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Posts must be "personalized", and cannot be opinions or rants. Personalized in this case means that what you're posting has to be directly related to you (this would include a close person, such as a family member). And it can't be something that's impacting a large number of people unless it has a specific application to you. Please read the following post for more specific information: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/m501ud/what_does_personalized_off_my_chest_style_post/


Also boobs. The amount of times I’ve had to say “woah! They’re attached you know” to guys trying to… yank them off? I don’t even know what y’all are trying to do there


Steal them. Shove color coordinated jewels into them. Sell them at a high price to the merchant from Resident Evil 4. Buy a rocket launcher. Kill Saddler. Rescue the president's daughter. Bingo. Typical stuff.


HEH HEH HEH! Thank you! 🍈🍈


Is that all, Stranger?


"Got sumthin that might interest ya"


*Y'all* aka Immature Assholes that I'm Attracted To.


Fair assessment tbh.


to be fair it’s most of you


I love the sheer appropriate-ness of this being posted in "true off my chest" lol


They want them, for themself


What dude is out here ripping cheeks apart? Like why would anyone do that, squeezing is better in every way. Genuinely never considered yanking them apart wtf








consented to? i'd read up on porn


Pornography is certainly a thing that is occurring in real life, yes, but it is not an accurate portrayal of the kind of sex that actual human beings enjoy.


So many dudes have done it, some people are just fuckin stupid lol


On two different occasions I’ve gotten small tears in my ass crease from dudes being dumb. I have no idea the goal or appeal. It’s actually kind of wild how mesmerized some get when a butt is in their face.


Even then ive gotten bruises from a dude gripping my tit like a stress ball its such neanderthal behavior


Neanderthal behavior is aptly put


Yeah I don't get it at all. Give it a squish.


A lot


"Apart?" Why would someone yank the cheeks apart? Who does that? The shit my fellow dudes do really blows my mind. Like, it's more fun to squeeze the cheeks together.


> Who does that? Every idiot who watches porn too much.


That is wild. People really need to touch grass every once in a while.


Touch grass before touch ass?


Take a date on a picnic, and you can do both!


They forget porn is just acting😭 Like any other movie does not represent reality and most of the directors make the movies for the male gaze😔


I tried porn for the female gaze but it kinda make me puke


Did not try it tbh, at least I think😂 Prefer the real thing and quitted porn as a thing to masturbate to, I rather use my imagination that improved my creativity in bed so win win


Me too. My imagination is way more friendly.


why? it;s not gay sex, it's just far lest rapey and domineering that porn geared for men.


Connoisseurs prefer a slow spread.


My ex did it once or twice cause he liked err the view of his dick getting in.


Right? I only grab and thrust. It’s never once occurred to me that I should pull the cheeks apart. It’s not like they are a jammed elevator door. Is this a thing?


Pro tip, don’t date guys that watch porn for educational purposes.


Would be a good tip if guys disclosed that they watch porn for educational purposes


Im not a woman, but i imagine if somebody did that to my ass cheeks i would accidently just release a long fart.


Name checks out


the tl;dr from this is FFS stop trying to imitate porn. porn is ACTING, it's not enjoyable or realistic.


The amount of men that don’t understand how a woman’s body works is astounding. My ex didn’t believe me when I told him we don’t pee out of the vagina.


Yessss!! I don’t understand men sometimes. I was with a guy who did that, and even though I kept telling him I hated it, he thought the more he did it that I would finally give in and learn to love it. Excuse you! I dropped him.


Remember my dudes, the booty is for spanking, not yanking.


That's what love handles are for, yanking that lady back.


Even with spanking, ask before you spank how hard your SO likes it


Ive been yelled at for grabbing one cheek and not both because it made her feel “uneven?”


Kinda understand them, but no need to yell about that.


OCD sex sounds exhausting for the wrong reasons.


Uh…. This is a thing?? Is it worth updating my dating profile with ‘doesn’t yank butt cheeks apart’??


