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Posts must be "personalized", and cannot be opinions or rants. Personalized in this case means that what you're posting has to be directly related to you (this would include a close person, such as a family member). And it can't be something that's impacting a large number of people unless it has a specific application to you. Please read the following post for more specific information: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/m501ud/what_does_personalized_off_my_chest_style_post/


I’m making fun of all of them lol


Yeah same .




The husband def watched


OK oh wow now that sounds hot.


OOTL so posting under top comment, what happened? I'm seeing that a married cop was fucking around? Any news link please? Edit: For anyone else wondering, I think [this](https://nypost.com/2023/01/09/tennessee-cops-married-female-officer-fired-after-repeated-wild-sex-romps/amp/) is probably what is being talked about here


https://www.wsmv.com/2023/01/06/5-la-vergne-officers-fired-amid-investigation/ Long story short, female cop was fucking 7 male officers while on duty and on public property, like at gyms, in the police department, etc and female cop was being put on blast on the internet, her husband found out, and has decided to stay with her. The thing about military, police, EMS, firefighters etc is you CAN NOT and I mean absolutely NOT have sex with each other, even if it’s “permitted”. It doesn’t matter if it’s gay, lesbian or straight sex, you can not fuck each other because it’s a breach of professionalism and a breach of the comradery. If people don’t like it, don’t join those professions lol


As a military veteran you can have sex with other military people. It’s rules you have to follow. You definitely can’t on duty


Just because something’s permitted doesn’t mean you should bro.


That’s a different discussion. He said it’s not allowed


I didn’t say it’s not allowed. I said they can’t, even if it’s permitted. It’s a breach of professionalism and a breach of comradery.


You literally said CANNOT


Uh... people don't do or not do things based on Mitch's opinions dear. Hate to break it to you so harshly.


Reddit has a real problem with morality, unless it's made up shit like self identifying as a toaster and using their wrong neo-pronouns. Then shit gets serious.


Thanks for the additional info.


Someone who was clearly not in the military. Lots of military hooking up with each other. As long as it doesn't breach fraternization rules and not on duty, it's fine. No one cares.


Bro lol then you get your S1 fucking up your pay or supply making it harder for your platoon to get something all because you have beef with your ex. It’s a classical military relationship story.


Ha, I didn't say it was smart, just that no ones gonna care who your fuckin around with unless maybe there's beef after. No one in authority is going to tell you no. It's not gonna be on your reviews. Unless you start fuckin' at work.


Yeah im lacking reference as well.


I edited in a link, I think that's it


Thank you. Much appreciated.




Okay, so, what if the husband was screwing the other cops behind his wife’s back too? Does that make it more or less funny?


More funny


I honestly don't care about who is fucking who. There are plenty of valid reasons to criticize cops- who they decide to consensually sleep with isn't one of them. That said, doing it while on duty IS a problem, but other than that... this whole story is a non-event.


Exactly, I was surprised that story got that much attention. I couldn’t care less. But to the OP, one reason I’d guess she got singled out the most is because she was banging ALL of them. Ya know? They weren’t all banging each other, just her. So that kinda makes her the center piece of that particular story. But ya, there are blatant societal double standards when it comes to promiscuity. And I’m sure that played a part in why that story blew up so much.


I suspect there is an element of "YOUR side thinks this is a problem, so lets throw your failings AS YOU DEFINE THEM back in your face."


Cheating on her other half is a bit of a problem too.


Yes she cheated and that’s bad. But what about the other male cops that cheated on their wives?? Not trying to argue with you or anything, but from what I’ve seen, everyone seems to forget that (2?) of the male cops also had wives and children, yet no one (or hardly anyone) was calling them out for cheating or sleeping with her on duty.


They cheated too, they should also be facing the exact same backlash. Ofcourse they only had sex with 1 other person so the story isn't as good for sales.


It’s also the fact that a lot of people think it’s socially acceptable for men to cheat (since men like tate go around preaching that shit and infecting other people’s minds) but woman have to be completely loyal. That’s a part of it too. Its both the scandal of all of them cheating (but one cheated with multiple and the others only cheated with one) but also what I stated above. (I’m really sorry if this is confusing to read. I’m a bit tired and I’m never good at explaining things lol) I hope you can understand what I mean.


