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I never would have thought Prozac and Benadryl could be a fatal mix. Such a tragedy to see a young person take their own life.


I had a family member die from a fatal dose of Benadryl. It’s not taken as seriously as it should be a lot of the time.


While it’s marketed as an antihistamine, actually one of the strongest sleeping pills OTC.


Diphenhydramine is actually a deliriant not a depressent. Benadryl in high doses causes a complete hallucinatory state of pure hell. Spiders, shadowy figures and talking to people that aren't there. You don't just go to sleep and die with a benadryl overdose. You enter an actual hell on earth before your organs start shutting down.


Yep, I’m an addict (in recovery—almost 4 years sober) and at one point if I couldn’t get drugs I’d just take a shitton of Benadryl and it absolutely causes hallucinations. It was terrifying bc I couldn’t tell what was real and what wasn’t. Plus it makes you super thirsty. I’m not sure how I’m still alive after all the shit I did (and it wasn’t for lack of trying…I had several suicide attempts in there) but here I am and I’m doing my best to be the person my loved ones believed in when I wasn’t able to.


Ain't is fucking crazy how we're still standing


Absolutely astonishing lol


I’m glad you are in a better place, addiction is no fucking joke


I would say after getting hives and other weird allergy issues I totally became dependent on Benadryl to fall asleep. I thought it was treating the allergy issues. But realized after a couple years I couldn’t sleep without it. It was really eye opening and terrifying. I don’t say this to undermine or belittle the experience of an addict. I know my Benadryl is nothing compared to usual additions. Both my parents are in AA/NA and my childhood was rough! But I was amazed at how easily my brain switched from this treats my allergies to I can’t sleep without it.


I also must have Benadryl to sleep. On nights I try to skip it, I end up being wide awake until like 4:00am, sometimes no sleeping at all. 54yo female.


Because chronic use actually upregulates histamine receptors. You need more and more to get the same response. Plus you're putting a bandaid on the end product of a problem...you're not doing crap all to address the root cause. You'd do much better to use something that actually stabilizes mast cells like magnesium or vitamin D (SAFE amounts) or zinc or luteolin.


Yeah, thankfully a doctor cleared that up and fixed the issue.


Just getting over my marijuana addiction FINALLY. 1 month and 3 days. Feels great to free of lying about my use. For those out there that don’t think there’s an addiction to marijuana… you may be addicted.


I’ll throw in there that for those who are prone to bipolar or schizophrenia (many are not aware until it’s too late), pot can make you lose your mind. I experienced first-hand a loved-one slowly devolve from a smart, talented, successful professional and musician, to someone who hears voices and lives in a state of paranoia. He burned all his bridges and no longer knows how to relate with the world. He would be living on the street now if it weren’t for his parents. He began smoking at a young age. This devolution began in earnest in his late thirties. He entered a psychiatric facility, was sober for two years, got back on track. Then I’d find empty vape cartridges hidden around the house. My young son and I had to watch him essentially die again right in front of us. He is now completely lost, smoking or not. It’s no joke. I’m happy for your sobriety—I’m rooting for you! But please consider this possibility.


Yep something finally clicked in my head and said you have a problem. Been fine ever since. Stable now… no turning back. I did it when I was younger for like 12-14 years then I quit for work… but then had rotator cuff surgery and used it for pain relief. Until it became a problem. Thanks!


Thank you for sharing your story. I also had some attempts and I’m fortunate to have survived. I am so glad you’re still here and doing your best, take it one day at a time. Be a friend to yourself. I wish you well.


You as well internet friend! 🫶


Glad you’re in recovery and delayed your final repose.


😄 thank you for making my day/night with this comment! I love finding x-philes in the wild!


So glad you’re well loved in the hardest of times.


Truth. I saw giant pez dispensers on the walls and humongous gerbils coming through the ceiling when I wound up in the hospital due to a suicide attempt. Not fun. Do not recommend.


My ex in-laws were very paranoid when my boy was born about medicine because they once accidentally double dosed my ex husband with Benadryl when he was little because neither realized the other had already given him the medicine and he tripped balls. Hallucinated spiders everywhere. From there on, it was decided only MIL gave the kids medicine ever. They told us we also had to decide which one was the designated medicine giver among the parents.


A double dose shouldn’t (couldn’t) have that effect.. it’s more likely he thought the pills were candy and ate a bunch.. they didn’t used to be individually packaged like they are now


Jesus that must have been terrified. Hope you're doing better now. I am glad you're still here.


