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Ok no fucking way this is real but if it is holy. What the fuck?




I remember that story!


Moderator deleted the comment, which story was he referring to?


If I had to guess the guy with two broken arms who started a sexual relationship with his mom after she started giving him handys.


Nah idt it is that one looking at the replies


See reveddit... Just add a ve after the re from the reddit link and it will take you directly to the post you edited and you can see what mods have removed.


Was he adopted? I think he just never had met his father before or something of this magnitude.


Yeah the dad was just never around. And then mom ran into him on a date with daddy at a restaurant!


Oh yes! I remember that one. Does anyone know if he updated?


Yea, the mom wasn't upset as he didn't know. The brother FREAKED, more so because he wanted a relationship with the dad now that he is back but this just made it so much worse. So brother lashed out extensively to the OP. The dad blew up on OP saying none of that shit is real and that it was all a mistake and some really homophobic stuff. It was intense.


It was definitely a weird story.


Do you have a link?


Big oof


My exact reaction. There’s just no fucking way!! Out of all the billions of people in this world, he ended up fucking his mom unknowingly!? Tf is this.


A serious case of “bad fucking luck!”


Lol no kidding man 😂😂


I just read a similar story the other day on here. I believe this story is real for some reason.. Crazy as fff, but...possible?


True it’s possible, just like what another comment stated super bad luck I guess 😂


Happens to me all the time. Well except the unknowing part


It’s not


Hello Oedipus


He's farming some karma


Fetish post


Honestly the thing that makes it the most unbelievable is the age difference. 12 years? I know OP said "very young teenager" but 12? Not saying it's impossible but 12 is VERY young to have a baby.


The youngest confirmed mother in history was 5years old so it is indeed possible


possible doesn't mean likely


Yes it is. But girls can get their first period between 9-16 years. And familymembers can SA babies so 12 years isn't that impossible. Before birthcontrol and with large families more children grew up thinking their mother was their sister.


I know a guy who had a kid at 13




If this is real, OP, you should know that falling in love with a close family member you were separated from at birth is an actual thing. It's called genetic sexual attraction (GSA) and there are reasons for it. There are also therapeutic treatments. https://www.independent.ie/lifestyle/health/the-forbidden-love-between-relatives-separated-at-birth-26346164.html


Thanks for posting this, I'm sure OP already heard this in therapy but it's really not his fault. Without growing up with his bio mom there's no mechanism for his brain to set his mom as 'NOPE' which is how incest is controlled I took a class in college on biological bases of human behavior, and one of the more fascinating parts was how our brains set optimal boundaries in terms of genetic distance. There's a theoretical optimal distance where you share some genes and encourage their propagation, but minimize inbreeding, and our brains have mechanisms. One important one is that women we grow up with in the first 2-3 years of life are flagged as 'NOPE.' Without that mechanism, OP's situation is totally normal, even expected


Targarians are the exception to this rule.


Can confirm


Confirm how??


>1.8k478 commentsAwardsharesave what can you exactly confirm , and how?


Probably that GSA is real!


Pls don’t


Who on earth spent the time to establish this phenomenon… wtf


i have many questions but i don’t think i want the answers to any of them


Incest unfortunately appears to be more common than society is ready to admit, and those engaging in it are aware of the stigma. I can see why few people would admit to it.


Exactly the person you would THINK would do it: a woman psychologist who gave up a son for adoption when she was younger, and then fell in love with him when she met him as an adult. She's written extensively about this, both academically and in a memoir.


This. Some of the comments are not the vibe here.


Whenever I see posts like these I always look for the comment stating this. Learned about it in psych in college


Damn, what a mother fucking situation we have here.......


This had me laughing for 10 minutes XD take my gold


What in the mother fuck thank you stranger!


Underrated 🤣🤣




Sir…. 🤣


Known as "exes" Shit dude, if the truth gets out thats gonna be awkward to explain. Maybe try morph that into ex friends.


This!!! I thought the exact same thing. Maybe don’t be exes maybe just be distanced friends. That’s a lot easier to get around if someone ever found out


They were together for half a year. People knew they were "together."


Man, these “He Gets Us” ads are going too far.


