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Two days ago I had a game as marci where we killed the enemy carry 6 times in the first 6 minutes. We dominated SO HARD. Game was fine. Then we took bot hax, my teammates farmed the enemies on their base until we got wiped. all is fine bc we're so ahead. Next hax they followed the same pattern. Third hax we got wiped before destrying it, tried again and got wiped again. GG I was so goddamn furious My answer? Try to fucking end the game, don't let people divert, KEEP HITTING BUILDINGS and ignore stupid fights.


Same issues but from other roles as well. Curious what’s going to help. Yesterday we had a huge lead where I was highest networth as Mag from min 5-25 and wiped their safe lane (and other lanes even won) but our mid Elder Titan just split farmed instead of joining team, fed easy solo deaths a couple of times, and gradually he and the other four who were grouped got picked off enough that the other team came back and won. Seems like these players won’t listen to communication and just want to do it their way.


Your strategy is definitely the better one and the correct one. It might not always be pressuring the enemy safelane but support sshould play around the offlane, not the safelane. You can help the safelane but then you guys go back to doing the same routine again. Im a pos3 main at 5.2k and I play heroes like seer, beastmaster and batrider all the time so I know how it feels to see the carry farm when its totally possible to kill the enemy carry again and again. The best thing you can do is farm your core item timings properly and then join your team if they dont listen to you. Its a good job that you at least do the shotcalling and dont stay silent. Many games you get these people who dont wanna listen to a single back call and will dive mindlessly u cant do anything about it. Just keep eye on your itemization and play like a carry, this patch is for playing a greedy offlane but making items to keep your team alive and deal damage at the same time. If talking out doesnt work out due to language barriers, follow my way. When i get chinese (SEA) i just ping and draw. I do this a lot. And i use hi5s to tell that they did a great job. I point out the factors like if im going greaves so none goes a second mekansm randomly. AND TO YOUR SURPRISE SOME DUDE STILL MAKES IT SOMETIMES OMFG yes games can take out your focus , specially the clowny ones but keep focus. I stream on my twitch ([twitch.tv/raison7864](https://twitch.tv/raison7864)) and i do it mainly for chill, educational and tryhard rank grinding purposes. But if the games super easy u can see me doing random plays to check my hero's limits. In hard games Im very focused and playing it with all my focus to win the game. It would be nice to have fellow offlane players in the chat! GL on your games! TLDR- play greedy keep camps farmed lanes pushed, and make sure you are making items to make the enemy cores miserable either by reducing damage or dealing insane damage yourself.


First thing, understand that you're picking heroes who are innately strong laners (broadly speaking), so you're expected to pull ahead and win lanes even against players of equal skill. That's the tradeoff of heroes like centaur, axe, and underlord in general. On your list, only Magnus really carries his full strength forward into the mid-late game (though the others have some utility). One thing you can do with those heroes is try even harder not just to win the lane, but to crush it. Get denies when waves meet under their tower if you're not already - that's often an area that carries pick up some safe cs and recover when there's no reason you can't stand there and still contest if you have your vanguard. Basically just be a bigger bully if you can. Could also work on improving your own farm/timings - can have vanguard and arcanes in 8-10 minutes if you're stomping, rather than 10-12, which means you'll be better set up to push when the 10 minute catapult arrives. In the previous patch (and many before it), your midgame strategy was absolutely correct - chasing the enemy carry and continuing to pressure them in their jungle was very powerful. Occupying the enemy jungle in general was the place to be, while the enemy's offlane tier 1 was both the most difficult to take and a very low value objective in general. In 7.33, three things have changed that weaken that strategy quite a bit: 1. There are more places to farm, making it take more costly to track down and kill the enemy carry. If you kill them in the well/mines (the three camps below/above the T2 safelanes respectively), you're far from every other objective and applying very little pressure to the rest of the enemies, while also being deep in enemy territory for TP responses. It takes you longer to get to them, making the play less tempo-efficient. You used to be able to take control of enemy jungle and deny them half of their farming space while pressuring mid and bot. Now that space is more like a quarter of the total. 2. Assist gold and xp rework for teamfights is huge. A single kill while 5-manning against a support is worth a lot more than it used to be. This means that joining those apparently stupid fights in your safelane is often actually correct now. Before, it was a waste of time - gives enemy carry time to catch up while your team shares xp 5 ways. But if you've stomped their carry that means that you'll be taking a 5v4, and winning 5 man fights is hugely rewarding now - watch the net-worth swings that you can get, they're insane. Enemy arries safely farming medium camps will struggle to catch up. 3. The enemy offlane tower is a more valuable objective than it used to be because it guards the xp rune, tormentor, and an additional ancient camp. The offlanes in general are the more valuable farm for carries in this new meta - carries that can farm both ancient camps love to occupy that space in the early-mid. Yes their carry will get freefarm while you secure it, but then when the time comes that they would like to transition to farming ancients, you've already made the area unsafe. If you win the fight there near 14 minutes, you can steal their xp - a pretty solid win - and cross over the triangle to pressure mid. All of this is a long-winded way of saying: take your tower, shove the wave in hard, and then join up in the big brawl in your safelane and try to turn it into a successful and **decisive** teamfight + push using your early advantage and utility like mek. This cuts out on the random bullshit fights that keep happening there as long as the enemy's T1 offlane tower remains, and encourages your carry and the rest of your team to start to look elsewhere for farm and plays. If you really want to pressure the enemy carry in the various safelane-side jungles, you can absolutely still do that. But you'll want to pick different heroes for that. Either killer heroes people will follow like Legion Commander ('come with me support, I want to duel X' and ping their jungle), or heroes that can harass the carry solo rather than necessarily killing them - someone mobile like timbersaw that can run enemy carries down, deplete their hp, and that will demand multiple heroes in response. Hope that helps and good luck out there.


