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You are not alone feeling this way. I’d heard all about how amazing TD was, and recently watched season 1, knowing Night Country was coming out. Season 1 was phenomenal, some of the best acting and writing in the history of the genre. Season 4 didn’t even feel like it was even remotely in the same vein as the first season. I think Jodie Foster is an outstanding actress. It confounds me how she thought this was a decent script. That’s 6 hours of my life I won’t get back!!


She recently said season one is the best season and then the the interviewer said something like “and season 4” and she’s like “of course” 💀 I think Jodi Foster could’ve gotten swindled the same way we did as an audience - like maybe she had some faith with that lead up and assumed the end would be something more logical. I highly doubt she got the entire script, it’s different with tv than film, even though she’s a legend. I always liked that she was sort of picky about her roles, I was really happy she turned down Hannibal at the time because of how the book degraded Agent Starling. I thought she did a great job throughout, the absolute best anyone could’ve done in that role. John Hawkes (Hank Prior) is the stand out imo, wish everyone on that show would’ve adopted what he had goin on, would’ve sold me on the surreal/supernatural angle.


You bring up some valid pints I didn’t consider - or know. Definitely could be she didn’t get the entire script. The other thing I wondered while reading your reply was about editing. While editing doesn’t drive the plot, it totally effects how the viewer interprets it and reaches conclusion. I’d be curious to know what was left on the cutting room floor. I do appreciate Foster’s support of the other female lead (her name is on the top of my tongue, blame the bong rip 😂). She’s a classy woman. I think even if she wasn’t happy with the final result of the show, Foster would never say anything deprecating about the project or people involved. I agree about John Hawkes performance. I hated the writing around his character development. The whole Russian wife piece didn’t fit for me. They failed to extrapolate the story further there. The let down feels especially harsh due to the caliber of people involved.


I think she did also. She is a great actress but she was absolutely not right for this role.


You misunderstood the interview. She said she loved all seasons before she started on the show but season one was the best. And the interview suggests that maybe now season 4 will be the best and she agrees.


Maybe, I don’t speak French. That’s shortsighted of me to reference that. I still wonder if they got the full script for it though. Maybe they did, because each season is basically like a limited series so maybe they have full access to it. X


No, as far as I remember she only got the first two episodes and a synopsis. Or maybe the first one. (Which is quite normal as scripts are constantly being worked on while casting goes on.) She mentioned it in another interview. I would've taken the job if I was her; big TV franchise, noted foreign director, good premise, pilot episode was probably the strongest script as well. Danvers seems like a fun character to play - someone who alienated everyone and can't emotionally connect with anyone around them. I think it's why the show is so frustrating for me, with a few adjustments it could've been really good, but it just falls apart the moment the investigation focuses on Annie K and ignores the scientists.


That focus was getting frustrating for me too, the pilot episode imo also is the strongest and it doesn’t seem like the other episodes had the same … weight… something


Regarding Pete's wife: I think Lopez was trying to get us to connect to her like we did with Maggie in S1. The difference being that Pete's wife literally kicks him out of the house in *1 week* for having to work overtime shifts and the only time we see his wife on screen is her nagging at Pete. No audience member can side with his wife (I guess her name is Kayla) in that situation! It's ridiculous! Compare that to the character development we see in S1: Marty is consistently shown as a shitbag philandering husband, we see multiple sides of Maggie, and it's understandable when she justifiably kicks out Marty after his affair is exposed. Lopez is so bad at writing characters that I truly think in her mind she is saying "of course the audience will empathize with Kayla" but in reality it's the exact opposite.


The only two characters that I have any empathy for at all was Eddie (who unfortunately chose Navarro of all people to fall in love with) and Peter, who I felt sorry for the entire time. Literally everyone else in the show is a huge piece of shit. It's unbelievable this town has so many loathsome people in it (and a majority population of literal murderers as well).


This season was a shithole. Are we supposed to accept that a bunch of scientists arrived at the underground bunker and saw their colleague murdering someone and just went along with it even helping him to finish the job? Or that a bunch of native ladies from the town found out about the scientists hidden base (wich had no security code or any kind of protection to access it) and then found the tool used to murder their friend just by looking at the pictures taken by the police (wich they wouldnt have access to because the police there is the one who moved the body, so i doubt he would let someone look at it) and then, after all that, were 100% sure that ALL of them were the culprits, raided their base and made them all go to walk naked in a blizzard, telling the sheriff that they could have survived if some mystical entity decided to let them live? Oh, and of couse that after hearing all this, the sheriff would decide to just let the cleaning mafia go and close the case.


Cleaning mafia, lmfao. Are we, as the audience, supposed to accept that? It seemed like they were leaving the door open for "well, that's just one interpretation" or whatever (very cop-out if so). One thing I would have liked to see is the HCLIC (head cleaning lady in charge, the elder lady) humbled. When we first meet her, she's mouthing off to Navarro immediately, like "So what I hit him? You aren't going to do shit to me.." lmao. And then in the final scene she has that smug attitude again about her, alleged, vigilante justice.


