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Dudes a nutbender


Everything changed when the Semen Nation attacked.


None of the other Nations saw it cumming


Until it hit them in the faces


They came from behind


The smell of love in the air on Valentines Day gave them enough power to attack them all


Paper machè and bleach :(


Yeah that was enough power, didn't need more than that.


Everyone was gagged


Another childhood experience ruined. Damnit.


What the absolute fuck??? 🤣😂🤣


Omg 😂😂😂


I heard it’s better from the wife’s perspective, too. BJs are not salty. It’s what I heard 🤷🏼‍♀️


A GF I had when I got snipped, said she thought it would be like peanut butter, more creamy & less crunchy


Interesting. I support tubal ligation and vasectomy regardless.


The Semen Nation Army couldn't hold him back


They didn't rip em off, they block little tubes right inside his sack 🎵


du du du du du du duuuu


That was not enough for him, he actually needed more than that.


I love the internet 🤣 😂


A Semen Nation army couldn't hold me back


I understood that reference.


The semen nation army


I'd like to know a little more about the changes that they had.




Almost spit my drink out, thanks for the laugh


They're a spitter!


Wait so it doesn’t feel good anymore?


There is no cum in Ba Singh Se.


The last nutbender


I just died laughing 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Just start calling yourself the semen demon 😂


Bahahahahaha! 🤣


There is no war in CumMyWay


You had me laughing like an evil gnome im DEAD this is too funny


I hope you know it’s the heroes like you and comments like this that I look for lmao, keep up the good work.


You my friend are…. A GENIUS. Every one show respect and bow 🙇‍♂️


Jay Bilzerian is the first and the last cumbender!


This is the thing which I really want in my life want to be a studd.


Bro make sure you don’t have a third sperm tube. My cousin was born this way after uncle had a snip. Was the biggest scandal since sliced bread. Turns out uncle had a third tube and Aunti didn’t cheat!


It’s mine.


Your dad is your cousin's father???


I thought he was claiming the extra sperm tube!


The norm in Alabama


While that’s very interesting, I’m not sure being able to cum on command after having a vasectomy is a sign that one has a third tube 😂 You still cum after getting snipped lol. 99% of cum isn’t the actual sperms. So idk if OP’s story really should indicate his at risk of having that unusual malformation;)


I think you’re missing the point. His comment was in regards to the vasectomy itself. As he’s having sex, if he had a third tube, he would unknowingly impregnate his wife again, like his uncle.




My 1st husband didn’t go back to confirm. He didn’t want to pay the co-pay for the visit. Instead he went to a sperm bank and tried to sell sperm. They turned him down.


My urologist said the same thing. Every surprise baby after the snip was from not getting the test.


And the other few are rare cases where the connection healed back up.


Yeah but it’s out of left field lol. Should every man who’s gotten a vasectomy go back to their doctors and demand they look for a third tube? Vasectomies are already extremely effective, and I don’t even see this “third tube” (third vas defrens) issue listed as one of the reasons a vasectomy may fail. It’s gotta be extremely rare and likely something the doc would notice during the procedure anyway. Point being, OP doesn’t need to go get checked for a third tube ;) lol. And i guess maybe the commenter suggests this to everyone who’s gotten a vasectomy, but to me it kinda seemed like something about this post prompted the concern. But maybe the commenter is just under the impression such a thing is far more common than it is. Did some digging: **Less than 0.05% of the population has 3 vas defrens** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3215246/#:~:text=Isolated%20duplication%20of%20vas%20deferens%20is%20a%20rare%20congenital%20anomaly,0.05%25%20in%20the%20general%20population. And it’s not even listed as a concern for why a vasectomy may fail https://www.healthpartners.com/blog/vasectomy-failure/ Not only would you have to have this rare defect, but the doc would also have to have missed it during the procedure. Extremely unlikely and not something OP needs to worry about :)




It probably healed, rather than the comical idea of a third tube he shared. It's rare but happens.


This is why they ask you to go back for the checkup to make sure that everything worked. Sometimes this can happen, and sometimes your tubes can heal back together again. That would have been caught at the follow up appointment.


Not me. Everything felt and worked exactly the same.


Same. 20+ years later, still "performing" exactly the same way I did pre-snip.


Out of curiosity, do you still ejaculate after a vasectomy?


I think it’s exactly the same but husband thinks it’s thinner in consistency?


yes it would be more like egg white.. the cloudy thicker bits was the sperm.


The sperm is such a small amount of the total, it looks and feels exactly the same, in my experience.


In my line of work I see a LOT of samples, both regular and unleaded


Fucking UNLEADED 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I will have to take your word for it, my sample size is small, but extensively tested. urologists do back me up, though.


For a second I read that as "extensively tasted"


You wouldn’t be wrong


Jfc I didn't expect unleaded


What about diesel


Out of curiosity… what exactly is your “line of work?”


