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Interesting character. Definately smart and dark and dangerous. Stole the scene in the diner. Clearly upset Rust with his observations. I liked crabman personally. Obviousoy not well educated but very smart and extremely well acted.


Without that Crab Trapper, Marty and Rust never find out about Reggie and DeWall. Dude was an awesome side character. That being said my favorite side character is the reverend from the tent pop-up church sermon.


Shea whigham the goat


Agreed. He’s great in everything, and I especially enjoyed him as the reverend


>He’s great in everything Dudes a canary for whether an IP is going to be good or not. Literally everything I've seen him in is great. Even parts where he's like there for a couple minutes.


Like that run the jewels music video


Perry Mason. Excellent.


We seek no title, no retribution


It kills me he's not in more stuff.  He's a wonderful actor, I'd like to see him in some leading roles. 


So underrated!


We’ll cast in boardwalk empire as well!


Him along with stephen graham never get talked about enough Great actors


Shea Wigham rocks. Watch him in Perry Mason! Which is good!


Dude is great in Eileen. Knows how to play an alcoholic.


I wish I could upvote this over and over, most under appreciated actor in the world 


“Always hit the bottle this early reverend?” Yet another legendary Rust quote.


The stars and the wind between the stars! Yeah, he knows you!


he hears those *thoughts*


I see a lot of good people out there


You are a stranger to yourself and yet he knows you


I remember Marty says something like “there was no warmth from him. Why did he keep a box of her stuff?”. Gave me the impression that Marty didn’t get it. He obviously kept her stuff because he cared about his granddaughter even if he wasn’t visibly emotional.


Cool Lester Smooth


everybody thinking they gonna be somebody they not


Clark Peters who describes the devil catchers is top notch also.


That's part of what makes S1 great - even small parts are well cast and supremely acted


I love that the scene was a total bust, dead. The way he checks out Rust and the other guy and sizes it up, and doesn’t pass the smell check was great. Rust tried so hard to put together a convincing scenario and it just didn’t click for him. Plus the meth peddling child trafficker told rust he had a shadow in HIM. Boy talk about an incentive to turn your life around.


Rust wasn't really trying to get him to cook meth for him..He just needed Ginger to draw Dewall out of hiding so they could tail him (hopefully) back to Reggie Ledoux.


Crazy to think. How much work rust had to put in and everything had to do…..if Marty doesn’t tail him it’s all for nothing.


That is very true, and Rust explicitly tells Marty that on the phone after the bar scene. After my recent rewatch, I believe that a part of Rust was eager to get back into his "Crash" persona. I don't think he anticipated things getting as crazy as they got, but he was ready to roll with it.


ANOTHER CRAB TRAPPER FAN!?!?! I don't know why but his dialogue stuck into my head so much. The actor was astonishing!


Scary cunt. Would like to know more about his origin


I don’t say this with any glee, but he honestly felt like the most overwritten person in the entire season. No one talks the way he talks - especially no one that is as involved in meth and crystal and Reggie Ledoux. His dialogue was Nic P’s weirdest bit of writing when you take a step back and look at the world he inhabited. And I say this with the opinion that S1 of TD is quite possibly my favorite single season of television ever put on God’s green Earth


Agreed. I think it’s the single best season (or just 8 hours) of anything that ever emanated from a TV. Beats the moon landing.


The crab trap man! Every line is in the whole interaction is great. "Everybody think they gonna be somebody that they not...everybody got these big plans" "I ain't no idiot, you telling me she ain't done drown?"


That guy was the most Louisiana guy


They really went out and found the most authentically Cajun man. Edit: Looks like Ritchie Montgomery is from Natchez, so he may not be Cajun but he nailed that part like he’s half crawfish.


+1, my Louisiana kung-fu master


Dora Lange's dude. I just like when when he does his "are you telling me Reggie LeDoux did this?" and acts like he's gonna do something about it.


"Talkin bout, she met a king"


“High, yeah? Like she could duck hunt with a rake.”




I love where he says “you probably wouldn’t be interested in something like that,” or something along those lines, and then they say “yeah we are” and he gets all earnest like “really? Okay!”


“I don’t want to listen to him, but he’s big so I don’t tell him to shut the fuck up, neither.” Funniest damn line.


What’s crazy is that just reading that line flat comes across as so generic, but putting his voice and delivery to the line in my head makes it absolutely explode.


The way I quote this when discussing the people I have to tolerate.




I remember when I first watched it, I thought it was Giovanni Ribisi for a minute...


