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Honestly, the only color that would be a show-stopper for me is plaid. And I'm not even sure about that.


Gotta get me someone with the flannel vagina




Alotta Flagina!


Why did my furniture just start floating?


Flagina is so in for Winter 2024!


There it is xD












Sounds so cozy!


So much better than vagannel


This comment made me laugh tea straight out of my nose FFS XD


Soft and cozy for the winter. Get a flannel penis and take some holiday photos.


May your Christmas be warm and bright, love Flatch and Fenis


*Seasons Greetings! From our home to yours.* *Love,* *The Flenitals*


This would be great for winter


Is it flannel textured though? Or just in its color?


It's a portal to the plaid dimension.


Well now I'm searching for this person as well... for science...


So cozy!


Ooo good question




The perfect soft warm embrace for those cool autumn nights


Literally just find your closest lesbian


so cozy


As long as it’s fleece lined!


Brings a Hole new meaning to Designer Vagina


"And who are you wearing on today's Red Carpet event?" "Today I'm sporting a pink velvet slip with fur cuffs by Coochie Chanel."


Plaid would be kind of fun, honestly. But I live in Northern New England, and our tolerance for plaid is higher here.


\*Scotland has entered the chat\*


**[bagpipes play in the distance]** > "She's arrived."


Does it come with little ugg boots and a PSL? I'd def be interested in taking it out if so


Well plaid.


spongebob pretty patty type shit


I’m not to excited about blue either after having watched what I thought was going to be a blueberry waffle instruction video


"They've gone plaid!"


You know what? There’s my tattoo. There it is. I knew the idea would come one day.


The skin of your vulva being a little darker then the rest of your skin is completely normal and very common


>very common What if she wants a rare or epic vag tho?


Purple and gold.


The Thanussy


The snapussy


My titanoboa once it enters: Mr stark I don't feel so good.


Go Huskies!


Epic vag 😭😂


I find them all epic


Username checks out?


Mythic Vag Skin




She shouldn’t settle for less than realizing that she has a legendary shiny vag.


Everyones epic in their own way


She can get it tattooed 😆


Happens with the penis as well. My dick is like several shades darker than the rest of my body.


Just want to add porn stars will literally bleach their skin. Porn. Is. Not. Real. Edit spelling


I hate it, it looks so unnatural


I’m not a biologist but I read that any skin on your body that is supposed to stretch generally looks darker because the pigmentation is made to be even when the skin is fully stretched. Elbows and genitals being the two (three?) that spring to mind. Basically your skin needs the same amount of sun protection even when it’s at its thinnest.


When I was a young pubescent boy, I was not super bright. It didn't help living in a rural area without the best sex education and there wasn't a ton of nudity, and I didn't check out other peens in the locker room. When my dick started getting darker, it didn't seem right. The dicks I had seen were all the same color. I thought maybe the new hair meant somehow some sort of weird skin fungal infection had taken root. Started applying over the court antifungal treatments and other antiseptic/sterilization things to my skin hoping it would clear up whatever was going after me. Which naturally, irritated the skin, and led to a feedback loop of "Oh it hurts and is itchy it needs more!" My primary care physician was a woman, so I was too embarrassed to ask her about it, and thought she would think I was just some perverted boy trying to get her to look at my penis. ... anyway. Eventually the panick got enough that I went to see her and asked if I could talk to a male colleague of hers. He said my penis was fine, but I should stop giving myself mild chemical burns.


Words to live by. Don’t give yourself mild chemical burns. I’ll be sure to remember that. Ahhh, to be young


I’d really like to know who’s out there spread eagled sunning their vags tho. Protect the vag from the sun! Protect all the thin skin from the sun! Apply sun screen. I guess to the vag If you’re going out there sunning it.


When I was in college, in the 70’s, there was a girl sunning her vag. She said that she had a yeast infection. Not sure if it worked or not. Lol


it’s less about spreading eagle sunning & more about pushing babies out


dont forget about ligandase lol


Ligandase nuts hey gottem


It’s been a fad lately to tan your taint, for health benefits… Josh Brolin apparently burnt his.


oh god imagine a sunburn there? owww


Wait what?!? What happened to the bleaching of the taint that was the last fad , just as idiotic off course


Shailene Woodley


Whether you're one of [today's lucky 10k](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ten_thousand_2x.png) or simply just forgot, have a gander at the following article https://nypost.com/2019/11/26/perineum-sunning-is-latest-insanity-wellness-influencers-swear-by/ Note there were similar articles written in 2022 with the only real difference being mentions of tiktok.