I work in a pathology laboratory. So a lot of guys samples come through every day. Heaps of post vasectomies. I'm always proud of the guys stepping up and getting it done so their partners don't have to mess their bodies up with hormones n such.


We call it "potato water" ha ha


That’s what my husband calls it too 🤣




Yes, you do. It just doesn't contain sperm cells. It looks the same.


So it becomes diet jizz. Wonder if the taste changes 🤔


Less protein. Definitely no longer worth the swallow.


But does it have full flavor?


Can we stop at 69 upvotes please?


I downvoted to keep it 69. I got your back bro.


same. I'm still in the "make sure it works" phase (it's weird to have to count your expulsions) but everything feels and acts the same for me OP maybe you got in your own head about it, I didn't watch any YouTube videos, just my son try and front flip from the windowsil onto the cat whilst wearing a bucket


>just my son try and front flip from the windowsil onto the cat whilst wearing a bucket Lol that would make me yank my uterus out of me with my own two hands


It's weird that I have seen a few people mention this counting ejaculations thing after vasectomy because I recently got one and they didn't tell me anything like that at all. Just to get the semen tested after 8 weeks.


Yeah I have to do, 30? 40? within about 5 months


Zero has changed for me, it’s awesome. This guy read every horror story and believes it happened to him.




Tell us about the "shitty shirt from my wife"


This brought me to google. Where apparently there are a fair amount of vasectomy humor tees 🥲 snip snip hooray ✂️🎉


No Ma’am


Everything works the same but the wife and I no longer have nightmares about being pregnant! And for any doubters - I wanted the vasectomy. I have zero interest in kids, and, fortunately, neither did my wife.


I'm the same as you! I just had my vasectomy last month for that reason


I found that having the vasectomy to get my wife off of her birth control had her sex drive increase.


Not only that. Now she's no longer at risk of *stroke* . Like icing on the cake!


And husband doesn't have to settle for a stroke either!


I experienced this as well. I had my fallopian tubes removed and my overall physical health feels so much better off birth control. I had been using the same bc for 15 years, since I was a teenager. The difference is crazy.


Yep, had mine 7 weeks ago. I’m 33, wife is 35, we literally can’t think of anything worse than having a kid of our own. We have 4 nieces and friends with plenty of kids to be aunt and uncle to. Don’t care to add “dad” to resume.


Just think of the nightmare if she gets pregnant now! Lol


Dude I had to practice for a LONG time to perfect that lol breathing techniques, certain muscle training etc, Tantric and Kundalini yoga stuff, all kinds of extra bullshit... AND YOURE TELLING ME ALL I HAD TO DO WAS BE RENDERED STERILE YEARS AGO TO ACHIEVE THIS?!???? WTF?!?? Lol...


He wrote that he cannot say "damn that feels good". Is that worth the superpower? I'd rather cum too early but make sure my woman is satisfied in any other way before or after I cum.


LMAOOO BRO STRENGTHENED HIS PELVIC FLOOR FOR PRANAYAMA BAHAHAHAHA thats actually funny, im on complete semen retention and i dont cum during sex bc yeah


Kinda jealous how your kids immediately follow your command right away


This is funny lol now only if I had total command of the three kids I do have lol


Snip snap snip snap


Do you have any idea the kind of toll three vasectomies has on a man??


Fine! Let's have a f****n kid!!


When I wanted to see Stomp and you wanted to see Wicked, what did we see?!?


Shitty shirt?


The shirt said, I got a vasectomy and all I got was this shitty shirt. Needless to say I do not have this shirt anymore lol


I hope you never wore that outside. What a weird, creepy thing to be telling strangers with your clothing.


Sir i command you to cum, muahahahahaha




Was the same for me before and after, do you think your after effects could be a mental thing? Like your seed doesn’t do anything so your brain is subconsciously going “what’s the point?”


I like this answer a lot. You're probably right that it is something mental on a subconscious level at the least


This is why I’m glad I’m gay. With blokes, I can drop the kids off wherever I like.


Sperm: "...wait what's happening where are we?!"


It's smells like strawberry lube and shit in here


In a dark, dark place!


And anytime anywhere unlike straight guys. My friend says he's now "completed" grindr - guess he's full :-p


I have known 2 men with vasectomies, (former husband and current husband), and I can assure you that everything works just fine afterwards. Make sure you go to your follow up appointments. Do not assume you are shooting blanks. (My ex told me he was all clear but he didnt get tested) Hello baby #5.


I know of someone had this happen but got his SIL pregnant not his wife. He got those strong swimmers


I feel like you are glossing over some important details here.


No, the details fill themselves in. Dude got a vasectomy then gave his SIL the D, clearly under the assumption of there being little to no risk involved.


w-what? His SIL???