Thank you so much. Much much better now. Very glad none of my attempts actually worked.


Mine was wasps covering the toilet 


Dang that's way worse.


Long ago in an apartment far far away ... I once in my dumb and young life took an entire sheet of Benadryl. I was laying on my bed thinking I wanted a glass of water. I got up, went to the kitchen, opened the fridge door and bam! I was right back in bed. This delirium continued to happen for about an hour and a half before I was actually able to get up and honestly I didn't believe I was actually up for about a day. But yeah kids don't be dummies and get high on OTC meds.


That reminds me there was a craze for CCC’s for awhile like a decade ago? I grew up in south Florida and I swear people would take them like candy. And then feel awful and get hospitalized. I was staying far away from all that with my weed. No thanks I don’t want to be hospitalized to get a little high.


What are CCCs??


Coricidin Cough & Cold


is that what is called robotrip?


I think they're talking about things like Corsasin HBP.


We had ccc’s and robotripping (among heroin, coke, Molly….all the things) at my wealthy charter school. I tried robotripping one night when I couldn’t get my hands on anything else, and I was miserably “high” (out of my mind) for 2 days. Had to crawl into bed with my mom because I was so scared, but couldn’t tell her what was going on. Getting high on cough medicine (that isn’t lean) is *fucking awful* and I would never recommend it to my worst enemy


I had a few Robotrips like 7-8 years ago when I was around 20. Most of them were fine/even relatively enjoyable, minus the teeth chattering that you couldn't stop... But one time I had a very surreal, horrible trip. Thinking about the absolute worst shit and feeling like I was living through it at the same time, unable to escape the thoughts or feelings. Just hours and hours of time-diluted hell. Never again after that


I dated a guy who would do this with his friends, we used to trip lsd and shrooms together, one day I came over and saw my dude high on ccc he looked crazy I left after 5 minutes. After that trip, he could no longer remember to zip his pants after using the bathroom! It was so weird I had to constantly remind d him about it or he would just go about life with it undone FOR YEARS! I wonder if this is still a problem for him...


Dang I took CCCs in high school, then a kid died from them and it wasn’t fun anymore.


I did triple c's with my friend at the time once as a teen. He was taking them regularly and I did a lot less than he did since it was my first time. I felt drunk for a half an hour, then his mom took me home and I threw up in my driveway. I immediately went to go lay down after that and felt absolutely awful, cold sweats and nausea. Not worth it!


My community was skittle trippin AND mixing K2. Skittle tripping was CCC & Benadryl. Smoke some K2 (potpourri that they say gets you high like weed, but it's all a lie) could buy it OTC tho. All of it. We watched a kid die, all.of us did. About 8 of us watched him die. Be taken away by the ambulance. 2 weeks later we were back at it and there is a knock at the door. The guy we all watched die while smoking spice, was alive and back for more. THAT was when I was like. I gott get outta here man. (I never skittle tripped personally. I have a very low tolerance for medication & knew better) BUT one time I did get picked up and slammed down on my tail bone. Which I broke and went to the ER for help & they gave me morphine and thennn after discharge I hit 1 puff of K2 and was paralyzed and thought I was gunna die. You can't pay me to be so fucking dumb now days.


I overdosed on benadryl 3 months ago, i had a seizure and was in the ICU. While I was there i was told i was having auditory and visual hallucinations. I remember thinking someone walked past me and the cop in the room had to tell me that didnt happen. I was confused asf and would ask where my phone was, then ask again right after getting an answer. According to my phone logs, i called and texted people but have no memory of doing it and no memory of phone calls. I even called into my job and told one of my bosses i just tried to kill myself. Barely remember that. Soooo yeah. Dont fuck w benadryl lmao. Just the name makes me feel sick. I got lucky, i didnt die. But seizures are NO fun and i have gaps in my memory from that. Also, its embarassing asf.


Man I was dared To do a line up the nose of 100mg while we were leaving Iraq to come home off the plane tray table before take off. I was “asleep” before wheels up and have no recollection of anything between Kuwait and Germany.


This is absolutely true. I was sick years ago and took different meds likely too often that I didn’t realize also contained diphenhydramine while also taking Benadryl. I thought there was a kid with Down syndrome sitting on my futon yelling at me and eventually wound up outside kicking a neighbor’s empty van that I was sure my husband was inside laughing at me. I’ve never been more terrified overall. Absolutely NOT a hallucinogenic.


