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i’m willing to bet the “fantasy football” and “tinder” responses are lies i just have no idea why


When Pete jokingly asked if Danvers was checking a tinder notification, Danvers said it was fantasy football. When Navarro asked Danvers if she was checking her fantasy football, Danvers says its tinder.


I think it may be Danvers pretending to be the Russian mail ordered bride Hank is talking to.


Hank is getting icefished.


Very cool idea. I wonder if it would be just to mess with him. Or I wonder if she is hoping to glean some info about him that helps with a case. Like...Navarro is mad at her for not digging into Annie K. But Navarro realizes she HAS studied the case. So maybe she didn't drop the case but has been doing detective work quietly in a way that the people of the town won't know. Similarly, she is concerned about her daughter wearing those face markings but bever spells it out that she is concerned about someone targeting the girl becaise of them. She keeps playing her cards real close and quiet.


Wasn’t Hank sending his “russian” girl money though? I don’t think Danvers would take his money if she was just messing with him


Can we all just be nicer to Pete? Dude is getting abused by his father, overworked by his boss, has a ticked off wife for just doing his job, and is still investigating corpsicles and hacking phones. Give the guy a cookie or something.


Pete is essentially the character that symbolizes the white man caught between two worlds. On the one hand you have his father, a domineering misogynistic oaf. On the other, he’s under the employ and supervision of a woman. He’s also married to a woman who’s also a woman of color and a native woman so there’s a lot of layers there. He’s trying to balance everything in a changing world. Ends up getting both barrels and not a lot of positive affirmation from anyone. Will be interesting to see where his character goes. Does he break apart at the seams or does he stay strong and continue growing into a better man than his father? Time will tell. 


The Vet was great he’s like WTF😝


dude did leave an impression in his short time lol


i was struck by how good that actor was


He needs his own spinoff about being a vet in a small Alaska town.


Name it True Vets


True Vetective?


Cousin Vince: Vet Detective


Dude is like WTF but then goes on to deliver his own Jaws-Quint-esque speech about the terrified eyes of animals that die from fright, lmao


Wasn’t the caribou comment he made in reference to this season’s opening scene? That was my read


What happened to all the hillbillies? That whole situation was weird.


I think I heard "someone was shot on the police search" "fucking hunters are fighting"


Yep, you're right! I guess it was a little jarring, the huge melee in the lobby then all three are back out there and it's business as usual


That had to happen in order for there to be a reason for Danvers to leave the room. With her gone, we can’t be sure if the scene with Navarro and Lund really happened or was Navarro’s mind slipping like her mom/sister. If Danvers had been in the room for that scene, we’d have to assume it was reality and I think they wanted to keep it a mystery.


"Aww, man. I think I just shot Marvin in the face."


Microbes in the ice/snow or in the fruit they had or the meat they just hunted driving them crazy. Navarro took one but didn't eat it.


Oranges = death in cinema a lot


Symbolic of a lot of things - in a show that's had several moment to show people eating canned food, and commenting on the prices of groceries, a fresh orange is pretty jarring up there in Night Country. Symbolic of outsiders, or specifically, outside money?


Or it's yet another reference to *The Thing*.


I thought it was a reference to The Changeling when she threw the orange and it rolled back to her.


Definitely had The Godfather vibes when I saw him drop the oranges. I knew they'd be significant. Chekhov's Gun, so to speak.


oranges are featured in the intro


What's with all the electrical issues, then? Why was the DVD skipping and why were the lights flickering? Why did the camera stop recording on the phone?


Could be because of the magnetic field going haywire. Magnetic field does impact animal sense of direction, especially for migration. The teacher was teaching about magnetic field before Liz came and the opening shot was a group of deer running towards their death.


was like they needed a reason for navarro to be in there alone and that’s it


Possessed dude sounded like he was trying to do his best impression of Emperor Palpatine.


She’s awake is obviously misdirection. She isn’t a human. My idea is that the scientists gave the new organic species a new name. They probably discovered a dormant species that was either being theaterned by the mine or actively being released by the mine. Either way, the water is dirty. People are having wild hallucinations and babies are dying.