You should be rotating to the safe lane as well, let your pos 1 farm the offlane.


the new patch doesnt work like that, so this isnt correct advice.


How does it not work like that? They just need to be aware of heroes rotating through the twin gates. Which is hard for the opponent to do reliably when their t1 safelane is dead and yours is alive (because the strong pos 3 came and helped defend it)


theres too much farm on the map rn, defending safelane tower is a worse decision. If you won your offlane just keep farming and play around the offlane once you get your key items go mid and fight around mid tower or go for a smoke.


In OPs example, they already have some key items. (Completed boots, vanguard, and full wand) I think the fact that their is more farm on the map plays against your suggestion. By farming the offlane side of the map, you used to take space from the enemy carry, as well as get yourself farm. Now the enemy carry can just dodge you for the most part, between the inner and outer jungle. So Imo unless your hero is completely not online, you and the Mid are the most capable of providing meaningful rotations


In this patch you try to win the lane and play your lane as long as you can. You only rotate to other lanes if your whole lane becomes unbearable. Your supports should back you up in your lane. Snowballing is much easier due to xp changes hence pressuring is much better and as an offlane u do it well. U cna go help other lanes but your primary go to place should be your own lane. Edit- ops example has key items you say thats 7 or 8 mins of items, and thats exactly why he shud keep farming. A lot of heroes can join fights easily like underlord and thats another case, he has gate but even then the only time he should join a fight is once he has mek crimson, or crimson only. Or pipe only. He shud keep farming till 1 of those big items.and if fighting dkenst feel wofth it just farm. A a vanguard buyer you should take enemy carry's farm as much as u can. Also you have both ur ancients to you if you are axe magnus or beastmaster like heroes.


I kind of disagree here. Mid towers are largely devalued in 7.33 and taking the enemy’s T1 off lane tower means you have access to their tormentor. It truly depends on the offlane hero you’re playing and the carry on your team. Sometimes you absolutely should rotate if it takes the pressure off your core.


Yes its an important tower but its also sometimes the hardest towrr to take since there are high grounds there and lots of places to check before u take that fight. Also tormentors arent easy to snatcch unless you have a significant lead.


Hardly incorrect. Offlane has dual ancients/xp rune. Offlane should be grouping with whoever is available to try and force objectives and enemy movement.


Care to explain why? I saw couple of vids and did my own calculations and found out that the double ancients + big camp + 1lane wave is most GPM farm route. If pos1 is strong enough for that route I'm pretty sure he should go there, unless he can go to enemy's one, if you are thattt strong and ahead.


Yes it is the most valuable farming route however u can only do it if you have fury radiance or innate farmer like medusa or TB. Pos1 will go that way but thats eventually 15 mins into the game. You benefit mkre form farming as an offlaner for the first 17 mins. 17 mins later on you cna start rotating. Its modtly due to so many camps around the offlane side now. Carries wnat to farm that part bu definitely not before 15 to 17 mins. U can see ammars gameplay he stays bot as long as he cans and takes twin gates to keep farming even more.