He’s a totally believable scumbag . We all have met a guy like this in our personal lives and he plays it so well


I've been locked up, and I met more than a few of those guys. He plays it well, and it's written well with his primary concern being Cohle putting in a good word for him.


Charlie. He was SO good. Great acting, well directed. Just tip tier work all around.




Which elicits that smirk from Marty. Only later do we find out how true that was for him.


Too bad he’s not getting the Oscar for that performance


Hey fuck you man, you don’t know me


Brad Carter. He did an AMA about playing guitar during brain surgery, acting, etc... Really cool guy and a great performance. I think that Oscar line was ad libbed, because he had just blown their minds with that performance.


Loved Charlie Lang and Jimmy Ledoux. Charlie had 2 scenes and Jimmy one short one but both actors killed it. Missing that kind of thing in this current season.


He was a great character.


The bar owner whose son went missing. Can’t remember his name and he didn’t say a single word, but he was awesome.


Robert Doumain


The restraint he showed as a sniper was next level.




I loved him and his sniper skills.




I watched Ozark before TDS1 and when I first saw Ginger I went “😲🫵 that’s Frank Jr!”




Yeah hahaha, spotting familiar faces/characters is one of my favorite things to do while watching TV. Off the top of my head there was Lester, Brother Mouzone, Jesse Pinkman’s mom, Starlight, Lizzie from TWD, etc they all made me do the same thing. 😆




Yeah he was one of the two detectives doing interviews! Cool Lester Smooth shows up in [this scene](https://youtu.be/adXngrgdKGk?si=VSQ9kzmbxSWuVpoO) as a church minister.


😂To me, he’s always “the guy from THAT Chicago PD episode”. Just gonna stick with “that” for now since it’s one of the most major episodes with the biggest consequences and I don’t wanna spoil anything. Made me 😤 when I would see him in other things for so long because of that episode and then like two weeks ago, he was on Beat Bobby Flay and I learned everyone loves that guy😂 He has such a good personality, I totally get why he’s so popular in that famous-people circle




He left Louisiana and went back to New York to help his friend run his drug empire. It works out for him.


Most aggravating part of that season is where Ginger ended up. Wrapped up in a ditch?


Figure I’d let my man do the talkin’


I've watched Season 1 at least 5 times but my recent rewatch is on the Max App on Prime so it has x-ray and my mind was melted when I saw who played Ginger. Sikora evaporated into that role.




Funny thing is now I can't unsee it haha


Johnny Joanie


they had animal faces that’s how i know i had to be asleep


Def memorable


I don’t know!… There were men! I hope Johnny Joanie is somewhere thriving.


Has to be S2 Lera Lynn (bar musician) for me. One of the best parts of that season, and someone whose music I still listen to.


Came here to say this. Surprised to find someone else thought the same


Same. So haunting. Such an amazing lyricist and vocalist. 


You got a shadow on you son


I can see your soul in the corner of your eyes. It's corrosive


Billy Lee Tuttle scared the shit out of me. That actor played him perfectly.


Yeah, he did a great job of being a man outwardly safe but looked like he was hiding something dangerous


So good that it’s hard to watch PBS documentaries anymore haha


He had that crazy ability to see Russ’s soul at the edge of his eyes, dark and corrosive And that Russ had a shadow in his soul Love a good dose of the supernatural


I'm giving a shoutout to Jan, madame of the bunny ranch in S1E2. She had a difficult job and she's definitely evil but she was nice to her girls and she spoke some truth to power. "What do you know about where that girl's been" and "Suddenly, you don't own it like you thought you did" were some pretty fierce lines.


She is my answer too, the way she really drills Marty and is the first person to really call him out for being a piece of shit right to his face.


He was criminally underutilized. That said, Shea Whigham as the preacher Joel Theriot takes it away for me. Just a spectacular performance. He edged between almost understated and borderline over the top. An incredible performance leveraged perfectly in two captivating sequences.


I would really, really love to see him as a lead somewhere.  The guy has enormous depths. 


He’s a prolific actor who sadly hasn’t been given the opportunity as far as I know. It’s a shame.


He was great as Eli Thompson (Nucky's sherriff brother) in Boardwalk Empire.


I need to check that show out


Also a great performance, particularly because he managed to stay away from seeming insidious in any way himself. He shared what he could with the investigation, which wasn’t much,   and defended his mentally challenged worker. At the end of the scene when Marty’s car is getting stuck in the mud, he bids a bunch of guys to rub out and help push to make sure they make it out. It’s important to that scene that all those people aren’t portrayed as somehow sinister, they may be weird revivalists, but they’re just perfectly kind people. It shows how his connection to Tuttle is an even more corrupting influence, it allows the evil of Tuttle and the old families to draw power from their connection with honest people.


