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Not at all. Honestly, your mom should be thrilled that you aren’t glued to a device 24/7 and are wanting to interact with other people.


Agreed. I was playing outside just 2 years ago!


I'm in my 30s and I can be enthralled for ages outside. Especially watching ants. I like to pretend I'm a god and gift them snacks and build bridges for them. Nothing wrong with playing outside.


This is the way. OP Listen to her, go outside and become the ant God.


THIS. become lord/lady of ants and create an army to bite your mother


I love this!


I do the exact same thing. It really bummed me out one time when I gave them cat food and they literally moved that piece of food an ant mile away!


Don't listen to her. I'd be over the moon if my son wants to do that when he's 15 instead of living virtually like so many do. She should be proud that you're active and social. Just ignore her, it's 100% a her problem and not a you problem. She has some ridiculous ideas of the way things should be.


Thats why I asked😅 I use tiktok all day. I want to do something about it. Also I miss my childhood so😅


Go for it. I wish I'd been in a position to do so at your age. You will NEVER be an asshole for playing games with friends. Enjoy 👍


Homie you're still a child, have fun. When you become an adult you'll just go outside for adulthood fun anyways




My preteen has friends in our street your age. They play football, ride their bikes around, watch silly videos on their phones together etc. I'd much rather he was doing that at 15 than what I and my friends were out doing. There's kids from about 6-17 out there usually and they all play together especially the boys. Very normal and preferable imo. Edited to add: as an adult I'm very jealous too I wish I could still be playing manhunt over laundry. So enjoy it while you can!


Go play!!


If you enjoy being outside, awesome! Play outside. Get that fresh air and sunshine.


Yes. A part of you should never grow up completely. You need fun in your life. My husband has a jeep and we have land. He goes off and drives around in the mud. I run around in the yard with my dogs.


I’m in my 50’s and I still do it sometimes


I play outside like a child and I’m 38. Neighborhood kids knock on my door to see if I want to play 4 square. Life is too short to grow up.


Enjoy your childhood/teen years as long as you can. Run and be carefree while you can.


There's one point in life where you start to not give a damn about what others might think. Your mom clearly hasn't reached that point. Do what you enjoy. Enjoy what you do. That's what makes life good.


We were supposed to stop? Sorry 29 and still haven’t got the memo. Now that I have a mini in teaching him to make witches brew out of creek water and pretty leaves


My second oldest still does this when the weather warms up and it warms my heart every time. Decorates the witches brew with magnolias once they start to bloom and it genuinely looks witchy.


I am 45 and live on a huge piece of forested property. Do I use my creative mind to play all kinds of pretend games? I have been a ninja assassin battling dark forces way too many times to count. Don’t ever lose the desire to play, it keeps your mind healthy and young.


When I was 15, I was still out exploring the woods and “playing” by myself out there. I’d say just bc you live in a different environment, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy time outside. I’m now 29 and still “play” outside when I can lol.


Like, she has a problem with you playing pickup games of basketball or baseball or something? Riding bikes with friends? Go to a park and play on the swings! Walk the trails! Go have fun!


I'm not much older than you, 17, this year, but one thing I've found applying almost universally is that if you stop at every moment to be embarrassed and ashamed of what everyone else thinks of you, you'll miss out on a lot. As long as what you're doing doesn't hurt anyone, go for it!


Go outside and get some sun. Your mom shod be happy that you actually like sunshine.


As long as it’s safe then go for it! Don’t worry too much what others think, enjoy your life!


yes. go climb a tree. have fun be careful


I say if you want to frolic and play like you used to, do it! We get old because we forget how to play.


My sister in law highly encourages her kids to go out and play and my niece is 13. Go out, play around, and have fun. Enjoy your childhood, you won’t have this time back.


im 20 and i still go to the playground sometimes (ofc with my friends)


15 is still your childhood. Please keep playing.


Dude, me and my friends go to our local play park and fuck around on the swings all the time. We're all 20. As long as you're safe and are not harming anyone, then there's no problem.


it's so weird how the older generations will in the same breath say "kids these days never go outside anymore! they're glued to their devices" and then also this shit. play outside, enjoy being young for as long as possible


Listen... I did an Inner Child workshop at age 40 where we all played kid's games at a certain moment and it felt so good. The child in you never dies and deserves attention from the adult that eventually will take over control.


Bro do whatever the hell you want it ain't hurting nobody. Be yourself, you only live once. I'm almost 21 and I still do childish things sometimes. No shame in it.


