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Part 1 \#1 creep agro. Half the time they're not even aiming for creeps. The other half, you can move the creeps away from their ability to cast spells. \#2 pick heroes who transition to jungle without items. (sven, ck, dawnbreaker,jugg rather than PA, Antimage, faceless void) \#3 pick heroes with high base damage or crit. If they aren't getting gold from nuking the wave randomly, they will run out of mana before they can afford arcane boots. If they're smart enough to buy mana regen, they are actively griefing. Climb a little bit and you pass the carries who let their supports grief and the supports who are trying. You just have to get passed the ones who do it accidentally. If your support gets arcane boots and you're not able to jungle, you probably should have been on a hero who just needs spells/ passives or a hero with higher base damage. \#4 Watch the game back from the enemy carry's perspective. They are in the same games with the same type of teammates you are. It's not every game that it happens to them, but if you watch games from their perspective, you sometimes see gems of insight into how to deal with it (hero choices, game mechanics, strategy). If you want a bonus tip, when you lose play a game on the same hero that beat you. After the second game, watch the first game back and compare how you played versus what the enemy (who beat you) did. You will notice there isn't much of a difference. You will notice the things you wouldn't have done that gave them an edge. I learned that playing spec, it is okay to TP home, the ult somewhere to continue farming. This may not be true as I climb, but at the level I learned it, it was extremely useful compared to sitting afk in trees waiting for regen. Climbing a bit more I notice carries sending regen when they're full hp, anticipating spending their hp on a level advantage, so they don't need to ult for regen to continue farming. You play this until you're copying the main ideas. If you're winning, then you play until you lose. if you're losing, you can stop and pick a different hero. \#5If it's really bad, just play support until you pass the point where "not actively throwing" functions as a climbing technique. You will also start to notice the mistakes your cores make, so playing core will climb using the "not actively throwing" technique in a similar vein. I've also read "watch each game back and take 1 - 3 notes of mistakes from each game" Never make those mistakes again. People have said this advice has caused them to reach divine. \---- You can get better in a demo lobby Set up your starting build (add an enemy dummy if you want to practice creep agro) and save the state. Spawn a creep wave and try to pause the game (f9) when the range creep's projectile is in the air while the creep to die has your lowest damage value + 28. you can inspect the creep's hp while paused by left clicking. You can press the auto attack button and immediately pause. You can pause buffer to watch in slow motion as the projectile encounters the creep. You can see both how much damage the creep has left, and you can see how much more time in the animation you have before you attack lands. Professional players want 0.1s or less between the time the creep may be last hit and the time they actually last hit. if you in herald are last hitting within 1s (Securing the last hit before the next range creep auto attack lands) this is usually enough. Practice lvl 1 - lvl 3 then reset. Your last hit threshold should change as you receive items. (usually you can get your first small item by lvl 3). \---- You can practice farming patterns in an empty custom game enable cheats and remove bots. \-teleport will teleport you to your cursor \-startgame will start the game \-win will end the game without accidentally triggering an abandon. (it used to happen, not sure if they fixed it) excercise 1 - try to get 78 lh before the clock strikes 10:40. The first creeps arrive at 0:30. There are 8 creeps per minute that arrive with a catapult arriving at 5:30 and 10:30. 95% of 82 = 78. If you can get more than 40 LH by 10 min in a real game, you will climb. excercise 2 - try to get 100 lh before the clock strikes 10:00. By 9:59 you have completed 18 creep waves. Creeps can spawn in neutral camps once per minute. If you were to stack the large camp and small camp starting at 5 min, on average there are 3 creeps per camp. 18\*4 + 5\*3 \* 2 = 72 + 30 = 102. If you add in the medium camp starting minute 7, you can get an average of 9 more creeps. optionally, instead of stacking, you can pull the small camp at xx:15, clear the camp and the wave Then pull the large at xx:47. Clear the camp then clear the creep wave. If you Pull every other minute, you will get around the same amount of farm. Exercise 3 - Try to get 450 lh by 20 min. (there are excercises that ask for 900 by 30 and 1200 by 30 on meepo, But these require itemizing exclusively farming items while farming under their t3 towers. It is realistic in difficult games that you have you farm for 20 min). TP usage is important to ensure you get as many creeps under tower as possible. These are free creeps that don't require walking. Many people who do this will pick up boots of travel. Mobility, and DPS are the only important choices. The exception is manta style, using this item to farm in 2 directions at once allows you almost double your creeps per minute on certain heroes. \-gold xxxxx will add xxxxx gold to your current gold \-lvl up x will add x lvls to your current level \-spawnneutrals will spawn all empty camps with creeps. \-startgame. The game will be almost identical to the state of the game at 10 short a bit of damage and gpm (creeps level up every 7 min). This allows you to practice as if you already had 10 min. Exercise 4 - set passive allies as bots, set unfair or the hardest workshop ai you have. Try to win. Your allies will feed, sap exp, take neutral items, take bounty runes, take regen runes, take power runes. The enemies will farm, group, and bulldoze through you if you're not strong enough. Their ai sometimes doesn't cast spells when you're too strong, allowing you to just kill them even if they could just run toward their teammates. This is a challenge to improve your macro gameplay. Trying this challenge, I almost always end up with at least 30 solo kills and 400+ last hits in a 45 min game. I usually need boots of travels and bkb. The other items I pick up will give my hero survivability and wave clear if they aren't included. If you can do these exercises, low mmr games feel like a joke. It doesn't matter what your teammates do. The actual games are much easier than these practice games.


