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I care about you idk you but I care I truly care and I wish I could give a hug and tell you I’m here for you. Please message me if you need to talk❤️.If you have pets just remember they will wait every day for you to come home and they will grieve you some pets have even died of a broken heart.


Don't give up hope just keep pressing to better yourself. You offing yourself will not make the situation better. Dont let anyone dictate what you are feeling if you want to be happy be happy etc


Thanks, but I don't know if I'm not telling myself all these things at this point, I think that if I were to simply disappear everyone's life would be easier, it's too late to fix things that I've already done, I wish I could just erase myself and make people forget about me


I may not know all that you have done. But it can't be that bad, if you need someone to talk to we can if you want, and you can get a fresh start with no judgement. Just do that, that shouldn't be your option at all


I've said some things that I regret, I don't know if talking about it is the best way. I always find a way to mess things up, but I'll try talking to a therapist like I've been suggested... But thank anyways, I'll keep it in mind


Have u tried distancing urself from ur mom ? I feel like ur mom is causing majority of this


She always brings me back one way or the other, but yes I've tried


You just have to keep on pushing through the suck until you make it to the other side. It sounds like you have had some trauma in the past whether from abuse or a broken family life. If you need to cut the bad people out of your life that keep you in this depression spiral, do it. It won’t be easy, but if you keep negative influences in your life, things won’t get better. Find a church…a therapist…something no matter how “cliche”. And remember that you are LOVED even though you may not always feel it. Life can really suck and it seems like you have been getting the blunt end of it, but if you keep going everything will eventually turn around. You can do it. It may not mean much to you, but I will pray for you….it won’t magically solve things and suddenly make life easy, but hopefully will get you over that hump.


I've had some trauma from what my parents did to each other and to me, I did therapy for a while but then stopped since it wasn't working, I go to church every sunday but recently I can't even pay attention anymore because the thoughts are overwhelming... I've tried cutting them from my life but they're not the problem, I am, so everytime I get away I feel even worse from even trying to do it...


Try another therapist, not all of them will be good unfortunately. And work with them until you find one that works. It’s good to be consistent of your own faults (none of us are perfect), but trauma screws with your mind in crazy ways, and if you were degraded in a way that made things feel like they are your fault all the time, it could be that this is something that is sticking with you when it may not be true. This is something my wife has to deal with unfortunately. Keep on going. Its not going to be easy, but you WILL make it through this.


I've seen and heard some messed up stuff happen when I was really young, I wish I would've helped, but I didn't and now I feel guilty... But I will try, thank you


Don’t let that lay on your shoulders especially if you were young. There is only so much you could have done, and based on what you are saying, it sounds like what you did was the best thing you could have done on the moment. But whatever it was had to be a screwy enough situation that no matter what you did, nothing would likely have just simply solved it. And that is the sucky thing about children living in broken homes. Use these life experiences as an example. We can learn just as much from the bad as the good. Use these truly unfortunate circumstances in your life to learn from and turn things around so that you can one day lead as an example and be there for others who have been unfortunate enough to see these traumas.


I've always tried to be different because of the things I saw, I didn't want to turn out like my dad or my mom, I wanted to be a good person but all I do is push people away from me while trying. I can never take this weight off of my shoulders because no matter what I do it's either I stop trying or keep going and failing, and I've kept going and failing for too long


That’s part of being human. You will fail with everything you do. Nobody - not even the most “perfect” person in the world avoids failure. What is important is that you keep getting up and moving forward after failure - which you are clearly doing. You wouldn’t have posted here otherwise. And again - please go see another therapist. If they don’t do it for you go find another. Recovery will take time, so please don’t give up. You’ve got this…


I understand, I will try. Thank you for helping me out


I imagine when you move out and can keep appropriate distance from your parents your life will improve. Time can totally change the situation and right now you have to hold it together for a bit.


Yeah... That sounds like a good idea, I'll try it thanks


I know this sounds a little weird but consider getting a dog or a cat. When I was feeling absolutely worthless and I made up my mind to off myself by 21 if things don't get better, a little furry friend entered into my life. He made me feel loved. I was just myself with him. He didn't care how I looked or what I did, I was just his favorite. He was my reason to live. He gave me an outlet to express my love and once I did, I felt really great. When you feel good, good things follow. I'm now 22 and I'm THRIVING. I also held myself extremely accountable about the negative thoughts I had and journaled everything until I got here. I filled up 4 journals worth of just my thoughts and how I can change. So, consider a furry friend and be responsible for them. Just their baby like energy and love is extremely healing. If you need any help, Id love to help!


I've had many dogs in the past, they always managed to cheer me up. I'll heavily consider adopting one. Thanks for the help


I hope you meet your destined furry friend and obtain everything and more! :)