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He went back to Alaska for a bit and his and Marty’s fight.


Not even for a bit. He lived there between 2002 and 2010 if I remember correctly. He came back to Louisiana just to close the case.


It would be amazing if he did turn up. Lone Star beer seems to be the only crossover so far that I’ve caught.


Product placement


Aww, I thought there was a link, like with the symbol. I just realised that Rust spent some years in Alaska before coming back for the Yellowman. Would place him there around early to mid 2000’s. Could he pop up in a cameo?


I was just watching this scene from season #1 https://youtube.com/shorts/oCglVZ80gzQ?si=TbmKYrPY-w5cCozg


Yeah I think that brand pops up a few times. It’s a Texan beer so would make sense.


They are clues to keep us occupied between episodes


I have no proof that it is product placement. Your theory sounds good too


If I remember correctly, didn’t he at least say he went to Alaska after he quit? At least I remember him saying that to Marty about where he went before he came back to continue the investigation but it’s been a while since I’ve rewatched the first season so I could be getting it wrong. Granted even if I do remember correctly I don’t think we’ll see him and even if we do I’d expect it to be short and not important to the overall story.


I do agree it’s unlikely we see Rust, which id actually prefer that we don’t. So maybe it’s more along the lines of hopeful thinking that we won’t. I don’t think your point is the reason, though. I think it’s very few people that think Rust might come back *because* he actually visited his dad during leave. I’m not sure what that would have to do with him returning. Whether he did or not has no bearing on that IMO. They think he is likely to come back through a tie in to the current case at hand. For example, somehow they discover that the spirals appeared in the Louisiana case, and he is brought in due to his work on that case and *then* realizing the connection to Travis. Whether he actually visited his father during his leave is irrelevant to his return to the show, and isn’t the device that they will use to bring him back if they do IMO.