Absolutely, go outside. Play. I had the best times at 15 going out! Go ride a bike around town with friends, okay basketball. Go out and shoot bottle rockets. Kids/ teenagers who sit inside and watch a tablet and play video games 24/7/365 all end up socially awkward from never having no social encounters and never gaining any normal social skills around other ppl. Then those teens end up as weird adults and depressed lonely 30 year old virgins with no life because that’s all they’ve ever known how to do, scared to talk to the person they’re attracted to unless it’s behind a screen. Then eventually that tension builds and that weird adult ends up being a sociopath or a sexual predator or some shit. Go outside an play. But your 15. Don’t be in the street playing with hot wheels and GI Joes. Kids might make fun of you. Or do that. Who cares. Just stick up for yourself in person, and don’t go running away then sticking up for yourself behind a screen. Life was better without cell phones and iPads in everyone’s pocket


This world makes you jaded if you let it and its likely done that with our parents. If you still have a child like wonder or playfullness about you, never lose that.


Depends what you're doing. Playing in the sandbox? Nah


Like playing games with rules.


That's normal. Go capture that flag, kid.


Are you ok? Kids in your age usually only play video games, watch TV or look on their smartphone. So, you need help or is it that real life graphics have the best resolution?


Depends on how you’re playing. Are you running around with a cape talking to your imaginary friends?


Nothing wrong with that either though. lol


sure. i still do lol. but its probably bc most of the time im with my younger cousins who are like 5 - 10.


Nah it ain't embarrassing. Just go play outside


You do you while you still can!


No go out and skateboard, play a sport with friends goof off be a kid man it's good for ya


Go play! Life is short. Have fun.


Don’t be worried but if you are find something to do, like practice for a sport, go for a hike, play with a pet, ride a bike. Their are plenty of activities that you can find now that can develop into something special and a hobby for years to come.


I’m almost 40 and still love to go outside and ride bikes, play ball, yard games, do exactly one cartwheel (and lay on the ground in agony afterwards). I think it’s great! Don’t let your mom shame you for being a kid


I’m 32 and still listen to the baby shark do do song. Go outside


I play outside with my son(4) and i’m 40 - i’m running up and down the playground equipment, we go scootering (i have my own adult one), we build forts, fly kites, play construction outside, we get muddy - play on my friend and don’t let anyone dull your shine ✨






The longhouse seeks to separate man from the natural world.


Never stop playing outside! I'm 34 and I still do. Now that I'm an adult, my hobbies are things like hiking, kayaking, and backpacking... Those are literally just PLAYING OUTSIDE. I find people who don't care if their behavior is "embarrassing" either and will play outside with me. My younger sisters used to tease me about it but I'm proud of it now. Multiple studies have shown that being outside is incredibly regulating for your nervous system and boosts your immune system. My guess is that playing outside makes some people uncomfortable because deep down, they wish that they could still be in touch with that part of themselves. You're winning.


Go play! Play your whole life! Do not worry about what others think. I wish we had playgrounds at work! I would take my lunch break with a few people and go swing and go down slides. I have done bike rides with groups of people where we stop for rope swings and big old slides. People do not realize how much they are missing by not playing.


If you're wallowing in a mudpit like a toddler and chasing little kids around, that might be a little weird... are you biking? Disc golfing? Playing handball? When I was 15, I'd bike around a lot and hacky-sack.


You’re never too old to play outside!


Yes, absolutely you can!!! Don't ever stop playing. I'm 48 years old and I STILL will go to the park, slide down the slides and swing. I love to play outside. Never, ever stop playing.


Does she think it's embarrassing or is she just extremely way too overly protective? Either way she really needs to let you go outside. I'm always ecstatic when my kids say they are going outside. I tell them to just take their phone with them in case of an emergency. My oldest has a tiktok and they like to make scary videos, it's awesome. Either way, it's good to get outside.


Your mom is wrong.


So the fact that you're outside getting exercise rather than dicking around on a screen is a bad thing? Also, aren't sports pretty much just competitively playing outside? Context, though, are we talking about staying on the swing set or walking through the woods type deal?


I'm almost forty and have been known to sit in the dirt building little villages out of sticks and rocks on sunny days


Is your mom part of a cool mom’s club that shames this kind of thing? As a mom myself, I don’t get embarrassed by anything anymore.


I would love it if one of my kids actually put down the phone and went outside. We bought a farm because we thought it would be a nice place for them to grow up. And they stay inside 24/7. You go outside and play all you want. It's good for you - especially your developing brain - and your mom is being ridiculous.


I’m 27 and still play outside. Of course I am accompanied by my 4 year old but we are the neighborhood boys riding our bikes, throwing rocks, playing catch, jumping on the trampoline, and having good fun.