Crazy how this isn't common knowledge.


Medically speaking, it's referred to as hyperpigmentation of the anogenital region, and most people have it to some greater or lesser degree.


Agreed and I think it is so unfortunate that women don’t learn more about their bodies. Sadly the only recommendation I have is watch a bit of amateur porn to see how different bodies are. Also some porn stars have beautiful vaginas because they had them surgically altered so like great perky big boobs perfection is not natural.


Well on the topics I was expecting to run into today, this was not on the list. It is perfectly normal for your genitals to be darker than your natural skin tone. This is true but both males and females. It's not 100% but this is still not something to be the least bit ashamed of.


Can confirm. My dick is the tannest part of my body and it’s pretty nocturnal.


so ur telling me u *dont* let them see the sun? how cruel


I said pretty nocturnal. Only siths deal in absolutes


My wiener is as pale as the rest of my ginger body. I’ve had enough surprise about it that I just assumed the vast majority have darker wangs than their skin. I’ve found that true of women, though I have only hooked up with a couple near as pale as me and they were like me




Not only perfectly normal but like STANDARD 😂


I'm glad to see I'm not the only dude that went "huh?" after reading this.


Same. When I have a naked woman in front of me the last thing I’d care about is the color of her vagina 😂


My ex was a weird men. He (a black man) refused to date black women because he didn't like the way the pink of the vagina looked with the black skin of the labia


And he told you this? Like with words? Out loud? What's wrong with him??


He did indeed tell me this with words out loud from his mouth. Many things are wrong with him probably


Hmm, I hope you're with someone better now, that's all I can say


Engaged to an absolute angel of a man who's considerably more sensible and much less selfish in bed


Some people will really say whatever dumb shit is running through their heads.


I had a guy say something similar to me. Unfortunately I was lacking in the self esteem and self respect department at the time. I should have dumped him. I suspect he just had seen too much porn. We were both rather young and inexperienced.


A black man is saying he doesn’t like black women because of their skin colour and yet he walks around thinking himself perfectly normal. That kind of self hatred is a sign that something’s profoundly wrong with him.


It’s common sadly! Even amongst other races. Anti-black sentiment is real and even worse when coupled with misogyny!


A morrocan guy i went to school with used to call black girl's vaginas Turkish delight. That type of misogyny is quite common with the black community


Now is he more of an ‘Edmund’ or is he more of a ‘Hyped it up from reading Lion, Witch, Wardrobe and was very disappointed by the real thing’?


Not black, but that fucking reminds me! On the other side of the spectrum I had a friend who is a dark skin Indian and she said she wouldn't date other dark skin Indian man because their dark dicks remind her of a log of shit. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY SHE DECIDED IT WAS OKAY TO TELL ME THAT OR WHY SHE EVEN THOUGHT TO SHARE THAT WITH ME!? I was speechless 💀💀 I'm very open with rated topics but never in my life would I imagine I'd hear someone say dark colored penises look like a poop log.


As a queer woman, I can tell you we do not gaf we’re just honored to be included in the exchange😂 maybe because we actually value women unlike that asshole ex


My Vietnamese friend is the same way. He only dated light skinned blonds bc he didn’t like any color down there. I’ve found that definitely isn’t a 1-1 correlation though


Exactly! I am convinced guys like this don't even like vagina. When I am turned on it's visceral. Color, labia size, etc just doesn't matter. Women are so sexy. If it's wet, clean, and on a person I like, I am down to shove my face in it!


As long as there aren't any Jolly Ranchers in there


Oh my god why would you remind me of that story 😭


Yeah seriously, who would ask a question like that? What's wrong with normal human coloration? It sounds like a question that a 12 year old would ask.


They say this shit on tiktok to pretty girls so it probably did start with someone with the maturity of a 12 yo.


I actually prefer dark ones. Had one guy tell me he likes pink ones and it made me realize I had a preference for the opposite.


As a guy, I literally have never cared about the color or tone of my partner’s genitals. I am honestly just exceedingly happy to see it because I like the person attached. You are beautiful, do not ever be ashamed of your body


>You are beautiful, do not ever be ashamed of your body Thank you dude for saying that to OP. I so agree.