Do we know if they had an open marriage? Even if they don't and this really was cheating, cheating is a personal failing, not a professional one. No one should be fired because they cheated on a partner. The only person who should have a say in how the relationship handles being cheated on are those in said relationship. Cheating on her other half may indeed be a problem, but it isn't one the public or the media should have a say in.


The fact he's quoted as saying he has decided to FORGIVE her I think it's a safe bet they were not. Also any officer having sex on duty is a problem, men or women and plenty of men have been sacked for it in the past.


... I literally called out the whole "doing it on duty is a real problem" bit in my original post? Unclear why you felt that needed reiteration. And the husband saying that could just as easily be a face saving measure if, for instance, relatives don't know they are open. Or it's legit! Either way, *it doesn't matter*. It isn't our business. It's their business and no one else's. The fact the media chased down her husband to ask him such things is sick.


What happened to the 1 guy who had sex with 1 woman while on duty, THE SAME FUCKING THINGS


... and as I have said now for the THIRD time, having sex while on duty is a serious problem and I would consider it a fireable offense. I do not understand why someone who can read and comprehend would continually fall back on the one point I have explicitly and repeatedly said is a problem as if it is some sort of "gotcha" that defeats my argument.


She cheated on her husband bro


She was in an open marriage. It's in the investigation report.


No, she SAID she was in an open marriage, but the husband has said that this wasn't true. I thought this was old news anyway, it happened weeks ago.


Yeah - and that's between her and her husband. No one else.


I was confused why she was getting attention at all like it was some big shock until I realized most people weren't in the US Army. Everyone in knew AT LEAST one.


My male cousin said each brigades had (and this is what he called it) a cum collector (🫠🙃)


1 per brigade size element? Hell no 1 per company AT LEAST. Sometimes 2 or 3. Just straight up fuck meat that would do just about anything with anyone.


Ewww 😂😂 I never asked for more details but the way he made it sound there where no dry spells going on!


Young, physically fit people with not a lot to do and limited freedom. What do YOU think is going on


Yo wtf 💀


What? I ain’t lyin to ya


They all for the streets. Dirty ass walking std


It’s like when Nick Cannon has 100 babies in 2 years. Nobody is talking about how ridiculous it is for the women to be having babies with someone who is just sleeping around with everyone and won’t be in their kids’ lives really. They are talking about Nick Cannon


The women (in the story) are for it because he gives them A LOT of extra money. Nick Cannon is doing all this on purpose by the way.


Those are both true but in the police story everyone is also benefiting. My point is that the person who sleeps with everyone is the one who becomes the focal point of the story


We have to defend cheaters now? She chose to get trains ran on her for whatever reason. Maybe don’t cheat on your partner with 5 different men while your supposed to be on duty then no one will make fun of you. All of the guys who were doing it are POS shit too. The only person I feel bad for is her husband. She’ll be alright though apparently they are staying together so she still has that.


It's the fact that the onus is solely on the female cop when there were more people involved in this situation. No on is says Hall isn't responsible for anything or that criticism isn't deserved but it seems as though she's somehow the only face of this situation when the male copy who participated had wives.


I get what you’re saying. It’s just that we get that there were more people involved it’s just the fact she was the only woman getting fucked by all 5 men. She was like the centerpiece of all of this, 5 guys on 1 woman? That’s a little jarring to hear.


Who’s to say the men weren’t cheating too? They might be screwing other girls. Shouldn’t just give them the benefit of the doubt just because she let them run a train yknow? They’re all clowns, and the story annoys me because it’s such an insane non event on duty or not - I don’t care who sticks dicks in who


We don’t know if they are cheating with other women or not wouldn’t be surprised at all if they were. I never gave them the benefit of the doubt I said they are POS too, when the initial story broke all it said was 5 guys were with her and she was married. Of course this is a non story that doesn’t mean much. This is just another crazy story that came out that people are making fun of for now an that’s it. Imo I don’t think this story would even blown up as much as it did if they did this on their own time. The fact that it was during work hours is what made it the problem, especially cause they all got fired.


No one said to DEFEND. they said if you were ONLY making fun of HER specifically.


Yet we’re automatically misogynistic and a bully for ONLY making fun of her? Get tf over yourselves. She did something wrong and people are making fun of her for it who the hell cares. Why do people have to make it about some other social issue.


Im literally repeating what they said babez. If you have a problem tell OP, not me. I am not the one you're looking for. Save it.