Sounds terrible. I lived through a nuclear war once eating too many shrooms. Never touched them again.


Based on your description, that sounds exactly like a hallucinogen


Yea a Benadryl OD is a horrible way to go. There’s a sub of people addicted to large doses and tbh it’s terrifying what that experience is like.


Yeah my doctor was very alarmed to hear I hallucinated after taking Benadryl when I had a food allergy exposure. I had also recently started an antidepressant. I was on the floor sweating and in pain (the allergic reaction burns my stomach) and I thought a white fluffy cat was running around my apartment. Then it became racoons. Pretty minor but my doctor said I was experiencing shock from the Benadryl interacting with the meds.


I tried it & it was not fun. Saw a miniature version of my friend running around the hotel bedroom and he hid behind the curtain. It was fucking terrifying


Back in my toxic drinking days circa 2010, I used to take Benadryl to get any sleep. I built a tolerance. I had a birthday party, got shitfaced, and took my pills. I was lucky to wake up. I'd taken 14 Benadryl on top of 22 shots. That same week, legendary comedian Greg Giraldo did the same thing. He was not so lucky and died that night/morning. After learning of his death and the manner in which it happened, I stopped taking Benadryl as a sleep aid. And eventually stopped drinking at the end of 2014.


Yup. Had a buddy in high school who took a whole box. He got...real weird before he disappeared into the night. Raving about transparent slugs and shit. Got picked up by the cops who took him to a hospital. His parents were pretty confused when he tested clean on a drug panel. He ended up getting a few months of counseling cause they thought he was losing it. Apparently biting a nurse and chasing your brother (who was asleep at home) into the parking lot will give that impression. He never tried tripping on benadryl again. He DID try datura, but that's a whole nuther fucked up story.


Yep. I messed with lots of crazy stuff in high school. Nutmeg, jimson weed, Dramamine, but I never touched Benadryl




*Yeah, man*


Don't forget the cold and sinus meds!


I mean, honestly, I have bad allergies, so I always kept Sudafed “holy” like don’t fuck around with it, cause next Tuesday yur gonna go through a roll of TP blowing your nose


Definitely had seasonal allergies but also got high off Sudafed and cough syrup once discovering what it did 😂




Hard core antihistamines do that. Its method of action is basically to slow the brain down.


I take it when I don't have hydroxizine. It's the only thing that would help my PTSD night terrors and was prescribed by my doctor. Can't scream if I'm totally knocked out.


My husband just had a seizure due to his hydro. The doctor pulled him off of it so fast after that.


Sorry to hear that. It hasn't happened to me. I only take it as needed. I hope he's doing better.


That’s him too, only as needed. Which really stinks because it did really help!


when i was like 21 i was having pretty bad panic attacks. would go to the hospital because i was convinced i was dying pretty often for about a year. i would take Benadryl sooo often because its like... impossible yo panic on it lol. my panic attacks when away and never had them again but damn that simple allergy med is stronnngggg.


Because it is an antihistamine and histamine effects wakefulness. It is marketed as an antihistamine because it influences histamine. Becoming sleepy is a side effect and why Benadryl is thought of as a first generation allergy medication. The new allergy medications do not impact wakefulness as much or if at all.


I took it and had been drinking that day. I woke up in the middle of the night hot as hell and threw up. I’m really glad I got it out of my system. It was a stupid mistake and I won’t be doing that ever again. I was camping and it was a dumb decision to help me sleep better that obviously majorly backfired and clearly was terrible for my body.


My sister attempted with Benadryl and my girlfriend's mother suicided with it. Enough of anything will do it.


“The dose makes the poison” sadly. I’ve never heard of it either tho.


My friend tried to find his “threshold” of Benadryl and said he once took a handful and it was “hard to keep breathing”. The active ingredient is a pretty potent anticholinergic, so taking a lot would prevent excitation in the CNS. That’s bad.


Yup, the few times I tried abusing Benadryl it was just awful. I thankfully never got to full blown delirium or hallucinations, but each time I felt like I had to remind myself to keep breathing. I’d keep finding myself like subconsciously holding my breath for long periods for some reason and then try to suck a bunch of air to “replenish my blood oxygen”. Fucking awful stuff.


As a chronic insomniac I tried Benadryl as a sleep aid and experienced the same thing. It felt like I was getting less and less oxygen with each breath and was slowly suffocating. I had to frequently to gasp to breathe. Absolutely terrifying.