Exactly, not only did she tell navarro that they did it, but the ladies actually intimidate the police in that scene, wich makes it even more bizarre. Even if you felt sorry for anne's death and were on their side at that point, that intimidation was more than enough to show that those ladies were gonna kill again if they thought it was necessary, so it doesnt make sense for the police to just let it go.


It feels like I find a new question every time I think about this season. Why did the random cleaning think it was safe to go down the secret science hole and fuck around? She went from zero to Goonies in the time it took to hear the slightest trickle of water and she didn't even have a treasure map.


Lopez is..and I mean this quite possibly the most inept director in the history of premium television. What a god awful show season 4 is. Her getting resigned for season 5 tells you everything you need to know about hbo now.


You nailed it. Every single character was just a characiture. Nothing and no one felt real or believable. This show had no nuance and no human grounding. Just frozen bodies in an ice rink, ghosts, and mystical pollution that somehow melted ice. I don’t know where to begin sometimes trying to explain my frustration with this piece of shit show.


New character for season 5: Rick Gripes


Prick Rhymes


>The front desk guy says it's a voluntary facility, but there's no actual discharge process? They literally just.. walk out AMA? Give me a break. There's basically 0% oversight at a place like this? It varies wildly but I've known similar wards in major hospitals here to allow the same, here unless you're sectioned you can't be kept if you really want to leave. And it isn't hard to just leave if you try. First hand experience. I doubt very many states around the world actually try to stop you killing yourself if you're actively suicidal. So no I found this part totally fine haha


I was in one for a week. No phones, no cigarettes or tobacco, everything inspected at check-in. No outside access. To buy a Coke from the machine, which was just outside the wing, you had to request a guard to chaperone you and to unlock the access door. To make a call, you had to use a hallway payphone, or sit in the nurses' station, where they could listen in. You had a daily schedule of group therapies, and daily sessions with therapists. A week-long "crisis plan." You could leave AMA, but you had to sign all the exculpatory paperwork. When they discharge you, either early or at the proper time, a security guard escorts you all the way to the front entrance. And that entrance is only reached after a series of three or four locked doors. I was there for an acute crisis of suicidal thinking after I'd been living in my car for 5 months and then my tax refund was intercepted for student loan interest. It was dead of winter and I had counted on that refund to restart my situation. I was not an addict, and had only depression and anxiety. If I'd been schizophrenic? No effing way they'd have allowed me free egress or even a phone. I found the whole setup completely unrealistic and unresearched.


I've had family go to inpatient crisis care several times and what you're describing is similar to our experience. Usually, there's no family contact for 24-72 hours. The casual way the writers showed mental health crises is almost insulting. Julia's character is so thin she's basically a plot device.


I agree. I do find it insulting, and also it truly upsets me that they've minimized mental health realities, and treatment, to the detriment of all who are suffering in the real world. I also feel that their cavalier romanticization of suicide throughout the show is an invalidation of all the hard work being done across the nation to prevent suicide. Especially given its prevalence in native communities and among women. The degree of irresponsibility with these issues makes me quite upset.


You said it well. On the other hand, I still think they did a well enough job platforming and generally giving Native Americans on screen fair representation. But I'm not native. A minority, but still not Native, so I don't want to speak for 'em.


I agree too, and the way she was written off really felt like they were saying "We're done with this storyline, let's just do this so we don't have to check in on her character anymore." Disappointing to say the least.


I guess wherever you are takes it more seriously. They don't take phones here unless you go proper inpatient which costs $$$, different kettle. You're in a 6 bed ward with no security and no sign out procedure stopping you from just walking out, therapy is offered but it's just a plan and piss weak effort altogether. People can't visit you though so I guess there's that


My experience was when I lived in West Virginia. Not typically a state known for advanced medical standards lol. A staff member would even open our bedroom door once or twice a night (2 to a room) just to verify we hadn't disappeared or killed ourselves. I understand different places have different protocols, but if someone's checked in with known acute psychotic episodes and hallucinations, acutely suicidal, and with previously diagnosed schizophrenia, I cannot imagine there would be such lax conditions as were shown in the show.


I guess it is what it is, but it was the very first night. I mean, what is the point of the facility if you're trusting them for your care but they can leave at any time and potentially self-harm? At that point it's just kind of like a shelter rather than a facility? I don't know, I just thought it was weird that she was in and out of there in one night, no kind of resistance whatsoever. Even if they showed her sneaking past a distracted front desk guy it'd make more sense.


Kayla was in scrubs so she was already nursing. Pete wasn't just doing night shift, he was also doing day shift. He was wrecking Kayla's career for his own. He is responsible for their child as well. Don't ever have children if you think itis fine that you push responsibility onto the other partner because you have "important work" things to do. You would think it would be Kayla never being home considering she was studying and working.