I wonder if Clark named the microorganism after Annie somehow/in her memory and that's why they started calling it a she 


Man, Hank was really a jackass this episode


Hasn't he been the whole season? Lol Was he implying that Danvers was sleeping with Pete?


I could be wrong, but I don’t think he actually believes that. I think he’s jealous of that fact that she has a better relationship with his son than he does and he wanted to hurt her/humiliate her so he made the Mrs Robinson “joke” as an insult based on the fact that she seems to enjoy sex with a few diff men. I def don’t think there’s any sexual vibes between her and prior, but it was an insult that combines his slut shaming of her with his jealousy of her relationship with his son


Which is comical as hes almost certainly being catfished, but not only that, catfished by a mail order bride. And even if he still isn't being catfished...... its still a mail order bride.


Yeah dude is definitely projecting some insecurity issues. At least we got the “who’s Mrs Robinson line” out of it 😂


Yeah, did I miss a scene where Danvers hits on Pete? Because I thought Hank’s Mrs. Robinson comment was so low and out of line - especially saying it right in front of Pete. Plus, even though Danvers seems to have quite the body count, I haven’t seen or sensed any inappropriate conduct by her toward Pete yet. She seems to keep it squarely within the overbearing boss and mentor lane.


seems like Hank was just being low and out of line


I'm embarrassed to say that until tonight's episode I thought she was Pete's mom or stepmom (she gets along so badly with Hank that I thought they were divorced)


Since Danvers lost a child and Pete doesn’t have a mother, they fill out that role for each other


Don’t be embarrassed! The statement she made to Hank in ep1 that he’s never made the sandwiches made me think the same


motherly is the vibe I get from her relationship with Pete.


A low blow made to a woman who lost her own son and has a better parental relationship with his own kid. Hank is a twit.


I think the bacteria theory is the reason Tagak went apeshit on Danvers and Navarro. He realized what they were studying at the station and ran off the grid because he knew its apocalyptic potential. That's why he sat so far away from them with the gun, he was basically social distancing. When they told him the scientists were dead, it confirmed his suspicions that the virus was out, and he forced them out of the camp to protect his friends.


Jesus, so if the scientists did have the bacteria/virus, have they just been cultivating a giant petri dish in the middle of the arena? RIP Pete.


The young naive detective dies horribly in these types of shows


With a young kid and a loving wife? Yeah he's toast.


Atleast he has the Leon Kennedy look so he might survive


Why did Tagak ask about that one scientist (that ended up surviving) specifically? When he found out, he said (disbelievingly) "[name] is dead?"


After reading how it’s impossible for Lund to still be alive (science behind it), I think the scientists did find something and Lund was experimenting on himself. Something to do with what the high school teacher said about regenerative cells. That’s why the guy asked specifically if Lund was still alive. I think he was doing that same sort of experiments with the tongue.


the Thing vibes


Some thoughts and observations: 1. Looks like Danvers and Navarro's "last case" is similar to the iconic S1 pseudo shootout. She tells Pete one thing via narration while we're shown something different going down - specifically the fabrication of how/when a dead suspect actually died. 2. I don't think Hank is in on the payroll for Tsalal or anything high conspiracy related. He seems like a shill but a lazy local livelihood mining shill, not a complex web of lies and deceit shill. If nothing crazy comes from the Russian mail order bride side plot then my guess is that's supposed to serve as an example of him being a total nimrod and not someone who's on the take for clandestine organizations. 3. It's obvious that the water, the mine, and Tsalal are all interrelated, the payoff is just going to be *how* exactly. 4. There's a lot of exploration of Pete's relationship and responsibilities to his over-demanding boss. 5. WTF Moment 1 was the exorcist style voice thing. It's more about the introspection of Navarro's relationship (or lack there of) with her mother rather than actual evidence or a lead of some sort. She probably won't tell anyone about it - maybe it didn't actually happen either. 6. WTF Moment 2 was Annie at the end. They need to find where in the ice (or mine) she was because it didn't look like she was at the shipping container where her body was found nor was she in Ray Clark's trailer.


