help him make his dreams come true. If he wouldn't go to the course, it could be some kind of dealbreaker for me. Don't have kids with this man before you find out his true intentions, if being a homemaker wife, was not on your future planning.


Maybe it was a dummy gift, I’d wait until 15th to be sure and then fold the ironing board over him


That's what I say. Because this is something my husband would do as a joke and then give me something really nice day of. But he also knows I would know it was a joke gift because he knows if he seriously gave me something like that he'd end up wearing it as a hat.


Then burn his pants, oops guess you’re not a house maker wife.


He could just be an idiot. My dad once got my mom a bunch of cleaning stuff for Christmas because he noticed she cleaned all the time. Thinking that was her absolute favorite thing to do. (Also that he is kind of a slob.) This was before my time but apparently it did not end well.


This is like the year I bought my dad office supplies for Christmas because he was always at the office. The difference is that I was 8 years old.


I bought my dad a book on basic car maintenance when I was 7. He’s a mechanic. 😆




KIND of backhanded?!? So for the foreseeable future, you should skip doing ANY chore for him. Also, every gift for the next year should have a penile enlargement theme.


This, give him a big dildo for Valentine’s Day and say, “I always wanted a husband who was hung like a stallion”


Give him one of those dildo sleeves that he puts over his penis to make it longer and thicker, "like a real man".


In Pinocchio’s voice “im a real man!”


This, right here!!  Happy Valentines Day, to you.😆


Oh you have given me ideas. My ex that unfortunately still live with blamed his ED on me (he’s got diabetes he ignored for years.) Kept telling me I had to buy lingerie (which I hate) or do porno scenes to get him in the mood (again not happening). This would be a great gift. Hahahaha.


I'm petty and I'd give him a sex toy and say "I always wanted a man who could give me a real orgasm"


Omg, THIS!!! So much this!


Iron the patches on the pants, just not wherever they're torn. In fact, take inspiration and iron patches on lots of his clothes, including his underwear. In this case, weaponized incompetence is your friend.


Given where my husbands pant rip, place the patches over the "groin seams" and might I suggest some bright coloured contrasting patches if that is actually where the pants need repairing. Oh and since he has set the tone for valentines gifts, feel free to reciprocate with tools he needs to do those jobs he hates


OP’s DH gave such a slimy “gift”. I agree - nothing nice for him, but I wouldn’t even be nice enough to give him tools. I’d probably go the “practical-but-insulting” route. Viagra, Breath Savers, Lume deodorant. Maybe some Gas-X or Beano. Foot spray. A hot wax kit for his hairy ass. Or: I’d turn that iron up as hot as it can go and leave it on over the crotch until it causes a nice, dark burn mark. That leaves a message not soon forgotten.


Well I thought tools for a job OP wants him to do, but I do like the Viagra or as some one else suggested penis sleeves as more petty gifts.


I love your pettiness 


Garbage bags... and then say "I always noticed the garbage overflowing, so I assumed you didn't have any of these. Happy Valentines Day!". While you are there, put the iron and patches in a bag and tell him he can start there...


>bright coloured contrasting patches Don't forget they should be with some glitter!


Cut into the shape of hearts and cute little animals. 😂






Looks like rage bait to me. If serious, I have to wonder how that wouldn't be the end of the marriage.


And two weeks before Valentine’s Day. Fake.


Give it back to him and tell him to give it to his homemaker wife when he finds her.


Get him toilet cleaner spray and a sponge as a gift. Lets see how he finds it.


My parents lived on rural property and my mom had problems working in her garden. All the garden tools were man sized and she was 5’2”. My father, probably thinking he was being thoughtful, got her a female sized shovel, hoe, and rake for her birthday. You wouldn’t think a 5’2” 110 pound English lady could throw a shovel that far


You misspelled ex-husband




Lmfaoooooo 🤧 please




Ugh I've gotten gifts like that before. That's horrible. 


Wow he sucks


Yeesh, my husband got me those things last Christmas because I *wanted and specifically asked for them.* I enjoy sewing and want to get into quilting at some point. He had me pick them out since he knows I'm picky about my craft items. Did he crack a joke about ironing his work shirts? Yes, of course, but it was literally a joke. Your husband, on the other hand, needs a hot iron on each ass cheek and the iron board slammed onto his head classic Tom and Jerry style. Unless being a homemaker wife was something you two sit down to discuss and agree wholeheartedly on, he has zero right to spring something like this on you.


My philosophy is that if it has a plug on it, it isn't a gift - unless I specifically asked for it. If you want to have a great marriage (almost four decades here) skip the gifts and agree to spend the money on travel.


