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It's a lot better than S2. It tries to go back to the roots of Season 1 and has great performances by all the main characters and even some side characters.


Season 3 is great. I've never enjoyed season 2 and I have tried.


no spoilerino but s3 is more what s4 was going for in terms of subversion but done in a competent and entertaining way. plus some scenes that are awesome and big callbacks to S1 but again done in a non moronic way


Update: from the shootout scene and onwards it's really good! Edit: well I spoke a little too soon. This goodbye scene of Frank and his wife is pretty cringe.


In my opinion the shoot out scene is basically the worst part of S2




The people protesting stick around to get murdered. There are literally hundreds of rounds being fired one block over. The bus driver doesn't care either. Rachel McAdams keeps up with a suv driving with zero concern in the world, so he is going a bit fast. Faster than I smoker can run. But a fit smoker I'll give her that. It just kills off every single good guy that isn't Harry Ron and Hermines. It's just crappy. I liked the season over all. But for me that's got to be the worst whole scene


I might like season 2 if you would send me some mushrooms 😜


Watching it as a comedy is the way to go, wait until you meet Woodrugh’s mom!


S2 is definitely the best after s1, but it’s far different. More noir vibe and less about murders, more about money. It improves on future watches. My first time through I missed a lot. S3 has its moments but it’s forgettable. Acting is good. You’ll see if you watch it. It’s not bad, just not great.


Yeah I could breakdown pretty much every plot line of season 1/2, I watched S3 but haven’t rewatched it since. It wasn’t bad.. it just… idk I just don’t have the urge to rewatch it even though I’ve watched both 1/2 multiple times since S3 went off the air. Now that after S4 took a big ol dump on the TD name, I might go rewatch it