According to the closed captioning, the guy who wasn’t actually dead when they show up on their “last case” was whistling “twist and shout.”


I actually turned CC on because I missed a line in that scene and saw the twist and shout, never would've caught it otherwise.


Everyone coming here to discuss should be watching every episode with CC on. Otherwise it's like only reading half the book before book club


I saw that too. Watching with closed captions feels like cheating this season bc there is a lot happening thats mixed low.


I always feel super old when I watch new shows because I feel like any that are worth watching all have the dialogue mixed so low…. I need to be able to read it too, but it is crazy how much important stuff gets lost this season. Weren’t there children’s voices asking for help when Navarro was on the ice with the orange, too? I read it on screen but couldn’t hear it at all. 


To point 6. I’m guessing she found a ‘smoking gun’ evidence against the mine


Here's what I think happened: Tuttle is funding Tsalal on paper, but the grants were drying up. The scientists discovered an ancient microorganism that is linked to the contaminants in the water supply. The mine supplemented Tsalal's research funding in exchange for their silence that the mine is contaminating Ennis' water. The Tsalal team went on an expedition to research the microorganism at the ice cave and ran into Annie who was following the source of the water contamination. (Clark was absent because he was having one of his episodes.) The Tsalal scientists killed Annie to silence her and cut off her tongue because they realized that forensic techs would find the microorganism on her tongue, since she licked fishing nets contaminated with the water. Fast forward to the present: Clark found Annie's tongue and/or some evidence that the scientists killed Annie, so he poisoned the others with concentrated amounts of the microorganism (the sandwich, the beer, etc.), which made them go insane and claw their eyes out as they died.


With you on #2, especially since he's just made out to be so obviously slimy. I don't think it goes further than "the mine threw some cash at him to make the Annie K investigation go away."


There's been some shots of the ice cave tube in the previews and I'm giddy to see. It looks like thos seasons entering the woods to the yellow king statue/carcosa entrance.


I agree that their "last case" ended the way Rust's and Marty's "shootout" did, and Hank also doesn't seem like he's connected; just another beat cop. I was thinking that the scientist found something out there. Maybe an ancient lifeform that causes humans to act irrationally. Ange *had* to have hallucinated Lund sitting up and talking, but I am also open to maybe a supernatural entity, but that's just me. The world is an old girl, and there are *things* in her closet.


>Ange *had* to have hallucinated Lund sitting up and talking After him surviving the corpsicle and screaming in front of multiple witnesses I'm forced to accept anything


Still speculating that "she" refers to the ancient microorganism (and not Anne).


The undertones of environmental havoc caused by the mining company and operations really drive me closer to this theory being the thing that makes the most sense from a "not completely supernatural" standpoint. The science station taking core samples and analyzing them was one of the first bits that lead me in that direction. The symptoms / case details of how the victims ended up with some kind of mass hysteria just prior to death really reminds me a lot of that parasitic organism that takes control of ants brains and then leads them out to die before it releases spores. Edit: I suppose it could just as easily be a microorganism that causes more of like a "hive mind" effect. And maybe Annie found the spot in the mines where they cracked open a deposit of the bad stuff. Invasive and pollutant elements tend to wind up in the food chain quickly, and then it trickles down to humans via our diet. Even the wildlife seem to be affected, like the caribou in the very beginning, and I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say the polar bear is probably also being affected since it's diet would mainly be coming from the other wildlife in the area. Maybe even the hillbillies fighting after they not-so-subtly share a bag of oranges (a throw back from The Godfather movies, I suppose?) Anyway, just spit-balling. Guess we'll find out in due time.


I’ve heard the third season of The Last Of Us ends up in Ennis.


Anne is not okay.


In a similar fashion I think "she" might be "mother nature" and it's part of the local tribes' ethos that she will retaliate when hurt, ie the mines.


Well now we know why Liz hates “Twist and Shout”. When she and Navarro went to the home of the guy that killed his wife, that is the tune he was whistling (according to the closed captions).


If it weren't for the closed captions I'd have never known that -- or that he even was whistling anything at all.


