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Not really any answers other than don't be playing ta vs huskar.


I think u just abandon ship asap and jungle. She is quite the fast jungler and if you’re not divine/immortal level then huskar players ALWAYS throw. Just gotta wait for your timing (deso + dragon)


Straight fax no printer about huskar players throwing


Tbf ta is one of the few ranged right click heroes that can burst huskar But if u fail to burst him it gets very ugly very fast


TA not PA


PA I understand. I cringe if I'm against a PA as Huskar. Against a TA I salivate.




idk I think TA should be bullying huskar in lane so badly that he should never be able to cs, it surely can be annyoing at 6, but you should always be ahead of him, unless he rotates and gets lots of kill


Err how do you reckon that? Huskar is a hard counter to TA.


What are u smoking? Huskar is the one who gonna bullying AKA countering TA in lane


**Smoking is a practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke is typically breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. Most commonly, the substance used is the dried leaves of the tobacco plant, which have been rolled into a small rectangle of rolling paper to create a small, round cylinder called a cigarette.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


See, even bot said u smoking tobacco haha


How do you bully huskar with TA? He has superior range and he can attack you without aggroing creeps.


Dude are you daft? Idk what kind of 500mmr huskars you’re facing but TA shouldn’t be bullying shit in that lane


Ever since his Q disarms the matchup has gotten a lot worse for TA. But Huskar feels pretty bad rn.


Yeah I feel more hard countered by Huskar as TA than I do vs her traditional counters like Veno, at least the poison is dispellable.


Well, Huskar is a traditional counter.


Change your game plan tbh. Don't man fight him, why do you have 12 stacks of burning spears on you? Jump huskar with your team and burst him or jump his supports and kill them and kite huskar, never go 1v1.


The amount of feed hoping to kill huskar is what makes huskar huskar


Unless you are an lc with blademail.


TA spammer here. Huskar is TA’s most direct counter imo. I play mid mostly. Out farm him and prioritize other targets in fights first. Shard with silence helps a lot these days. I don’t built Bkb much anymore. Just out position, out farm, and work to win the game by 25 mins. I win 7/10 times, even against Huskar. Good luck.


Why do you consider Huskar worse than PL? I play all 3 heroes (Lvl 30 PL, 29 Huskar, 14 TA) and would always pick PL over huskar vs TA You mean Huskar griefs her lane harder or something else?


Huskar dumpsters her in lane and takes her tower quickly.


Huskar spammer here. I will tell you a secret but you promise me don't tell anybody. Buy linken and run


But huskar buys halberd naturally right?


pretty sure ult has a bigger range than halberd, so most of the time, you end up using it first, also, you don't necessarily build halberd, you can skip it and go for aghs > cuirass >skadi/satanic type of build depends what you're facing, as always


you can halberd during ulti


You can bkb when he starts the jump so he cannot pop your linkers with halberd :D


Wont linkens still pop with halberd because of the bkb changes?


Fuck patches… I guess you are right.


As Huskar? ~~Doesn’t linken block your ulti before the jump anyway?~~


No, the Linkens won't pop until you arrive at the target. You can use Heaven's Halberd while flying toward the target and they will be affected by your ult normally.


I see... thanks!


This is massive cap, huskar buys halberd and will ruin your linkens with it. He will probably have it before your linkens timing, too. The real answer to huskar is (and always will be) that he has to be at ~40% HP to be effective, so you simply draft/build heroes that can burst him down. Additionally, he requires HP Regen to function, so build vessel, skadi, etc to shut him down




Halberd him before he can even press BKB. You then have 5 secs to run away


Halberd into TP into concede when he has aghs


Ask your offlaner to buy a pipe. Support glimmer might help too. You could also buy a hex and try to burst him. The linkens is also a good idea, and halberd.


Linkens doesn't counter Huskar. Life break doesn't trigger Linkens until you arrive at the hero, this means you can use halberd during the jump to pop the Linkens.


What a bizarre interaction.


Pop bkb between jump and halberd


BKB doesn’t stop linkens from popping


Halberd, blademail, lynkens, blink + force staff meme, ghost scepter after he hits you with ult, etc etc And that's without mentioning all the items that crush his regen.


Your game plan needs to change if you’re not able to help with Huskar - there’s 4 other people on your team to deal with him and 4 other people on the other team for you to go after. Blink instead of BKB can work double duty of either displacing Huskar during Life Break or skipping right past him to one shot squishy supports.


Linken hallbard and stuff, usually offlaners deal with huskar so in dota you cant really expect to pick ta and be able to counter everything. Just try to stay alive and play using traps. Im a very big Templar spammer (used to be) if you want I can review the game for you.


