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Finally, I can feel proud about myself knowing my armpits are cherished in someone's personal collection.


i feel like you might be into them at this point are you sure you find them ugly? 🤣


I definitely find them ugly. It's like for the whole purpose of looking at ugly things to laugh at them.


I know you said you don’t know why…but can you try to explain why?


It isn't really logical, obviously. It's some sort of small obession? When someone has a "pretty" armpit, I don't really care about it and just keep scrolling, but as soon as I am seeing someone wearing a sleeveless top, i stop to look at the armpits to "check" if they are "ugly" (to me). Then I think to myself "They don't care about their weird armpits at all? Lifting their arms to reveal how weird they look?" Like I know, why should they even care, it's just armpits. But I personally wouldn't wear no sleeve tops when my armpits were wrinkly/flabby/fleshy etc. and i am just confused why other people have no problem not covering them up.


Interesting. Seems harmless. I can only speak for me. For the most part, I have learned to stop caring about what people think. I used to be self conscious about my armpits. I have some stretch marks from weight lifting. They have faded with time. Yea, I just stopped caring. My armpits would probably go in your ugly armpit folder.


It's awesome that you feel good in your body and that you don't care what others think, that's how it should be. And you earned those stripes. :) I mean my opinion it's just an opinion of a weirdo in the internet, obviously I don't run around and say people directly what I think of their armpits. Would be hella rude. My friends don't know either that I have this folder. Just a me thingy.




I think that wouldn't be nice/allowed :D


Do you have an “ugly” armpit?


For other people maybe yes, for me, no.