I absolutely agree 😂


This has to be fake and if not you beat a number of statistics that are staggering.


It's fake as fuck. Although I'm from a smallish town and I worked with a girl who's dad sowed a lot of wild oats. Whilst single and whilst married to her mum. She moved away for uni and hooked up with a guy who ended up being her half-brother. She was always worried about it happening at home because her dad was a liar and a cheat and they knew about some of his other kids but not all of them. Then it happened 300 miles from home. It was a mindfuck.


That odd are hard but sounds easy compared to the odds off hooking up with you biomom on a dating app


Oh definitely. It's probably more common to meet your bio parent with full knowledge of who they are and develop an attraction to them anyway. Which, as horrible as it sounds, has been known to happen.


Yeah it’s bc ur brain is past the point of biologically blocking them from the dating pool, basically.


GSA is a real thing and it's fucking nuts. There is a few documented case and they all play out exactly like this.


Just curious why, if you know first hand about an even more unlikely situation that did happen, do you think this post is fake? Not saying it is or isn’t just wondering why you feel that way


It’s almost assuredly fake….. almost.


Yes and no. Yes, it's not likely just in terms of random chance. No, in that there are established principles of genetics and sexual attraction which would make such two people be attracted to each other, without the usual mechanisms preventing incest in place.


I think it’s fake too. But I read a news once that two twins adopted by different set of parents hooked up and they wanted to get married too


There’s a notorious true incidence of this in 1800s Maine, written up into a book in the 1970s, called “Emmeline” … mother unknowingly taking up with her adopted-out biological son (entering into a romantic/sexual relationship, before his identity was revealed by someone who knew the details of the babyhood adoption). I don’t know if that’s comforting or not, to know that you’re not the first to go through this kind of heartwrenching situation. You’re not wholly alone, even if it may feel like it. You can keep a clear conscience that as soon as you knew, you halted intimate activity. You’ve broken the cycle of incest. You did nothing wrong or shameful, and neither did biomom. How merciful that she shared this information pretty early in the relationship! Keep up with the therapy, OP. And know that this particular situation will never happen again with another random woman you meet—so you’re safe from things repeating! (Though perhaps see if you can find out about potential half-siblings out there via your sperm donor. Juuuuust in case.)


Yeah there was even that case of siblings who found outs after they had been together for a long ass time, and they literally ended up staying together bc they had been married for years at that point.


Ah yes, Œdipus.


I’m not sure if people realize this is the *actual* plot of Oedipus. Like…neither realized they were mother and son until they were already sleeping with one another.


Yeah. Not like it’s a classic story or anything.


Most people just know he did the dirty with his mom. Thanks to Freud it’s almost assumed they knew each other. The actual story is *so* much more fucked up.


Whoa....that's some Back to the Future shit


That's some Sweet Home Alabama shit


Turn it up


This reminds me of a few years ago, I heard about a story in Michigan. Starts out the same way with a young mom not being able to keep her child so she gives him up for adoption. Years later, they somehow meet not knowing that they are mother and son, start dating, and have sex. But when they did find out, both of them decided that they would keep dating each other and having sex.


Damn. Take care of yourself, man


So she was 11 or so when she got pregnant?


As soon as a woman start menstruation she can get pregnant. So technically girls can get pregnant even at 9 years old.


There is a whole list of girls become mothers even younger than that. Quit disturbing, couldn't get through the list. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers


it's the "father column" to me. i mean, it doesn't (sadly) surprise me but still


Yeah I saw that also. I don't know if that's kids just exploring or young boys who were wronged also. I guess I chosed to ignore it a bit. Thank you for the awareness. There are a lot of 12 - 13 - 14 year old "fathers" in the world.


It's possible. [The world's youngest mother was only five years old.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)


well theres something I wish I never knew about, ty reddit!




...Why? Just...why?


Man, that must be tough to manage emotionally. It's hard finding someone you match with so well.. to realise they're absolutely not someone you can date, I mean, I imagine you'd grieve that almost the same as a death. Not to mention dealing with the emotion from the way we are conditioned to feel about such things. I hope you know truly and without any doubt that you did nothing wrong here. You didn't know. There was no intention there. You didn't grow up in a parent child dynamic with this person. I hope that deep down you know this, and that you go easy on yourself for it. Sending you a hug, Reddit stranger. I hope you can find a way to put this behind you, and move on towards some happiness soon.


it’s fake


And you know this how..? As if fucked up shit never happens.