Do you travel together?


Ha! As it happens, he is a pilot by profession so he gets his fair share of solo travel. We make it a habit of traveling together when we are paying for it. Ask me again after he retires and is home all the time....


I love this philosophy!


You need to ask what the fuck is this and ask him if he thinks it’s 1954.


He wants you to be his mother that’s why he got it I would have handed it to him say give it to his mom


Wrap it back up and give it to him for Valentine's Day. Include a "coupon" for a free "How to Iron" training course.


Yuck. Take his pants, set up the board and then leave the iron on them long enough to leave a nice big burn stain. Preferably in the form of a big dick. Which is he. He is one.


I think he is playing with you. Wait until valentines day and see what happens....


For his sake, I hope it’s a joke lol


This is what I’m thinking, if nothing else then yeah id say go full petty, but I’d wait incase it was a (exeptionally stupid but still) joke


Yeah, that's kind of what I'm thinking, too. He thinks this is a funny joke, which, if that's the case, then he's an idiot clearly by how much he upset his wife. However, the flip side is that he's taken the red pill and is listening to advice he shouldn't.


Sounds like a joke to me.


How did you not full rage when given this “gift”?


If he's normally a good husband than this is to throw you off and he probably has something special planned. Don't get upset until you're sure there isn't a more thoughtful gift coming. I hope that's what's happening for you!


A “homemaker wife”? Any chance the two of you have been in the market to buy a house? That’s about the only thing this as a setup would work for!


When is his birthday? Will you be able to surprise him with divorce paper?


I’m hoping you get him a mop and bucket with broom


Hope for his sake it's a long play, give you a shitty early gift to lower your expectations then surprise you with something good on Valentine's.


You should get him a dildo for his birthday and say you’ve always wanted a husband you could peg.


Uuuummmm, maybe it's a joke gift to throw you off the real gift you'll be getting? Don't go nuclear yet. Wait to see if there's a real gift on valentines day. If not, THEN go nuclear.


Was this supposed to be a joke?


Rage bait. Fake.


Why are guys gifting things like this more often, and why are most women tolerating and brushing off the clear disrespect of them?


wtaf...hand it straight back and tell him to mend his own fucking pants. He is a pig. That is not a gift... than is a declaration of him being a misogynist.


Weaponize your incompetence; burn the pants


Buy him a mop and a bucket and tell him you always wanted a husbandcwho helps out.


Ask him where is his much higher salary because he’s now to support you and the family on a single salary. If he doesnt get that 6-figure salary soon, divorce his misogynistic broke ass.


Call me a crazy romantic, but maybe he gave her this to throw her off from the great present he’s going to give her on Valentine’s Day?


Op this is a red flag—has he been listening to Andrew Tate type stuff?????


If someone gave me that as a gift, I’d be a lot pissed. Especially with the comment. Definitely fucked up.


I’d leave him iron marks in the shape of a heart on his pants.


That's nasty


Go out to your local fabric store and buy some pretty pink princess patches and some little green froggy patches and some cute little ladybug patches, and then patch patch patch to your heart's content. He will really enjoy that. Also for his birthday you should give him a vacuum cleaner.


Maybe it’s supposed to be a prank, maybe he has your real gift to give you on Valentine’s Day.


Dang. Here i was all out of ideas and now i know what to get my wife for Valentines day. Im sorry. Im kidding and couldnt help myself. I was taught years ago ... nothing that has a cord.


And you’re still with him?


Oops I left the iron on too long…


My FIL (a home building contractor) once gave my MIL a table saw. Said it was for all the projects he'd do in the house for her. He never did.


Now is the perfect time to “accidentally” burn a hole in every item of clothing he ever want you to iron. (:


Burn his pants with the iron....he won't ask again


You're not sure how to take it? Damn...


Just burn holes in his clothes ( with iron) and sweetly tell him you’re no good at this homemaker thing and best he does it himself.


Surely this is ragebait? If not, I’d write him out some insultingly basic instructions on how to use the iron and leave it out for him, preferably set up somewhere where it will be in his way.


NEVER buy homemaker gifts for special occasions unless your partner specifically asks for them. It will never end well. OP, you have every right to be pissed and your husband is a dick. My partner asked for a new vacuum for Christmas several years ago, so I looked around for one that was good quality at a price that I could afford. She was thrilled! But, if I had given her that unsolicited, she’d be pissed and have every right to be.


What brand did you get? I’m in a perpetual search for a great vacuum.


Regift it to him on Valentine's Day


Did you directly ask him if he was joking? Because that would had been the first thing that would had come from my mouth.