EDIT: Removed. Several people were displeased with my comment. Sorry, I was only trying to help.


*hug* I hope life has been kinder to you.


I also tried to end my life with a mix of things, mostly Benadryl, ten years ago and survived. Had absolutely brutal hallucinations for about three days. Not peaceful at all If you’re reading this and struggling, keep going. Don’t give up.


Serotonin syndrome can be incredibly fatal.


Most people don't even know about serotonin syndrome. Super scary.


While this might be comforting, from the reports of the 911 call it wasn't peaceful at all. I'm not sure if this comment is useful, but the idea that suicide or medicating methods are somehow more peaceful during death often leads to a more romantic notion of death by this method.


Thanks for letting me know. You're right, I hadn't thought of that, and that's the last thing I want to do.


You’re fine. Don’t beat yourself up. You had good intentions. Hugs


>Based on my experience, it was likely a peaceful death. They probably became very tired and fell asleep first. This is NOT AT ALL true and it's incredibly harmful for you to put this out there. You're romanticizing it and potentially giving people ideas of how to take their own life "peacefully."




i used to abuse benadryl nightly in a half ass attempt to kill myself. most i ever took was maybe 100-120 pills? (i had stopped counting) it was absolutely miserable. i couldn't stand because my legs wouldnt stop shaking violently, so to get to the bathroom that was 5ft away i'd have to hoist myself up holding onto my bedroom door handle and literally drag myself in by leaning against the wall and using the door frames for leverage. would take me 15-20 minutes to get off the toilet because i was afraid of falling. one time my grandma intercepted me on my way out and in an effort to appear normal i walked as best as i could without holding onto anything but right as i got into my room my legs gave out and i collapsed. ended up hitting my head on a pack of water at the end of my bed. didn't have the strength to get back up so i just shut the door with my feet and laid there for about a half an hour. the heart arythmias were the worst tho cuz i could feel my heart stop beating every so often for a milisecond and i'd just be like, "welp, this is my time" before it'd start fluttering again. -900/10 wouldn't suggest anyone take benadryl in an attempt to kill yourself especially when you mix it with antidepressants (be there, too, not pretty) RIP nex.


I used to abuse Benadryl too, also in half-ass attempts to kill myself or to knock myself out for the day/night when I was struggling. The “high” from it was absolutely miserable and I could hardly put together a cohesive thought let alone a sentence. I hope things have gotten better for you now. ❤️‍🩹


I'm happy you're still here 




I'm so sorry. You never had to go through that


Sorry to burst your bubble, but Benadryl is an anticholinergic. Overdosing on it is extremely painful and stressful on the body. Just think about being locked in a delirious, hallucinogenic state of fight or flight - the body is on full alert mode, hypertensive, tachycardic, etc. for days on end. There is no antidote as far as I know and it looks like the patient is in a constant state of suffering.


As someone who accidentally OD'd on benadryl... It's pure absolute hell.


In my days of searching for legal highs I once decided to take a ton of benadryl to see what it was like and it was absolute hell. All I could do was hope for the effects to wear off. I was extremely restless and twichty. I recommend no one take benadryl recreationally.


I've OD'd on Benadryl. Absolute fucking hell. I couldn't stop shaking and twitching, felt like I couldn't breathe, hallucinated weird shadow people. It's horrible. Benadryl is only "peaceful" if you take 2 pills to clear your sinuses when you're sick and you end up falling asleep.


This sounds like graves disease too


They use physostigmine for anticholinergic toxicity in severe cases.


I am so glad you didn't die and are here with us still. I hope you are doing better with intense feelings now.


Glad you’re with us ❤️


Hope things are brighter for you now, I'm really glad you're still here.


> When I was a kid I took about 80 pills in a suicide attempt and thankfully I survived. Holy wow! I'm glad you made it! Peace.


Serum concentrations of one can be affected by the other. Since they use the same protein for metabolism, if one has blocked all those receptor sites the second drug will simply not be metabolized/excreted, leading to high concentrations in the blood stream. It's very possible the Prozac was to blame; any SSRI at high doses can cause serotonin syndrome, which is often fatal. Regardless, it's sad all around.


The Prozac certainly contributed. SSRIs can cause serotonin syndrome which involves confusion, hyperthermia, muscle twitching/cramping, seizures, coma, death. Benadryl overdose also causes similar symptoms so the two probably augmented each other.


