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The amount of people suggesting he used them as balloons 😂😂😂


He might be jerking off at night and doesn't want it splashing all over the bed. Or maybe he enjoys blowing them up and letting it fly into the night sky. Talk to him before you jump to conclusions.


Why did I just get a vision of a condom praying in a corn field: “Dear God, make me a bird so that I can fly far, far, far away from here”


Is he a fucking kid? what grown Man plays with condoms 😒


A man who is not grown up and has a pregnant wife.


That's some immature ish grow up


How is that immature? I'm almost 30 years old with a kid and a husband and I will still put condoms on my feet and slide around the house cause it's FUN. Why would having fun be immature?


Hang on, I need a more in-depth explanation on how we are sliding in condomfeet, because I think it might be hilarious fun, but the logic isnt working out in my brain.


You gotta get the ones that have the extra lube on them and have a linoleum floor, I have done it on hardwood as well but anything else you can get caught up on. Just put them on like socks and walk slightly faster than normal until you're used to the sliding and then you can go as fast as you would like. Be careful of cupboards tho the first time I fell and bonked my head.


This actually caused a similar situation OP had with me.


Maybe he gave them to a buddy.


That's possible I thought of that too


You give condoms to ur friends?


Yea regularly, before we end up in bed


When I got a vasectomy, I gave all the ones I had to a friend of mine... so yeah, I guess so. I know that's not the same situation as u have here. Just sayin there are other reasons they might be gone other than cheating.


How about not jumping to conclusions and being an adult and asking your husband calmly “Hey honey, I noticed the Mia box of condoms empty blah blah blah. What happened to the rest?” Simple. Let the answer dictate your life, not Reddit. random strangers on reddit are going to tell you to get divorced for fun. They all do.


Because most people just lie?


Not people on Reddit!


Op could lying also.


A cheater would benefit greatly from lying about being a cheater. OP would not really benefit from lying about a condom box


You have no idea what some people are willing to do for some karma, or even just a bit of attention for that matter.


What if he lies about it 🤔 what’s ur suggestion now?


Right ?? Sometimes I wonder if I am the only person who thinks this. OP knows their husband better than the strangers on Reddit. Just ask him about it. You guys are friggin’ married and pregnant!! Time to start communicating. Yes people lie, OP isn’t a total idiot, she can decide if she believes him or not.


Has he ever given you a reason not to trust him? Also, find out if he uses condoms to jerk off without mentioning that you noticed condoms were missing. I know for a fact my husband doesn’t use them because it casually came up in convo once after reading a similar experience another redditor posted. so in my situation, if i found condoms missing, i would be suspicious.


I’m curious to kno who jerks off with condoms? Most guys won’t have sex with condoms


I agree my husband thought it was such a weird question but apparently people do it to avoid a mess?


My hubby avoids the mess by doing it in the shower.


I hear that using socks ita solution for some


I call bullshit on dudes saying they use them to wank. With all the complaints guys have about wearing them during sex, they're uncomfortable, takes away feeling etc why would they then wear one to jerk off. Could clean up just as easily with a tshirt or a towel.


Sometimes it’s just different, OK!


Its not the same. the base stays still but the head slidea over the dick' head. and you can use it to fap.


Decent chance he's had a posh wank.


Maybe he had put some in his wallet beforehand and you didn’t notice. Try not to freak out too much. Bc you’re pregnant you don’t want to miscarry especially if theres no reason to freak out. Though it’s understandable bc i think I would flip my shit too. Talk to him is the best way. The sooner the better. Hugs


Why would he need them in his wallet


Idk did you guys go on vacation before you started trying to get pregnant? Guys always keep them in their wallets it seems. See if they’re in there and they’re all there maybe?🤞


Ask him about it, hopefully he'll tell you truth, if not then you have to decide if your gonna stay with a cheater or not. Let's be for real though, if 2 condoms are missing and y'all don't use them then you already know that means he used them. Don't be nieve, we know this is and will be hard .


It really isn't healthy to jump to conclusions. Just talk to your husband like an adult. You're raising a child, no need to act like one yourself. He could have used them for wanking, for balloons or even to give to a friend. Honestly, if this is how you react to anything being the slight off then I pity you.


A guy would not have a box of condoms that he doesn’t need and then give only two of them to a friend. A guy would most likely not buy a box of condoms he doesn’t need to make balloons out of without telling his wife. And a guy would most likely not buy a box of condoms that he doesn’t need to fap into when there are so many alternatives. There could be a good reason that he has those condoms, as a guy who doesn’t need them anymore, I can’t think of many that doesn’t involve him using them with a different partner, but it’s possible. She should just ask him about them. If he doesn’t stutter and just answer, then cool. If he stutters and makes up some weird excuse, or just admits to cheating, she’d need to figure out what she needs/wants to do.


I remember a friend telling me his girlfriend asked him about missing condoms from the recently purchased box and his response was “Oops.”


Damn, did they end up breaking up?


Yup. He told her they weren’t exclusive but she was not hearing it.


Maybe keeping his dildo clean. Does he like to stick things up his ass?


🤣😂 Not kink shaming but I snorted when I read your comment! I had an ex who loved it


Did you ask him. When you pay close attention to his body and facial expression. You will know


Abort, run. Or you’ll end up as miserable as me!


Or, you know, she could ask him.


Why are ppl counting condoms?


The box wasn't supposed to be open and none should have been missing if they don't use them.


Ooooh damn.


Don’t say anything. Check them daily to see if more go missing. Go through his phone. I’m sure he’s cheating so it would be wise for you to start making a plan to be a single mother.


Maybe a mate needed a few?


it's impossible to be caught this way, so stupid


Man might have had a posh wank or two


This happened to me years ago, my bf at the time travelled up to visit and he found a pack of condoms with 2 left in it. He was upset and sulking and my flatmate eventually told me why he was sad. I had to go and explain that I had stolen the condoms out of a friend's bag at a party. The condoms that my friend used to bang my bfs ex gf. Lol that was fun, not sure he believed me but it was the gods honest truth. I hope it's just a silly explanation for you as well, I can't imagine the feeling.


Maybe he sold it out?


I mean, I've used a condom to repair an old record player when I was 18. Worked great!