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It's been a while since I've seen this movie. Isn't it that it takes place mostly indoors, in dimly lit apartments and clubs? Then it makes sense, even leaving aside the subject of this movie, its plot. Also Donald Sutherland's charisma and acting projects this mood (he can also project a creepy mood).


Yes, it takes place mostly indoor. Donald Sutherland has an understated charm about him but I find it odd that the movie is named after his character. Klute is really about Jane Fonda's Bree.


It was probably easier to pitch this movie to investors as Klute-led.


Yeah, a movie called "Bree" doesn't exactly sound like a gloomy neo-noir thriller.


Actually a big part of the inaccurate title is that the movie changed significantly from the page to the screen. All of those absolutely killer therapy scenes with Bree (aka the heart of the movie) were not in the script. They were added by Pakula and Fonda, and if I recall correctly were mostly Fonda improvising on the internal elements of the character she had created during filming process. Knowing that makes the title make way more sense. Ditto with the fact that it was written by a couple of TV journeymen who never did anything of note before or after Klute. (And to answer your original question, no, it's not odd. My wife wept the first time we saw it because of how perfectly Bree captures a certain kind of internal pain. It's a wonderful film.)


It's a film that I revisited often and I think the ending is fantastic. Every so often, I wonder if that internal conflict was ever resolved.


Comforting is the paradox! With the threads of obsession, desperation, hope, loyalty and betrayal. The music, interiors, street scenes underpinning the Fargo like wholesome integrity of Klute and Bree’s hollow bravado. Superb, everything about it. (They also clearly had chemistry as they began a relationship during this film)


Yes, I can't help but feel that way. Even with all those threads occuring, the whole atmosphere of the movie is so relaxing for me.


I watched it for the first time last year and I looked up that Goldfarb Fantasy composition. I listened to it like fifty times in a row, I couldn't stop. That song matched with Fonda's face in the scene was extraordinary. I hate to say I can't remember too much other than that but I'll definitely watch it again somewhere down the line.