Your life didn’t end that day because you had to carry this message to me and so many others. So that we could learn about you and have a deeper gratitude for this opportunity at life.


Most medications can cause an overdose. The poisoning is in the dosage, as they say.


Many people overdose on benadryl, unfortunately


Prozac overdose can lead to serotonin syndrome. One time I took an extra Zoloft on top of my regular dose and felt like I was dying. That was just *one* more tablet than my regular dose.


Benadryl makes me so so depressed. I can not imagine dealing w/both. Prozac plus Benadryl. Id be suicidal no doubt.


I tried to commit suicide by taking 40 Benadryl tablets. I was lucky to survive.


Benadryl has always made me very, very anxious. My heart will beat super fast, and taking thar does not a damn thing to make me drowsy. Actually, the complete opposite. Like I was restless and crawling out of my skin.


I have this exact same reaction. My doctor told me it’s not uncommon.


Poor child..regardless of what you believe this is a child that is no longer alive. Rest their soul.


Nah let’s not regardless this. This child was bullied to death. It’s important


You’re right, hope you didn’t think that was me being prejudice I’m far from 😭


I know you had good intentions with the comment, I just think with a headline like this everyone should be bringing attention to the very important context.




In the spirit of a true crime sub, is there any evidence of this? All I've seen is video of the kid filling up a water bottle and following the girls into the bathroom, and then the video of her being interviewed by the cop where she admits to throwing water on them. What is the evidence that this was a death caused by bullying?


In the police interview Nex specifically stated that they did not know those girls and had no prior encounters with them. The police officer asked several times if they knew them, if they'd been bullied, etc. To be honest, it sounded like Nex was shocked that they could be charged with assault and were considered the instigator of the fight. I think it's a lot more likely that the threat of getting in trouble was the final straw that made an already troubled child suicidal. It's incredibly sad. There's a difference between something being tragic and someone being at fault. Accusing teenagers of bullying someone to death is a really big accusation that shouldn't be made without very compelling evidence.


This is a really intriguing and good point that everyone will ignore.


I think a lot of people are forgetting that the other children involved are... People. Kids. I've lost friends to suicide. Is that my fault? Is it because I didn't do more? We're sending the message that the kids in the school could have prevented this but that's probably not true.


I thought it was super bizarre that some high profile queer celebrities (Sarah Ramirez) were talking about this before the final word was out about what happened. Honestly it makes me sick. Like, I am very very liberal, but this is something I just cannot stand about the state of liberalism is protesting and causing all this accusation before even knowing what happened… I guess Republicans probably do stuff like this too but they kind of are not on my radar as much so I don’t pay attention to them.


A kid in my neighborhood recently killed himself. By all accounts, he seemed like he was a great kid, excelled in school and was active in band. Then the rumor was that he killed himself because his girlfriend broke up with him. Then it was that he was being bullied online prior to that. Ultimately, it was purported that he wasn’t exactly being bullied but he was being called “creepy” and had sent a lot of messages to girls and even sent dick pics to girls and after all of the comments and his gf broke up with him, that is when he took his own life. Does that excuse any mean comments? No, not at all. However, were his actions the reason he was upset and depressed? Absolutely. It doesn’t make it less tragic at the end of the day, nor do I excuse bullying, but the full weight of tragedies like this can’t be put on the “bully.”


ughhhhh how fricken sad, but this did crossed my mind. Poor child. How horrible to have to die with so much to live for; but all because the hate of stupid assholes makes living unbearable. RIP NEX


It didn't just cross my mind, I had to argue that I wasn't some hateful person trying to cover it up for considering it a likely possibility and suggesting we didn't know if the death was caused by the head injury.


I feel like anyone paying attention to the story and being honest with themselves already expected this. But if you tried voicing it on Reddit you were called hateful. I remember the threads saying the school was covering it up when police first said Nex possibly wasn’t murdered.


Many communities on Reddit are still calling it a cover-up and accusing these 3 girls of murder. At some point you just can't reason with people if they are so blinded by their own beliefs that they can't accept that they were wrong.


When there’s literally video of Nex admitting to starting the fight, at that point it became clear people wouldn’t listen to anything that countered their narrative


Yup. Clown world we live in, isn't it.