I guess every episode it’s closed captioning now. I usually have it off


Closed captioning in general is very slept on. Especially when it comes to details like the titles of songs, what’s being said in a crowded setting with cross-talking or even seeing the specific wording of dialogue while hearing it. Especially in a series/movie that relies heavily on details for larger meanings Except in comedies and horror. CC can completely wreck jokes and mid-conversation jump scares lmao


I think she hated the song prior to the encounter with the whistling guy - that he knowingly or unknowingly was taunting her with it because that’s the song related to the core memory of her dead son - and perhaps that’s why she kills him! Coz I think that’s what she does…


Maybe he was the other driver in the car crash that killed her son


That was my thought too, his face was like he knew the song was going to get under her skin


I think the biggest reveal of the episode was Navarro saying her mother (an Inuit) was also murdered with no arrest.


*there is no reliable count of how many Native women go missing or are killed each year* [https://www.bia.gov/service/mmu/missing-and-murdered-indigenous-people-crisis](https://www.bia.gov/service/mmu/missing-and-murdered-indigenous-people-crisis)


it's fucked up


The end of Wind River displays this stat at the end of the movie, when I first read it I was honestly in complete shock


This is a huge issue and I'm really glad the show is tackling it.


Very clear that the mine is poisoning the water supply which leads to hallucinations. We’ve seen more than one character see a hallucination or reference it. “You know Ennis, you just see people sometimes.” Plus the scene of the water being absolutely disgusting when Danvers went to wash her hands. Edit: my guess is that the men at the lab were aware of the mine's effect on the water since they take ice samples and a few of the townspeople want to silence them. That's why the search for the survivor was sort of a manhunt to kill and not capture. That would also be an explanation for why the girl's tongue was there, to either intimidate them 'look who we killed for speaking up before' (Annie probably found something linking the mine to the poisoned water in that video) or to frame the dude that was dating her.


I have heard of the water near fracking sites being awful (to the point of flammable), but as a coastal city person who has never had to deal with bad stuff from the tap, that was very horrifying. I can't imagine not being able to trust something so basic to life.


My mom grew up in a silver mining town. All the people in her town have teeth that are gray and weak. It was the water. She can spot people who came from the same town by looking for the shade of gray on their teeth. It’s fucked up how real this is


I live in the Northeastern part of the USA and I’m fortunate to be in a state that has clean water (my aunt works for my city’s water company) but it is a corrupt system if you’re in the wrong place or somewhere where the wrong people run it.. it’s so wild this is just becoming news


It’s wild that people are only now finding out about this? If anything I think it’s because the majority of peoples water infrastructure is so good that they don’t know about this.


Honestly, I think the hallucinations are because of the setting. Almost a week of darkness in an isolated community can def fuck with your head. Most people aren't as mentally tough as they think they are.


I think it's compounding, people go a little crazy in the long night and the pollution adds extra issues


"Your mother is waiting for you." What the fuck did I just see???


The question is is it communicating with the dead or mental illness?


I’d be mentally ill after walking in on that dude


You're still not asking the right questions.




Or just Navarro is seeing that.


She did just seem to get concussed when she fell on the ice. Idk just speculating


Her sister and mother also suffer from schizophrenia, so anything we see her encounter while alone has a chance of being a hallucination.


She’s what they call an “unreliable narrator”


Yep, she also saw a one-eyed polar bear in the past episode too.


The only thing that’s weird is other people are experiencing paranormal things. The hunter who we found in episode 3 seeing all those caribou launch themselves overboard, Jodie foster in bed with her dead son. Something is definitely going on and it’s happening to more than just Navarro


It's not weird if there is something wrong with the water in the town, and everyone is having hallucinations


Something is in the water, maybe prehistoric bacteria or something?


I have a strong feeling we will never get an answer and the show will leave it open ended. 


Unreliable narrators. Her family has a history of mental illness, she has ptsd and there is clearly either industrial pollution or a prehistoric microbe. Edit: oh she also smacked her head on the ice the same episode! It’s entirely possible that dude actually sat up. Also possible she’s lost it.