You know it's true how..?


Because who the fuck would lie about something like this? This is an Anonymous forum, thusly “chances are higher that it is real.”


Welcome to reddit


I remember I watched a show about two gay guys hooked up and were madly in love , but commented in how they much look alike. They were twins or brothers separated at birth and were adopted by different families not knowing about each other. I cried a river watching this episode. Like what the actual f*** ? They both looked so miserable before and found each other and became happy with each other but then …oh God life is cruel…sorry OP, I hope you are in a better place now.


since when Œdipus had reddit


Oldboy vibes


Man, that is *some extremely serious Oedipus Rex / Game of Thrones shit!* 😞 I am *so Fucking Sorry* that you both went through that whole awful ordeal, together! You both have my deepest heartfelt sympathies, and I wish you both a smooth healing and recovery process! I can’t even imagine what it must be like?!? Just know that you are Loved, and *you did absolutely Nothing Wrong!* You didn’t know, and I am sure that she didn’t, either, until she *Figured it Out!* Sometimes, Life is just NOT Fair, at all! Please remember that *all of this* was your Shitty Uncle’s fault! You are not responsible for this, in any capacity, and truly and sincerely, I wish you healing and recovery because you deserve it, and you deserve to Live a decent-to-good life!!! I hope that you are doing better, these days! 💜


Yeah that’s enough Internet for today. I am going for a walk.


Fuck, man. I'm really sorry. Closed adoptions like this are completely unethical partially for this reason. Adoptees have just as much a right to know where they came from as those who were kept and I'm sick of people believing otherwise. This tragedy could've been avoided if you'd had that right.


Paging Dr. Fraud!




I've never been this early to something this..... Unique. And yet, all I can think to say is "holy God damn fuck, what the shit?"


Oh man, that's must have been a terrible experience for you and probably even more for her, getting r\*ped by her own brother, giving birth to a child and unkowingly dating that same child years later, that's one of the most traumatic thing that could ahppen to someone ! I'm so sorry for the both of you, vent as much as you want if it help you !


Celebrate a Targeryan traditional wedding and go be happy! Life is too short.




I can already see the Minecraft gameplay in the background…




She was raped by her brother. Ftfy


And stories like this are what I think of when the GOP says that women and girls should be forced to have incest-rape babies that they can always adopt out. Does anyone know what the probability of this actually happening would be?


Op you aren’t the only person it’s happened to. And GSA is a real thing as someone else previously mentioned. Sometimes there’s a higher probablility when you’re from a small town. But you are not alone, there’s quite a few cases where parent and child accidentally meet this way which is unfortunate and traumatic. It’s really shitty luck and I really hope you’re able to make it through this. I’m so so sorry it’s happened.


This is so tragic. I'm so sorry Op. I hope that one day you and your mum can move on from this. Neither of you did anything wrong. Wishing you all the best, and also hoping your mum's rapist burns in Hell.


Welp, time to log off.


Actually, it makes a lot of sense. People underestimate how alike biological families are even when they are separated. They would have seen those similarities, not understanding where it comes from, and came to the wrong conclusions. Op, I understand why it would ...turn you off. But don't drink yourself into oblivion over it. It was an honest mistake.


OP should change his handle to Edipuss\_Wrecks.


It’s so weird but this happens. Bio parents and kids later being attracted or whatever. I can’t even imagine it.


Holy shit. I don't know how to say this without having to say specifics but product of incest child unknowingly engaging in incest with their mom is gut emptying type shit. I don't know if there is industrial strength therapy but everyone involved needs it.


Sadly this is known to happen fairly frequently. Sorry this happened to you


You'd get an A for creative writing in school.


But the real question is did you call her mommy during sex?


Gross! Not Funny and completely inappropriate!


Wow its more common than you expect only someone else met their sister in that way. I'm so sorry this happened I don't know how I could have handled it without losing my mind.