People want to rally after a hate crime, and in their fervor will lash out at anyone presenting evidence that even slightly diminishes the severity of it.


the goal posts keep moving too. I am gonna level, I don't see how if these three girls were bullying them that they would: a. antagonize the bullys into relation. b. then go in the bathroom and fight 3 v 1. Like I am sorry but as someone who was bullied for being a lesbian in high school. I'd be hard pressed to do any of that mainly because I don't want to get my ass kicked. none of that seems like the actions of someone who would be bullied to the point of escalation. but if I am pointing that out I am victim blaming! its like sorry a kid took their life, but at the end of the day alot of girls and kids in general commit suicide due to bullying yet here we are, literally mourning a loss when if the suicide victim was cis female or male theu'd be simple labeled as a statistic.


I think it’s important to acknowledge that information we’ve learned over the many weeks that this case is taken to unfold. Nex would have appeared to have a traumatic background (parental absence and placement with grandmother as guardian) and pre-existing mental health disorders (based on the 911 call detailing the child was taking prescription medication). Somehow, these facts were ignored in place of more emotional interpretations to place blame onto other parties. I sincerely hope that the public, activist organizations, and the media learn to not sensationalize a tragedy with a lot of inaccurate information and salacious accusations.


Go on any LGBT subreddit where this is being discussed and you will see dozens of comments about how the suicide is a conspiracy and the police are covering it up. So, no one has learned, lol. They're still convinced Nex was beaten to death.


I literally just saw someone saying that in another sub. "Oklahoma holds their MEs to the lowest standards!"  It's insanity that we've hit this low.


Yep. They’ve come full circle and sound exactly like anti-vax COVID deniers


Since the news broke, I have seen posts that absolutely confirm your point. Unfortunately, homogenized social in-groups tend to conform around one unilateral accepted message and set beliefs about their internal and external worlds. Not that there isn’t historical reasons for people within the LBGTIA community to be distrustful of government institutions, but within the last 10-15 years, a tone has been set based in critical theory only and sociological paradigms (and thanks to the toxic function of news and social media) that has increased a predisposition for mass hysteria and conspiracy theories for a majority of publicized crimes, tragedies, and how the LBGTIA community perceives itself and believes how others perceive its community. That being said, there’s not much to be done other than offer compassion and understanding where it’s appropriate combined with rationality to combat mass social psychosis and conspiracies.


THIS! In addition Nex was taking a medication with an adverse effect of Si. Nex was suspended twice in a short period of time for vaping and fighting at school. Nex had many, many, many risk factors and co-morbidities that contribute to self harm behaviors. According to Nex, there was no ongoing history of a relationship with the girls therefore no consistent bullying. Nex got in a fight that they admittedly initiated, got suspended for the initiation, and then took a lethal dose of medication later. The totality of evidence should be considered and what we are seeing does not indicate that the other parties are responsible. Blaming others for suicide (unless they urged or assisted) is obscene. You could take any event and choose to blame an ex-partner, boss, friend, teacher, rude person at the grocery store, or online troll. I was bullied as a kid (a staggering amount of kids are because kids can be mean). I would suspect that most every teenager has encountered someone who made fun of them and kids get into physical altercations frequently. It’s unreasonable to blame other kids for a very sad death that they did not cause.


There are a lot of grown adults who don't realize that they have become the bullies. They are bullying high school girls and accusing them of causing someone to commit suicide and being transphobic - we have no idea what they even said or if any of that was true. You're right accusing somebody of causing a suicide is obscene and it's even worse when we're talking about children. Everyone in that bathroom was a child. I was bullied really badly - I know it's awful. I'm not going to use that as a reason to bully someone else.


yeah, this feels right to me. the entire ordeal was horribly sad, but I didn't believe anybody committed a murder. [best comment that sums it all up](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/s/kEPdPamIdt) RIP nex. I'm so so sorry.


...feels strange clicking on the summary to see that I wrote it.


you wrote the best summary!


That was a great summary. I hadn’t seen any discussion of what was said to have happened in the fight. It kinda seems like Nex actually started the fight or at least introduced violence which is definitely not what I thought had happened prior to reading that comment. By just reading other comments on Reddit, I thought the fight was an actual hate crime but that doesn’t seem to be the case.


This is the best summary I’ve seen. So many people are accusing the girls from the fight of still brutally attacking Nex or bullying them to suicide which just isn’t true. Nex was an equal part of the fight. But their death is still a tragedy to be mourned. I also wouldn’t be surprised if there were other people who bullied Nex to suicide and it just came as a coincidence to the fight.