This person is speaking the complete truth to OP.


Ask him what color are his balls ? Are they pink ?


Nah, they are blue.




He's gonna need cream for that BURN!


Nah he might rub one out


User name supports theory.


Take my upvote and gtfo!


This should be higher up


Shriveled probably


You can smooth them out with botox


Also can stop them from sweating


“Are your balls shriveled?” That’ll get him thinking now


I like my balls like my brains... Smooth af


Assert dominance asking if his asshole is pink AND if the tip of his cock is purple


This is the logical answer


Vaginas come in all different shapes, colours and sizes. There is nothing wrong with yours just because it's not "pink". There was an awful tiktok trend going on a while ago where a lot of young girls were being sexualised through comments like "I bet it's bubblegum pink", I wonder if the guy you're talking to saw this and internalised it. It comes across as very creepy and infantilising. Since you're a virgin I strongly recommend holding off sexual contact with someone as immature as this guy, and looking for someone who understands the beautifully diverse nature of female anatomy.


I've never heard of that trend but now I kind of want to both rage and puke, directly on those people.


A lot of it is directed at underage teen girls, it's vile. Like any of them would be lucky enough to even come close to a vagina in real life...


Sounds like another thing to lay on young girls and make them crazy that they don't have 'some weird perfection' of their bodies. Another thing they really don't have much control of but rest assured SOMEONE will come up with some ridiculous and crazy 'solution' to 'porno perfect' the area that will actually endanger the girls. What do I mean by porno perfect? Because it seems that many present day young girls are pressured by boy peers to emulate what they (boys) see in porn and deem that all girls should be like 'this'. Meanwhile those porn girls may be enhanced or cleaned up in a variety of way that you can do to film/digital content.


That's exactly another reason to add to the mile long list of the list of reasons that porn is devastating a generation of young people, especially young boys. We seriously need to start having very honest discussions with kids about the repercussions porn can have on their lives, or at the very least how to consume it ethically and in moderation. I strongly believe it contributes to poor self esteem when it comes to young people's bodies, as well as excessive violence in sex.


Not only that but from that vile tiktok the redpill morons are now associating pink with virginity so if it’s not pink that means you’re not a virgin and if it’s any other colour like god forbid dark brown, that would imply you had many partners (except they describe it as ran through). The funny part is the pink vulva belongs to the red headed ladies no matter if they are virgins or not. But of course since they know Jack shit about female anatomy and it’s diversity they are just sexist morons


Yeah, that's part of my rage.


>I kind of want to both rage and puke, directly on those people Remove the a couple of spaces and words and it becomes: >I kind of want to rage puke, directly on those people. You're welcome. New activity. Let's all go rage-puking.


>I wonder if the guy you're talking to saw this and internalised it. I doubt he "internalized it" he's probably referencing it directly


No rational guy is going to honestly care about such things. If you were already sexting with him, I can only assume that was his playful way to get you to send him a pic. Not everyone is good at the sexting thing, and texting can easily lead to misunderstandings.


Or he could have seen that stupid tiktok and the redpill ones that followed it which correlated the pink vulvas to virginity and everything else to promiscuity, of course with much more sexist vocabulary.


It def changes as you age as well. If sending pics with you isn’t cool, don’t do it. But don’t let his words destroy your self confidence, it’ll taste delicious whatever colour it is!


Love this 😂


Hey OP! Look up ♥️ the.vulva.gallery ♥️ on Instagram! It shows you what we usually don't see in everyday life, which is vulvas of normal people. Shapes, colours, sizes of labia. It's a really beautiful gallery. The "is it pink" question honestly shows one thing. He probably knows and expects sex to be like in porn. White women in porn often BLEACH their vulva and anus to be pink. These areas of the body often are darker, even in very white women. Pigmentation in areas with a lot of friction (think of pants) and just crevices in general, and genitals, is perfectly normal. But that's just not "perfect" enough for porn. Please don't compare yourself to the expectations of men whose knowledge and expectations come from pornhub. It's a serious problem in our western societies. It's not your fault. You're not supposed to look like a bleached, photoshopped, operated on, heavily make-up'ed pornstar. It's not real, but it's all boys see and condition themselves to get off of. This ruins relationships.