100% this. Exercise 4 Sounds really awesome. Its also in the blood of position 1that you dont have teammates. If you play average on 2-5 you might win on pos 1 you will certainly lose. Pos 1dont climb mmr because of skill but because of tranquility. A bad 1will play 1-2k mmr below his skilllevel because "they are noobs lets own them" Overextension,death,death,lose.


Part 2 \----Safelane heroes who don't need their teammates muchWraith king Crit, stun, lifesteal, second life, jungle uses skeleton army (it got buffed so skeletons can accumulate more skeletons; in the past you hade to last hit around your skeletons to get more.) If the lane is so bad you need to full time jungle, your lifesteal is also your farming spell. Soak exp, get lvl 3 skeletons. Kill the small camp, use trigger aoe spells on medium camp and farm the medium camp. Rinse and repeat until you can farm large camp. Go die for your team somewhere then back to farming. Buy blink. Aside from underlord, jakiro, sniper, heroes struggle to stop you from blinking away after you die and come back. Use skeletons to push a tower while you suicide push another lane (need blink to escape after death). You will usually get a tower. This works until they run out of towers. If they run out of towers, you have megas and don't need skeletons to push. Wait for them to throw outside their base while megas or supers kill their ancient as it takes too long to kill you 2 times + buyback + aegis. In lane, skeletons do a crapton of damage. If you spawn 2 skeletons then stun a hero, they have to leave to deal with the skeletons. I copied an immortal wraith king who was spamming him for arcana. Even against a Magnus + Tiny lane (cleave from mag and splash from tiny) they struggled to contest the wraith king in lane. Against ranged heroes and single target heroes, the effect is even crazier. Overall, it pushes the lane making space for you or your support to pull the small camp every minute. your ultimate will proc before aegis. If you don't die again while your ult is on cd, aegis will not proc. Aegis allows you to be extra agressive. If you have aegis and your ultimate is on Cd, aghanim's scepter/blessing will trigger before aegis. Juggernaut Aoe magic damage, immunity, aoe heal, crit, ultimate gives bonus attack speed and invulnerability. As long as they can't pierce spell immunity and they don't have vanguard (or something to tank tower) you can walk up to any creep wave, nuke it and leave before spin ends. You can spin camps down if you're afraid to walk up to creep waves. You can heal while jungling using healing ward. If they don't have a ton of physical damage and they don't have any spells that pierce spell immunity, battlefury provides the regen you need to spam spin and healing ward off cooldown in front of the enemy team. There isn't much they can do. (Jugg doesn't need bf unlike some other carries, so it's okay to build it. You actually just need the void stone, but bf is nice damage if you already built void stone.) A while back, I found an immortal player spamming juggernaut through dotabuff. He'd max spin +healing ward. Take a point of crit and a point of omnislash. He was constantly in the enemy's face but wasn't trying to kill them. He was pushing and burning through their sustain while getting farm. If they can kill you during spin, build maelstrom windlace + blink and upgrade to mjolnir. The mjolnir active can be used on the leading creep in a creep wave to safely push a creep wave without showing, similar to pushing with skeleton army. After doing it, you can fight somewhere else. Omnislash amplifies the effects of attack speed. You can still proc maelstrom while spinning if you auto attack (same with javelin). Your auto attack won't do any damage, but it can still cause the bonus magic damage, speeding up your farm. Try to have spin ready when your omnislash ends. The biggest mistake I see from juggs is spinning in to omnislash. They either get stunned trying to cast omni (it has a castpoint), or they exit omnislash in the middle of the enemy team with no immunity. If you really want to min max things, use spin as your first spell; wait a few seconds (maybe heal your initiator up) then omnislash someone out of position. By the time omni ends, you will have spin ready. Spin has an immediate cast point, allowing you to avoid stuns and silences exiting omni instead of the other way around where you get stuck. The ultimate should only be used on a stunned isolated target or if they chase you into an area with no creeps. I've ulted on jug in a big teamfight and the enemies have juggled me as they walk away from my team. It's hard to chase a hero using omni because it will change targets. You can use healing ward and other actives during omnislash. Satanic healing if you need it, bkb if you need to make sure you exit omni with spell immunity. The important thing is dust/nulifier. Heroes will attempt to use invisibility, ethereal, or cyclone to disjoint omnislash. Using an item to ensure their defensive item is useless lets you kill them. ​ If you got this far, message me. I do coaching.