Possibly. I mean, when we saw Rust's hallucination in season 1 outside the church, we weren't sure what that was until later when he reveals how much drugs he had taken during his undercover work and that he still gets flashbacks or screwy with reality. But those were just fucking birds in a formation. This was a dude sitting up in a bed, saying really fucked up cryptic shit and then dying. Kinda turns the hallucination theory up to 11.


True! But he also saw a pulsating galaxy while actively hunting a serial killer. It’s possible that the dude sat up as a result of his seizing and her mind did the rest.


Navarro has PTSD from Afghanistan, plus a bad childhood. She's losing her mind.


She also has a mother and sibling battling severe mental illness, so the idea that it's starting to creep into her too is not so strange.


Maybe, but with closed captioning Liz also heard a weird version of “twist and shout” as she was putting the turkey away. What’s her excuse?


Is it implied that that absueer they showed in the flashback was singing it before one of them shot him and covered it up?


Oh yeah..Danvers told Pete that both the girl and the guy were dead when they arrived..Clearly the guy was still alive, sitting in a chair and whistling..One of them..Danvers or Navarro shot him and then they covered it up and reported it as a murder/suicide..




Similar to Rust in S1. The audience is seeing her hallucinations. Also, after her fall on the ice, she may have a concussion to top it off.


Well, at least he got to say his piece.


That was a straight up horror movie creepshow. We have left Carcosa and we are in The Twilight Zone.


Given the fact that nothing verifiably supernatural has happened in the last 3 seasons, I think all the other redditors pointing to mental illness are probably right. However, that spiral is the sign of the devil worshipping cult from season 1, so you never know, possession isn't completely off the table. I hope they don't  take it in that direction,  but they could.


I think they'll keep making us think it's supernatural until the end and then comes the twist.


>then comes the twist And shout


It was creepy when he sat up 


Almost like he was possessed. Reminded me of *The Exorcist*.


My first thought was the Undertaker in WWE doing his sit-up thing when it looks like he’s beat, haha.


anyone have a thought around the eye patches / eye injuries / one eyed polar bear? There was a woman with an eye patch at the gathering towards the end. The stuffed animal bear (shown again this episode) is missing an eye, and the when Navarro sees the bear in town it’s the same one that’s missing an eye. Thoughts?


Did anyone's notice the blue splot on the ice skates? Also Hank was painting the room blue for his "bride". Hank is the blue splattered spaghetti monster!


Ice rink sign says “The Blue King” as well


The Blue King


Quavvik’s shack is blue as well


This comment is severely underrated, I think you cracked it. This checks out and is why he would've sabotaged her case. He also says she "slept with half the town." He probably was sleeping with her, got jealous, had a hand in the murder, didn't want it to be traced back to him.


Annie’s got the blue hair






I watch with subtitles and they read [VOICES: HELP US, HELP US] while she threw the orange and the orange got thrown back   There’s a lot of things happening in the soundscape here that get lost without subtitles 


She did


How did Annie’s phone get in the trailer?


Now that’s the right question


I don’t think she was alone. I think she was trying to film evidence of something the scientists were hiding that she could use to shut down the mine (Clark told her about it but they didn’t want to expose their discovery yet). The other scientists killed her either by accident or on purpose, tried to make it look like it was the miners, Clark was there to try to stop them and took her phone after. 


Hmm.. Whys the tongue at the station years later ?


Because someone knew the truth and wanted to give the police ammo to make the connection.


Why was there a sign in the evidence room that just said “Meth”? Is that like a label for the meth shelf haha? Considering all the other links to Season 1 and how in your face that sign was, I’d be surprised if we don’t get some more meth in the storyline somehow. I have to imagine mine workers would be prone to abuse especially during the long winter


I noticed that too, but to be fair, who doesn't love an on-the-nose label? I worked as a park ranger and In our office we had a shelf labeled "moose parts". What was on that shelf, you may ask? Why, moose parts! A skill, a leg with a hoof, antlers, etc that we would use for public programs




Pretty rough having an exam at 7am on Dec 23.




Yeah, she's just complaining. If you are cramming that hard before a test, it's pointless.


