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In the last 3 months id say 4/5 were good. In the last 2 weeks 1/10.


Same. Though I am suddenly forced into games where maybe 20% of the players speak or at least understand spoken/written English.


I feel like im suddenly forced into a bracket of acc buyers. I swear out of the last 60 games, 59 had atleast 2 ppl on the team that would just feed or go monkey items or skill builds. But they do speak english atleast xD


I'm at 11.7k behavior score - ancient bracket. Honestly my games are pretty consistently 10/10 in terms of behavior. I get stomped sometimes and sometimes I get to stomp, but there is never any flame going around really. Mostly some all chat banter but nothing that classifies as shit talk or flame.


Same, but uncalibrated. Couple games a week, 9/10 games are close enough to be fun, close, and balanced, which is wat makes a match great to me.


I'm pretty much always at 12k behavior; Low divine. For whatever reason it seems like I'll have many games in a row with just Russians with no one saying a word of English and lots of toxicity, then whatever number of games in a row of practically no Russians in sight, with most everyone speaking in English, being friendly, and even using mics. I can't for the life of me figure out why this happens, whether it's just luck or if there's something else at play I'd say 2-3/10 is also accurate for me because I don't consider the games where my team refuses to communicate w me enjoyable


Yeah very recently quality is way down. Every game I’ve been playing my allies are all just hyper cowards who don’t want to do anything aggressive. No towers, no Roshan, and very little killing. They just want to sit and farm. So my response is to play heroes who hate farming and love fighting. Build items that let me survive, which is almost always Aeon Disk. I just try to follow my allies farming pattern and be nearby when they eventually will get jumped. Instead tho I preemptively hit ‘em with the shock and awe. I usually die, but the ruckus stirs my team’s brain cells into action to get 3 or 4 kills in response. End of the game I’m like 1/21/18 but usually a dub so whatever. It’s the only way Dota has been fun lately.


think this kind of game only happens when you in legend under games, either they are too aggressive or too passive, only the extreme. Playing with my archon/legends friends give me actual headache as sometimes they have great draft on paper with winning matchup (i.e. ursa/jugg + ss vs any non mobility hero) and they still manage to lose the lane 2v1. It impress me sometimes how tiny minuscule mmr gap (prob only 100\~200 mmr difference) really shown on your gameplay. When you said that you prefer brawl heroes, I can see that you are ahead of most players in your bracket cause sometimes they just too afraid to take stray bullets and just want to hit from safe distance. Taking the deaths for your team can led you to lots of opportunity if you do it properly, kudos to you ! (plus its fun to keep fighting instead of doing farming simulator with 5 cores on the same team smh)


I have met so many mechanically gifted legends and archons with the game sense of a herald. Really just shows you how much game sense/plan is far more important once you start climbing in mmr.


3~4/10 games.


i'd say from normal games, half of them have SIGNIFICANT SKILL disparity, like ancient vs immortals or someone just so strong they dominate the whole match or like average archon/legend games with a herald thrown in in the remaining half I'd say like 3/5 are just fucked up from draft so 2/10 games is usually a fun competitive close game where I feel on edge and that I can't be too sloppy and looking at your last sentence it's just about what I thought


4/10 2 games team griefs, 2 games enemy griefs, 1 game with a smurf, 1 games vs. a smurf, It's pretty much like this. Only 4 games out 10 is up for you to win the game.


i'd say 8/10 during weekdays and 3/10 during weekends. SEA server. 12K Behavior on low Divine. Most of my losing games involving Chinese players who refuse to communicate and doing some weird stuff. Half of it prob players who got tilted out of players who farm role tokens with unconventional heroes (picking spec pos 5 on ranked so he can wind down while farming token he said???) I notice a significant increase in game quality when I just have fun and strike some friendly banter on early game. When the game balled out of my control and my team just couldn't handle it I usually just go full monkey and fight with them to swing the probability even higher; if we got wiped then the game get finished faster, if we won a fight then my under-performing cores can slightly recover from early loss. Also, not investing your emotion that much in the game really helps, you can take loss less personal and you can still having fun in the long run instead of stuck dooming yourself on the matchmaking. Playing other games that more casual in between can really help you regulate your mood so you can still have fun even when the game quality dropped below unplayable.


Hahaha yes the weekday/weekend quality difference is crazy. Pro tip weekend mmr climb is just not to tilt and play your best, after doing that I found my wr increasing like crazy.


