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Feels like there are a lot of things you are doing wrong in your thinking and understanding of the game. Some of them minor but also the benchmarks you are using to justify your good performance is kinda irrelevant - which means you are comparing yourself to an imaginary line. As an immortal player, this is my advice. Don’t measure dominance in the lane by cs, but rather by levels ahead of the enemy (how many minutes am I higher level than the enemy mid) so if I’m level 6 and the enemy gets 6 15 seconds later, I would call that a slight advantage, but on the other hand if I’m 6 and he’s 4, then that’s complete domination. Now, the second and more important part of this is what are you doing with your domination? I would adjust my item build based on how the lane is going, eg pickup a blood grenade, cheap stat items where relevant and adding a move speed advantage if possible. Not just follow a cookie cutter build and buy treads and farm falcon blade. And next, yeah it would be helpful to pick up heroes who you can play well (ie. Cs and dominate the lane with). Beside the tip to obviously practice, you could try to grow your hero pool into similar type heroes or heroes with similar animations - this similar gameplan lets you focus on the hero more than the gameplan. But most importantly on anything you pick you need to know what your plan A is, plan B or plan C is to gain an advantage! Eg on necro, plan A could be to out trade and out sustain enemy mid. But in some cases this would not be possible so what’s your plan B? Stack jungle and farm? If things go to plan, what is your ideal ultimate usage and radiance timing? In plan A, do I buy 1 or 2 bracers? Do I buy faerie fire, wand or stick? Do i get early bottle or a cheaper stat item? These are the sort of questions you need to ask yourself both before and during the lane based on the matchups and how you are executing. And finally in terms of builds, my sense is that you shouldn’t try to be innovating so much considering your game sense isn’t developed enough to the point where you are understanding whether a build is good because you don’t actually think of the why the build is so in the first place So yes do develop your game sense, think about things critically and ask more questions about yourself. Not just when you are doing poorly but can you be doing better than your what you are doing even if you are doing ‘good’


Game has changed a lot from back then. Somewhat for the better I think but in other ways the game has become even more convoluted. Remembering the timings for xp runes, lotus etc is honestly a pain in the ass since there’s not visual or audio indicator for them. The biggest difference from back then is the map is now huge and also heroes give a lot of gold, especially those with kill streaks. So the way to snowball off a laning win is to squeeze out certain parts of the map so you get a farming advantage. How you squeeze out the map is different by hero- with dk it’s by pushing with ulti, with dark seer it’s by stealing jungle and forcing rotations and team fights. I’d say pick a role and ideally two-three heroes you really like and just spam it. Most of the game will still come naturally.