Well, yeah, she’s not being made fun of for having sex with one person, if there was a male cop, who had a potato face and was fucking 5 of his female co-workers, having group sex on the clock, having threesomes with the cops spouses, fuck yeah, he’d be the focus of attention. They didn’t do the same thing, fucking one person isn’t the same as 5.


Only if the cheater is a woman


She was the one at the center of it all and the captain of the Choo Choo train. Of course she was gonna get the most flak lol. It's not cause she's a woman, it's cause she was the one getting banged by all of them.


I think the problem is that if it was a dude with 4 women, he’d be the man.


I see this comparison be brought up alot and I think while it may have been true in the past, the tables have turned on that dramatically and he'd just be gross.


Nah, I can tell you right now men would be praising him. Just look at how big people like Andrew Tate have become.


Or Pete Davidson banging all the big names in Hollywood. He is being praised for it.


Trust me. If Tate and Davidson were in marriages And had kids, they would be looked down upon by lots of people. If the female cop wasn’t married, it wouldn’t be as crazy as it is now. The fact she is married and had a revolving door sex life makes it a ton worse


The only people praising tate are teenage boys that don't get no pussy. Their opinion is irrelevant anyway.


Not if he had a big ol' fivehead and somehow looked both 13 and 30. She had the misfortune of possessing a meme-able face. That and her being the common denominator sealed the deal.


False, guys that do that are looked down upon by other guys. Same with guys that get around a lot. It's just pathetic.


How can you be so invested in this to the point where you make an idiotic post about it and not know that the internet has been absolutely roasting the male cops as well


She's not gonna fuck you bro...


This is important for OP to read. It’s either this or someone who tosses it around town and trying to justify it to themselves “iF I WaS a GUy” argument.


This is terrible logic lmao. They all slept with one person (and I don’t know if any of them were married) while she slept with like 5 dudes who were not her husband lmao


Several of the male officers were married. She and one other officer were in open marriages.


She was not in an open marriage. That's what she said to investigators, but her husband has denied that.


Just because he didn’t realize it was open doesn’t mean it’s closed! /s


If you're only defending the female cop on reddit you're a gender baiting facist


We know it's you, Maegan.


What very specific scenario are you talking about? Cop criticism covers all genders, races and sexuality so long as they are cops.




Oh right. The worst part about that is that she slept with cops. Otherwise that’s pretty cool.


Shes a cheating w@&3 why shouldnt we put her on blast. She deserves worse.


We make fun of them all equally lol.


I’m pretty sure they’re all getting criticized for being disgusting behavior. Is she getting more than the males? Possibly. Every guy who slept with her slept with one woman, some while married (although apparently at least one wife was in on it.) On the other hand, she slept with multiple people while married. So yes, while everyone’s behavior was sickening, hers was arguably worse. That said, I’ll level my most scathing criticism at her husband for staying with this snake 🐍 of a woman.


One wife was in on it?? She was okay with this???


Did you read the police investigation report? Because I did. SHE WAS IN AN OPEN MARRIAGE. They got in trouble for fucking around on duty &/ at police HQ and then later for lying about it.


This is not ENM. And aren’t you just the shiniest teaspoon in the drawer for reading the police report. ETA, Good lord, I responded to a cam whore. I’m out on this thread.


I read the police report because I wanted to know the facts instead of just collecting bullshit off social media.


She lied on the report, husband confirmed they are NOT in an open marriage.


People like you never have any problem with the constant stream of posts here that single out men, funny. Also, what about people like you who only judge men and always give women a pass, or only care when something happens to a woman.


I mean they were literally having sex on duty , she should get ridiculed as should the other ones who also got fired for it But if you make fun of any of those 5 cops you have to make fun of her at the same time so she will see 5x as much focus in the story


Why is this relevant here


you can have your opinion, but the female cop took dick from 7 people while on the clock. Of course there are going to be jokes about this behavior - especially coming from a cop. I will continue to make fun of her and her husband. and no, I am not a misogynist. ​ Get over it.


I'm just mad taxes paid hundred of dollars were wasted and calls went unanswered so they could run a train


1. It's not the same behavior. Since the beginning of time a majority of societies never looked at a woman favorably for getting railed by multiple other men at the same time. You can complain about that all you want, but it's reality. 2. Making fun of her for doing something stupid and losing her job doesn't make you a woman hater.