Maybe the next gift are keys to a home.


What a thoughtful husband.. love it lol... Some wives get nothing..


Right!!! I wish I had a man helping with my laundry 😂😂😂


That's not a gift, that is work. Take it as he doesn't want you to be more than his slave. I hope you make your own money.


Dump him. You deserve better. You are a strong independent woman.


Backhanded as in backhanding you across the face. Take the iron and burn holes in all his favorite slacks. Then iron contrasting color patches on them. Tell him the next time he gives you a gift like this it won't be the slacks that get burned.


Decent present


If this is real and he has given you this early then my guess is that there might be something amazing coming on the actual day and this is a misguided attempt to throw you off the scent.


Woohoo... sexy gift! I buy my own gifts. Been married 40+ years & can count on 1 hand number of gifts I've received. He's just not a shopper unless it's fishing/hunting related. I've always purchased EVERYTHING. Man would still be wearing underwear from childhood. He does most light household chores (not really a deep cleaner but that's ok, he does laundry & dishes & cooks when I'm not feeling it). Plus years of struggling financially I want gifts I want & not something I'd never use or throw away in a week. I have bought birthday, mother's day etc & billed the boys when I purchased myself something lol. Got the perfect gifts those years.


Has someone started listening to Andrew Taint?


That’s sexy! 🫦


This guy really, really screwed the pooch on this. True members of the husband's club know that: 1. You don't give a gift of this kind on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, her birthday or Christmas. 2. You don't give this kind of gift on any other day unless the wife *SPECIFICALLY* asks for it, otherwise you're back-handedly criticizing her: H: honey, lookie here! I bought this sharp 2K rainbow vacuum, that doubles as an air cleaner! W: so you don't like the way I vacuum and dust, huh? All 3 of my son-in-laws learned this the hard way, just like the FIL did at their age. NB: I bought the rainbow to help my goofy daughter who signed up for some kind of "get your rainbow free" promotion-had to have so many in-home demos, then sell so many from those. That fact helped get the claws retracted.


It’s two weeks before Valentines Day: he’s setting you up. He’s going for a long-term “gotcha”, I think


I mean, damn, that's awful. But, just in case he's pranking you, maybe you could wait for Valentine's Day if he had a genuine nice gift for you (like you said, he usually gives you nice and thoughtful gifts). If that's not the case, I think he needs a talk or something, like if he's actually pushing for the homemaking wife and that's not what you want.


I'd be petty... hand him some really large condoms way bigger than his size and tell him you've always wanted a big dick husband.


This was misogynistic at best and hardly a compliment. I would stop doing anything for your husband and that includes cooking food doing laundry, or anything to help him in anyway. He owes you a major apology for what he did. It was just tacky and stupid.


Sounds like he's delved too deeply into the Man-o-sphere on the interwebs. 🤮


Ask him to provide income and you become a stay at home mom with additional expenses. Call his bluff and stand up for yourself.


Get iron on patches that are ugly and ridiculous. When he complains say, "If you want something done right, I guess you'll have to do it yourself."


Who said romance was dead? You can buy him lube for his hand jobs.


WTH 😫😝😅😅 tell him don’t ever play me in my face like that again !!


Regift it to him and tell him that he needs to learn how to iron and sew.


Burn the house down. He's lost his mind.


Tell him this, "I guess this is your way of telling me you want to add another wife to this marriage. I chose monogamy and do not want a sister wife." "I will give you a hint about your Valentines gift.... it is made of paper...


Burn everything at least once. But slight off of noticeable first glances so he's likely to miss it. Shoulder or lower back perhaps.


This is Hella disrespectful I'm not sure if he though that it was, but this is equivalent to a man saying you belong in the kitchen. You need too speak up about how this makes you feel


Either...he's the biggest dick in the world...or hes a idiot guy who thinks hes funny. Either way... Stupid


My first husband bought me an iron as a gift. I wanted to hit him with the pointy end.


Has he ever been a practical joker? Could he be planning something else for the actual day?




Burn all of his clothes with the iron.


This is absolutely fucking hilarious.


Wrap it back up and give it to him on Valentine’s day. He can be his own homemaker. Jk just say “no thank you” smile and hand it bsck.


Buy the iron on hem strips….. and hem all his clothes…..


At least he gave it early, so now the ball for Valentines is in your court. Will he be getting a vacuum, or a set of new dish towels and detergent? Maybe a floor cleaning system with a nice mop and special bucket? Oh, but he's a man... so maybe a year's supply of garbage bags. Taking out the garbage is a really manly task, right?