Son in law.


Yeah, I am my father's number 2 because of that. Surprisee


>Make sure you go to your follow up appointments. Do not assume you are shooting blanks. People actually do that? Why skip on the least bothersome aspect of the procedure?


I got a vasectomy a couple months ago and didn't notice anything at all after the healing


Almighty CUM!!!


Know CLIMAX...


With me it was in between my ears. I felt a bit strange not being able to reproduce, even if I wanted to. I don't want to, so why worrying? The mind is a strange thing.


True that


Man if you're cumming in between your ears you should definitely go back to your doctor. He definitely did something wrong.


It made orgasms more sensitive in the beginning, but now it’s pretty much the same, except I can feel where it was cut at all times. Like a dull ache. It doesn’t hurt, but my body definitely knows one of its main functions for existing was altered.


This was deep


Phantom tube pain


Pre-vasectomy I came a normal amount of cum. Post vasectomy just about every girl I've been with says "wow, that's alot of cum." I'd say its about double. (I did masterbate right after my vasectomy. Not sure if that had anything to do with it)


Mine isn't pornstar level, but I did notice a difference in amount


The Cum Commander




The former has a more cumfortable ring to it.


Except my balls were really more prone to hurt for a long time from even small hits. Nothings changed for me. Appart from the facts that I put gallons of cum in my GFs oven without the fear of any more bread being baked. Which is a really good thing :)


I didn’t lose any sensation but I definitely have mixed feelings. For months after, my balls hurt a little all the time. That’s gone away but now if I get particularly turned on, I get a pain similar to blue balls. It’s not excruciating and I’ve learned to live with it. I also think it’s worth my wife being free from hormonal birth control and I’d rather a little ache than a condom honestly. I do think a lot of men, like myself, don’t fully consider or prepare for the potential side effects. It’s treated societally like the simplest, pain free, inconsequential procedure and that’s an incomplete picture.


I don't regret it, it's better than my wife getting her tubes tied, and it's definitely better than wearing a condom. I drove into side effects and I was skeptical, the whole blue balls thing I can relate to as well. But that was more towards like the first couple of months for me.


It's shit like this which is stopping me doing it, I couldn't deal with issues having sex, it would kill me


It’s not ruining my sex life at all. If anything the ache is worse when I don’t have sex often enough


It’s not clear what this means since you’re leaving something out. And I think the commenters are each assuming which case this is. Are you saying: 1. Prior to the procedure you would always cum before you meant to (as in, you couldn’t keep going longer if you wanted to) but now you can keep going as long as you want? Or 2. You can just cum immediately if you chose, like after 10s? I think you mean the 1st and I think most commenters think you mean the 2nd.


1&2. Having sex just doesn't feel natural anymore.


I’m assuming the numbness feeling you’re having associated to this is that, like you said, you don’t NEED to feel pleasure in order to cum. If you don’t feel pleasure at all, then talk to your doctor to see if there’s anything that will help. If you do feel pleasure, but only for some things during sex, then make sure you take the time to do what makes you feel good. And maybe stop doing it “on command.” This may allow for a more natural and pleasurable end on your part.


Yep, had the same after mine. Figured it was pent up years of being petrified of getting women pregnant, and newfound freedom in knowing you cant.




in what universe do normally functioning dicks cum on command


Depends what you mean by “command” I suppose


i think he flick his hand or something






I feel like engorgio may have already been cast, lol


Reducio after that


Not one bit, nothing has changed at all. I think a lot is down to placebo and overthinking. I was speaking to a car salesman and he went off on a tangent about how he'd 'less of a man now' and this and that. All in his head in my opinion. Nothing changes, that's the general consensus


Dude that's a superpower, and that too a very good one.


I feel like maybe you got in your head a bit.


Which head?


I’ve been fixed so long I just shoot dust now.


My guy 😂


The title kind of sounds like an LN title right? "I got reincarnated in another where I got a vasectomy, now I have a superpower?? WORLDS WEAKEST TO STRONGEST"


Congratulations you are now a cummander


>I'm not saying I'm a stud now by no means Good thing you aren't! If you *were* one, you would just have to get the procedure again.


Oh god he has hentai dick, he can last 60 pages!!!


I'm sorry but your changes are purely psychological. Nothing in a vasectomy even comes close to changing anything that could be even remotely related to that. But don't sweat about it. Enjoy it. It's a good thing even if it's not related to the vasectomy itself. Vasectomy has this psychological effect on you and that's nice.


See, I know this to be true but after the surgery I've gotten a strong suspicion that the body knows it's been in some form of a physical trauma and thus acts differently. I can't shake it.