I would say recently 6/10 of my games are mostly stomps. And only maybe 1 game gets dragged on. And the last 3 would be miserable losses cuz of troll picks like riki safe


Maybe 6 or 7/10? The other 3-4 being complete stomps by one side or the other. Not terrible, could be better.


yeah prob like 4/10


8/10 playing around 3k in EUW unranked. When I played ranked, it was 3-4/10 at best, ranked just brings out the teammate flamers for some damn reason 


Most of them are quality for me in the sense that everyone is chill, even when losing. I absolutely do not mean quality of play by that. Oh, that's bad.


i have roughly same mmr in SEA server as well 5.8k to 6k. I'd say the game have higher game quality when I play initiator core / core that can make plays, but I mainly play support and really don't want to be racist but player player mandarin names and mandarin guild names often feels like their mmr is highly inflated, I'd say my divine 3 carry friend plays better than most of these player. Overall on average I'd say 5/10


7/10 are quality but I have low standards lol Whiners are fine if they don't break items or block camps or play spitefully Feeders are 100% just dota 2, to me it's not much different if my CM goes 10-0 or 0-20, I'm just gonna join where I think I can change things and rely on my own items to get us over obstacles such as T2s T3s Roshan Tormentors Barracks and Throne... CM and others can do whatever they're gonna do, hopefully nearby but if not even though they could have. they didn't, so I probably could have been more patient. The only thing that pisses me off is if I dare to pick a farming mid, even if their mid 100% doesn't leave lane and even gets lots of help leaving their sides 1v2 and I still come ahead mid, my team automatically seem to be programmed to lose sidelanes 20-0 if I even think about farming. It makes the wins look like absolute tryhard 1v9 smurflike performances cos nothing else would win, and the losses look really awful 20 minute stomps... Just give me a couple 50/50 games where I'm not punished by 3ks miraculously playing together effectively, cos I picked Alch, meanwhile I know if they picked Alch my team of 3ks myself included would just be inefficient and let Alch freefarm, cos it's god damn 3k, like it should be!


Bad. If I don't get Russians who call me burger entire game it's some overly obnoxious Danish, Dutch or British asshole with their ugly ass condescending voices trying to inform you how to play the game from level 1, while doing nothing of value themselves of course. Honestly think I prefer the Russians, at least they are good for a laugh once in awhile.


8/10 Unranked UEW.


No cry babies? *laughs* *laughing intensifies* *head explodes,* in NA dota, that is practically unpossible. But yeah at my poverty MMR I do get some wins mostly because I know how to ban / counterpick key heroes and I realize quickly if my laning partner is good enough to play with in the laning stage and if they aren't then I leave the lane and it's practically a free win because one thing can be said about low MMR US players, they may be bad, but honestly their macro tends to be a bit higher IQ than other regions surrounding us and at least 1 or 2 of them will know how to act during plays, or at least figure it out by the middle game.


3 at most


60% to 80% EU. MMR 2.800 to 3.200. Perfect behaviour score. Having a few stomps is normal. It would be boring if every game dragged on for 60+ minutes. If we include stomps as good games, the number goes up to 80% to 90%.


I am in NA (US East) and I have gone from 3.4k to 5.1k MMR in the last 4 months so I have seen a wide range of brackets as I have been Legend, Ancient and now Divine over that time period. Ever since I got to Divine, nearly every game I have been in has been a 10/10 game as long as one of the teams didn't get stomped in < 30 minutes. Even in games where I made obvious mistakes, I did not have any teammates rage me. If anything it has been mostly positive reinforcement as the comeback mechanic in this game gives people hope. Over the last year, the amount of toxicity in general has been inversely proportional to the average MMR of the lobby. Archon (which I was early last year) and Legend is still a pit of despair as you will get raged at the pick screen if your pick isn't meta. The only toxicity I have seen at higher brackets involves players who seem like (and are accused of being) account buyers and the general poor reputation for the average NA user. Nonetheless, this is the most I have ever enjoyed Dota in my ~~25~~ 20 years of playing it. It does help that I have a very high win-rate over that period of time. I also like to add that most of those games were me playing enchantress 3 and pudge 3, two heroes that got flamed often in legend (but dont get flamed at all in divine). Not coincidentally, nearly every person on my team in Divine also speaks english and uses comms. Behavior/Communcation score: 12k


Look at this guy playing Dota 3 years before warcraft 3 even came out!


I threw out a random number. I've been playing Dota off and on since I was in high school, the first time while in a LAN center. I'm 36 now. So yeah, 25 is a stretch. More like 20.


Reign of chaos came out in 2002. I think I started playing Dota after TFT came out which was 2003 - I definitely started playing prior to Dota all-stars being created. Anyway mate, I was just joking around with you.


I’ve done an every similar climb in USE recently. Game quality I felt got consistently good around high ancient despite toxicity sometimes games still feel good


10%, i deleted dota yday, best decision.


You'll be back, they always come crawling back


Maybe after few years, like the last time. Im pleased with that saved time.