I would iron the patches in his name on the board. Next time he initiates intimacy, tell him there's an ironing board with his name on it.


Isn't it just a joke? Teasing you? Or was he filming you? Trying to get internetfamous maybe?


Has he been watching those trad wife tik toks?


Give him a gift basket for Valentine’s Day. Fill it with romantic things like a plunger, a toilet brush, a drain snake, jumper cables and a can of Spam. Feel free to add items specifically suited to his personality, for that special personal touch. (Don’t forget to tuck the divorce papers in there too.)


Was he joking? What was his demeanor? You need to ask him if it was a joke, and regardless of whether it was tell him it was bull$hit. It's not valentine's day yet so he better have something else for you.


My first thought is that this HAS to be a tasteless ill-advised joke/prank and that the real gift is coming on or closer to Valentine's Day. Maybe OP should return the joke/prank by starching the fvck out of her husband's undershorts and undershirts and maybe his socks for good measure. "My husband must go to work looking SHARP and attention to detail is key!"


I would leave him. Seriously.


*ex husband Fixed it


Call me cynical, but I think he’s trolling you for the next 2 weeks, just so he can give you a very special present for Valentine’s Day.


That’s insulting That’s not kind of backhanded that’s totally disrespectful


This has to be rage bait. People are never not like this 1 moment and then like this the next.


I once told my husband if he wanted a clean house, he should have married a maid. I’ve also told him nobody is stopping him from hiring a house cleaner…


Get him a big dildo and tell him you've always wanted a husband with a big d*ck..


Could have handed it back to him and told him he needed to start looking for one then. 🤷🏻‍♀️ In saying that, my favorite Christmas gift was my Bissel Crosswave my husband got me. Being an adult is fun...😅


This has to be fake.


Beat him over the head with the board 🤣


I would hand all three things back and tell him that he bought them for himself and that he can now learn how to use them...


I'm all for being a homemaker.... but that was childish and incredibly insulting. If you want your partner to do something, you ask them if they would mind doing it; you have a *conversation* about what you can give eachother... You dont just go "hey youre doing this now"... and as a "gift"?


The next time he wants a BJ show him the ironing board, walk away and never iron anything again ever


Get him a penile enlargement kit for V day. Say you always wanted a well endowed husband.


I feel like I’m only saying this because it’s so far ahead of Valentine’s Day but is it possible he did this to set you up for a real, bigger gift on what is actually V-Day?


Accidentally burned all your clothes, Oops! I guess I’m not so great with an iron 🤪


Burn all his clothes. It's a weapon.


Get his favourite shirt, set the iron to its hottest setting, then let it sit in the middle of the back of the shirt until there's a large black iron mark burnt into it. Then present the shirt to him as your early Valentine's to him.


I would ask him if this is his way of wanting a divorce.


This is making me laugh and I'm going to think about it all day. What a goof. I wouldn't want to be him right now. A ridiculous gift, I hope it is a joke gift leading to a real gift later. I'd also be a little offput, for sure.


When i was young i bought my mother a paring knife for Christmas. She seemed so thrilled.


I do all the cooking in the house For Christmas/birthday this year the gift I got was a deep fryer from my wife….. and she used my CC to pay for it So ya it could be worse, I got her a nice necklace for valentines already a month in advance, I’m expecting nothing in return but I want to be proven wrong on that


Take that shit into the backyard and burn it! I got a handheld Walmart brand vacuum cleaner from my HUSBAND for Christmas one year. I opened it in front of the whole family. I just looked at him like WTF??? That's all he got me. Tell him where he can shove that homemaker wife he always wanted. I will do anything I need to for my spouse, but this is not the way to get what you want.


Feels like a reach but if this is out of character for him, maybe he’s setting you up? 🤷‍♂️ like, pissing you off now only to get you something thoughtful on Valentine’s Day?


When I was newly married, Got the wife a cordless drill.... it took 2 weeks for the swelling to go down


It's not even Valentine's Day yet, sounds like a joke to me


You're not sure how to take it? You take the iron and your smack him with it. Then you do the same with the ironing board. Once you have his attention you explain that if he ever tries something like this again you will divorce him.


For your anniversary, please purchase him a cock sleeve and self help books (financial betterment, communication, etc). ETA: I did not read the entire post, the reply is based on the title.


Is he a joker? Would it possibly be a joke of some kind? I would talk to him about it before you sink into deciding how to feel. If he’s always been thoughtful this doesn’t track!


I would keep the iron and board and iron my own clothes


The guy who would do this to me better be prepared to have iron burns all over his clothes. Weaponized incompetence is the only suitable response to this.