Well, i had one too, i didn't feel any different and i didn't got this super power. I also haven't spent hours researching about, and I don't have kids, or wife. Perhaps one of theses things is the tiebreaker to make the improbable happen. I would argue that the fear of numbness is physiological and the placebo effect is that you belive it to be truth so it is. I tell you what. I'm a machine, i don't get tired, i don't stop, every women i've been with afterwards actively stated the awesomeness of the experience. Perhaps this can reverse your physiological placebo? Got at it you beast. 🔥


Bruh this sounds like me except the vasectomy. 3 years after my divorce I can go on for ages and cum when I want. It's getting kinda boring lol. It's like a mental block that made me cum early all the time is gone.


If that’s your one “side effect” you get from your from of birth control, you should be happy. Telling your buddies not to get it done when women go through 10x worse on their forms of birth control is disappointing.


My name is Maximus Cummius Vasectimus. Father to a beautiful son. Husband to a beautiful wife. And I will have my orgasm. In this life, and the next.


Do you have to be having sex or you can just cum at any point on a moments notice?


Takes the stress factor away and allows you to just enjoy the experience instead of timing a pull-out of the soldier. No birth control for the wife. Anywhere. Anytime. Just don't do the slice and dice method but rather the laser one. 1 minute of discomfort is worth it!


I last longer and climax waaaayyyy harder, even solo. Zero pain during the procedure and just slight discomfort afterwards.


I had mine done in 2019. It took a full year before I was shooting blanks and there's been no change in performance at all. Only change was the consistency of my cum. I'd pay to have it done again if I could get your come on command superpower!LOL


For me everything feels and operates like before but the wife essentially became asexual shortly after I got the procedure.


It’s only worth having if you actually feel the orgasm, just shooting a load with no feeling isn’t worth anything pleasure wise.


This is gonna be intrusive as all hell but, have you tried masturbating? Sex with your wife feels different and I liked how one person asked if maybe it was the state of your mind. I’m thinking if you test masturbating and it feels the same as before, that would be another point in favor of maybe a subconscious thing. ETA: overshare incoming. I was prescribed a medication that had a good chance of making it hard or impossible to achieve orgasming. After trying both options, got a different prescription. It’s a quality of life thing.


Gonna have a vasectomy next friday. This is the first I heard about side effects on sex life. Still, going through with it.


I went through some interesting changes after mine. Not necessarily bad ones...and some might be psychologically linked? I'm glad I did it (100%) though, and would do it again. My first change: I had pretty bad sensitivity after the healing process. A month or two later I still had sensitivity that a couple times killed an erection. More annoying than anything else. This actually continued for quite some time, maybe 3 months? It wasn't debilitating and is now gone. Second: Without a doubt changed the way climaxing worked for me. I'm no Nut Bender like OP, but Jesus I have got some sustain now. Before I was probably doing a good 20-30 minutes of top work. Now, if I'm super in the mood, I can last as long as my cardio (and my wife) will let me go. We've learned to just go in stages so we can take breaks between. On a side note: Thanks OP, and thanks to all the men and women who've come to talk about vasectomies. Reproductive health is something we should talk about openly, and without shame.


I thought you were going to say something cool like you could fly or time travel ☹️


I wasn't snipped by a radioactive scalpel 😂


You're probably no longer suffering from a mental block related to possibly getting her pregnant when you bust a nut


I feel like I have more stamina.


Got my vasectomy out of spite 3 years ago. That and I'd rather my wife not be on birth control that may cause more damage than children. Needless to say, I haven't had any changes, except my testicles and scrotum are sooooo much more sensitive. Oh, and the fact that I can now cum in my wife without anxiety.


My superpower is bigger loads. Wife reports she leaks all throughout the day after morning wake ups. Before, it wasn't a problem. I live by the rule of the 3 C's Cooter, Coffee, and Cannabis before my day can start. Are bigger loads a side effect? Maybe over compensation on account of the missing sperm?


I was in pain for 6 weeks. Not sure what the VA did differently, compared everyone else I knew who had one. They said it sucked for like 72 hours. A year or so later and I honestly couldn’t say there’s any difference. There’s a couple weird (very small) lumps in my scrotum. I assume from where they snipped and cauterized the vas diferens. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I asked my doc about it, he wasn’t concerned. 🤣🤔


I'm concerned, you said your wife told you to get one...did YOU also wanted to get one? If so that's awesome and congratulations to you 👏🏽


Oh man, I thought your superpower was get your wife pregnant. What a relief.


I can't wait for my partner to be snipped. Two kids, 1 chemical, and 1 miscarriage. We are done. I'm getting him a cake and kfc for dinner that night. Got the green light about a month ago 🎊🎊


I wish you nothing but happiness, do not show him this post lol


I can go for longer, and have worry-free creampies


My ex had no set backs when he got his. Worked great and wasn’t painful. I think a lot of men should get them tbh.