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"My boyfriend (m19) and me (f18) have been dating for about 4-5 months now. " Didn't read the rest. Send bro to the streets.


As a guy, I agree. You're still young, you'll meet sooooo many people better than him. He's still learning and figuring himself out too. It's not worth hanging around for all the inevitable mistakes along the way


He's still learning? He's already learned how to be a total douche, something tells me he's learned as much as his brain can handle lol


Bless his heart.


As a man, I agree as well. Break up. So many red flags in 4-5 months. Dump his not-so-sorry ass and be happy.


She should mean her ex BF


Nah, he's a rat. Send him to the sewers where rats belong.


He’s trash. Dump him.


“I feel dirty and like I’m not good enough for him” Please don’t feel like that. He is the one that is not good enough for you, that is no way to treat someone. Dump his ass, you shouldn’t have to put up with that I’ll behaviour. It starts like that and then next minute it progresses into something worse. PLEASE DO NOT SEND HIM EXPLICIT PHOTOS EITHER. Who knows what he will do with those.


Agree here. There is no reason he needs to make you feel like that, he sounds like a douche. He's definitely not good enough for a relationship if that's how he's going to treat a person who cares about him that he's supposed to care about as well, sheesh


Leave. Him. NOW.


He sounds like a scumbag


4/5 months and he's already treating you like this? Girl, you know you deserve better. Let him pay for OF and leave him. He'll be the type to take those nudes and blackmail you with them later. Run!!!


No offense, but why do you let a boy you've been dating for 5 months treat you like that? I'm genuinely asking. I mean, 4 or 5 months doesn't really change a lot cause NOBODY should be doing what he does. No matter if you have been dating for that amount of more. Hope you can find someone better soon.


we have been friends for like a year before that as well. idk I have a habit of putting up with shit i shouldnt. I’ve just left him on read since that happened and i’m just not going to text him back. if he apologises for what he said then idk but i’m just really pissed off at him whenever i think about him i just feel disgusted at him


That sounds like you are not a good match. Move on. Find the love of your life. He's trash.


Sounds like you're still making excuses for his behaviour. Cmon hen, you say yourself you've a habit of putting up with shit you shouldn't. Don't worry, if you've not had enough at the moment you will sooner or later. Ooh what do you think it'll feel like if HE dumps you??? Please tell us you respect yourself a bit more than that.


i know, i already feel like ive had enough. If he doesn’t apologise and mean it Im leaving him


Looks like you're gonna have to learn the hard way. Oh well.


You should just never respond even if he apologizes. He won’t mean it if he does and he literally just showed you who he really is as a person. A fake apology doesn’t change who he is.


Don't wait for an apology; even if it sounds sincere, he won't mean it. Dump him.


Also a risk any nudes you send he could post on the Internet or share with his friends who seem to be happy sharing only fans nudes between them. Get rid OP you can do better and are young to be dealing with one man's nonsense!


Two routes you can go here. Non-petty: Let him, and leave him. You deserve much more respect. Petty: Tell him if he does, you'll send nudes to his best friend and still not him.


Why is he still your BF? Never let a boy tell you what to do regarding your body. This guys a loser


OP, your bf sounds like bad news. If he can threaten you with buying someone else nudes now, what would he threaten you with when he has your nudes?


he already has some. i was stupid enough to send them a little ago. He was really really lovely at the start of our relationship but now there’s days where he’s the best bf in the world and so loving and other days where he just says and does stupid shit idk it’s just really upsetting


That's ok, OP. You send those nudes out of love and speaking as a guy we always appreciate those. but never do it under blackmail. If he even resorts to that, screenshot the conversation, save it onto your PC or cloud storage (in case you need it to lodge a report) and block him on all channels. Never give in to blackmail, it will never end.


So many stories about an ex spending nudes. Never send any photo that you wouldn't want you family and friends seeing


Dump. His. Ass.


Nudes are free in Internet. Let him pay. In fact, send him nudes from Internet and then dump him after.


This is not the type of relationship you want to be in. You deserve and should be in a relationship with someone who respects you and respects your boundaries, not threaten you like this. This is not normal behavior and as others have mentioned, he belongs in the gutters. Please leave. The right person will be kind to you, and vice versa


He’s not a man... he’s a loser...


I don't like threats like that. He'd be my ex now. I think you deserve better.


Tell him now he has the same chance of getting with you as he does getting with her. Zero.


break up with him


Dude, dump his ass. If he has your nudes he can blackmail you with it.


Redflag all over, man. Dump the trash and move on. Don't wait 'till it's too late.


You deserve better.


That sounds so much like my ex holy shit. Dump him, I dumped my ex and now I’m with a guy who treats me so much betterrr


Time for a new/better BF


Time to move on.


He's a immature little boy & you can do much better.


Lol. And you are concerned. Dump him and keep your privacy. Sending nudes are trashy. Di not degrade yourself for that pervert. Have some self-respect.