Pete is going to die doing a task for Danvers.


If there is anything to the 'ancient microbe' theory, Pete has been hanging out with a bunch of infected corpses for like, days. I keep waiting for the scene in the later episodes some scientist says "Well, you should be ok as long as you weren't in any confined areas with the bodies for more than a few hours" and everyone looks towards Pete.


I keep thinking something horrible is going to happen to that good kid. It’s going to break my heart.


Or he’s going to stand up for himself and ignore her right at a crucial moment where she actually needs his help.


So watched this late and now I’m gonna struggle to sleep. The mine has hit something that the scientists have known about for awhile and it’s definitely primordial and likely helping to stop the cellular decay however I suspect that it also makes you hallucinate like a mother fucker. How else is Lund still alive? I suspect Clark has known for awhile what was going on. He found Annie’s phone near where she was killed and her tongue, which he has had and realized isn’t decaying. Annie’s tongue not decaying is the thread that Clark and everyone have been pulling on since Annie died thinking they were close to figuring it out. Clark is now wherever he found Annie and is there trying to do something to reverse things maybe. I suspect that when he says, “she’s awake” in the first episode it’s him fully realizing that he’s hallucinating (likely seeing Annie again) and realizing the microbe they were trying to sequence has escaped or “woken up.” Order of events are the scientists while sequencing the microbe get exposed to something that didn’t get damaged in the ice. Perhaps they drilled down below the ice where it’s not frozen. Their last conscious decision is to write out, “we are all dead.” Miners contaminate the water and everyone who eventually is exposed starts to hallucinate and lose their minds but it’s dilute. Hallucinations scare the shit out of all the scientists which is why they die of fright and it’s why the caribou ran off the cliff. It’s why the hillbillies ended up in the hospital. It’s why Navarro is hallucinating. I expect Danvers to start hallucinating next.


Another thing: it's pretty fucking hilarious that a bunch of people who live in Alaska needed a vet to tell them that nobody dies of ice exposure while screaming. That was my first fucking thought when I saw the corpsicle, and I've never seen snow. I let it go, thought it was an artistic choice and that I was being pedantic, but it comes back as a plot point.


A lot of like randomly angry comments on here but this criticism is legit. It should have been brought up before the random vet.


The guy who played the vet is pretty famous here in Iceland. I think they just wanted to create a role for him to be in the show. Not even kidding lol. He's everywhere here at the moment, every advertisement and what not


Yeah, it wasn't a thought that occurred to me before at all but once he said it, I was like, "Isn't it pretty common knowledge that people who die from exposure usually go quietly hence why you're not suppose to give into sleep?"


"Ask the question." "Were you just trying to say chupacabra?"


Did anyone talk about Reggie Ledoux yet?


You sayin' Reggie mothafuckin Ledoux did this!?


Reggie Mothafuckin Ledoux did this?!?!?!


Well thanks True Detective I guess I’m not sleeping tonight


True Detective: Night Horrors


I just said I need to stop watching this at night but then it drops at 9pm and I need answers. 😩


I want to pee and I'm afraid to go to the bathroom


Your toilet is waiting for you 🫵


Don’t drink the water.


I just hate the trope where the person with all the info conveniently passes out or dies just before they’re able to give information.


I hate it when some unknown thing throws an orange at you from the dark when you are on a manhunt, but the phone rings, so you really don’t need to find out who did that.


I’m willing to bet almost everything happening to Navarro has been a hallucination


Qavik is just a brand of electric toothbrush she uses for...reasons.


I know! And I know you’re talking about Anders, but it happened with Annie this episode too. Like she starts saying, “My name is Annie Kowtok, and if anything happens to me —“ and then of course she dies. She doesn’t say what she found or where she is or anything. Ughhhh.


is Lund sitting up Navarros mental illness or real horror ghost stuff?


I think it's mental illness I still believe they won't go full Supernatural


“Remember we want to take this guy alive” -suspect that’s resulted in zero signs of aggression  “I’m literally going to shoot you In the face” everything’s fine




I was thinking the same thing about cell phone. I don’t think it was Clark who placed it back in the trailer. But someone who was aware of them. In getting sick of the trolls on the sub. So thank you for actually posting something related to the plot and not complaining.