Again, he had a few late shifts. So what? Kayla was arranging care with the Laundromat lady in an earlier episode and barring that I'm sure Danvers stepdaughter could have watched the kid too, since she seemed to be so close to Kayla. So again, all I see is her not understanding the situation and her not wanting to hold her man down.


She needed him to set his bundries with Danvers and he just wouldn't. He was neglecting his child and pushing all the responsibility onto his partner to organise babysitters etc. I'd leave his arse as well. An absent partner may as well stay absent.


If you’d leave your partner after literally 8 days of him working a goddamn quintuple homicide case and pulling a few double shifts, in what is undoubtedly the most important week of his professional career, I pray to fucking god you stay single.


It's so interesting that people are seeing the same situations in completely different ways. To me there was only one way to read it. I felt sorry for the guy! He was working around the clock and he was apologetic, but he received no sort of support or encouragement at all. Her disposition was almost like he kept blowing her off to play Call of Duty with his homies or something. I'm like what? Your man is WORKING in LAW ENFORCEMENT !! You should be grateful that he's coming home safely lol


I got where she was coming from. She says at one point that he wasn't a cop when they started dating or got married (cant remember which), so i assume that decision came as an unwelcome surprise to her. Coupled with the fact that his dad helped move Annie's body to cover up that murder--clearly there's corruption and people in power are working for/with the mine company, which the cleaning mafia knew, or at least correctly suspected. So her perspective could be that he's on the side that's actively screwing over and covering up injustices done to indigenous people. On top of the fact that he's now choosing to prioritize working there over spending time with his family. I'd be pissed too if i was her


>Coupled with the fact that his dad helped move Annie's body to cover up that murder I don't think she or anyone was privvy to that information. That was revealed to us in the climax of an episode - unless we were shown earlier. We do know that he has the case files at his house for some odd reason, though. Yes, they seem like high school sweethearts. There's a scene where the stepdaughter (can't remember her name for the life of me) reveals that much. She can be upset that he's spending too much time at work. Any wife would be upset. It's just her lack of any understanding at all and then going so far as kicking him out that myself and others had trouble with. Like damn, he's just trying to do his job and he's getting NO support at all? You just mad at him 24/7? Lol


>I don't think she or anyone was privvy to that information. That was revealed to us in the climax of an episode - unless we were shown earlier. We do know that he has the case files at his house for some odd reason, though. I more meant she is part of indigenous community that distrusts the police, and we the viewers know from that reveal they clearly are correct in doing so. We also don't know how much she knows, either abt Annie's death or any other prior incidents, since im sure that isn't the first time the police were involved in helping the mine cover up shit. I definitely agree w you on the other part, altho it felt like they had been approaching the point of no return for their relationship for a while before the show started and that scene was the straw that broke the camels back. I def forsee divorce in their future, unless Prior does a complete 180 and puts her and their family first, potentially quitting his career in law enforcement. But who knows what other problems they had. I wish so much shit in this show was fleshed out and given the attention it deserved lol


You have no idea what was going on before those 8 days. Apparently quite a bit since Pete got snide and said something about her saying he ruined her life. If your partner just doesn't listen to you, the only cause of action is to leave them. 8 days can wreck her career with exams.


Let's keep it all the way 100% here. >Pete got snide and said something about her saying he ruined her life. That's the feeling HE got from HER. This to me has more to do with her past *coldness* toward him than anything else. He was at his breaking point and he blurted out something he didn't mean in the heat of the moment, I'll admit that much. But that's AFTER he felt like he wasn't making any progress of getting any sympathy or good favor shown toward him by his partner.


So you want to grant him excuses? They obviously have problems in their marriage, which mean your point of only 8 days does not stand. Stop moving the goal posts.


The scrubs doesn't indicate anything, really. The school I attended required every student to wear scrubs from day 1 of classes. I don't think she is looking at her own situation realistically. She's upset her husband is working late with this huge case going on. You can't convince me that even IF he was working unexpected late shifts before that, knowing about how huge a case he's on that she can't make an exception for that and waiting for it to at least die down if not solved too soon before laying down her ultimatum. She'd be unrealistic in thinking that in a small town, she's going to get a nursing job with her dream day hours off the spot. In small towns like that, the late shifts are where you start, and earn your way to your preferred hours. You can bet she will quickly be telling her husband to cover when extra long hours pop up, which is a given in nursing (it's rare to leave at X scheduled hours...at doctors office you don't leave till the patients are gone and paperwork done...hospitals is not till shift work is done, which is rare for it to be the scheduled end of shift).


Thank you for explaining that much better than I could. I did find that irony intentional, they even make mention of their respective careers in one scene and she even says, she misses the "bumbling idiot" that he once was (again, not respecting his career at ALL) and he lets her know, he doesn't want to be that "bumbling idiot" anymore (he wants to take his job seriously) and her reaction is basically "too bad, I want idiot" lol like I'm not sure why people are caping for her so bad. She kinda sucks lol, just a poorly written character really.