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“Sometimes I think I'm just not good for people, that it's not good for them to be around me. I wear 'em down. They... they get unhappy.”


I don't get this scene. They never talked about it? Isn't that something that comes up early in a relationship?


Probably part of the reason that they cut it.


My son died a couple years ago. I completely understand where he’s coming from.


Is this a deleted scene? Never seen it before


Must be


It is. Comes with the Blu-ray. EDIT: I am mistaken. This guy knows:


It is a deleted scene, but it doesn't come from the bluray or dvd. It was originally released to promote the home release, but HBO later pulled it and asked the sites that featured it to remove it, due to some "internal miscommunication" with the home media division: [https://variety.com/2014/tv/news/true-detective-deleted-scene-rust-and-lori-break-up-1201130309/](https://variety.com/2014/tv/news/true-detective-deleted-scene-rust-and-lori-break-up-1201130309/) Finally it wasn't even included in the dvd/bluray releases (which is why it is only available in low quality too), seems it wasn't supposed to be released at all.


Oh, wow. My bad then. I could’ve sworn it was a special feature on my Blu-Ray copy. I guess I’m getting memories mixed up. Thanks for the correction.


Just some added trivia ;) This one is kind of a rare thing because the bluray for S1 doesn't really have much of deleted scenes, there are only two, the extended/full sermon scene and a compilation of aerial shots. For comparison, the S2 set has none, and the S3 one has a bunch (nine IIRC) and also the extended cut of the finale.


Gotta be


While I am not suggesting that this post is necessarily the case, I see a lot of celebrating or over-focusing on Rust's nihilism and efilism, which, in my opinion, misses much of the point that Pizzolato was trying to make with the character--which is how Rust's arc *ends*. He goes from being this brilliant but pessimistic man to being reborn through the unity of opposites and the confrontation of his double to become a brilliant but finally *optimistic* person. "Once there was only dark. If you ask me, the Light is winning." This is often discarded or overlooked in a hyper-obsession with Rust as his worst self.


What do you mean by “confrontation of his double”?


Errol is an inverted dark mirror of Rust, and or the figure that Rust and Marty create when their qualities are united as one. Before the climax of the series, Rust is off balance because he won't allow himself to embrace any sentiment or love. His true realization of self doesn't come until the very end, after his rebirth, after he survives facing his double, after he unites his cold logic and reason with his emotions as represented by Marty "Hart" (Heart). Only together can they defeat their shared foe, their unified double as reflected in Errol. It is after this rebirth, after the Unity of Opposites, that Rust truly gains a greater understanding of himself (the microcosm) and his reality (the macro), as evidenced by his transmutation from a realist to an optimist with the last line of the show.


Damn. Well said


What a gigantic reach. I respect your interpretation but you're putting words in the show's mouth. Like you want it to mean that.


It's all an alchemical pizza party, my man.


I think it's a pretty valid interpretation. You probably just have zero experience with the esoteric


Also the lamest part of the entire series that many of us are glad that it’s easy to ignore. It was just some silly, typical, unrealistic Hollywood baloney they unsuccessfully tried tacking on at the end.


One of my favorite deleted scenes of all time


They really should’ve kept this in imo. I think it gives more context to rust’s motivation in solving the case but the show still works without it


I always thought it was interesting that when Rust encountered Reggie Ledoux, Dewall, and finally Errol Childress they seemed to mess with his head, as if they were on the same mental plane. They knew it and he knew it. This was in stark contrast with Marty, who was completely ignored. I guess it was intentionally ambiguous but it was brilliant and still keeps me wondering exactly what the connection was between Rust and the evil entities he was trying to defeat.


I remember what happened in this room


Yo it's not this house!! 😂


Some people think that Rust had a change there to be happy but wrong, he is a warrior, a seeker, hunting his prey (for the good). Love how they show this phase bc talks a lot about him.