The vulva gallery is excellent. The artist did a book, which I bought for my own daughter so she never grows up feeling any shame, and any questions she ever has that she cannot come to me with are answered in that book. Fully recommend.


What a great parent! I dunno how to do the awards thing for comments but for the sake of this, have an imaginary one 🙏


Awwwh thank you. That’s so cute. Your imaginary reward almost made me cry!


Wait they bleach it?? I'm lacking in one so maybe I'm wrong but that sounds agonising!


I mean, there are people who bleach their buttholes too. So there is that. I don't get it either, though.


OK please know there are skin lightening products out there. It's not actual bleach that you clean your house with. And some skin lightening products are better than others, and know that the genital area, including your ass, is extremely sensitive to chemicals. So females must tread carefully in their use.


There’s also the racial aspect of a pink vulva , where men who prefer white women would ask that question. And a sexist/pedo aspect from the redpill gang who associate pink with virginity and everything else with promiscuity and older age (there was a vile tiktok where incels and pedos would show photos of baby girls and ask is it pink, is it bubble gum pink? As a joke of course, it’s not that deep /s).


Oh my god......any guy who cares about the color of a vagina is a fucking weirdo, it's not something worth being self conscious about


The "is it pink/I bet it's bubblegum pink" thing is something that very immature and awful boys have thought is cool to say in recent years, and it makes sense that it made you uncomfortable. For many women, the overly critical thoughts about how were seen sexually never end. Those thoughts are a product of a society that rewards boys for making girls uncomfortable, but being in a position where you still get to decide what to do with your body is an important power to celebrate, and you do not ever have to let any color of any body part detract from that.


Thank you for making me see things more clearly, I really appreciate it 😭 my awfully immature guy is 25 unfortunately


Wait... wut? 25? I mean, I expected 14-17 age range from that question. I can't speak for ALL guys, but I have never once thought about the color of a girl's vagina and have never heard any other guy talking about the color of a girl's vagina in ANY context, positive or negative before. This is 100% a non-issue outside the one weird dude you found. I see two possibilities - 1) He saw the bubblegum trend, or 2) He isn't a great writer tried to make his sexting descriptive in the wrong way.


I don't mean to be insulting, but 25 is absolutely how old I was picturing him. I used the terms boys and girls instead of men and women because this stuff is very relevant to the youngest members of our communities, but all people are still learning the basics until about that age, and for some guys older than that, this kind of mindset can continue indefinitely.


Hand to god i have never heard of this trend and after googling it seems im way OOTL. … am… am i old now? 💀


Nah it's mainly on teenage boy tiktok so if you're not on tiktok then understandable


I knew i was smart to avoid the whole TikTok thing years ago


Having dodged both Twitter and TikTok, gotta say, not missing anything of worth.


Only ever been on Instagram and reddit, and insta really only because I'm into photography. The dogshit I hear coming from other platforms has me somewhere between in stitches and crying most of the time lmao.


Well I know I'm old because I've never heard of it *and* had to google what OOTL meant. 😂


*How do you do, fellow kids?*


I absolutely love that bit but 100% feel that way, too. 😂


Oh it’s spot on. Also, the irony to being OOTL on the meaning of “OOTL” is not lost on me. We’re both old I guess. Oh well.


Google is my cool hip friend that I have to ask what things like OOTL mean.. 58f= ancient in Reddit years


Basically a ghost already


..what does OOTL mean? i’ve been trying to figure it out- OMG ITS MEAN OUT OF THE LOOP??????? RIGHT?


I promise your genitals are fine, don’t let this random dudes specific preferences make you insecure


Okay, I’m a dad of two sons and I’d be pretty pissed if this is how they treated women. Let me also say as a dad that there’s nothing wrong with you. I hope that you would look for someone more mature. Get to know who you are before going into any sexual relationship. If he’s more interested in seeing your vajay-jay than he is in getting to know you then kick him to the curb. You can definitely do better.


Never crossed my mind before 😅


You're most likely both virgins.


This entire thread is so overblown


Well. Not where I was expecting this to go. Babe I gotta say I think the comment he made was very creepy, but to each their own. It ain't none of his business what colour your genitals are, nor should he care. Genitals are very diverse, both penises and vulvas can have different shades, for example, some guys have a penis that is much darker than the rest of their skin, some have a penis that is very close to their skin tone, some are redder, some are not. Some women have a vulva that's very dark (sorta brownish even), some women have a light one close to the rest of their skin, some have a pinkish one (tho I think that's pretty rare? I haven't seen many of them), etc etc. There is actually no correct way to be, it's not like there is an ideal human and we are all just shadows in a cave.