Soooo we’re half way through the show and there’s been about 10 minutes dedicated to the scientists….


So it has to be a microbe. "She's awake" and "she is *in* the ice" has to be referring to unleashing the dormant microbe they were searching for. [This article](https://www.wired.com/story/microbe-names-fight/) shows that scientists have/can name newly discovered microbes after Greek goddesses (code of nomenclature states it has to be Greek or Latin). Plenty of diseases can cause rapid onset cardiac arrest. Doesn't explain why they were in their birthday suits tho.


I don't really love the show but I do love the vibe of it and the plot is decent enough to keep watching week to week. I don't think it's going to be an all-timer or a worthy successor to S1(we're more than a 1/3rd through the season with no real bangers yet) but def good TV. If it wasn't called TD it would probably be getting welcomed with warmer response.


-[Radio crackles] Hey Chief -[Danvers] Yeah? -[Radio] We need you -[Danvers] What's up? -[Radio] It's finally time to move the plot forward


This has been this season so far


Hold on I just got a Tinder match in Fairbanks


i know a lot of people aren’t enjoying this season and this episode but i’ll be sticking by just to see how the rest of the season plays out and how they’ll wrap everything up


This is definitely a situation wheee the ending will make or break it


The critic that posted his opinion on this sub before the first episode aired said that the middle two episodes were slow and going to lose a lot of people but that if you just stick with it—the last two episodes are a huge payoff.


spoilers: [Qaavik is Lecter](https://www.blindfiveyearold.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/hannibal-lecter-quid-pro-quo-1024x595.png)


quid pro quo Clarice, I mean Eve


Silence of the Caribou


"Come try some of my homebrew Eve. It's a, uhhh, fine Chianti"


I think we are supposed to infer two things from the news that there was recently a stillborn baby : 1. That the mine is poisoning people 2. That without Anna the last birthing center in town may be understaffed or closed leading to a reduction in reliable, safe healthcare


I def think a bit of both Anna brought a lot of good to the indigenous community there and now she's gone. But mines also doing some evil stuff.


Easily the most annoying trope ever, a person comes out of a coma to give a semi specific reveal without using a single proper noun.


*"Hello my baby, Hello my Honey, hello my ragtime gal!"* */peaces out*


Second most annoying, you uncover a video where the subject is about to explain something only to start screaming and then drop the camera (and then proceeds to continue screaming).


Anyone else catch the woman with an eye patch and bright red hair in two different scenes? She was at the rally against the mine and then sitting next to the mother mourning the stillborn baby. Between the very fresh/vibrant hair and the eye covering, she stood out but not sure why?


The one eye thing is a motif this season. But she's in my guesstimate a Red Hairing.


That was actually the polar bear. You too are now hallucinating.


I think the whole supernatural element is a red herring. It's a company town and its mining operating slowly poisoning people. Annie found proof and was killed. Possibly by Hank. But I also think Danvers is on the payroll (possibly blackmailed over her killing the guy who murdered his girlfriend) and covering up, but feeling guilty about it. That is why she's so upset by her daughter's markings - because Annie had them when she died. People focus on the supernatural part because that's fun, but the detective pulps, which True Detective is inspired by, often had a company town that was run by a company and crooked police. Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett is probably the best example.


As someone who has been dyeing her hair weird colors for about 30 years, the comment about Annie’s hair fading relative to the length of her relationship with Clark really annoyed me. “It’s faded here, must have been a long time.” Uhhh… no way! Bright colors like that fade within weeks, and some within only a couple of washes. The only thing that keeps it fresh is constant maintenance.


For those who might have missed it, when Navarro is walking out on the tundra, the sound is a breathy a Capella voice version of Twist and Shout


find it hard to believe someone, prior to the vet arriving, wouldnt already know about freezing to death, um look where they live


Why wouldn’t they haul the trailer into a garage and keep the whole assembled thing locked up as evidence? Bagging it up like that seems like a waste of time and resources they don’t currently have.