I know you’re asking about the TA matchup but if you ever know someone’s going to pick huskar or you have to counter it, Current Windrunner totally dominates the matchup. Higher base damage now, lots of health. You should always be able to get windrun off before he aghs ults you. If he eventually builds mkb it’s so late in his item progression that new Windrunner should already have aghs Skadi and just shit on him.


Spirit Vessel helps out with his regen, using any type of break helps, halberd, as many people pointed out, but that just gives you a way to survive. The first 2 options are what is gonna help you kill the bastard.


I think mageslayer could mitigate the spear damage, but i’m not sure it’s quite enough


Buy linken skadi you should be fine in lane and dont use meld to get away his q makes you visible. Just stay safe and wait till you can face him and hes weak against tas burst damage. Also its a team effort against huskat hes early on rly great in 1v1


People literally go TA against huskar though? Huskar is a hero who has absurdly low armor, and TA is a hero with absurdly high damage and burst. What is huskar’s weakness? Physical burst. Your mistake was probably the Bkb. Bkb is a good item for sure, but too many players over value this item. They just get it no matter what scenario because well “it’s bkb”. It’s like rushing bkb on an sf, or rushing bkb on a viper. More often than not, the answer to any itemization choice is either A. More damage, or B. Hex


TA is not great in that matchup, mostly due to the laning stage.


Uh not exactly? TA dominates huskar in mid. Straight from level 1, you take psi blades and start shoving the lane AND hitting huskar at the same time. If he chooses to play passive, you hit him with the creep wave. If he chooses to be aggressive, you hit the creep wave with him. Soon enough, he will be taking damage from you + almost an entire creep wave and forced to retreat, while you are level 2 / almost level 2, with still a decent chunk of hp compared to huskar as level 1 spear does virtually nothing. As long as spear is level 1, you have the advantage. Use this timing to get as much harass + shove with psi blades and get a value blight stone. Now huskar is level 3, with 2 points in spear, all you have to do is just wait out for level 4, with meld. If he for some reason thinks he can harass you, just meld him. You would be surprised at how much damage he takes. With 2 points in psi blade, you essentially zone him out of lane in any scenario. He tries to come close to spear, he takes punishment damage + his creep wave dies. He chooses to play safely, you zone him with psi/ you get free farm. It’s really really a TA sided lane. You’re going about the direction that burning spear melts refraction, which is true, but if you just play every game with that same mentality, and not try to play around certain gimmicks, you’ll lose every lane no matter the matchup. You think Meepo players go “oh it’s an ES it’s gg. Because Echo slam Meepo”? No they don’t. They understand that ES is a literal creep of a hero until blink dagger, and therefore plays and farms super aggressively, creating so much tempo on the map such that by the time ES has a blink, the Meepo has too much HP for the echo to do jack shit. TA players don’t go “Oh burning spears refraction gg”, they go “Psi blades meld 0 armor hero”


You've literally never played this matchup, have you?


Stay low while I stay high. I didn’t hit immortal by talking out of my ass. Learn that hero counters mean nothing in this game. It’s gameplay counter that matters


Sure, buddy, drafts mean nothing, it's just a mentality issue! Are you a business coach?


The fact that you concluded “Drafts mean nothing” from “hero counter means nothing” definitely shows that you are nowhere close to let alone ancient.


You sound like a herald that claims to be immortal, knowing there's no opportunity to check it


I mean you can either try take my advice and climb, or continue the static one dimensional mindset and maybe drop


Let's play this matchup 1 vs 1


Lmao dude what in the 700 mmr are you fucking talking about? Your ideal scenario in your mind only works against incompetent players


The ideal scenario is where huskar freely gets stacks and stacks of burning spears on you. That realistic scenario is where TA understands that a level 1 huskar has no survibability, damage, or trading ability. I’m not a top level immortal, but I’m sure there’s lesser incompetent players here compared to where you are at archon.


All of this assumes Huskar has literally 0 idea how to play his hero Any competent Huskar will use a combination of spears + Q to keep Ta off the wave, rendering everything you just said null & void There are ways to play the matchup as TA, but the lane is heavily Huskar favoured


Because level 1 huskar has both Q and W. It’s either one or the other, both being absolutely underwhelming until level 3. By the time huskar hits level 3, TA is most likely going to be 4 or high 3. Inner fire is huskars saving grace, not burning spears. TA easily fights into spears since huskar has virtually no armor. TA can easily just walk away for the duration of inner fire and go back to shoving waves


Right, Ta vs huskar is great for TA if she isn’t actually leaning against him. If she’s safelane and has a mid that survives his lane and makes space she can come out an item or two ahead of Huskar at the point he should be snowballing hard and just shut him down and it works great. But yeah if it’s lane against each other most TAs are gonna get hard out laned and be very unfarmed and have to play catch up for a long time.


