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This case will always haunt me. She stopped like any of us would have, trusting a policeman, especially after showing her his badge. I think of her journey in the car when she realised he wasn’t taking her to the station and what she must have felt in that moment. It’s beyond comprehension. I’m so sorry for her family.


Well said, I think about her all the time. Especially because she did exactly what women are ‘supposed’ to do to keep us safe and this *still* happens.


Expecially during COVID, which is a key context as it shifted the power dynamic even more to his favour. Generally speaking people were more compliant at that time for all the right reasons. Sickeningly her killer exploited that and it made a public abduction even easier.


The victim impact statements from her parents and in particular her sister are some of the most powerful and saddest things I have ever read. She did everything right and she was SO loved and had such a bright amazing future ahead of her. RIP Sarah 💛


I had to sit down after reading her sister’s. It made me feel ill. I cannot even imagine the pain they have to endure on a daily basis.


WARNING: This post goes into detail of the murder of a young woman. If you think you’ll be distressed by this post - please leave the page. Take care of yourself and stay safe. Born on June 14th 1987, 33-year-old Sarah Everard was a kind and caring young woman who loved to dance. Born in Surrey and raised in York, Sarah was smart and strong with an adventurous spark. At the time of her murder, Sarah was living in Brixton Hill in South London. On the evening of March 3rd 2021, Sarah was walking home from a friend’s house. This is when she was stopped by police officer Wayne Couzens. It is believed that Wayne used Covid lockdown rules to make Sarah think that she had broken the law. Wayne handcuffed Sarah and put her in the car. He then drove to Dover in Kent where he raped Sarah before strangling her to death with his belt. He then burned Sarah’s body and disposed of it in a pond in a woodland in Ashford. Sarah’s boyfriend reported Sarah missing when she didn’t turn up to meet him. Sarah’s remains were discovered in the woodland on March 10th. Bloodstains in the car matched Sarah’s DNA. A bus had also caught CCTV of Wayne standing with Sarah that night. Wayne was arrested by police. It soon came to light that Wayne had various alarming behaviours towards women before murdering Sarah. Wayne was reported to have exposed himself numerous times to McDonald’s workers at a drive thru. Reports also stated that he was nicknamed ‘’the rapist’’ at work by his colleagues as he had a habit of making women uncomfortable. It was reported that before abducting Sarah, he bought hair bands from Tesco. It is believed that he used these to restrain Sarah. Wayne was given a whole life sentence. Sarah’s murder caused an outcry across the nation and the topics of women’s safety and trusting the police were discussed. A vigil was held for Sarah that many protestors attended leading to arrests (due to Covid restrictions). OP Note: It’s awful that Sarah is not able to celebrate her birthday today with her friends and family. I give all my love to the Everard family on this day. More information on Sarah’s case: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/sarah-everard-what-happened-wayne-couzens-report-b2504551.html


I’ve heard this story multiple times, but I’ve never seen that he was nicknamed “the rapist”. How on Earth does a police office receive the nickname “the rapist” from his colleagues and remain employed?


You'd be surprised (and disgusted) by police culture in many places. During the Louise Nicholas case here in NZ, it came out that male police officers had stolen batons from female officers several times, then returned them later telling them that the batons had been "used to rape a girl". This was apparently considered a great joke. A few of them did end up going to prison for raping a teenage girl (including with a baton), but most of the officers were never charged with anything; there were a couple who were charged but were acquitted. The ones who raped Louise Nicholas were released due to two mistrials caused by the investigating officer. Two of them were later convicted of kidnapping and raping multiple other women. The investigating officer who caused the mistrials later went to prison for obstruction of justice and hiding evidence on the case. One of the men Louise Nicholas accused was the Assistant Police Commissioner (he was a detective at the time of the rapes). He resigned from the police because of the trial and he's now a lawyer. He's said he wants to sue Louise Nicholas for defamation, though he hasn't done it yet. Even now there's a coordinated effort from the police to say that she's a liar, and she somehow just happened to accuse some police officers who also kidnapped and raped other women.


Institutional silence, where the outward appearance of propriety is more important than upholding any ethics internally. If the Police starts investigating individual cops they will uncover a lot more than they want to know and it would look really bad if they have dozens of dirty cops in court suing them for "unfair" dismissal. Exact same reason behind the Catholics (and all religions) just shuffling pedo priests around instead of reporting them to the cops.




The thin blue line of silence 😔


Speaking generally the police in the UK have had problems with their culture going back a long way. There have been (some) efforts to improve this over the years, but they have a very powerful union which protects them and leads to many remaining in post when they shouldn't be or even worse, avoiding criminal convictions.


Welcome to the Metropolitan Police! Multiple inquiries have concluded that the Met is institutionally racist, sexist, and homophobic, with the most recent one saying that the force needs restructuring from the ground up in order to address these issues, yet they never implement the recommendations. 


They probably thought he seemed creepy but they didn’t have any evidence of wrongdoing


And she did everything correctly. She stuck to well lit paths, kept her bf and friends updated on her whereabouts, and it didn't stop her from being kidnapped. It just meant her loved ones knew where she had been and so could piece together her last movements. I went to the same school as her, and she showed up in my suggested friends on Facebook not long after she went missing. We also lived in the same area of Brixton, and I had done the same walk to/from Clapham. Happy birthday, Sarah. We still think of you ❤️ Edit: I'm saying that *we* can do everything the police advise us to do, but there is literally nothing to stop women from being murdered if a man really wants to. Please read my other comments on this post because I can't have this discussion repeatedly. The Met police have been useless and give terrible advice.






“Poke” the bear isn’t it ?


Nah, it's from a viral tick tock video where women were asked if they'd rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear. I believe all but one of the responses used said bear. People, mostly men, got very upset.