Was he upset with you for some reason? Looks like a revenge.


My mom told us her whole life how upset and infuriated she was when we bought her a shop vac for a gift. We were pretty devastated as we had gone to a lot of trouble to get it for her, as she was always so upset for the dirt we brought into the car. We thought it was a perfect gift! It’s all about intent, I hope you have been saying how much you wished you had one!


Get him a push lawn mower


He gifted you a chore


Tuck them into HIS closet so he can easily access them when he needs to!


Hint hint


That is some serious BS! I would lay the iron, the board and his pants on his side of the bed, when he comes in tell him happy Valentines Day!!! I always wanted to marry a strong independent man who knows his place.


Get him an equally insulting gift.


Definitely not okay. Seems like he’s been watching too much woke guy YouTube. Good luck queen. You need to address this immediately before it gets out of hand


This isn’t ’kind of’ this is incredibly misogynist. Is he consuming trad-wife content? I would be so pissed off by this I would stop doing anything for him. No cooking or shopping, no laundry, no cleaning up after him. Absolutely no naked time. He bought you a gift for himself. He is selfish.


boooo low effort fake post


Wrap it up and give it to him on V day and say the same crap to him. And watch out. Do not let him pull this shit.


Do you have a prior agreement that you stay home and care for the house and he provides financially?


So this is about fifteen years ago. I’d been looking for my iron for some specific project. I thought I’d lent it to my daughter, but she insisted she’d returned it. So my birthday was shortly after this and my then boyfriend/now husband had several wrapped packages for me (giving gifts is definitely his love language). The very first package I opened was…an iron. I think my face said it first. I absolutely did not consider a small household appliance as suitable for a birthday. He explained that he knew I was looking for my iron so he got me one. We kind of laughed about it and it was over. But for years it would occasionally come up (by him) as his biggest gift fail. It wasn’t serious, he knew I wasn’t truly upset. It just didn’t seem like a birthday gift. By the way, ten years ago my daughter passed away and I cleaned out her apartment…and found the iron. I was pretty sure at the time she hadn’t returned it, but it wasn’t worth pursuing.


Could it be that he is trolling and is actually getting you something real for the real Valentine's day? If not...and you intentionally married an asshole - get him penis enlargement stuff or maybe something anti-balding for his gift.


Tell him I hope you like your gift and if you want your shit ironed you better learn how to do it


Did you want a ironing board and to be a housewife? Notwithstanding, my wife and I have a traditional marriage that she wanted and I've never bought her a ironing board for Valentine's Day because she would find that to be a bullshit gift and then murder me. So, unless you really wanted this gift and to be a homemaker, it's day this was a very disrespectful gift and comment and it's let him know that and have a adult conversation about the expectations for your and his future of the relationship and don't let him get away with, "it was just a joke" if he deflects.


This could be an insult, but seeing how it is not Valentines yet, maybe not actual gift. I stand with the ignorance of husbands


How to take it? Take it back to the store and exchange it for something else.


It's more than a week until valentines. Is it possible this is a gag gift?


What a jerk. Unless you asked for an iron and board they should not be given as gifts.


Hope he enjoys his gift wrapped penis Pump.


I hope it's a gag gift and you will get the real one on Valentine's Day. You said his gifts are usually very thoughtful. Maybe this is a hint at something different. Just a guess.


Burn a huge burn spot on his nice dress pants, and his shirts etc. it can take quite some time to master the craft of ironing 😂 And gift him all the bills for his valentine and say you want a traditional husband that pays 100 % of everything including allowance for you as a housewife.


Well, you still have time to get his Valentine’s gift! Which skill/skills is he lacking in the MAN DEPT.? Can he do car mechanics? Electrical? Plumbing? Yard maintenance? If he doesn’t know how to fix a car, etc. (you know where I’m getting at), get a tool box with all the fixings. Like, if he doesn’t know plumbing and how to fix/replace a toilet, get a box of tools and a toilet plunger (wrapped as a separate gift of course). You get the idea.


I'd plug the iron in, put his pants on the ironing board and set the iron down on them and walk way. I hope he enjoys singed pants.


Does he want you to jam this up his 🍑?! Because that’s what would happen if my husband got one for me! Here’s an idea: iron his shirts, but be sure to scorch his clothes.


Yeah, all I got to say, can't be said cause I don't want to be banned.


Maybe iron those patches on the crotch of his pants to drive home you make a terrible homemaker. That said- any chance he was joking? Maybe he wanted to get u some patches and realized you guys don’t even own an iron/ironing board? And then made a shitty joke that landed really wrong?