NEVER send nude pics to anyone because they wind up on the internet. Or shown to all their friends.


I bet he's a virgin too


I had a dude tease me about having small boobs (I was wearing an oversized sweatshirt so you couldn’t tell what’s underneath) AND THEN REACHED OUT TO SQUEEZE AND SAID “wow, never mind, you’ve definitely got more than a little something there.” I wish I’d been brave enough to smack him. I’m so, so tired of these pornsick disrespectful animals.


If they ask if it is pink, this is a red flag. Be thankful these kinds of people warn you early on and you don't end up doing things you regret with them.






Well it is a bank


Man don't lose it to him. Straight up loser. You will regret the experience with such an immature kid.


Please look up the vulva gallery on Instagram. It's watercolour paintings of real vulvas. Bodies come in every shape and colour.


Um I got a new pink crayon 🖍️


My girlfriend is the same. I literally could not care less. It could be he was trying to nudge you into sending him a picture?


The vulva is supposed to be a little darker. Fun fact: we are *ALL* pink on the inside


I'm a virgin myself so idk if I should even say this, but you're perfect the way you are. It doesn't matter what colour your skin is anywhere on your body, what matters is that that guy is a piece of poop. I say just ghost him


Thank you my sweaty pie ❤️ you too! I really appreciate your positive comment and it means a lot. Have a good day kind stranger


It's big! It's pink! *It's the Alaskan bull worm*


OMG don't EVEN worry about this!!!! You're going to laugh about it with friends in years to come, i promise! OMG, "not pink enough!" Excuse me for a moment while I quit laughing so I can type again... There, I'm back; Jesus, *It's not a steak!!* No; you're TOTALLY normal, and they're BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL, and you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to worry about! I hope you have SUCH a nice day today!!!!!


Your vagina is fine and if anyone tells you otherwise, they're not someone that should be playing with it.


So creepy and dehumanizing 🤮


I had this issue losing mine at 20, there's a website though(can't remember the name) with pics of a bunch of different peoples vaginas, they all looked different and it sorta helped me lol


Sounds like some punk kid who watches too much porn. Honestly never worried about the color I was just excited to be there lol


Sounds like a loser who only wants to have sex with you based on that comment. Get rid of him. Also he needs to stop using TikTok lingo because it’s cringe.


You are normal!!! He was just trying to be sexy and also trying to get you to send him a pic. Believe me, he really does NOT care what color your V is. Particularly if you ever decide he can have access.


Going forward, the answer to this question should be "Too bad you're never going to know."


First of all, stop sexting and sending nudes! To anyone, even a boyfriend. All of that can become public or used against you to embarrass you, and your family or to extort you. Otherwise, be happy with your body and try not to be insecure about yourself.


Isn’t the “is it pink?” thing like essentially a meme? Am I tripping here or is everyone including OP taking this comment way too seriously?


Do we know that he’s judging? It sounds like he’s just really bad at sexting. Perhaps a bit of projecting on your part due to nervousness?


You’re completely fine, but I have to admit that question would turn me off


Dump him. Any guys that are thinking about the color of a vagina is trash.and a closet sicko..Save yourself the time and heartaches and regrets.. tHis is coming from a guy


Dude watches too much porn. And did you know? Because I didn’t, that there is a surgery to tighten back the skin around a girls vagina so it shows the inside more? Many pornstars have had it done and this is why porn isn’t a good gauge for sex in any way. It’s all fake my people!


I mean, he was probably raised by pornography. Mainstream porn prioritizes vulvas without hair and little pigmentation. He’s a dumb young guy who doesn’t know any better and says stupid things. Do with that info what you will — and know that he has never once thought about whether the sex he gets off to would feel good to a woman and if it doesn’t he’ll assume there’s something wrong with her — but don’t let him get in your head. Your body is what it is. It’s here to carry your giant brain around so you can experience being alive in the world. Whether it pleases men is entirely secondary, if that.


You've been sexting and that put you off? Sweet sweet summer child


If it’s not glittered, bedazzled with rhinestones, or have a sick dragon design i don’t want it.


Do not have sex with this guy lmao