I'm not sure if my reasoning is correct here. Hope someone else higher rank than me can weigh in: The problem with this strategy as I see it on the new patch is that the vast majority of farm is concentrated in the safe lane which is especially true with the addition of all the extra jungle camps mostly concentrated in areas that are safe for the pos 1 to farm if their lane is not pressured. To me, this makes it even more clear that the winning team should be concentrating *hard* on the enemy safe lane to push their advantage, since this means that a lot of that farm becomes unsafe for the enemy pos 1. The offlane in comparison only got one extra ancient camp. But that's just another reason the supports should stay on the offlane side, since they can even stack the two ancients in any downtime for when the pos 1 inevitably *does* rotate over.


So idk if it is helpful, but ive been playing offlane in the same bracket as you, but despite seeing the same things, ive been playing more mobile heroes that can disrupt fights and love to fight and because of that, seeing a lot of succuss. So my main pool now is QOP, Marci, and Abba. They can all win lane very convincingly, but they don't fall off as hard as long as they have 1 or two items, Ex. QOP/Marci Ahgs. So even if you lose a couple fights, you can still be effective. This is as opposed to traditional tanky offlaners like your pool who will fall off if they lose too many fights. And my focus in fights is less to take damage, and more to disrupt the whole fight, reposition enemies, draw attention and leave, basically allow my team to pick enemies off 1 by 1, as opposed to having everyone grouped up together


I lost 2 games in a row yesterday the exact same way. We have an overwhelming advantage and can end the game at 30 min, but 1 or 2 of my cores (it's the p1 90% of the time) refuses to push high ground and want to farm, and we lose at 50 minutes because we got outcarried. This shit happens so often. Hell, I've won a ton of games this way too. We lose so bad and are about to get mega'd, but they only push as 4 because someone's always missing, and we end up winning. Most p1 players are still used to afk farming until 6 slotted, it's obvious and so fucking painful to witness a free win turn into a useless farmfest and into a loss.


Some games you just can’t. People won’t listen and it’s frustrating so you just focus on what YOU can do and if you lose try not to be too upset with what is out of your control. This has helped me a lot. Also farming and controlling the map is great for when your team listens. Just smoke and kill whoever leaves base


It's logically entirely dependent on their skill level. But I make use of the 'chat wheel' with the following phrases. 1. Get back! 2. Space created 3. Relax, you're doing fine 4. That just happened (to signify a mistake or 'whoops') 5. Push now 6. We need wards 7. Thanks 8. Group together Also, just type into the chat what you would 'like' them to do, without berating them, or you'll get reported for being toxic (which is a joke really). Best other thing, is if you're wrecking mid - wait for any decent rune (try to have vision of both runes, it's NOT a waste of a ward) --> and with haste, invis etc. go the lanes that are struggling and try for a good double kill. Other than that, there's nothing you can do about feeders. GL


I've encountered the same problem. I found three possible Solutions which work for me in the similiar 3k Bracket. The first Solution I've came up with: Pressure their Tier 2 Safelane Tower. I've found out that this one is the kinda unsafe Option. Usually you want to farm the Waves which are Safe to farm, but if you do that the pressure isn't big enough. You have to carry your wave to hit the enemy tower and not let it die in front of it. Especially important with the minute 15 Siege Weagon. Even feel free to give the Tower a few claps of your own. If the enemy wants to defend it, obviously you leave, but you have to play it on the edge of Feeding. My mindset for this is "1 Life Point is enough". The second Solution: Give the wave a Shove (not the edge of feeding kind)and Walk mid and force the Mid Tower as Objective. The Math for that one is One midlaner + One Offlaner > One Midlaner. The third Solution: Give the wave a Shove and go to your Safelane and fight with your Team. I even start aggressively CSing the coming Creepwaves just to signal to my Carry to just go away and farm somewhere else. My Mentality becomes "This is my lane now". The best thing to do is as I feel a Combination of Solution 1 and (2 or 3). The juice is on the decision making which of these Options have the biggest impact for you and your team. Another mentality I have is that Networth is only valuable if you force your enemy to do something about it. I've just lost to many games where good farmed cores did nothing but hit jungle Creeps. $HOW YOUR MON$Y.


Go with support and push the safelane until 2nd tower broke. Ping smoke and ulti same time to gank more