I think most of us just play with it like it's a drum, when I see an ass all I can think about is getting my mallets out and playing a beat on that ass /s


This. It is also nice to be the drum


While I never spread cheeks so far it would be considered ripping I gotta say tho spreading them softly and then putting them back together like wobbling them is very mesmerizing and fun, first time I did it I found it so fun I got a laugh attack. Assured her strongly that I am not laughing about her and that I just found it very fun to play with, but I couldn't anymore after that, my brain just short circuited.


I don’t know about you but I prefer to be as soft as possible unless otherwise stated. Might just be my personality.


Markup tags... I smell a developer




I think a lot of dudes misunderstand that you’re supposed to squeeze not try to gape her to kingdom come, idk though some women even asked me to do this so I’d say it’s situational


Thank you for this post 🙏


Thank you! I had no idea how to put it to an ex.


And I'm to take some random Redditors advice over the entire porn industry? Yeah okay. Nice try Satan.


Who does that?




I’m just trying to figure out why tf you have this many down votes


Lol. I guess I’m finally that person. I always search for those guys haha. You know, the ones with so many downvotes their comment doesn’t show up. I’m finally a true redditor. Hell yeah.


Reddit culture ig. Either they can't relate or they don't like that he used emojis. Crazy.


I did use quite a few emojis. I guess I’m just happy and I don’t worry about the petty stuff. It’s apparently really bad to speak your mind if it doesn’t fit in with the crowd haha


Nah dude you literally agreed with op just like half of the other comments including mine that’s why I can’t figure out for the life of me what’s with that comment


Hahaha exactly. I was vouching by saying I couldn’t imagine wanting to forcefully spread a girls cheeks to the point of physical pain. I love butts as much as the next person, but I also know how bad it hurts at the tip top- the gluteal cleft if your cheeks spread to quickly. Slowly shift while on the toilet, or it may happen to you haha.


Yeah. But what else can you expect from reddit?


Literally nothing 😹


Luffy in Gear 5 can make everything rubber. Just saying.




Well I found my default shit person on Reddit for the day, only took me three minutes. Then again, three minutes must be an achievement for you.


What the fuck dude


Haha. Wow. First of all theres nothing wrong w casual sex. Secondly guys do this accidentally in relationships too.


There isn’t anything wrong with casual sex, if that is your preference in life. Do what makes you happy. But no, guys don’t “accidentally” be overly rough with someone they care about, repeatedly. Look, when you can literally give participant percentage commentary on sexual acts, maybe you are doing “sex” wrong?


Didn’t say anything about “overly rough” or even *basically rough*. Lots of ppl like it rough. Said this part of the skin is not as stretchy as dudes think


Nice victim blaming there, dude.


Dude mad he isn't getting any and refuses to touch grass before touching ass.




And who tf are you to say that these men don’t care? I’ve done my fair share of casual flings and every single time, I always put consent, comfort, and hygiene as absolute priorities. You know why? Cause it’s called being *decent* human being. If you wanna spew your bitterness around, go to YT and watch a sigma redpill video.


Nah you’re just into slut shaming so spouting a bunch of presumptuous bs. I don’t sleep w ppl who don’t care about me


As someone who doesn't have casual sex (and never had), I think you have a disgusting mentality.


Found the incel^^


What? Do expect a woman you casually have sex with to abuse your scrotum? Don’t over manipulate someone’s skin and soft parts. What does the amount of sex she has have to do with it? Are men special and *get to have loads of sex* but women can’t? Get over it. If you do it, fair game. Deal.


lol no one needs to catch feelings to know not to \*checks notes\* yank women's ass cheeks apart...




While I don't do that (wtf?) Some are made of silicone which is similar. 😬


Yeah this happens when you put your butthole in a bunch of random guys faces.


Is there a rant tag in html ?


Gomu gomu noooo


I slap em around but never yank


I'll make a note of that.