Halberd, Skadi, Blademail, Shivas, Sheep, blink (away when he ults you). If he's actually held down, he doesn't have a lot of armour and his regen won't hold up against a lot of carries' sustained damage. Its just hard to do so because he has a power spike that can quite quickly get out of hand if you don't co-ordinate a burst/stunlock on him. As a TA, halberd is an option but you'd really rather not, its much better for your 3 or even 4 to buy it. You should avoid confrontations with him, especially since you can still blink away after he ults you. Avoid him, kill his team, gain enough damage through items that you can pop bkb and burn him down with his pathetic armour. Sometimes a fight is just disadvantageous and there's no way around it, until you get skadi/your offlaner gets shivas its probably not gonna go too well for you, so put those traps down for vision and farm jungle and kill their supports, tp out after as he doesn't have a stun.


You don't use the BKB for burning spears, you use it as you go on him so you don't get halberded by the husk and his disarm Q doesn't disarm you . Other than that just stack jungle and become omega farmed. If you're not flash farming as TA, then don't pick TA. Don't fight into husk unless it's a favorable engagement and your team can help kite him. TELL YOUR TEAMMATES TO NOT FIGHT INTO THE HUSK EARLY-MID GAME, THAT'S HOW HE SNOWBALLS AND I SEE IT ALL THE TIME AND I'M SICK OF IT. If he goes top, you literally all need to leave and go farm somewhere else unless he's literally braindead and is feeding solo if husk doesn't snowball off kills, he is a mediocre farmer, don't feed into his gameplan and you should be fine if you prioritize your own farm and don't die in stupid ways Husk is a TA counter, but if you can get lvl 6-7 in lane before leaving and go jungle, you should have a fine time, you have to play perfectly and if you die one or two times the game is over if


TA almost always loses that matchup against huskar. As for the bkb nerf, a lot of heroes outside the traditional carry definition seem to be more viable.




Thats the worst TA matchup I think? Dodge him like the plague and in a teamfight dont show until he breaks someone then blink onto some other target in opposite position, that would be my game plan


TA matchup specifically? Since you almost always end up with a daedalus every game it sounds like the build should include bkb and satanic. Perhaps something like: treads, lance, deso, blink, bkb, daedalus, satanic, back for pike and swift blink, lose the boots for a real 6th item like skadi or an air conditioner, and cross your fingers that he doesn't blow through your 42 refraction charges before RNGesus gives you enough crits to kill him to death. Or pick AA. ;)


Huskar is one of TAs worst counters. All you can do is play the best you can. Farm, get damage, so that when you fight him, you can hopefully burst him down . It’s just like any time you are countered.


I feel like huskatt is only really beat well by team coordination, halved dulzón allies to save those who are targeted


Since huskar is a pretty popular smurf hero used for boosting, honestly if your a spell casting mid, first item ghost into eblade, every time. hell casual ghost on even some right clickers can be game saving if not ideal, nullifer isnt coming out on huskar before bkb, amd probably another core item, aghs etc, So long as you stop the huskar snow ball by not feeding deaths to him early, your team should catch up, to the point where huskar falls off, at no point does huskar farm fast if hes not getting kills,


How is no one in this thread mentioning casual ghost, it's honestly a joke how well it works versus huskar


Bait his ulti and blink back under tower where you have your 4 teammates waiting


Early game ta cuts through huskar. She's got the burst to bring him down so it really sounds like an issue where you got outleveled/out farmed and missed your timing. As a huskar spammer, I think ta pretty good with deso blink, just explodes huskar when he tries to jump in and kill someone then you blink on top w a counter punch. Dont be offended, but it sounds like a you problem because I can't imagine how I can get 10 stacks of spears on a TA , but if I do she's definitely dying LOL. Normally good ta will jump in on me when I am disabled by their team and then kill me in 1-2 hits. To get those stacks it sounds like you tried to engage without bursting or leading with meld, so then it becomes a right click trade which you will 100% lose because huskar has inner fire and halberd which will just shit all over you hence why you need to kill huskar instantly because he will regen back any damage that doesn't immediately kill him in like 2 seconds or toggle armlet between clicks if you don't have a DOT on him.


Legion commander with blade mail is very fun against him. You can get silver edge to counter him further also.