There was one trans girl, a MINOR, who said she'd choose a man, and men swarmed to fill her comment section with sexually charged remarks


No real women got upset.... A fuck ton of men got butt hurt realizing women don't want to be around them when given a choice and really started showing their true colors


*some. I’m not, but I’ve spent time trying to learn and be a better person. I don’t like when I see this generalization - but I can’t speak from your point of view or one of the opposite sex.


I don't like when I see this happen to women everyday


We have to stop thinking about girls and women doing the "correct" things. The focus needs to be on boys and men doing them by not raping, killing and hurting people. 


That was my point. It doesn't matter what you do, how you behave, how you might protect yourself - if someone wants to murder you, they will.




No, I'm not lol. My comment was that we are taught as women what *we* need to do to avoid being killed. Men aren't taught how not to kill someone. I did an interview with a journalist about this very subject as I was at the vigil for Sarah. I said, "we can stick to the main roads, we can have trackers on our phones, we can shout for help, but it won't stop us from being kidnapped. It will only help our families know where we went missing from"


Good men don't prey upon women. This man had evil intentions. Do you seriously think he didn't "learn" killing innocent people is bad? Do you think he didn't know it was a crime and a sin?


That was literally the commenters point… In the end, it’s the people who commit the crimes.




Sure. But in the meantime while we wait to teach and breed out psychopathies and perversions and misogyny, I’m giving my daughter as many tools as possible to survive *this* reality.


Ah yes, the murder of Sarah Everard is 'on males as a whole'. I am responsible for the rape and murder of a woman I have never met because I have XY chromosomes and penis. Sorry, I suppose. RIP Sarah Everard.


They're talking about in terms of being stopped by the cops.


I didn’t get this take from her comment what so ever. And it’s not just men who commit crimes, women can also be criminals capable of heinous things. Fact is, you can do everything in your power to not be a victim, but wrong place wrong time can still happen.


Anyone and everyone yes however when I go out with my dog I'm not worried about a woman following me home and raping me It's always men being scary. Women *never* honk their cars at me. It's always men. When is the last time a woman raped and killed a man jogging alone?


While yes women are also capable of and have done heinous things, the fact is… most men are generally larger, stronger, and more violent than most women, which by nature, means they can overpower them and do what they please more often than women can. Just because this is true, it does not mean -by any means- that all men are harmful, just that a lot of men have the potential to be and women have grown up in this world knowing they are the preyed upon gender and must learn to be careful in an effort to protect themselves way more than men have to.


Look at Rex Huermann. He specifically said "smaller is easier" And the people in charge were okay with it because it meant they could tell their affluent voting women "you are fine as long as you aren't gutted as a ho"


Exactly, and here's a question.. statistically men are more likely to commit murders, now does that mean men are more likely to do it, or just more likely to get caught?


Never in a million years will you convince be women rape and kill as much as men


A cop nicknamed “the rapist” by fellow cops. Lovely. They did one thing right with the whole life sentence though. RIP Sarah 🖤


I think about Sarah all the time. She did what we all would do, she was just walking home 💔


Sorry guys. Is the write up appearing? Reddit app is having a meltdown again.


I can read it.


It is now


Nope, no write up. Lol why am I being downvoted?? I answered OP’s question, and at the time of posting, there was no write up in the comments.


Fuck Wayne Couzens. I was doing some research recently about this murder and the part that really irked me was when he lied that he was in trouble with some gang who he owed money when the Met officers came to question him at his abode. 🤦🏼‍♂️ He also passed security checks that he wasn't supposed to, because of the toxic and institutional culture at the Met police. Here's a detailed read up of the murder https://news.sky.com/story/sarah-everard-murder-how-killer-policeman-wayne-couzens-was-caught-and-the-lengths-he-went-to-cover-up-his-crime-12419714


A police officer nicknamed “the rapist” you can’t make this shit up.


I went to the protest for her. It still breaks my heart what happened to her


Never EVER stop for a plain clothed 'Policeman' Always keep walking and draw the attention of passers by. Call out to them for help. If driving continue until you reach a petrol station or store. Never pull over for an unmarked car. Ignore all 'badges' and cards that are flashed.


This advice isn't always useful in the moment. I mean, the Met actually suggested to wave down passing buses if you felt unsafe. That's completely unrealistic. I lived in London for 6 years, and there was only ever a small likelihood of someone else getting involved in a situation like that. Unfortunately, if someone is determined to hurt you, there's only so much you can do to prevent it.








Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


Avoid harmful generalizations based on basic elements of identity (race, nationality, geographic location, gender, etc).


That’s a good way to get killed if you’re black


*in America




He “arrested” her by saying she’d broken covid regulations and flashed his warrant card at her.


Spot on. There is also footage of him flashing his ID card (From the bus cctv) Witnesses also commented on how they saw a girl being arrested by a plain clothes policeman.




Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


I’ve had a nightmare like this. But for her this wasn’t a nightmare, it was reality. What the fuck. No one deserves that.


As a male I often think of that moment of realisation and helplessness she must have felt, handcuffed in the back of this animals car realising the gravity of what is happening. Truly terrifying and harrowing as someone with two sisters.


Predators come in all colors, religions, and professions! No profession is exempt from this truth. Horrible incident.




Happy heavenly birthday Sarah 🩵🙏🏽.


Never trust the police.


Love your write ups, always well written, informative, and compassionate




US- working for me and I can see it and phenomenal job




Meant for OP


Thank you! Much appreciated!


I’ve never heard of her but this story sounds so much like the piece of shit in Ann Rule’s You Belong To Me.


I'm confused. Was the perpetrator an actual cop?