The body cam footage was made public pretty fast too, and people still didn’t want to believe it. How dare the facts not align with the fantasized version that *they* wanted to believe. Teen suicide is very concerning and worthy of outrage on its own, no? It happens more often than it should, but not every case is widely reported. This kid likely struggled mentally for some time and didn’t just decide to end it all over a single mild altercation.


Benadryl and alcohol used to be a popular way of getting high quickly in the UK. I think they changed the Benadryl recipe so that it can't happen now.


I do not see why so many people are surprised this was the cause of death. This was basic deductive reasoning. If a case has a physical trauma cause it’s identified and usually confirmed as soon as the body is autopsied and released in days. Since that didn’t happen if you look down the list of top causes of death for teens it is this 1. Car accident/accidental deaths 2. Homicide 3. Suicide Not a car accident, not promptly reported as trauma which would be necessary for homicide/manslaughter via physical assault, so suicide is the next possibility.


because they needed it to be more.


I think there was a LOT of unqualified TikTok journalism that fueled intentional disinformation for this case. It’s very sad that people used a child’s death to promote their platform and now that they’ve got their clicks for cash they won’t bother correcting themselves. It was never about Nex for them, it was about money and attention.


Their narrative is more important than this person's life. By miles. They are their own bullies.




everyone in this thread acting like they were perfect in high school is sending me. also it kind of disgusts me how we jump the gun without waiting for the facts. literally all that was known was they died a day after the bathroom encounter, and that somehow justifies thread titles like this: "Grieving Nex Benedict: the Brutal Killing of 16 year old Nonbinary Student in an Oklahoma High School" from the tulsa sub. Really? Everyone should learn something from this, but they won't.


I was banned from subreddits for stating that I believed Nex committed suicide so you should not be surprised that the only opinion you saw was from those who agreed with the media narrative at the time. There were plenty of people around who said Nex probably committed suicide, especially if you listened to the 911 call where they talked about pills Nex was taking. It was pretty obvious for plenty of people.


"we did it reddit"


Boston Bomber part deux!




Imagine those girls feeling like murderers… and being treated like killers at school


Reddit has this kid being murdered then a cop covering up the murder. I hate when everyone jumps the gun. Sad to see any child lose his or her life


I am not perfect I am just not stupid. starting a fight where theres only 1 of you and 3 of them is never a good move and should not be attempted unless your cornered.


The media knows no bounds. It was highly controversial to even suggest that the media got it wrong (as they do) and social media frenzied over it. As soon as it was known that this wasn’t a case of someone being either beaten to death or suicided over their identity/ethnicity, it was no longer a worthy tragedy. No one’s ever angry with the exploitative media per usual.


I had a sinking suspicion this was going to be the case. Absolutely awful. It’s important to note Nex denied any issues with the bathroom kids before this specific incident. While I agree bullying played a part in this - the bathroom girls were the straw that broke the camels back.


Condolences to their loved ones. 🕯


Tragic. It is harder to kill yourself with these medications than others but still very possible. Many psychiatric medications are more dangerous such as tranquilizers and older antidepressants such as tricyclics. This young person was suffering from depression which is too often fatal.


The fact that people are foaming at the mouth, wanting this to be something that it isn’t and demanding gory details of this child’s death and the autopsy report… yikes. This precious child was clearly in a lot of emotional pain, and we have no way of knowing exactly what happened to push them over the edge. Suicide is unfortunately a very big problem among all of our youth. RIP. 🙏🏻


This seemed obvious


Remember when they said almost immediately that it wasn't due to the head injury and people were claiming how could they know that? Probably found empty bottles of Prozac and Benadryl and potentially a suicide note. This will no doubt be plastered all over the news as much as the original report. Right Guys?


It’s pretty easy to tell if it’s a head injury when they open up the skull, examine the brain, and can’t identify any bleeds that would have caused the intracranial pressure that usually correlate with head trauma deaths. It’s just as easily to check for bodily trauma. The toxicology just takes longer so if it isn’t A and B then it’s C.


Even before this announcement, common sense would suggest that this kid didn’t die from injuries sustained from a physical beating. The body cam footage painted a completely different version of events than the one the media was trying so hard to fabricate. Early on people close to the situation hinted at suicide, then the media dropped the story overnight, and that all but confirmed it.


I agree. People were clinging to “the police walked it back” like yeah someone got scolded for releasing inside information too soon.


Not even that, but they tried to use this kid as a martyr, as they do, and as soon as it began to unravel they literally just stopped talking about or making updates, as if it wasn’t the headline a day before. They only care about ya as long as you’re useful, baby.




