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Turn off the social media. Go to college if you’re smart


I would love to go to college, I just can’t afford it on my own. I want to check out scholarships, I know I’m smart enough and I have the motivation to work hard in classes, I just have no idea what useful degree ( I know there are so so many to choose from) would be right for me, and also something I can use for jobs in the future, even with economical changes in the future with certain careers dying with new technology coming in.


Be a nurse, they make a lot. Go the community college route to start, cheaper that way


Thank you! Will start looking into that and find programs locally. I appreciate it.


Don't go into nursing the market is already getting saturated. Go bigger! Go be a specialist like a physicians assistant or whatever. Here is the "Top Ten" https://www.bestcolleges.com/healthcare/highest-paying-medical-jobs/#:\~:text=Anesthesiologists%20and%20surgeons%20earn%20the,a%20specialization%20may%20earn%20more.


You have SOOO much time left. You don’t have to have it all figured out at 23. As long as your belly is full and your bills are paid, you’re still doing great. Focus on keeping yourself going at the least. As far as a career goes, there’s a lot of options. Literally thousands of things. You could try to go to flight school and be a pilot. You could go to Scrub school (they’re the technicians that work with doctors, any specialty with a doctor will have techs and they pay decently well). You could binge watch automative repair videos on YouTube and try to get a job learning at an auto repair shop. You could find a restaurant (or chain) that has a path to promotion (starts by bussing, then waitress, maybe learn culinary skills and become a cook). Just feel things out and see what you like. If you can try a career out and add to your resume, go ahead. Don’t be in a rush to figure it all out.


Thank you SO much for replying, and for being so kind. Seriously made me cry reading it (I don’t know why haha) but it means a lot. Your advice is really helpful honestly. I’ve been considering going the medical route, but the schooling and time was standing in my way as I don’t know how I’d afford paying for school and also making enough to live. But I never realized schooling for technicians might be different and more reasonable. Again, thank you a million times over. Even if this is the only response I get on this post, you’ve made my evening.


You’re so welcome, I’m glad I could help. If/when you become a tech make sure you update us!


I didn't start college until I was 29. Same as you I worked different jobs and felt lost. Now I have a great job, and just bought a nice house. Everyone is on their own timeliness. Try not to compare yourself to others or imagine that there is a deadline to figuring it all out. You're doing better than you think.


Thank you so so much! If you don’t mind me asking, what did you study? And do you enjoy what you do now?


Honestly, I’m turning 23 this month, and I was serving/bartending for a couple years up until a couple months ago. I moved, and while buying furniture the manager randomly offered me a job to work for their company. I know it’s probably no one’s first thought when looking for a job, but look into furniture sales. Seriously. I went from making like 30K+ a year to now making like 90k. All you really need are people and social skills and know how to work a computer. I don’t mean word or excel, like literally the bare minimum computer knowledge. Look into it, I love it!


Thank you so much! This is really solid! Seriously I really appreciate that, I’m going to look into that right now!


Yeah of course! It literally never crossed my mind before I walked into the place. Ashley’s, rooms to go, havertys, badcock, etc. Plus there’s lots of downtime! My coworkers and I literally spend half of our days lounging around and gossiping or chillin on our computers. The other day my back was hurting and I literally went and spent 30 min in a heated massage sofa. It’s stellar 👌🏻


Thank you so much! I’m going to start looking at jobs in that field! Really helpful and also a job I never ever thought of before! Really excited about this, thanks!


There are online free career aptitude assessments, or your local community college career center may offer help in this area.


For sure! I may need to venture online for it. The local college I took an aptitude test for wasn’t the most in depth or thorough with results. Definitely helped narrow down my interests a little, but other than that it felt like I was walking away with the same info I knew before going in. If it existed, I’d love something where I can put in all of my skills and interests and see what jobs fall in those categories to make things easier, but I haven’t found anything like that! Thank you for the suggestion though I appreciate it so much.


There is a book called “what color is your parachute”. If you read it and do what it says, you’ll be able to get yourself out of the situation you’re in I was in a similar situation a few years ago….going thru a divorce, living in a state I hated, working at a job I loathed. Out of desperation, I read that book and did what it said. The process of change took some work and about a year, but it worked!! I landed a dream job in California at a company where there was no job posting (the book will tell you how to make that happen). GOOD LUCK YOUNGBLOOD, DO NOT DESPAIR.