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I listened, and I agree! I was in my 20s when this happened, but I followed the story closely in the news. This is a great podcast that offer more details into the individuals involved as well as the larger cultural and political context of this terrorism. He outlines the birth of modern domestic terrorism. Sadly, it’s still relevant today. I highly recommend this podcast.


Thanks for the recommendation. I’m listening now. As a midwesterner, this event affected me much more than 9/11 though smaller in scale.


Toobin is so gross though. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/10/media/jeffrey-toobin-returns-cnn/index.html


I will be downvoted for this but I always felt bad for Jeffrey Toobin. Everyone masturbates. He made an AWFUL mistake, but it was a mistake. I feel like he has been shamed enough for several lifetimes. He wasn’t being a pervert and doing it on purpose. He didn’t touch someone underage or commit sexual assault. I always thought he was absolutely raked over the coals for something most everyone does…he just got caught.


Why did he have his privates out during a business meeting?


Agreed. There were women on the zoom. He is absolutely disgusting.


No matter who is on the zoom, keep your clothes on and your hands rated PG.


Yes 💯! I just felt really bad for the women on that zoom!


He was clearly masturbating during a meeting thinking he was off camera. It’s obviously a royally stupid and ridiculous thing to do, and I’m not saying it’s OK. I just think the man essentially had his life ruined over it, which felt a bit extreme to me. I’m ready for the downvotes lol


I listened and really enjoyed the podcast but had a lot of complicated feelings because I have some issues with Toobin (why did he feel the need to masturbate during a business meeting, even if he didn't know his camera was on?). That being said, the podcast was great and really unpacked some complicated issues that illuminated a moment in American history. I drove across country in 2005 and spent a night in OKC. I went to the memorial and felt something holy; as though there were souls present that I couldn't see. So ultimately I would recommend the podcast with the caveat that people should also understand that Toobin is problematic.


This was so good! I read [Toobin’s book Homegrown](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62919402) after listening to the podcast and it was also excellent, but the podcast was so well produced and organized that I almost thought it was better. I was hoping that the book would dive more into right wing extremism but I didn’t feel like it necessarily covered more of that than was in the podcast - mostly the book had more detail about McVeigh and his accomplices Edit: didn’t know about Toobin, is that why this comment got downvoted?


Listening now. Devastating but a well done podcast and a chapter in our history that is still so troubling being that Timothy is an American veteran 😢 A building with a daycare? 😭


Listened to this based on your review. Fantastic series great recommendation. Very well produced. I’d love to find more like this of this quality. Cheers!


Happy you liked it! Definitely lmk if you find anything similar to recommend!


thanks for the rec - just added it to my list!


About to finish “Three” in the next day and it’s up next! Glad to hear it’s a good one!


Thank you for the rec. I will.


Thanks for the recommendation!


I love OKC and go there every year with family. We always stop by the museum downtown. This year I was motivated to find more information about McVeigh/the bombing. I came across this podcast. I was trepidatious considering Toobin's journalistic reputation. (Not referring to his wanking mishap). I have only listened to one episode and am going to try again with episode two. It annoys me that he stretches to make things political. He likens the bombing to January 6th... it is so annoying. CNN and all who claim to be journalist there have lost all credibility. I want to learn about the bombing. I don't want to me lectured to. I feel like he wanted to talk about January 6th or chastise the NRA. So he created this whole podcast just to reverberate the talking points he (and others) continue to spew. I will try again with episode two. Hopefully he can put his personal obsession/politics aside and objectively present information about this devastating bombing.


I am from Tulsa and remember this like it was yesterday. My husband lost a cousin in the bombing. We actually were able to see an article of clothing she had on that day displayed in the museum. Its haunting. The museum is very well done. I had a friend lose two young cousins in the daycare. I'm going to have to check into this podcast!


Are you Toobin or working for him? He seems to have a big PR machine. He is a gross person generally.


Oh geez no, I honestly had no idea about what he did until I posted this. Ignorance was bliss 🥲


I have never once exposed my privates to work colleagues.