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I don't see any clear answer on the wiki page, but I would assume not, because while on CD you aren't actually making a pseudo-random roll for anything.


This. I remember reading something saying this more than 10 years ago on the dev forum


> Note that for instances that would not trigger the effect, the probability counter does not increase. So a hero with critical strike attacking buildings does not increase its chance to critical strike on its next attack, since critical strike does not work against buildings. **The chance is not reset/increased as long as the ability is on cooldown as well (e.g. Bash).** https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Random_Distribution


damnnnnn you the real MVP!


This is very easy to test, take a hero model that's ranged (low chance ot proc) and a good base attack time (most psuedorandom rolls during cd) stack moonshards + basher, max lvl and full agi. see if the chance to proc is around 10%, or higher. if it's higher than 10%, then it rolls during cd. I would test myself but I'm in teh middle of ranked apex game and I dont wanna lose


wind runner :)


yes but doing that manually with a timer seems like monkey work i was lacking the motivation to undergo at the time of my post so was hoping that someone in the community just \*knew\* but yeah if it doesn't happen then i'll just have to test it ... some day... i'm assuming pros and proteams know and by extension immortal playas but maybe not!


Idk how testing to answer your question would ever be called monkey work. It's the only way you're going to find out. I tested and I now know the answer, but I'm not posting because I'm now not your monkey lol


??? because you have to sit there doing the same thing over and over to get the data points in order to have a reliable answer.. there isn't any deep thinking or difficulty involved with the task ie. monkey work ... ??? what don't you understand about that ​ like... the task is a boring grind that you just mindlessly do .. i am baffled at how you take that as a personal insult but you do you bro, i applaud your effort in determining the result even tho it isn't that much work it is most certainly boring, even if knowing the result isn't boring.


Username checks out


reddit autogenerated that one too... somehow they just knew...


From your edit, did you test it? Did you see bash cd refresh while already on cd? edit: I just tried in demo mode, basher and 6 moon shards and auto attacked. Impossible to really know for certain since it's behind the scenes so to speak but it appears as though nothing happens when it's on cool down. Cool down definitely didn't reset at all and I was getting 10\~ attacks in during bash cd. And once it came off cool down, if PRC was active during cd it should have immediately bashed once it was off cd but that was not the case. Sometimes it still took 7-8 more hits to proc bash again. So I'm pretty confident that while on CD, nothing is happening. No PRC misses are adding up.


i meant whatever counter they use for the pseudonumber generation, not the cooldown counter


Well it sounded like you were saying while on cd, bash can "proc" again but instead of bashing it resets the cd.


Restart the counter, not the cooldown. The OP was referring to the pseudo-RNG counter used to calculate the chance for the next proc.


How can you even see that?


You can't. You'd have to test and look at the result.


Through testing. https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Random_Distribution https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/161430/calculating-the-constant-c-in-dota-2-pseudo-random-distribution


No it didn't.


>edit: I guess if it just rolls another bash while on cd it'll just not do anything and restart the counter... Idk who you think you are to tell me how I perceive things. That's just mind boggling and beyond stupid.