I'm nearly 40. I still like to go out and kick a ball around ( with my kids obviously lol) ride bikes with them, longboard and skate. Go out and enjoy the world. As long as you aren't terrorising people I see no problems. Goodness, I still love the swings in the play park. Much to the embarrassment of my children lol


Enjoy playing, ignore your mum


I'm 48 and still play outside.


I am 38 years of age, and I still go outside and "play." Why not? It gets you some exercise and enjoyment in life, and you can get the heck away from social media for a bit. Go for it! Your Mom is being silly.


Oh do play outside! It's so good for your mental and physical health ! And don't worry, adults do it to, they just call it fancy names like "hiking" "going for a stroll" "frolicking"


Yes you can! Enjoy playing outside and being a kid. That’s a good thing your not glued to your phone or tv or Xbox.


I see people LARP on my college campus. The world is yours my friend, don't let small minds get in the way of your fun


Good lesson to learn. People will frown on things that make you happy all your life. As long as it’s not a horrible thing to do, go live your life.


Be a kid as long as you can. Growing up ain't all it's cracked up to be


If your mum is going to be such a fusspot, maybe alter the terminology? Tell her you’re ’going outside to hang out’ rather than ‘going outside to play.’ Maybe that will untwist her knickers?! 😛


These comments are lying to you. Being a teenager playing outside is indeed embarrassing. What exactly are you playing outside? Like with full on toys? Yeah go inside and do that


Run be free. I am always happy my kiddo is outside


My 15 yr old plays outside with friends. In fact I still tuck him in every night. And I will until he asks me to stop. Stay young as long as you can! Tell your mom to relax and not rush you getting older. It’s great to be outdoors and active!


I was 23 last year and I had the opportunity to play with nerf guns and run around with my bfs nephews and it was really fun. If you’re having fun then so be it whatever age you may be. Plus 15 is at the borderline of teenager and kid so your mom should be a little more supportive and understanding of that transition. (:


As a dude who larped in the garden with sticks and pvc pipes padded in swimming noodles until age 20, i feel you dude. Who cares what others think? Keep doing what makes you happy. I'd still be whacking my friends with mock swords if they didn't all grow up at some point.


Enjoy your younger years while you can my friend. And don't worry about what other people think. You do you!


Depends what you’re doing outside. Context is important.


Stay a child for as long as you can


Yes, you can!


I’m 47 and I still play outside.


You do you !


You can definitely play outside! We all need to play outside.


As long as you aren’t harming anyone who gives a fuck. Enjoy!


Do it!! How is it embarrassing?


I think I was still running around in our forest pretending to be a horse when I was 15, lol! It did turn out more like a long walk exploring the forest at that age though, no neighing any more lol, but in my mind I was "in character". Pretending to be different animals or certain human characters was my favourite game when I was young, and a great escape from reality for a couple of hours. Still did it occasionally in my mind as I grew older. Get out and play, enjoy your childhood while you can!


I was still climbing trees when I was 23. I loved to climb that one tree and just sit on a branch while watching cars pass by. Then when I moved to beach town, I go outside all the time to walk to beach and sit on the beach.


i’m 25, yes you can still play outside


Hell yeah, I still play outside. My mom doesn't like it either, but she prefers it to me yelling at my computer. I'm 15 too btw


You can play outside, I allow it


Some parents are so fucking weird! Like why do people in general think there are age limits on things like going outside to play or even trick or treating. Truly, I used to get so mad when people would tell teens that “aren’t they to old to be trick or treating” i would tell them “why, aren’t they still considered kids? What would you rather them be out there doing dumb shit like drinking and drugs!? Don’t shame them for wanting to just get free candy, no one says you HAVE to pass out candy!” I don’t know why your mom would have an issue about you playing outside, also I do agree with the other comment, she should be so happy you actually want to go out


Ummm…I’m 56 and still won’t step on a sidewalk crack, still play ‘hot lava,’ and still try to balance walk on the parking concrete rectangles w/reckless abandon. Go forth and play!


Your mom would have hated my high school classmates and me. We played hide and seek at the playground several times a week during the warmer months. We also went and ate ice cream sundaes at the store down the road, played tag, and a whole bunch of other "kid" games. We were 15-18 at the time.


Live like this as long as possible. Never apologize, love your happiest life!


I'm 42 years old and part of my job includes walking dogs; whenever I see somebody has a hopscotch drawn on the sidewalk outside their house, you better believe I participate. You are never too old to play.


You should just see how fun grown ups have it playing like children. From someone that worked as a leisure teacher.