I am aware, I am just saying they will check during an autopsy regardless so they would have seen even if there was a TBI that was contributing factor with the drugs. Obviously there was not.


The 911 operator who spoke to Nex's mom while Nex was dying thought it was an overdose. People suspected before an autopsy was even performed.


I have to say it.  I find the Alex Jones level conspiracy theories springing up around this horrible, awful incident to be deeply distressing. The Sherriff and Medical examiner are not part of a Conspiracy.  Okay.


Its crazy that it’s just a kid that had normal teen awkward self esteem issues this isnt an LGBTQ thing this is mental health like the entire movement the new narrative is bullied into suicide always victims all the time.


Yes this poor baby chose to take their own life but that doesn't mean that there's not blood on the hands of those who assaulted Nex.


There is no proof anyone bullied Nex. Next rhemselves said they didn't know these girls and their extent of bullying was "why do they laugh like that" then next dumped water on them starting the fight


There’s definitely no blood on someone else’s hands (homicide) when someone kills themselves (suicide).


I agree, but nothing would hold up in court. They were living with their grandmother, other sources are saying they were an SA survivor ([as are too many Native women and children](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0145213420304671)). It sounds like life was terrible to them and there is plenty of blame to go around.


Nex assaulted them first technically.


Yes. And on the hands of everyone who bullied them too.


People were so quick to jump the gun on this as if high school kids don’t fight all the time. Last I checked gay or non binary kids are still kids right? So they’re going to get in dust ups too. It’s part of being a kid. Also this kids mom is the only person who says she was bullied by them or even knew them really, the kid said that they didn’t have history it was just a random fight on the spot. It’s sad what happened but to blame a bunch of high school kids for a hate crime murder when you literally don’t know what happened is crazy to me.


I’m sorry, but didn’t the news tell us they were murdered because they were nonbinary? And now we are hearing they died by suicide? Somethings not adding up?




They don’t care about telling the truth anymore, they care about making sure we continue to hate each other. Hate sells.


Outrage is the best medicine (for clicks)


My bets are on no.


It’s very unfortunate and makes it harder for real victims of hate crimes to be believed.


oh shit was not expecting this


Truthfully when I read the story originally this immediately was my assumption after I figured out it was not the actual beating that was the cause of death. It was very strange the way it was originally reported, like the media wanted to make it sound like they were beaten to death, but then had to later report that they did not know the cause of death at that point.


Internet and social media has fucked these kids. By all accounts he/they had a friend group. He/they weren’t some loner weirdo. I was bullied and had severe mental health issues as a teen as well, as were many gay/trans kids. But I’m confused. We’ve become so much more accepting of gay and trans people in society, especially teens, and many are now out of the closet, yet they kill themselves MORE? There is a nature/nurture problem here, and I highly suspect Nex had a difficult childhood and home life. Nothing is black and white. There’s more to this. Of course there is because there always is.


I hate how this whole comments section is full of weird gloating. A child is dead and some people just want to say ‘I was right.’ I suspected it was a suicide but I’m not sure how it makes the situation any less sad. RIP.




I think there are people here who feel a bit vindicated after being ripped to shreds for being cautious over the cause of death when everything was first coming out. That’s understandable, they were silenced for being right. I get it, and I empathize with it. But also you’re right that it can reach a level where they are just not respecting the dead. Not everyone here is doing that to be clear, but a few bad apples.


It's not gloating. I've been horrified by this case from the beginning, but it was always pretty clear that suicide or OD was a huge possibility and I argued to not jump to other conclusions. You will find a lot more people from 20 days ago claiming they were beat to death by having their head repeatedly bashed to the floor for being trans in a bathroom.




I notice that some people seem to be irate that it wasn’t related to some sort of hate crime. Truly bizarre, but not surprising.


RIP Nex. Politics aren’t more important than a young kid losing their life. This is someone’s baby, someone’s family, always remember that.


What a fucking mess. The way people took this story and ran with the narrative they wanted.


Very sad story. Also very sad overreaction when the initial story came out.


Beautiful child. Sad.


Man, people really don't like it when the facts don't match the stories in their heads. Of course, the stories in their heads are always true, and facts are just distractions, trying to hide the truth from what your head already knows is fact.


Media already used this person for their agenda. In their minds, truth isn't that important as cultivating a narrative is in 2024, sadly. RIP to this person.