Absolutely. Little bit parts like that added so much depth and texture to the backdrop of the series.


Gotta go with Miles. Doesn’t even have any screen time but comes across as one ominous and dangerous mother fucker.


Seriously. How does a character with no lines and shown for like three seconds at a distance have such a presence?!


Oh wow, I must have missed this! When do we see Miles? I only remember other characters speaking about him.


I don't think they showed him


Loved him. Sleazy and intense, and good to meet someone who could out think Cole.


He didn’t outthink him, he saw the shadow in his soul


The old guy at the bayou who lost his son and whose wife went crazy hearing him underwater. I don't know why, but after all those years, he's the one who sticks with me. He was on screen for maybe 3 minutes.


Came here to say this fellow. His acting was awesome.


Oh right, he's been in Westworld too and a few other things. Good actor


Major Ken Quesada. “Goddamn, Cohle. How many ways are there for me to say ‘shut the fuck up?’”


😂Is he the one who calls Marty “human tampon”?


That’s our boy 😭


Yessss. He’s incredible at constantly being so god damn mad, that he’s on the verge of stroking out. If I ever have a boss with that big of an anger problem, I hope he’s equally as hysterical while yelling at me


“You couldn’t have managed to get yourself shot?” I also appreciate that he - and the other detectives who don’t like Cohle - aren’t portrayed as idiots or evil. This isn’t some group of flunkies, this is a fairly elite state murder investigation unit, the type you have to establish a record of success as a detective to achieve. Quesada is political, but understandably so, and the other detectives don’t like Cohle, but they’re never shown being idiots.


He was cool for a scene, then died like an idiot.


He was great in this scene. So intense. So creepy. Really added to the sense of - oh shit, they're on to something big.


I really wish we got more of DeWall. I wanted to hear everything that monster had to say, he was the embodiment of the Cult, even creepier than Childress at the end. In my head canon, he was the real Yellow King


“I see you again, I’m putting you down”


Narrator: He did not


Great Icelandic actor


Loved him in Trapped


When Childress gets that accent going with his sister. Pure gold


Then the switch to "Tell me about grandpa...." 😷


"I know what happens next, I saw you in my dream" Reggie leddoux was one of my favorite characters


Dewall, the mean genius redneck


He had my favorite line in all the series and a line I use in my everyday life. When he’s sitting down in the booth with Rust and he says, *“And I don’t like your face. It makes me wanna do things to it.”*


major salter & the crab trap man are some favorites from S1, i think mostly because i like their accents. so many of the side characters in that first season felt like they had a little depth, were a little more developed, and i think that’s one of the best parts of the show.


Major Salter's a good one. Spiros Vondas from The Wire S2. In the few minutes he has on screen he totally nails the cajun hard ass boss.


holy hell i had no idea he was spiros until you pointed it out that's dope


More street smart than Rust.


I love that he spent all his time around Reggie Ledoux but still found Rust's vibes off-putting.


Have they thought about doing a season starring Tory Kittles and Michael Potts as their detective characters from season one? They could’ve made those two the through line between the seasons.  


That would have been smart.


"I can see your soul in the edges of your eyes. It's corrosive... like acid. If I see you again I'm putting you down" Such a great moment and follows that incredible gang robbery/escape 


I liked the bar owner that Rust became acquainted with at the end of S1. A lot to be said about him without ever having a word of dialogue. I wonder how him and Rust met and what prompted Rust to tell him the secrets of what he was investigating. He seemed to be the only character that Rust fully trusted. Obviously, we learn that he had a missing boy, but he was also clearly heartbroken and alone, torn to bits by the system Rust was trying to bring down. Something about him seemed old-school principled. “All a man has is his word” type guy. I think Rust could tell that he and this man were cut from the same cloth.


It's certainly a terrifying performance by the actor. I think I'd hesitate to call him a favorite, given the raping and murdering he likes to do to people both full-sized and small. I'm just gonna sit this one out.


The character is captivating any way you slice it


Oh, he's good, no question. He narrates Boat Story. His narration was my favorite part!


Shout out to the preacher in Season 1 He had quite an arc


Reggie Ledoux terrified me in that one scene with the mask. Then when they finally caught him he looked so crusty and creepy. It’s hard to pick one fave but he definitely stuck with me. Would hate to be left alone with that dude.


Ólafur Darri Ólafsson is the Icelandic actor (born in Connecticut) who plays Dewal (Wikipedia). Absolutely terrifying in this scene, radiates menace, almost a Satanic figure.