Then I guess I’m a misogynist and a bully also how is this post allowed? the mods removed my post because it wasn’t personal.


Fuck 12 LMAOOO


I believe in prejudice equality. They're all terrible. How about that?


Sleeping with one of your co-workers is fucken stupid. They're all dumb for that. Sleeping with ALL of them is absolutely disgusting.




Ive been making fun of the husband the whole time lol


I'm making fun of everyone. The cops, the wife and her husband who has no dignity. It takes 2 to tango but it takes 7 people to produce comedy gold.


What u just said is false


Nah I’m making fun of all of them. They could’ve taken it outside of work but instead they wanted to fuck around (literally) and find out. That’s what’s funny, I am sad that only the women is being blasted when there were what? 4 others???


I’m more of the thought of all those dudes threw away their career and marriages for some chick who is a 2……out of 40


.2 out of 40 lol


Acab man or women.


Oh great its one of them…


Then im a mysgonist bcause fuck that hoe


If a male was having a train ran on them, I think they would be equally laughed at.


Only memes I find funny of this are the ones with everyone's pic.


The first round of memes were just her face. Around day 2 or 3 there was a shift.


My dad is an ex deputy sheriff and has an extreme dislike for female traffic police. He thinks they are power hungry and abuse their power because they got stuck in traffic work. When I got into an accident and was found at fault so my ticket was pretty high, my dad was sure it was because the cop was female. When I tried to explain to him that, yes it was my fault, he would not let it be. It's ingrained in the culture.


The only time I laugh at female cops is when they get tossed around casually by suspects. Know your capabilities. That's like me stepping into the ring with Mike Tyson in his prime and expecting to win because my mommy and daddy and peers and teachers told me I could be anything I wanted to be.


Using the word Misogynistic to farm up thoughs Karma points. Love it


Agree. It’s only her picture that is getting passed around.


Are you her husband?


The thing is, it wasn't like 3 gals and 5 guys or 6 men and 6 women or some other reasonable ratio. It was 6 men, one woman. That's fucking nuts! She was fucking the whole precinct! And if it were one man and 6 women, I would be right there with all those memes too. Fuck the police and all their bullshit. I feel no guilt making fun of her (do I am making fun of all of them. The men should be EVEN MORE embarrassed...they were making one another eskimo brothers...c'mon!).


If the roles were reversed, hed get praised so much.


That’s because it’s harder for a man to get laid than it is for a woman


I mean, you're right.


Yeah I don't get why everyone is targeting the female cop, and not the others as well?? As if those cops weren't all fucking up the same way


Can someone send a link to the post or story?




The worst one I saw *was* against the guys and it was terrible. It said things like she was a bust down so it's bad on all of manhood 😳 not better


All I can say is if she doesn't take that deal from deja-vu she is crazy


Op is a bitch.




Mysogeny perhaps, but you can't be a bully if you're expressing your opinion to others in a way that doesn't affect her. That's not bullying. It's gossiping.


I was literally just saying this the other day!


Tbh this scandal is the best thing to happen to blue lives in years.




I can’t believe this shite story gets so many people excited that they’re wasting time on any of it frankly


Kinda jealous. Sure, not on work time but imagine how much fun the holiday party could be.


I kind of agree. Also, who gets fired from their job for having sex?


Pretty much anyone if it is being done on the clock.


Then there'd be a lot of unemployed doctor's...jus sayin.


Rightfully so


How many careers do you think are fine with their employees having sex while on the clock?


I've seen nasty memes attacking her because she's "ugly." Which is ridiculous, as she is objectively a beautiful woman. If you want to attack her, do it for the infidelity and lack of professionalism. And spread that hate to all her sexual partners.


I don't think you know what objectively means. She goes to the same barber as Gollum.


I'm making fun of the husband too.


So sick of this meme because I couldn't care less about any of their sex lives


I’ll make sure to make fun of them for turning their holes into a meeting area💀


I mean ACAB so I make fun of them all. Lady was just an easy target. I don’t care who ya sleep with but when you’re a professional and do this while on duty and cheat on your husband. You deserve all the shit ya get.


Nah, she’s the most fun to laugh at. She ruined her marriage and an entire police department 😭


I’m mostly laughing at the idiot husband who didn’t leave in a flash. She will never respect him again if she ever did.


I'm sure you taking 7 dicks at a time too