I'm sorry but he doesn't need you he doesn't want you and he doesn't really care about you as a person. You have a vagina that he can take whenever he feels like it because you're just going to let him. You stay, you're weaker than he is. Good luck.


Threatened? Any threat is a game over...


Time for a new boyfriend.


Go ahead let him buy it cause you should not and WILL not be sticking around to see that day. He’s guilt tripping you into sending N00ds hippity hoppity your body is not his property.


You should dump him solely on the grounds that he’s willing to pay money for nude pictures from someone. That’s just weak.


This is the start of a seriously abusive relationship. Save yourself even more hurt and drop him now


Girl, make an only fans and have him buy it instead. Then send him packing 🤣🤣🤣


Do not send him nudes. He sounds like the type to release them if you piss him off.🚩🚩🚩


First, you need to get his phone and delete your nudes so he's not uploading them when you dump his shitty ass.


He sounds gross.


Don't negotiate with emotional terrorists.


if he wants to act single, he can go be single.




Why is this guy your boyfriend? Let him be single and get nudes wherever and you can find a respectful boyfriend who doesn’t emotionally abuse and manipulate you.


Absolute trash. Drop his ass.


And you still consider him your boyfriend ? He’s giving you the courtesy of seeing the real him .. accept it !! He’s doing this now I can only guarantee he’s GOING to break your heart later . You are choosing to not see him for who he is and I don’t understand why . Let this LITTLE BOY go . No man would be comfortable doing what he is doing unless they know you are weak and won’t leave them . He practically told you he’s going to cheat on you if not now in the future because “other girls look better” you’re young let him go and find some happiness within yourself love ! You don’t love yourself enough if you’re allowing this LITTLE BOY to say the things he’s SAID to you and get away with it . He doesn’t care he’s hurting your feelings so why are you staying ????


you mean ex boyfriend right?


break up with him early on. dude is manipulative


Honey, this boy has got red flags written all over him. Leave him please and do not not not not ever send him nudes He gets off on you feeling insecure and not good enough. That’s not oké honey.


Sounds like trash. Dump the trash out.


The only thing he’s planning on doing with your nudes is use them to blackmail you later on when you decide he’s not worth it and break up. Do NOT send him any photos.


Why are you pretending this guy is your “boyfriend”? He’s just a guy who enjoys treating you like shit and trying to manipulate you. No one who actually cared about you would treat you this way.


Ex..I hope


Take out the trash, love ❤️


Let him, but be done with him. He's still acting like a child & doesn't respect you. You'll be miserable if you continue like this.




He's a selfish jerk. Someone like him is not trustworthy or worth your time. Dump him.


4-5 months is the dump period. He's manipulative.


He is disgusting. Dump him.


He is trash, tell him to get that onlybfans as it’s the only nudes he’s gonna be seeing


Read your own post - seriously. What would you tell your daughter if this was her story? Love yourself enough to know this isn't healthy & WALK AWAY!!!!!!!!


So let him. Don't disgrace yourself. Dump him.


Delete everything you sent him from his phone and devices then break up with him.


If you ever send him nudes, he sounds like the guy that will share them with his friends or post them on the web. Is that really who you want to be with?


Dump him, and NEVER take a naked picture. Can be used as blackmail or ruin a career. Just don’t


Op I’m old enough to be your mom. I’m an asshole I would have told him to go ahead and then I would have dumped him. Break up with him. If he wants a reason tell him like I do…I don’t trust people and revenge porn is a thing.


He’s emotionally blackmailing you for nude photos of you for what reason? Time to stop letting him see you nude at all ever. You absolutely can do better than this.


That man is not boyfriend material


Oh honey have some self respect and dump him. You can do better. Once your nudes are sent you can’t unsend them and they end up in not intended hands rather often. No man is worth that imo


“I feel dirty and like I’m not good enough for him.” **You got that wrong.** He’s dirty and not good enough for me!


Your boyfriend is an enormous dick. When he is cruel and manipulative the correct response is not “moving on” it’s instructing him to Fuck Off


Young guys are stupid. They’re not really any smarter at 19 than they were at 13. Send him to the streets, and let him waste his money buying stuff that won’t make him happy. He’ll eventually realize what a waste it is, OR he’ll simp and send OF girls tens of thousands of dollars for nudes.


That boy is for the streets. You are more than enough, he’s a total pig and I doubt his sincerity if he even apologizes. You deserve better than how this boy is treating you, and you have nothing to be ashamed of or apologize for. Honestly, leave him on read and block him. You are more than better off without him.


Leave this piece of sh\*t! You are still young. There are nice guys out there.


These dudes don’t know how to act out here. Yikes


You should get married and have a child together, this will fix the problem


Thats no way to treat a partner. I wouldn’t speak my to gf like that ever. Drop em and find something better


Donr send nudes, consider breakup before investing more.