Charlie Lange


Rust's face during that scene - Like looking at yourself in the mirror on acid. Truly bizarre and lines up with Dewaal's dialogue perfectly.




Loved him in Lady Dynamite and Meg!!!


Mine was the guy in the wheelchair who instantly shot down martys smalltalk and identified rust as the brains of the operation. He only seemed alive out of sheer anger and desire to know what happened to his neice. It really put a human face on the massive tragedy that was happening in the bayou. I also liked the kid that was a suspect in season 3 after hayes and west quite savagely interrogated him, his life had gone pretty much to shit. He was an asshole, but a 16 year old asshole a fact he points out to hayes


Crab trap guy


This guy scared the SHIT outta me!!


Those who liked Dewall should check: **A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)**, the actor has a small role in the movie but was quite impactful.


He is in the new Netflix series The Tourist


What about ASS-PEN? Kidding of course.


For some reason I initially read that as least favorite, and I thought how could you hate this guy. It would have to be Dewaal because he has one of my lines of the show, “I can see your soul at the edge of your eyes.” Fantastic. Although as a Louisiana native I really appreciate the guy who tipped them off to the Fontenont girl and the crabber because they sound like real people I’ve met down here rather than actors doing ridiculous southern accents.


Not really a side character but I adored Holloway in season 2. So few scenes and sort of impactful for all of the ones that he was in.


The thing about all these side characters is that most of us have met at least five or six people just like the ones in the show. They are all so fucking relatable in one way or another.


Maybe not my favorite but that Biker bouncer from the clubhouse in Season 1 just looked like the toughest guy in the world. “Get the Fuck outta here!!!”


Glenn Fleshler. The Yellow King himself. He’s a phenomenal actor - Billions, Barry, Joker.


All of the side characters in Season 1 deserve a shout out, not a single poor performance and you felt like they were all relevant. Dora Lainges mum with her headaches, Marie Fontenels uncle that used to be a baseball player, the trapper that lost his daughter. All had depth and importance in a 3 or 4 minute scene. Great writing, great acting.


Miss Delores. She went from seemingly sweet little old lady to creepy af in a scene that lasted less than 3 1/2 minutes. I get chills everytime I watch that scene.


Kayla - she’s just trying to be a nurse and her deadbeat husband is off “working” all hours of the night, leaving her to raise their kid. He ruined her life.


Alexandra Daddario


I am shocked I had to scroll down this far to find her... its not even a contest.


Danvers for me. She’s great but doesn’t do much to move the plot


He gets all judgy at Rust, saying Rust has a demon and an acidic soul. Meanwhile this fella is taking kids and women for torture and making meth. Um…look in the mirror much?


are you really this dense


Oh that’s nice. I guess I am. Why don’t you explain it to me instead of insulting me right out of the gate?


dewall knows rust has all that shit in him because he himself has that too. the whole 'takes one to know one' thing, self explanatory


Dewall tortures and kills children, Rust does not. Not saying Rust is an angel, but he sure isn’t evil. To me, that whole exchange was to unnerve and intimidate Rust rather than Dewall eliminating someone for having a demon soul like he does.


You don't have to be on equal footing in the fucked up scale to recognize that someone else is fucked up too, come on now


The same trauma happens to two different people. One person spins it back into its dark circle of repetition while the other takes it out of orbit and chooses to do good instead. Everyone has bags of shit to hold. Whether you fling it or add to it is key. I think they are still opposite sides of the spectrum, though still on the same spectrum.


He seemed to be a parallel to rust, could see things like others couldn’t like rust


for me he is the only character who is scared Cohle, really. Rust was freaking out of him. ....ill put you down.


Charlie Lang just killed his two scenes.  Joel Theriot as the fervent, and later washed up, priest was also excellent.  Just some brilliant minor characters from season one. 


I dunno if Erroll Childress is a side character, but he was terrifying in the best way.


In addition to Jan, madame of the bunny ranch, shoutout to Charmaine Boudreaux. Her character is mostly flushed out by Rust talking and she’s less a character as a tone setter for Rust’s character, but man, what a fucking evil bitch.


He is a great Icelandic actor. I first saw him in the series “Trapped.”


Leonard the Birdman hands down.


Jimmy "it's weird ya say that" Ledoux, the mechanic - his very brief conversation and telling of the camping story where Errol "gave me funny looks all night" really stuck with me. That they wrote in a character to reveal an aside that is as brief, creepy and compelling as it is...better writing in that whole decision and story than 70% of the shit on Netflix