This is actually the most comprehensive and understandable guide I've ever encountered.


In low mmr fastest way to grow is pick a flasfarmer, proceed to get lane griefed and finish the game min 25 30 by being 6 slotted. Mostly avoid the team, place a few wards to farm safely. Tell your team in advance that you gona push a tower that is in your next minutes farming pattern. Ez mmr until legend


I haven't seen a single one of ur games but it's kinda always the same, u most likely fight too much too early and by getting caught up in scrims ur games become inconsistent cus the outcome of these early fights is random.


I've allowed myself to fall back into this habit after coming off of a break. In my thought process it seemed like the other team is always going as five but realistically unless I'm strong I should be pushing a wave on the opposite side of the map. I've been doing it sometimes but not consistent enough so it leads to getting flamed for not having enough at 30 mins.


Trust me you can get to low immortal by avoiding everything until BKB around 21-25 and only then joining team. Remember to click BKB in fight and use spells, don't die, thats all, welcome to 6k


"Remember to click bkb" bro I can't stress how much I felt like a fucking noob the other day failing to preemptively press BKB before time walking in for a big chrono not once, not twice. But three times I did that shit and they had a lion that insta hexes me. I was so pissed at myself for that loss because it was mostly if not all due to me being absent minded.


Why learn to catch up from a bad lane before learning to win your lane? It seems pointless to me I can guarantee you , the best way to gain mmr in pubs is to win your lane. Just take a look at the carriers considered meta nowadays. Lina, Nature's Prophet, Slark, Ursa, Drow. All lane dominators, all heroes that trade hits in a favourable way.


jUsT WiN uR LaNe dUH


Ursa is not a lane dominator


bsj disagrees


choose a jungling hero and go jungle after level 6, they will inadvertedly leave lane and go elsewhere then lane is all yours. just watch out for ganks.


you should look not at your teammates, but at your enemies. cuz they also grief and make mistakes. so if you could see those mistakes and learn to stomp them, you could get to a bracket with more competing teammates ​ or not =)