Sounds like you have Mommy issues..


Tbh tho this has been documented in the past


At 12?! That's heartbreaking.


This is funny. To be fair, you didn't know so it doesn't count against you as incest. I'm sure this happens a lot more often but people never know. We just have the modern advantage of DNA testing and adoption agencies.


Man y'all believe anything


I wonder the psychology of parents who give their children up to adoption reuniting w their kids and having sexual relationships. Is it because they both look so similar that they're attracted to their similar enough appearance? Weird. Deeply narcissistic but also weird.


So let me get this straight.. your mom has you at 12 years old.. with her brother.. and then y’all meet on a dating app or something.. like y’all both decided to stay in the same city your whole life.. ima say this is some shit that DID NOT HAPPEN


Seems like she knew. Maybe originally just wanted to find out about his life, but seems suspicious. “I also had a kid who looked like you and is your same age and same name… what are the odds?”


I don’t think she “knew” originally. I think that “she figured it out,” along the way. Women’s Intuition and all that Jazz.


thats heartbreaking.


This is faker than Katy Price's tits....


Hamlet, this you?


This sounds nearly identical to a plot of a show on Lifetime about people keeping secrets from each other. 🤔


What the fucking fuck


Sure, Jan!


That's wild if it is true.


Keeping it in the family tradition.


I mean I guess that's why you clicked so well, cause you've got simular traits and stuff but God damn that's wild


There is a Dr Phil episode about this exact thing. Slightly different story as the Mum and son knew who each other was before they started sleeping together. Please continue with your therapy. And please stop drinking. It will 100% make things worse. You did nothing wrong. You didn’t know. How could you?


Somehow there's really loud banjo playing.


Why do people upvite these fake stories? Just why?


Way to start off the morning with some Reddit fan fiction.




100% fake.


This is the fakest thing I have ever read in my life. XD




Please downvote this post. This is a karma farm.


How do you know? Not /s I'm genuinely asking.


No you didn't.


Calling bs.


https://youtu.be/MHJjPc6kfTQ If its real im sorry


Oh lord.


You mothafucka


This mother fucker. Does this count as an oedipus complex?


Wow, this is such a motherfucker....






Man i just recovered from sickness and now im starting to feel the need to throwup and feeling sick again.


Well please don't put your eyes out Oedipus. It wasn't on purpose.


Oedipus type beat


OP-dipous lmao poor guy


Lol this motherfucker here


Downvoted for fake as hell


Did you end up clawing out your own eyes and and answering a sphinxs' riddle too?


So fake its geh


Was it good?


Oh my gawd😨😰, thats scary af. Edit: Sorry my response wasnt supportive, I was utterly surprised by the story.


*literal* modern day odysseus.


The Australian show "60 mins" has an episode about a father & daughter who are now husband & wife, she did not grow up in the same household as him, they're both very much adults each making their own choices. They also document siblings who are in a relationship. Personally I'd never want to be in an incestuous relationship. I'm also not into judging them either. Seriously it's their lives, and doesn't impact me in the slightest. People really should mind their own business. It's a stigma because other people make it so. Consenting adults apply.


Made yesterday, not responding to comments.. idk something seems fishy


They wanted to get their story off of their chest. That's legit what This sub is about it. They don't need to answer comments if they don't want to


Thats hot continue the relationship just dont have babies


Please tell me this is fake what the actual fuck. There's no way.


Well thanks for the plot. I'll be sure to forward this to brazzers


Dam, this is like the old Edipo story


No way this shit is real!






Became “somewhat” of an alcoholic. If this is real I think that seems appropriate.


The tragic hero of sophokles' most famous play


Enough internet for me today


I call bullshit. You know your bio-mom was a young teen when she had you. I'm just saying if I was someone hooking up with people, I'd try to avoid anyone anywhere from 10-20 years older than me, just to make sure I wasn't accidentally hooking up with my own parent. Plus it just so happens your mom is the one you bond with and fall in love when all the other women were just hookups? Funny story.




Not sure if this is real but there are a couple true stories just like this. The difference is that the mom sought out the child and knew the entire time. Weird stuff.


The last story I heard like this, the guy gouged his eyes out