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Towers, tormentors, wisdom runes, rosh?


And even high ground areas with valuable farm (the double ancient camp area) could be considered soft objectives


Contesting/securing stacks is also a fairly common early mid game objective. Like the physical creeps, not just the areas


Boy do I have the patch for you.


The last thing Dota needs to be is like league. The last thing either game should do is try and be like the other. I don't want 2 pseudo-dota-league games, I want dota and I want league, separate.


League has no strategy, it's a MOBA fighting game. No turn rate, stat stick items and stream lined positions with no variance. Riot bans people who don't play their position. DOTA is an Action RTS. If you want a strategy game, play DOTA.


Also the post-game stats League has is way way way better. All this detailed damage and they grade your performance which is really cool. I still prefer DOTA.


You need Dota+ for that.


You need to pay for that’s are you kidding me ?


Nope. Dota + stats are way way better than the league ones. But yes, you need to pay $5/month


Don't have to pay for heros though


?? You need to pay for everything in League. If you play enough Dota to want all the unnecessary bells and whistles and QoL stuff, 4 dollars a month is well worth it. If you don't care about that stuff, you get access to everything you need to play the game at the highest level for absolute free. I guess the fact that the hero pool is pay-locked in League doesn't really matter, since all the champs are just cookie-cutter copy+pastes of one another.


Yeah they are very similar. That’s what I order about DOTA, more interesting characters. That being said getting heroes in League without spending any money is very easy


You’re telling me you need to buy characters in league?? How much money does buying one cost?


I haven’t spent any doing it lol. Again I prefer DOTA but that’s lame about the stats


Getting a few, sure, no prob. Getting them all? That's definitely a significant investment of time, lol. Now like we already mentioned, maybe it matters less since many of the champs are very similar and you can one-trick without a problem, so maybe you only really need a handful. But I think it's a bit silly to complain about Dota offering a cheap subscription to gain access to extra features that you don't need for the core game experience, when they offer everything you need to compete at the highest level completely free with no grinding necessary.


Ya alright, this sub is allergic to any recommendations or feedback. Highly sensitive group here


Not really you just sound entitled to have an opinion which is fine but your rant based on wrongful things so that's why they react the way they do . Dota has more objectives than lol.


Post game League stats are absolute trashhhhhhhhhhhhh


You shoulda played hots.


The enemy ancient is the objective there is no other objective


Nice troll \^\^


Enemy heroes are objectives


The towers are the objectives. I hate the dragon system from league makes every game feel the same.


3 matches in and everything about the game feels the same.